

1. 英语常用单词拼写错误

英语写作过程中单词拼写错是普遍现象 以下单词的拼写错误具有普 遍性

(1) 普通英语单词拼写错误

destroy 误写成 destory,distroy

modern 误写成 mordern,morden

ancient 误写成 anciant

despite 误写成 dispite

pollution 误写成 polution

environment 误写成 enviroment

government 误写成 goverment

damage 误写成 demage

themselves 误写成 themselives,theirselves

nowadays 误写成 nowdays,nowadays,now a day

society 误写成 sociaty,saciaty,socity

science 误写成 sience

knowledge 误写成 knowledge,knowledge,knowleage

succeed 误写成 suceed

necessary 误写成 necessory,necessery

abroad 误写成 aboad,abrod,aboard

necessity 误写成 necesity,necessarity

university 误写成 univercity

convenient 误写成 conveniant; convenience 写成 convenious

through 误写成 throught

true 误写成 ture

rapidly 误写成 rappidly

occur 误写成 occure

adequate 误写成 edequate,adiquate

influence 误写成 enfluence

immediately 误写成 imediately

especially 误写成 specially

college 误写成 collage,callege

phenomenon 误写成 phenominon,phenomenan

beneficial 误写成 benificial; benefit 写成 benifit

solve 误写成 slove

resource 误写成 resourse

insufficient 误写成 insufficent

article 误写成 artical

favorite 误写成 favorate

diligent 误写成 deligent

definition 误写成 difinaticn,defination

attract 误写成 atract

describe 误写成 describ,discribe

proud 误写成 proude

efficiency 误写成 effciency,eficiency

restaurant 误写成 restrant

ridiculous 误写成 rediculous,ridiculus

technology 误写成 technlogy

investigation 误写成 envestigation,investgation

prosperous 误写成 prosparous

energetic 误写成 energtic,energtic

stomachache 误写成 stomachach,stomache

harmonious 误写成 hamonious,harmonous

experience 误写成 experence

variety 误写成 veriaty

cell phone 误写成 celephone

receive 误写成 recive

illegal 误写成 illeagle

exists 误写成 exits

attitude 误写成 attude

fashion 误写成 fahion

spread 误写成 spride

level 误写成 leval

opinion 误写成 oppion

emphasis 误写成 emphasion

result 误写成 reslt

yield 误写成 yiel,yeld

stories 误写成 storys

confidence 误写成 convidence

legs 误写成 leggs,legges

determined 误写成 detemineding

popular 误写成 popalur

create 误写成 creat

aspect 误写成 espect

completely 误写成 completly

argument 误写成 arguement

development 误写成 developpment

famous 误写成 famouse

(2) 英语动词过去式拼写错误

teach 过去式 taught 误写成 teached

spend 过去式 spent 误写成 spended

pass 过去式 passed 误写成 past,pasted

lose 的过去式 lost 误写成 losted

refer 的过去式 referred 误写成 refered

put 的过去式 put 误写成 putted

destroy 的过去式 destroyed 误写成 destoried,destroyed

2. 英语动词原形及其对应的过去式 过去分词形式区分混乱

动词原形 过去式 过去分词正确的对应形式为

lie,lay,lain —— (vi. )

lay,laid,laid —— (vt. )

lie,lied,lied —— 说谎

fall,fell,fallen —— 落下 掉下

feel,felt,felt —— 感觉 认为

fill,filled,filled —— 充满 装满

rise,rose,risen —— 上升 升起 (vi. )

raise,raised,raised —— 举起 (vt. )

arise,arose,arisen —— 出现 (vi. )

arouse,aroused,aroused —— 激起 唤醒 (vt. )

3. 近形词词意使用混淆

写作中 常见近形词词意使用混淆的有

interesting —— interested

interesting: 形容词 意为 有趣的 ”, 用作定语或表语 表示特征 : an in⁃teresting book; It is always interesting surfing the internet.

interested: 形容词 意为 …… 感兴趣的 ”, 用作表语 表示状态 : I amvery interested in the movie I downloaded last week.

类似词意使用混淆的还有 : exciting⁃excited, surprising⁃surprised, tiring⁃tired 每组单词用法区别与 interesting⁃ interested 相似 这里不再细述

satisfied —— satisfactory

satisfied: 形容词 意为 …… 满意的 ”, 用作表语 表示状态 : I am verysatisfied with your performance in class.

satisfactory: 形容词 意为 令人满意的 ”, 用作定语或表语 表示特征 : asatisfactory answer to the question.

continually —— continuously

continually: 副词 意为 断断续续地 有间断 ”, 用作状语 : It has beenraining continually for a week.

continuously: 副词 意为 连续不断地 没有间断 ”, 用作状语 : The cam⁃era̓s recorder ran continuously all day.

economic —— economical

economic: 形容词 意为 经济的 经济学的 ”, 用作定语 : economic situa⁃tion / problems / crisis.

economical: 形容词 意为 经济实惠的 节省钱的 ”, 用作定语 : takesome economical measures.

high —— highly

high: 形容词或副词 意为 高的 ”, 用作定语 表语或状语 : a high moun⁃tain,a high school,high speed; He climbed high up the mountain.

highly: 副词 意为 高度地 非常地 ”, 用作状语 : He was highly praised;a highly⁃ civilized nation,a highly⁃motivated student,a highly⁃trained employee.

everyday —— every day

everyday: 形容词 意为 每天的 日常的 ”, 用作定语 : everyday English,everyday life。

every day: 名词性短语 意为 每天 ”, 用作状语 表示时间 : He gets up atsix o̓clock every day.

adopt —— adapt

adopt: 动词 意为 采纳 收养 : adopt your opinion; adopt a homeless child

adapt: 动词 意为 适应 改编 : adapt yourself to the changing situation; The play has been skillfully adapted from the original.

specially —— specifically —— especially

specially: 副词 意为 特别地 ”, 用作状语 : I have come specially to see you.

specifically: 副词 意为 具体地 明确地 专门地 ”, 用作状语 : This dic⁃tionary is specifically intended for foreign learners of English.

especially: 副词 意为 尤其是 特别是 ”, 用作状语 : He is famous espe⁃cially for his abstract paintings.

source —— resource

source: 名词 意为 源头 出处 ”, : We can get the information about job employment for different sources.

resource: 名词 意为 资源 ”, : natural resources,human resources

wonder —— wander

wonder: 名词 意为 奇迹 奇观 ”, : the wonders of the world; 动词 意为 想知道 不知道 ”, : I wonder how you came to lose your way.

wander: 动词 意为 徘徊 漫无目的地走 ”, : I often wander around the campus after dinner.

formally —— formerly

formally: 副词 意为 正式地 ”, : He has formally appointed a member of delegation to investigate the case.

formerly: 副词 意为 先前 过去 ”, : She was formerly a CEO from a multinational corporation.

principle —— principal

principle: 名词 意为 原则 ”, : He is a person of principle; the basic principles of our country̓s diplomacy。

principal: 形容词 意为 主要的 ”, : Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths. 名词 意为 小学校长 ”, : The school principal announced the honor roll list.

attribute to —— contribute to

attribute to: 动词短语 意为 归因于 认为 …… 的结果 ”, : Sometimes theyattribute their students̓ poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence.

contribute to: 动词短语 意为 …… 作贡献 导致 促成 ”, : He contrib⁃uted a lot to the world peace in his life; Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.

sometime —— sometimes —— some time

sometime: 副词 意为 某个时候 什么时候 ”, : Turn in your exercise books sometime before Friday.

sometimes: 副词 意为 有时 有时候 ”, : Sometimes I am busy and sometimes I am not.

some time: 名词短语 意为 一段时间 ”, : You can keep the book for some time.

rise —— raise —— arise —— arouse

rise: 不及物动词 意为 上升 ”, : The prices are rising.

raise: 及物动词 意为 举起 ”, : Raise your hand if you have some questions to ask.

arise: 不及物动词 意为 “( 问题 情况 的出现 站起来 ”, : How did thequarrel arise I arose, telling him I would wait for him outside the office.

arouse: 及物动词 意为 引起 唤醒 ”, : The policy aroused better criticism from the beginning; His articles aroused the anger and grievance of the masses against the ruling party. TQP9sN/rtH+9L12prsebSL6jcnqb0k29daMkPx4kvGYdw3p3x891XV/EBaM1jHlF
