

投票:外方评委 7人投票★,中方评委 4人投票●

1.Comfort the elderly,trust your friends,and take care of the youngsters.


2.Let the elderly be blessed,friends be cherished,and the young be supported.


3.Comfort the aged,trust any friend and care about many a child.


4.An ideal society is to have a secure environment for the elderly,an honest one for the adult and a caring one for children.


5.Seniors supported,friends trusted,children nurtured.


6.May the elderly live in peace and the young under care.May friends and colleagues trust each other.


7.Let the old live a comfortable worry-free life.Let the young progress with love and care.Win the trust of my friends.


8.My aspiration is that the old can be settled,friends can be trusted and children can be cared.


9.My aspiration is to let the young be cared for,the elderly enjoy happiness,and friends trust each other.


10.My ideal well-governed state is one in which the elderly enjoy a peaceful life,people trust one another like friends,and the young are adequately looked after.


11.The old long for safety,the intimate for trust and the young for appreciation.


12.I aim to make the seniors comfortable,to entrust friends and endear the young.


13.I hope the elderly enjoy peace,friends enjoy trust and children enjoy care.

(冯雷译)★ kyvwjmC5K19GvHS6Vu1RrAVITx5xym7XviwXi+W52GndpCOs9+TeuFacieVy829H
