
——谚语 司马光《训俭示康》

投票:外方评委 8人投票 ,中方评委 7人投票

1.It's easier for one to live a thrifty-to-luxurious life than to live a luxurious-to-thrifty life.

(魏红霞译) ★★★●●●●●

2.Easy to be wasteful but hard to be frugal.

(曹小菁译) ★★★★★★●

3.It is easy to go from thrift to extravagance,but not vise versa.

(倪庆行译) ★★●●

4.It's easy to go from thrift to luxury,but hard from luxury to thrift.

(任诚刚译 1) ●●●●

5.It's easier to go from frugality to indulgence,not vice versa.

(王绍昌译 1) ★●●

6.It's easier to spend pounds than earn pennies.

(冯雷译 1) ★●●

7.One easily falls from frugality into luxury,and struggles to climb back up.

(叶如钢译 1) ★★★

8.Switching from frugality to luxury is like an easy downhill slide,while the other way around is like a hard uphill climb.

(叶如钢译 2) ★★★

9.It's easy to go from thrift to luxury,but not the other way around.

(任诚刚译 2) ●●●

10.It's easier to become frugal from luxury than to be luxury from thrift.

(赵宜忠译) ★●

11.Bus takers love to sit in a BMW;BMW owners hate to take a crowded bus.

(冯雷译 2) ★●

12.Easy it is for a thrifty man to turn extravagant;hard it is for an extravagant man to turn thrifty.

(石永浩译) ★●

13.It is easy for thrifty people to become squandering,while hard for squanderers to become thrifty.

(铁冰译) ●●

14.It's easy to shift from thrift to extravagance but it isn't to go the other way round.

(程永生译) ●●

15.How about living from frugality to extravagance?Easy!And the other way around?Difficult!


16.The transition from thrift to indulgence is easier than from indulgence to thrift.

(王绍昌译 2)

17.It's easier to climb up than walk down the high mountain.


18.It's a wide gate to go from thrift to squandering but it's a narrow gate the other way round.

(乐国斌译) 6uZZ7+mWS5pcQhrUT/V3CFzQIKeSgZPDZaLcgbc5g60LbbLVxaPS8HSVyXoBxiOx
