投票:外方评委 3人投票★,中方评委 1人投票●
1.A noble person is guided by moral principles,whereas a base person by his own gains.
2.Gentlemen seek moral principles;petty men seek monetary gains.
3.Men of virtue care about morality;petty men care about profitability.
4.In decision making,a noble man prioritizes justice,while a mean man prioritizes personal gains.
5.The gentleman sees righteousness;the petty man sees profit.
6.People of integrity keep morality in mind,while the selfish ones only see benefit.
7.A gentleman understands other people´s pain,but an unprincipled person only cares about personal gain.
8.A noble man is versed in righteousness,while a mean person is versed in gain.
9.A noble heart values faith most;a snob only favors profits.
10.A great mind strives for justice,while a base one only cares about benefits.