
Word List 07


trim [trɪm]

v. 修剪,修整;削减,减少 n. 修剪;装饰 adj. 整齐的,整洁美观的

The barber skillfully trimmed his customer's hair, giving it a neat and stylish appearance. 理发师熟练地修剪顾客的头发,使其看上去整洁而时尚。

the trim and neat gardens 整洁又美观的花园

galaxy [ˈɡæləksi]

n. 星系;银河系;显赫的人

Each galaxy in the universe contains millions of stars. 宇宙中的每个星系都包含数百万颗恒星。

a galaxy of Hollywood stars 好莱坞影星的荟萃

An alien civilisation could choose many different ways of sending information across the galaxy , but many of these either require too much energy, or else are severely attenuated while traversing the vast distances across the galaxy . 外星文明可以选择多种不同方式在银河系中传送信息,但这些方式中的许多要么需要太多能量,要么会在穿越银河系广阔空间时衰减严重。

nutrition [njuˈtrɪʃn]

n. 营养;滋养

If you eat plenty of fruit and vegetables you are sure to get a lot of nutrition . 如果你吃大量的水果和蔬菜,你肯定会获取很多营养。

advice on diet and nutrition 有关饮食和营养的建议

evacuate [ɪˈvækjueɪt]

v. 疏散,撤离;搬出;排泄

The residents were urged to evacuate the area due to the approaching hurricane. 由于飓风即将来临,居民们被要求紧急撤离该地区。

evacuate nearby buildings 将附近大楼里的居民疏散

notorious [nəʊˈtɔːriəs]

adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

He was a notorious bad-guy in most of the films that he featured in. 在他主演的大多数电影中,他都是一个臭名昭著的坏人。

a notorious criminal 一个恶名昭彰的罪犯

notoriety n. 恶名;声名狼藉

resident [ˈrezɪdənt]

n. 居民,住户 adj. 居住的;定居的

Residents have all complained about the poor conditions of the community gardens. 居民们都抱怨社区花园的条件差。

a resident of the United States 一位美国居民

residence n. 居住;住宅

insulate [ˈɪnsjuleɪt]

v. 使隔热,使隔音,使绝缘;使隔离

The new material was ideal for hiking and cold, wet weather and insulated against the wind and rain. 这种新材料非常适合徒步旅行和寒冷潮湿的天气,并且可以阻隔风雨。

insulate our house from the noise 使我们的房子隔音

insulation n. 隔离;绝缘

summit [ˈsʌmɪt]

n. 顶点,最高点;峰会

After a climb of about three days, the group eventually reached the summit and celebrated the victory by placing a flag in the snow. 经过大约三天的攀登,团队最终到达了山顶,并在雪中放置了一面旗帜以庆祝胜利。

the summit of his career 他事业的顶峰

spiral [ˈspaɪrəl]

adj. 螺旋形的 n. 螺旋形 v. 螺旋式上升或下降

The staircase spiraled upwards, leading to the top of the tower with elegance. 楼梯盘旋而上,优雅地通向塔顶。

circle in a slow spiral 缓缓盘旋

There are various designs of labyrinth but what they all have in common is a winding spiral path which leads to a central area. 螺旋形迷宫的设计多种多样,但它们的共同点是都有一条蜿蜒的螺旋路径,通向中心区域。

network [ˈnetwɜːk]

n. 网络;人际关系网 v. 联网;建立关系

She built a strong professional network , connecting with individuals in her industry for mutual support. 她建立了一个强大的专业网络,与她所在行业的人建立联系,相互支持。

distribution network 分销网

A maze is quite different as it is a kind of puzzle with an intricate network of paths. 矩形迷宫却十分不同,因为它有复杂的路径网络,使人迷惑。

executive [ɪɡˈzekjətɪv]

adj. 行政的;经营的;执行的 n. 行政领导,管理人员

He works as an executive assistant at a top law firm in Shanghai. 他在上海一家顶级律师事务所担任行政助理。

Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官

avenue [ˈævənjuː]

n. 大街;林荫大道;途径,方法

The avenue leading to the famous arch is lined with cherry trees. 通往那扇著名拱门的大道两旁种满了樱桃树。

the most expensive apartments on that avenue 那条大街上最昂贵的公寓

contradict [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt]

v. 矛盾;反驳;否定

His tendency to contradict everything his parents said was very annoying. 他总是反驳父母说的话,这让人非常困扰。

contradict each other 彼此矛盾

contradiction n. 矛盾;否定

The “light screen” hypothesis would initially seem to contradict what is known about chlorophyll. “光屏幕”假说最初似乎与我们所了解的叶绿素是冲突的。

emulate [ˈemjuleɪt]

v. 仿效,模仿

Aspiring artists often try to emulate the techniques of famous painters to improve their skills. 有抱负的艺术家经常试着通过模仿著名画家的技巧来提高自己的水平。

emulate her sister's sporting achievements 在运动成绩方面赶上她姐姐

scrutiny [ˈskruːtəni]

n. 仔细观察,详细审查

His detailed scientific research study underwent rigorous scrutiny by peers. 他详细的科学研究经历了其他人的严格审查。

under media scrutiny 在媒体的密切关注下

friction [ˈfrɪkʃn]

n. 不和,分歧;摩擦;摩擦力

The rough surface created friction , making it challenging to slide the object. 粗糙的表面产生了摩擦,使物体难以滑动。

the friction of braking 因刹车产生的摩擦

plausible [ˈplɔːzəbl]

adj. 看似可信的,似乎有理的

She presented a very plausible explanation for why she had not finished the task on time. 对于为何没有按时完成任务,她给出了一个似乎合理的解释。

the only plausible explanation 唯一合理的解释

implausible adj. 似乎不合情理的

The problem for biologists, psychologists and anthropologists is to sort out which of these two polar explanations is more plausible . 生物学家、心理学家和人类学家所要解决的问题就是找出这两种截然对立的解释哪种更合理。

eminent [ˈemɪnənt]

adj. 杰出的;有名的;明显的

She was an eminent scholar in the field of physics—almost everyone looked up to her and read her papers. 她是物理学领域的杰出学者,几乎每个人都尊敬她并研读她的论文。

an eminent architect 一位著名的建筑师

to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday 参加著名科学家 Michael Faraday 的一系列讲座

stroll [strəʊl]

v. / n. 散步,闲逛

They took a leisurely stroll along the beach, enjoying the soothing sound of the waves. 他们沿着海滩悠闲地散步,享受着海浪舒缓的声音。

stroll along the beach 在海滩漫步 stroll around the city 在城市里闲逛

The brightest ones will never summit Mount Qomolangma, and the stragglers won't enjoy the lovely stroll in the park they are perhaps more suited to. 那些天资最聪颖者将永远无法登顶珠穆朗玛峰,而那些掉队者也永远无法享受原本也许更适合他们的、公园里的美好漫步。

respond [rɪˈspɒnd]

v. 反应;回答

Emails are very convenient for business, as people can respond to questions quickly and efficiently. 电子邮件对商务而言非常便利,因为人们可以快速高效地回答问题。

respond to my letter 给我回信

react v. 反应

response n. 反应

notify [ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ]

v. 通报,通知

They said that they would notify me if the application was successful or not. 他们说会通知我申请是否成功。

notify him of our decision 告知他我们的决定

ethical [ˈeθɪkl]

adj. 伦理的;道德的

Some people think that it is not ethical to advertise products to young people. 有些人认为向年轻人推销商品是不道德的。

ethical issues 道德问题

anatomy [əˈnætəmi]

n. 解剖;解剖学;剖析

This semester they would be looking at the human anatomy in detail. 这学期他们将细致研究人体解剖学。

a course in anatomy 一门解剖学课程 an anatomy of the current recession 对当前经济衰退的剖析

thorny [ˈθɔːni]

adj. 多刺的;棘手的,麻烦的

The thorny bushes on the trail made the hike more challenging and required careful navigation. 小径上荆棘丛生的灌木丛使徒步旅行更具挑战,需要小心导航。

the thorny issue of immigration policy 移民政策这个棘手的问题 a thorny problem for us to solve 一个需要我们解决的棘手问题

involve [ɪnˈvɒlv]

v. 包含;涉及

A good team leader always tries to involve all members of the team in the decision-making process. 一个好的团队领导者总会努力让团队中的所有人都参与到决策过程中。

involve an element of risk 有一定风险

involvement n. 参与,加入

We should encourage more young people to become involved in innovation. 我们应当鼓励更多年轻人参与创新。

deviation [ˌdiːviˈeɪʃn]

n. 偏离;偏差

He insisted that there must be no deviation from the normal procedure. 他坚持说不能有任何偏离正常程序的地方。

a deviation from the plan 偏离计划

kidney [ˈkɪdni]

n. 肾,肾脏

The kidney plays a vital role in filtering waste products from the bloodstream. 肾脏在过滤血液中的垃圾方面起着至关重要的作用。

kidney infection 肾感染

stack [stæk]

n. 一堆;大量 v. 堆叠

The librarian organized the books into a neat stack on the shelves. 图书管理员把书整齐地堆放在书架上。

a stack of books 一摞书 a stack of unopened mail 一堆没拆的信件

dispense [dɪˈspens]

v. 发放,分配;提供,配发

He is not yet well enough to dispense with taking that medicine. 他身体还没有好到可以不吃那种药物的程度。

dispense advice 给予忠告 dispense with 摒弃;不再需要

utilise [ˈjuːtəlaɪz]

v. 利用

Hydro-electric dams utilise the power of the sea to generate electricity. 水力发电大坝利用海水的能量来产生电能。

utilise a range of techniques 使用各种技术

bond [bɒnd]

n. 纽带,联系;债券;契约 v. 建立关系或连接

The strong bond between the siblings was evident in their close relationship. 兄弟姐妹之间的紧密联系在他们的密切关系中显而易见。

a bond of friendship 友谊的纽带

revolve [rɪˈvɒlv]

v. 环绕,围绕……旋转

Mars takes longer to revolve on its axis than the Earth. 火星绕着轴心转动所花的时间比地球长。

revolve around the sun 绕太阳公转

dialect [ˈdaɪəlekt]

n. 方言,土话

The region's dialect had unique linguistic features, and sounded almost like another language. 该地区的方言具有独特的语言特征,听起来几乎像另一种语言。

use the local dialect to communicate messages 用方言来传达信息

diameter n. 直径 dialogue n. 对话

vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl]

adj. 易受伤害的;脆弱的

He was not a confident young man—whenever he had to speak in front of the class he felt shy and vulnerable . 他不是一个自信的年 轻人,当他不得不在全班同学面前讲话时,他感到害羞而脆弱。

vulnerable members of our society 我们社会中的弱势群体 be vulnerable to disease 容易患病

vulnerability n. 弱点

skyscraper [ˈskaɪskreɪpə(r)]

n. 摩天大楼

The impressive skyscraper towered above the city, a symbol of architectural grandeur. 令人印象深刻的摩天大楼耸立在城市上空,是建筑宏伟的象征。

the Skyscraper Index 摩天大楼指数

Short regards glass, steel and air-conditioned skyscrapers as symbols of status, rather than practical ways of meeting our requirements. Short认为,由玻璃、钢铁和空调组成的摩天大楼是社会地位的象征,而不是满足我们需要的实用方式。

hierarchy [ˈhaɪərɑːki]

n. 层级体系;等级制度

Some breeds of monkey have a very complex social hierarchy . 一些族群的猴子有非常复杂的社会层级体系。

a hierarchy of needs 不同层次的需要

In fact, research shows that, when innovating, the best approach is to create an environment devoid of structure and hierarchy and enable everyone involved to engage as one organic group. 实际上,研究显示,在进行创新时,最好的方法就是创造出一个没有任何组织结构和上下级别的环境,让置身其中的每个人都充分参与进来,形成一个有机的群体。

spur [spɜː(r)]

n. / v. 刺激,激励,鼓励

The leader's inspiring speech served as a spur for the team to work harder. 领导鼓舞人心的讲话激励着团队更加努力工作。

spur economic growth 刺激经济增长

These prices, coupled with the increasing demand, spurred the search for new routes to Asia by Europeans eager to take part in the spice trade. 这样的价位,再加上不断上涨的需求,刺激了急于加入香料贸易的欧洲人去寻找通往亚洲的新路线。

exile [ˈeksaɪl]

n. 流放;被流放者,流亡者 v. 流放;放逐

The political dissident was forced into exile , living in a foreign country far from home. 这位持不同政见者被迫流亡,居住在远离家乡的国外。

a place of exile 流放地

badge [bædʒ]

n. 徽章,奖章;标记,标识

The police officer proudly displayed his badge , a symbol of his authority and commitment to serve and protect. 这位警官自豪地展示了他的徽章,象征着他的权威以及对服务和保护的承诺。

the car's front badge 车头的标志 a police officer's badge 警官的徽章

vertical [ˈvɜːtɪkl]

adj. 垂直的,直立的 n. 垂直线,垂直面

The games board consists of vertical and horizontal lines intersecting to make squares. 棋盘由垂直线和水平线组成,它们交叉组成正方形。

the vertical axis of the graph 图表的纵轴

horizontal adj. 水平的

Gharib and Graff set themselves the task of raising a 4.5-metre stone column from horizontal to vertical , using no source of energy except the wind. Gharib和Graff尝试只借助风力(除此之外没有其他能源)来把一块水平放置的4.5米长的石柱竖立起来。

maximum [ˈmæksɪməm]

n. 最大值;最大量 adj. 最大的;最多的

For maximum benefit certain medicines and vitamins should be taken with food. 为了获得最大效果,一些药物和维生素应随餐服用。

the maximum speed 最快速度 the maximum volume 最大音量

maximise v. 最大化

qualify [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ]

v. 取得资格;有资格;证明合格

You need to be under thirty years old and have a university degree to qualify for the postgraduate scholarship. 你需要在30岁以下,有大学学位,才能有资格申请研究生奖学金。

be qualified as a doctor 有资格做医生

qualification n. 资格;资质

discharge [dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ] v. [ˈdɪstʃɑːdʒ] n.

v. 准许离开;释放;排出 n. 获准离开,免职;释放;排出

After the operation was a success she was discharged from hospital. 手术获得成功后,她离开了医院。

be discharged from the army following his injury 受伤后他退伍了

finance [ˈfaɪnæns]

n. 财政;金融 v. 提供资金;资助

Finance for education comes from the tax revenue paid to the government yearly. 教育经费来自政府每年获取的税收收入。

the Minister of Finance 财政部长 a diploma in banking and finance 银行与金融学文凭

fund v. 资助 subsidize v. 资助

extravagance [ɪkˈstrævəɡəns]

n. 奢侈;浪费;过度

Some people think spending money on fancy brands is an unnecessary extravagance . 有人认为把钱花在名牌上是一种不必要的奢侈。

avoid extravagance 避免铺张浪费

extravagant adj. 过度的;奢侈的

adornment [əˈdɔːnmənt]

n. 装饰;装饰品

The necklace was of elaborate design and was a beautiful adornment . 这条项链设计精细,是一件精美的饰品。

a building without any adornment 一栋完全未经装修的大楼

decoration n. 装饰

adorn v. 装饰

hybrid [ˈhaɪbrɪd]

n. 混合物;杂交动(植)物 adj. 混合的;杂交的

Hybrid vehicles use a combination of both petrol and electric motors to power them. 混合动力汽车使用汽油和电动发动机的组合来提供动力。

a hybrid of Western pop and traditional folk song 西方流行音乐和传统民歌的融合

mixture n. 混合物

The aim of this hybrid science is to create solutions for common geography-based health problems. 这一交叉学科的目的是为普遍存在的基于地理因素的健康问题提供解决方案。

department [dɪˈpɑːtmənt]

n. 部,部门;系,科,局

It was a large company and there were many departments that dealt with different aspects of the business. 这是一家大公司,有许多部门来处理各个方面的业务。

the legal department 法律部门

different Government departments 不同的政府部门

interfere [ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)]

v. 干涉;妨碍;打扰

Emotional problems can sometimes interfere with your ability to concentrate on work. 情绪问题有时会影响你专注工作的能力。

interfere with your body's ability to process oxygen 干扰你的身体处理氧气的能力

interference n. 干涉,干扰

premium [ˈpriːmiəm]

n. 保险费;附加费 adj. 高价的,高品质的

He paid a premium price for the high-quality leather jacket, appreciating its durability and style. 他花高价买了这件高品质的皮夹克,因为他很满意衣服的耐用性和款式。

a monthly premium 每月的保险费

Exercise 07



_____ 1. trim A. 顶点

_____ 2. galaxy B. 营养

_____ 3. nutrition C. 修剪

_____ 4. evacuate D. 疏散

_____ 5. summit E. 银河系

_____ 6. spiral A. 大街

_____ 7. executive B. 杰出的

_____ 8. avenue C. 螺旋形的

_____ 9. plausible D. 看似可信的

_____ 10. eminent E. 行政的

_____ 11. stroll A. 分配

_____ 12. stack B. 一堆

_____ 13. dispense C. 散步

_____ 14. exile D. 流放

_____ 15. revolve E. 旋转

_____ 16. dialect A. 徽章

_____ 17. badge B. 方言

_____ 18. qualify C. 取得资格

_____ 19. adornment D. 混合的

_____ 20. hybrid E. 装饰



_____ 1. resident A. to protect sth. with a material that prevents heat

_____ 2. insulate B. to try to do sth. as well as another person

_____ 3. contradict C. a person who lives in a particular place

_____ 4. emulate D. beliefs and principles about what is right and wrong

_____ 5. ethical E. to say that sth. that sb. else has said is wrong

_____ 6. deviation A. a system in which people are organized into levels

_____ 7. vulnerable B. the act of spending more money than you can afford

_____ 8. hierarchy C. weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally

_____ 9. vertical D. moving away from what is normal or acceptable

_____ 10. extravagance E. going straight up or down from a level surface xFd9IapIwPo1KYr0ddMv05eqqHJh6IHHdDVJIevmyghuXX5CrdNK0M+g3ss0qQzi
