
Zhong Nanshan

In China, to understand the situation of the coronavirus epidemic,a person named “Zhong Nanshan” is indispensable.His name appears in “Baidu” every day.

I am not proficient in Chinese, but I can “save myself”.In this person’s name, the last word is “mountain”.Whenever I look at his photos, I will notice his unforgettable physical features.I always say that this man looks like a mountain.

I saved his photo and sent it to Mei.I asked her, “Who is this person?”“Don’t you know him?” She asked in surprise, “He is China’s most outstanding respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan, and he led China in the fight against SARS to victory in 2003.He is respected by the Chinese and everyone respects him.He is our national hero.” Then she added, “He is strong, he is not afraid of anything, all officials respect him and attach great importance-to his opinions.When he confirmed the existence of the SARS virus in 2003, he immediately reported it to the relevant parties and people.He has won a high reputation in China and the world.He is 83 years old this year.” “83?” She saw my surprise, “Yes, he participates in three hours of sports every day.” She went on to say, “He was in Wuhan a week ago.I once told you that he came here, do you remember?” Yes,I remember, that was when I just came to Nanhu, and we were on the phone.” I remember correctly.As far as I was aware, the methods used by the Chinese to prevent and control the new epidemic come from this“mountain”.

Therefore, I asked Mei to send me all the measures and suggestions Zhong Nanshan had made, especially his proposal for Wuhan.Mei sent some reports about him, the most important of which was his speech in Wuhan on January 18.He made an accurate judgment on the situation at the time.Mei also sent a link to a press conference.At that time, Zhong Nanshan went to Beijing to hold a press conference after staying in Wuhan for a day.

When Zhong Nanshan visited Wuhan, he inspected many hospitals and held many meetings with local medical staff.He carefully checked the existing reports, and then said to the relevant personnel present at the entrance of the hospital, “After seeing all the necessary reports, I am convinced that the disease is spread from person to person.” In Beijing,Zhong repeated the same words in a meeting with the head of the National Health Commission.This was very important information at the time.Before that, people had not yet answered the most fundamental question of whether the virus is contagious from person to person.Going back to the report of the World Health Organization, which was issued six days before Zhong Nanshan’s confirmation.The report repeatedly showed that there was no evidence that the virus could spread from person to person.In the end, Zhong’s statement ended the dispute.The subsequent development of events proved that his words were correct.

The academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering is the highest academic title in engineering, science and technology in China.The people and government have confidence in him, which also makes him a suitable candidate for the leader of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission.After that, he held a remote meeting with Yuan Guoyong, one of Hong Kong’s most important microbiologists and an academician of the Academy of Engineering.Yuan had previously worked on the production of drugs against the MERS virus.The MERS virus mainly appears in the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia.It also comes from the coronavirus family and is named “Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.”

Zhong said that the Chinese government has fully considered the interests of the people.“Chinese officials are transparent in handling the Wuhan epidemic.Professor Yuan also affirmed this.The evidence shows that Beijing has not concealed any information.” Obviously, it is using its credibility to guarantee the conclusion that the virus is passed from person to person.In his speech, the most important message is as follows, “In the first stage, the new coronavirus was spread from animals to humans, and now we are in the second stage, and the new coronavirus has begun to spread between humans.” pZFkjlbQuChA7SQHKUqKULuK4C2OYrdxMkkMo1gJDuiStOhumdzQybQdFXa2MOQb
