
——俗语 施耐庵《水浒传》(明容与堂刻本)卷一百

投票:外方评委 11人投票 ,中方评委 3人投票

1.A gentleman is forgiving,and a great man is tolerant.

(冯雷译) ★★★★★★★★★★

2.Men of noble character should be broad-minded and tolerant.

(魏红霞译) ★★★★●●

3.A real gentleman can forbear and forgive.

(叶如钢译) ★●●

4.A great heart makes a great man.A great man has a good stretch of tolerance.

(王梅兰译) ★●

5.A petty man can't be gentle;a gentleman can't be petty.

(王毅译) ●●

6.A small mind makes not a true gentleman;a restrained temperament marks a real husband.


7.Great tolerance makes men of great importance.


8.A true man has great tolerance.


9.A narrow-minded isn't a gentleman;a lily-livered isn't a true man.


10.Narrowness makes a mean man;tolerance makes a real man.

(吴卫译) 1fWE34N2tlmT2C59rKA5wj7aI6pEcaLzGdCh9o5inF+1zWj5+P9RjCFCW1UaAed/

——俗语 吴承恩《西游记》(明书林杨闽斋刊本)八十四回

投票:外方评委 9人投票 ,中方评委 2人投票

1.An honest soul has nothing to conceal.

(王慧玉译) ★★★★★★

2.An honest man does nothing underhand.

(任诚刚译) ★★★●

3.An upright person does nothing underhand.

(乐国斌译) ★★●●

4.A person who is aboveboard does nothing underhand.

(杨中仁译) ★★●

5.An honest man wouldn't stoop to anything underhand.

(马建军译) ★★★

6.An honest man never resorts to underhand means to reach a goal.

(冯雷译) ★★★

7.Honest is as honest does.

(石永浩译) ★★★

8.A person who is both frank and open will never do anything under the table.

(董秀静译) ★●

9.A man of integrity is always handling affairs fair and square.

(倪庆行译) ★★

10.An honest guy does nothing in stealth.


11.A man with a bright conscience won't do anything dark.


12.No upright man plots secretly.


13.An open-minded person does nothing in the dark.


14.An honest person does not hide things.

(何艳译) 1fWE34N2tlmT2C59rKA5wj7aI6pEcaLzGdCh9o5inF+1zWj5+P9RjCFCW1UaAed/
