
Chapter 3

Estella was right to be worried.There were consequences.Unfortunately, while Ginger was mean, he was also well-off.He was the youngest son of one of the richest families in town, and as soon as he went running home to tell his parents what had happened, Estella's mum began getting calls.Her services were no longer needed by the well-to-do of the town.By the next day, Estella's mum was without any jobs, Estella was without a school, and they needed a new plan—and a new place to call home.

There was only one place to go when one needed a fresh start.


After quickly packing their meager belongings into the back of their car, Estella and her mum drove off, leaving their village in the rearview mirror.

Buddy sat on her lap as Estella stared out the window.A part of her felt bad.She was the cause of their sudden departure.But another part of her—a bigger part—was thrilled.London! They were going to London.Home to the hottest designers and most stylish people.They would be sure to appreciate her style there, and she could find a job at a fashion house, and then ...who knew!

Estella opened her London guidebook and flipped through the pages.Image after image of huge buildings and bustling streets filled them.She stopped on a picture of a fountain in the center of a beautiful park.Surrounding it were young people dressed in the latest fashion.Everyone was smiling."London, here we come!"Estella said, unable to contain her excitement.

Her mum looked at her pointedly."Well, we don't really have a choice, "she reminded her daughter."You have no school.The whole town's turned on you, and I lost a few jobs."She paused."It's nothing to celebrate."

Estella's excitement dimmed."I know, "she said, lowering her eyes and absently running her fingers across the page of the book."I'm sorry."

Her mum's expression softened."You can't be a fashion designer in a small town, anyway, "she said.

Lifting her eyes, Estella saw her mum giving her a smile.She smiled back.Maybe this was actually what they had needed all along:a kick in the pants to get them to leave a place that was too confining for Estella's dreams—and hair.Her excitement returning, Estella pointed to the picture of the park."Can we go here?"she asked.

Estella's mum glanced at the page."Regent's Park?"she said.While Estella had never left the village, Catherine had spent years in London as a young woman.She nodded, her face brightening."When we get to the city, first thing we'll do:go to that fountain, have a cup of tea, and start planning how we'll make your dreams come true."

Estella's eyes widened.Was her mum serious? She knew that they had had to leave because they needed to make money, but she hadn't really thought her mother had been thinking about her dreams.

As she stared at her mum, Estella realized something."Why are you in your best dress?"she asked.She hadn't noticed until then.The dress, with its sharp lines and bright colors, never came out of her mum's closet.The only time Estella had ever heard her mum yell was when Estella had played dress-up with it.

"I need to make a stop on our way to the city, "she answered, "ask a friend for a little help to get us on our feet."Her hands tightened and loosened nervously around the steering wheel as she spoke.

A friend? Estella had never met a single one of her mother's friends.In fact, she didn't know she had any until then.The friend must be someone important, though, given the nice dress and her mother's anxious tone.

"I'll be less trouble from now on, "Estella said, trying to ease her mum's worry."I promise."

Her mother gave her a small smile as the car continued along the road, the gentle rocking creating a calm, lulling effect.Estella leaned her head back.Things were going to be better.She knew it.After everything they had gone through, it was about time she and her mum had a run of good luck.


Estella woke with a start.She had been in the middle of a nightmare where Ginger was as tall as a tower and was chasing after her.Catching her breath, she sat up and looked out the window.Her mum had turned off the main road and they were now making their way down what appeared to be a private lane.A high fence ran along the road.

Suddenly, on the other side of the fence, a huge mansion rose.The house was like something out of a fairy tale.At each corner of the square and imposing building was a round tower.Light poured from the endless windows, and ahead Estella saw a line of cars waiting to drop off people in front of the ornate main door.

A flash of lightning lit up the sky as they turned through a large gate.The road beneath the car's tires turned to gravel, the loud crunching sound jarring Buddy awake.Looking out the window, the little dog growled.Turning to see what was upsetting Buddy, Estella recoiled.There, on the gate, was a large family crest displaying a terrifying three-headed Dalmatian.Lightning flashed again and the name of the estate lit up:Hellman Hall.That made sense.

After bringing the car to a stop, Estella's mum nervously ran her hands over her dress.She shifted the hat on her head and fiddled with the locket she wore around her neck.Estella watched, confused—and curious.She had never seen her mum like this before.Turning, she glanced at the people walking into the fancy estate.Each one looked like they had stepped out of a fashion magazine. Well, except that one, Estella thought, noticing a guest wearing what was clearly last year's style.The valet at the door seemed to think the same thing, and he turned the guest away.Apparently, only the fashion-forward would be granted entry.Estella was glad her mother was wearing her fancy dress.

Taking a deep breath, her mum opened the car door and began to get out.Estella moved to follow.Buddy, tail wagging, yipped excitedly.

"You two stay in the car, "her mum said resolutely.Once more, her hand went to her neck, and her fingers tugged at the necklace.A look of pain crossed her face, and then she took the necklace off and handed it to Estella.

Estella shook her head."Wear it, "she said."Looks good."

But her mother insisted."Looks better without, I think, "she said.Then she shrugged."Be yours one day anyway.Family heirloom.Mind it for me."

Before Estella could protest any further, her mum got out of the car.Once more, Estella tried to follow.

"Estella."Uh-oh.Estella knew that voice.It was her mum's"serious"voice."Stay in the car.I won't be long."

Through the open door, Estella saw people mingling, crystal glasses in their hands.The air shimmered as sparkling gems and jewels caught the light of what seemed like a thousand candles.Never in her life had Estella wanted to do something more than to go into that party.She looked back at her mum, eyes hopeful."Mum, "she pleaded.

But her mum shook her head."You might remember a little promise you made earlier?"she said.

Estella sighed.Right.Her promise to be better.Why had she made such a foolish promise?

Her mum gave her a grateful smile.Reaching into the back seat, she grabbed an old gray hat and plopped it onto Estella's head."I need you to lie low."

"Lie low while wearing a hat?"Estella said, confused.

"Exactly, "her mum said.Then, giving Estella and Buddy each a kiss, she shut the door.Pulling back her shoulders, Catherine lifted her head and walked up the front steps.

Estella watched her go, aching to follow.As her mother reached the top of the steps, the valet visibly paled.Estella cocked her head.It seemed like the man recognized her mum.Was he the friend her mum had been talking about?

Before Estella could wonder more, the car shook as thunder rumbled.Another flash of lightning lit the sky, illuminating the huge mansion and making it glow ominously.Beside her, Buddy whined nervously."Don't worry, "she said to the dog."It'll be okay."She realized she was saying it more to herself than Buddy.There was something in the air that night that made her feel uneasy.

Just then a woman emerged from a limo, distracting Estella.The woman was wearing the most beautiful gown Estella had ever seen.Pressing her face against the window, Estella took in the lines of the nineteenth-century haute couture gown."Is that fur and chiffon?"she breathed."In one gown?"

Her fingers curled around the door handle, itching to open the door.Buddy let out a warning growl.Estella hesitated.She knew she shouldn't do this.But ..."I just want one teeny, tiny look, Buddy, "she said softly, opening the door and stepping fully out of the car.Buddy spilled out behind her.Estella smiled.At least she would have company.

Spotting a servant wheeling a large cart covered in a cloth toward a side door, Estella quickly tiptoed over.While the man's attention was elsewhere, she slipped onto the cart, pulling the cloth over her and Buddy so she was hidden.A moment later the cart shook as it began to move.

She was going inside. sbsZAlm/Trcs7BDD5hmU9N8ZIJgmthI+w2EKX4iFmWoDS3Rr9TfCRK3B6LgbaO/l
