

投票:外方评委 5人投票★,中方评委 9人投票●

1.In times of peace,prosperity and order,be alert to signs of danger,downfall and disorder.


2.Beware of danger in security,of fall in power and of turmoil in order.


3.Danger may come when you feel safe;death may come when you are alive;turmoil may come when everything is in order.So always prepare for threats and challenges.

(冯雷译 1)★●●

4.A country should always be alert to perils,destruction and turbulence even in times of peace,well-being and stability.


5.In peace be aware of perils;in existence be aware of extinction;in governance be aware of chaos.


6.Forget not perils while things are peaceful,forget not extinction while things are in sound existence,forget not turmoils while things are in great order.


7.In safety we should not forget danger,in existence not forget destruction.


8.Be alert to peril in peace,death in survival,chaos when stable.


9.Rulers should bear in mind that perils are hidden in security,downfall in survival and chaos in peace.


10.Even if a state survives,is controlled and safe,the ruler should be fully aware of the possible danger,turmoil and fall that bring calamity to its people.

(冯雷译 2)★

11.While enjoying peace,do not forget possible perils;while celebrating survival,do not forget danger might be at your heels;even when the country is well governed,stay vigilant about latent turmoils.


12.Keep danger,downfall and disturbance in mind in time of safety,survival and stability.

(华卫译)★ diXhWBGXg6oB0H/fSLu7Dg3iPfscbSDbgpndgVJd+0QRLqHZBYlXuqlLOPZiqoy4
