

decline [dɪˈklaɪn] v. 衰退,减少

decrease [ˈdiːkriːs, dɪˈkriːs] n. / v. 减少

diminish [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ] v. 减少,减弱

deteriorate [dɪˈtɪrɪəreɪt] v. 恶化;下降

detrimental [ˌdetrɪˈment(ə)l] adj. 有害的,不利的

fade [feɪd] v. 减弱,衰退

withdraw [wɪðˈdrɔː] v. 撤离,撤退

relief [rɪˈliːf] n. 减轻,消除

deter [dɪˈtɜːr] v. 阻止,制止

hinder [ˈhɪndər] v. 阻碍

impair [ɪmˈper] v. 损害,削弱

impede [ɪmˈpiːd] v. 阻碍,阻止

disrupt [dɪsˈrʌpt] v. 中断,扰乱

disturb [dɪˈstɜːrb] v. 妨碍,扰乱

interfere [ˌɪntərˈfɪr] v. 妨碍,干预

prevent [prɪˈvent] v. 妨碍,阻止

constrain [kənˈstreɪn] v. 限制;强制

detain [dɪˈteɪn] v. 耽搁,阻住

limit [ˈlɪmɪt] n.&v. 限制

restrict [rɪˈstrɪkt] v. 限制

halt [hɔːlt] v. 停止,暂停

cease [siːs] v. 停止,结束

forbid [fərˈbɪd] v. 禁止

prohibit [prəˈhɪbɪt] v. 禁止,阻止

inhibit [ɪnˈhɪbɪt] v. 阻止,抑制

reject [rɪˈdʒekt] v. 拒绝

deny [dɪˈnaɪ] v. 拒绝,否认

defy [dɪˈfaɪ] v. 违抗

contradict [ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪkt] v. 否认,反驳

violate [ˈvaɪəleɪt] v. 违反;妨碍

eliminate [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] v. 消除,消灭

collapse [kəˈlæps] v. 倒塌

loss [lɔːs] n. 损失,亏损

distort [dɪˈstɔːrt] v. 歪曲,曲解

mislead [ˌmɪsˈliːd] v. 误导

deceptive [dɪˈseptɪv] adj. 误导的,欺骗性的

conceal [kənˈsiːl] v. 隐藏,隐瞒

disguise [dɪsˈɡaɪz] v. 隐蔽,伪装

camouflage [ˈkæməflɑːʒ] v. 伪装,掩饰

defer [dɪˈfɜːr] v. 拖延,推迟

delay [dɪˈleɪ] v. 拖延,推迟

postpone [pəʊˈspəʊn] v. 延期,延缓

put off 延期,推迟


Cereal (谷物) yields dropped when the air became excessively (过度地) concentrated with carbon dioxide, which impaired photosynthesis (光合作用) .

On one hand, mobility can be seen as socially useful because it promotes both individual well-being and the quality of job matches. Moreover, the greater the number of workers and employers “in the market” at any given time, the more flexibility (灵活性) an economy has in making job matches that best adapt to (适应) a changing environment.

A further constraint on natural selection is the capacity for nongenetic (非基因的) modification . The more plastic (可塑性的;塑料) the organism's body characteristics are( owing to developmental flexibility ), the more this reduces the force of adverse (不利的) selection pressures. jstBq1TH4LZCLJ+DbtFvUj5WRQoYIMn1IzOJHbJNUDWOzJt3/9CrzjGypN7hQ7Fa
