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Their glory declined as the sun sinks at the close of day.

Tung Cho,infamous minister of state,pulled down the youthful sovereign from his throne.

It is true Liu Hsieh was a weakling,too timid for his times.

Then Tsáo Tsáo proclaimed abroad these wicked deeds,

And the great lords,moved with anger,assembled their forces.

In council met they and chose as their oath—chief Yüan Shao,

Pledged themselves to maintain the ruling house and tranquillity.

Of the warriors of that time peerless Lü Pu was the boldest.

His valour and prowess are sung by all within the four seas.

He clothed his body in silver armour like the scales of a dragon,

On his head was a golden headdress,fastened with a massive pin,

About his waist a shaggy belt,the clasp,two wild beasts' heads with gripping jaws,

His flowing,broidered robe fluttered about his form,

His swift courser bounded over the plain,a mighty wind following,

His terrible halberd flashed in the sunlight,bright as a placid lake.

Who dared face him as he rode forth to challenge?

The bowels of the confederate lords were torn with fear and their hearts trembled within them.

Then leaped forth Chang Fei,the valiant warrior of the north,

Gripped in his mighty hand the long snakelike spear,

His moustache bristled with anger,standing stiff like wire.

His round eyes glared,lightning flashes darted from them.

Neither quailed in the fight,but the issue was undecided.

Kuan Yün—cháng stood out in front,his soul vexed within him,

Black Dragon his sword shone white as hoar frost in the sunlight,

His bright coloured fighting robe fluttered like butterfly wings,

Demons and angels shrieked at the thunder of his horse hoofs,

In his eyes was fierce anger,a fire to be quenched only in blood.

Next Yüan—tê joined the battle,gripping his twin sword blades,

The heavens themselves trembled at the majesty of his wrath.

These three closely beset Lü Pu and long drawn out was the battle,

Always he warded their blows,never faltering a moment.

The noise of their shouting rose to the sky,and the earth re-echoed it,

The heat of battle ranged to the frozen pole star.

Worn out,feeling his strength fast ebbing,Lü Pu thought to flee,

He glanced at the hills around and thither would fly for shelter,

Then,reversing his halberd and lowering its lofty point,

Hastily he fled,loosing himself from the battle;

With head low bent,he gave the rein to his courser,

Turned his face away and fled to Hulaokuan.

(C. H. Brewitt-Taylor)


The house of Han approached its Heaven-destined end;

Deep in the west its fiery sun had bent.

Dong Zhuo deposed the rightful Emperor

And filled the feeble prince with dreams of fear.

So Cao Cao sent his writ to all the lords,

Who summoned up ten thousand righteous swords,

Elected Yuan Shao to their league's command,

And swore to stay the house and calm the land.

Dong Zhuo's man,Lu Bu,warrior without peer,

Far surpassed the champions of his sphere:

In armor clad,a dragon etched in scales,

His headpiece fledged with gallant pheasant tails,

His jagged jade belt scored with lion jaws,

A phoenix spread in flight;his surcoat soars.

His chafing charger stirred a fearsome wind,

In every eye his halberd's piercing glint.

No lord could face his call to brave the field:

Their hearts went faint,their senses reeled.

Then Zhang Fei made his way into the list,

His giant snake-head lance fast in his fist.

His beard stuck out,defiant strands of wire;

The circles of his eyes shot angry fire.

They fought their fill. The contest undecided,

Before his line Lord Guan no more abided:

His dragon blade as dazzling as fresh snow,

His war coat,parrot-hued,aswirl below.

His pounding horse aroused the dead to howl.

Blood would flow before his dreadful scowl.

With double swords Xuande now joins the fight.

The crafty owl will show his zeal and might.

The brothers circle Lu Bu round and round.

He fends,he blocks,too skillful to be downed.

The hue and cry set sky and land ajar;

The bloodlust sent a shudder through the stars.

His power spent,Lu Bu found an out

And rode for safety to his own redoubt,

His mighty weapon trailing at his back,

His gilded five-hued streamers all awrack.

Riding hard,he snapped his horse's rein,

Hurtling up to Tigher Trap again.

(Moss Roberts) AlBXREVR9O4FrX4wTIoVo+5YnJ3oOwhtWVx6kiIW230lVZ0AP9s5sH/lnFrhdm0x
