

投票:外方评委 4人投票★,中方评委 2人投票●

1.Keep an empty and peaceful mind so you can see clearly how the universe evolves.


2.Do your best to cultivate your self to be empty-minded and keep fast in peace.When all things grow,I see them return to their origins.


3.My mind emptied,I stay in tranquility.Observing how things grow,I understand the cycle of life.


4.Clearing out all my thoughts and desires and attaining peace of mind,I watch all things grow and flourish to seek the truth.


5.Clear your mind and stay composed.All living creatures are burgeoning together,which shows me the circle of life.


6.Only by emptying our mind and calming our heart can we observe how the world repeats itself and learn the law of nature.


7.I clean up my mind and keep it serene so as to understand the laws of nature.


8.Let the soul attain its vacuous apex.Let the mind retain its ultimate peace.Myriads of matters undergo birth and decease.I thereby watch their regress.

(王绍昌译 1)●

9.Evacuate thoughts in souls.Set mind in peace.Thousands of things bloom.I await their doom.

(王绍昌译 2)●

10.Once you empty yourself of everything and keep yourself in an extremely still state,you´ll be clear about the circulation laws of nature by observing all things alike go through their processes of activities.

(张晓阳译)● DcVMr3S741Bhf9rRz6czwu9Li3fgZyvte5LAhU9Ljx4Jqx5gUH98m8GzGPJYCtRG
