

句子是段落的最小单元 写好句子是确保文章成功的前提 学生在句子层 次上所犯的错误主要表现在以下几个方面

1. 谓语动词

谓语动词方面出现的错误在英语写作中较为突出 充当谓语成分的词可 以是实义动词 也可以是系动词 实义动词中又有及物与不及物动词之分 作时必须弄清楚每个词的意思和用法 不能在动词前随意加 be, 也不能把 形容词误用为动词 把不及物动词误用为及物动词等等 使用动词时必须考虑 到使用什么样的时态 语态 并且要注意谓语动词与主语保持数的一致

原句 : I am major in English

修改 : I major in English. (major 在本句中是实义动词 不是形容词 。)

原句 : Sorry, the number you dialed is not exist. Please check and dial it again.

修改 : Sorry, the number you dialed does not exist. Please check and dial it again. ( 同上 : exist 为不及物动词 不是形容词 。)

原句 : Opportunities are only belong to those who work hard.

修改 : Opportunities only belong to those who work hard. (belong to 为动词短 不是形容词短语 。)

原句 : I am strongly object to your saying that.

修改 : I strongly object to your saying so. ( 同上 : object to 为动词短语 后接 动名词 。)

原句 : I don̓t be satisfied with my English.

修改 : I am not satisfied with my English. (satisfied 为形容词 与系动词连用 构成系表结构 。)

原句 : Many trees are cut down and some are disappeared.

修改 : Many trees have been cut down and some have disappeared. ( 强调动作 结果用现在完成时 ; disappear 为不及物动词 ,are disappeared 形式为错 。)

原句 : Finally, he became to be interested in art.

修改 : Finally, he came to be interested in art. / Finally, he became interested in art. (become, be 都是系动词 可与形容词 interested 构成系表结构 ; come 动词 短语 come to 后接动词或系动词均可 表示 发展过程 ”。)

原句 : Though he may fail again, we should not disappoint.

修改 : Though he may fail again, he should not be disappointed. (disappoint 作及物动词时 意为 使 失望 ”; 表示失望状态的应为 : be disappointed; 保持 说话对象一致 故将 we 改为 he。)

原句 : Our country has taken place a great change in many fields.

修改 : Great change has taken place in many fields in our country. (take place 为不及物动词短语 不能后接宾语 。)

原句 : But it may occur some new problems.

修改 : But some new problems may occur. ( 同上 : occur 为不及物动词 不能 接宾语 。)

原句 : If there were no electrical power, we can imagine what will happen.

修改 : Without electrical power, we can not imagine what would happen. ( 与客 观现实相反的假设 用虚拟语气 ; without 引导假设更简洁 ; we can imagine 为插 入语 不用虚拟语气 。)

2. 前后一致性

句子前后或上下文之间 句子前后成分要在时态 人称 数方面保持一致 写作时不能随心所欲 不顾前后照应

原句 : Whether one enjoys or hates advertisements, we are actually involved in it every hour of the day.

修改 : Whether we enjoy or hate advertisements, we are actually involved in them every hour of the day. ( 前后应保持数的一致 。)

原句 : The eating habit of Chinese people have changed dramatically in the past decade.

修改 : The eating habit of Chinese people has changed dramatically in the past decade. 句子的主语为第三人称单数 。)

原句 : One serious problem human beings are faced with are how to use natural resources economically.

修改 : One serious problem human beings are faced with is how to use natural resources economically. ( 主句的主语为第三人称单数 。)

原句 : People now pay much attention to nutrition so they chose to eat meat and drink milk.

修改 : People now pay much attention to nutrition so they prefer to eat more meat and drink more milk than before. ( 就本句而言 从句时态应与主句时态保持 一致 ; eat meat and drink milk 意思表达不清 。)

原句 : Study hard so that accept the challenge of the 21st century .

修改 : Study hard so that you accept the challenge of the 21st century. ( 主句为 祈使句 祈使句的主语 you 已省去 从句中缺少主语 且应与主句主语保持 一致 。)

原句 : As a small child, her parents often took her to the countryside.

修改 : As a small child, she was often taken to the countryside. ( 短语 As a small child, 其逻辑主语是 she / he, 主句主语应与此保持一致 。)

原句 : At the age of ten, my grandfather died.

修改 : My grandfather died when I was ten. ( 短语 At the age of ten, 其逻辑主 语是 I, 不可能是 my grandfather, 逻辑关系混乱 。)

原句 : To do well in college,good grades are essential.

修改 : To do well in college, a student needs good grades. / To do well in college, it is essential for a student to achieve good grades. ( 句中不定式语 to do well in college 逻辑主语为 ”, 而主句的主语为 good grades, 前后不一致 。)

原句 : If you ask me why you take CET6 …

修改 : If you ask me why I take CET6 …( 被问及的对象是 而不是 ”, 前后主语不一致 。)

原句 : Each people has his own opportunities.

修改 : Each person has his own opportunities. (each 表示单数概念 people 通常为复数概念 前后数的概念不一致 。)

原句 : We can also know the society by serving it yourself.

修改 : We can also know the society by serving it ourselves. ( 人称代词 we 反身代词 yourself 指代不一致 。)

3. 句子的完整性

英语句子通常由主语和谓语动词两部分组成 两者缺一不可 一个句子缺 少主语或谓语动词 造成句子结构不完整 意思表达不清晰 这就成为断句 不完整句子 : because, since, if 等连接词引导的只是从句 修饰主句 属于 主句的一部分 不能独立成句 同样 ,because of, for example, such as 等引出的 是短语 修饰主句 也不能成为独立句子 在口语中 交际双方可借助手势 上下文等使用不完整的句子是可以的 但书面语则要求句子结构保持完

原句 : China is no longer what used to be.

修改 : China is no longer what she / it used to be. ( 从句是个完整的句子 不能 没有主语 。)

原句 : We must protect our environment. Since the earth is the only place human beings can live.

修改 : We must protect our environment since the earth is the only place where human beings can live. (since 引导的只是从句 从句不能单独成句 。)

原句 : They were late for class today. Because of the bad weather.

修改 : They were late for class today because of the bad weather. ( because of the bad weather 不能单独成句 。)

原句 : In the school library there are all kinds of books. Ancient and modern. Chinese and foreign.

修改 : In the school library there are all kinds of books, ancient and modern,Chinese and foreign. (ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign 两组后置修饰语不 能单独成句 。)

原句 : Smokers bring harm to themselves, besides, they pollute the air and do harm to others.

修改 : Smokers bring harm to themselves. Besides, they pollute the air and do harm to others. ( besides 单独另成一句 。)

原句 : Living in the country, no loud noise, no dirty air, but quiet and fresh.

修改 : In the country, there is no loud noise or dirty air, but it is quiet and fresh. ( 整句支离破碎 缺少谓语动词 不能成为完整句子 ; Living in the country 的逻辑主语为 ”, 前后逻辑关系混乱 。)

原句 : There are many ways to improve city transportation. For example widening streets, building subways and so on.

修改 : There are many ways to improve city transportation, for example, widening streets, building subways and so on. (for example 后接短语进行列举 不能单 独成句 。)

原句 : He has studied English for only a year, he can speak English fluently.

修改 : He has studied English for only a year, but he can speak English fluently. 逗号前后为两个独立句子 通过使用连接词 but 连接前后两个分句 使语言 更衔接连贯 结构紧凑 。)

4. 英语基本句式

英语句子 不管长短及其复杂程度如何 必须按照句子的基本句型来组词 成句 英语中最基本的句型 宾补 表等 除了以上最基本句型外 还有一些其它 常用句型 : it + be + adj. + for + sb. + to + do sth. 句式 ,there be… 存在 句式 ,too…to. . . 句式 ,it 作形式主语或形式宾语句式 , it 引导的强调句式 倒装 句式等 学生在组词成句时必须遵循句子的基本句式

原句 : The little boy is difficult to spell the word “chopsticks”.

修改 : It is difficult for the little boy to spell the word “chopsticks”. (it + be+ adj. + for + sb. + to + do sth. 句式要求 。)

原句 : I will be easy to find a good job.

修改 : It will be easy for me to find a good job. (it + be + adj. + for + sb.+ to + do sth. 句式要求 。)

原句 : There are many factors affect our health.

修改 : There are many factors affecting our health. / Many factors affect our health. (there be… 存在句式 现在分词短语 affecting our health 修饰前置词 factors。)

原句 : Never take this for granted that smoking does no harm to health.

修改 : Never take it for granted that smoking does no harm to our health. (it 形式宾语 真正宾语为 that 引导的从句部分 。)

原句 : Some students have difficulty to learn English well.

修改 : Some students have difficulty in learning English well. (have difficulty in doing sth. 句式要求 。)

原句 : Some students think that it necessary to pass CET6.

修改 : Some students think it necessary to pass CET6. (it 为形式宾语 真正宾 语为动词不定式 to pass CET6 部分 形容词 necessary 为宾语 it 的补足语 。)

原句 : In spite of natural disasters are very destructive, people are struggling with them bravely.

修改 : In spite of the fact that natural disasters are very destructive, people are struggling with them bravely to lessen the loss from the damage. (in spite of 不能直 接引导从句 但可后接名词或名词性从句 补充的部分 to lessen the loss from the damage 使句子内容更完整 。)

原句 : The students spend so much time to memorize the new words.

修改 : The students spend so much time (in) memorizing the new words. / The students spend so much time on the new words. ( spend + time + in doing sth. /spend + time + on sth. 句式要求 。)

5. 非谓语动词的使用

非谓语动词包括动词不定式 分词 动名词三部分 写作中提倡多使用非 谓语动词 使语言结构表达紧凑 变化多样 在使用非谓语动词时 必须弄清动 词不定式 分词 动名词三者之间的相似之处 不同点和各自的语法功能 注意 现在分词与过去分词在用法上的区别 值得注意的是 当分词充当句中状语 表示原因 时间 条件时 一定要注意主句的 主语 与分词的 逻辑主语 是否 一致 如果不一致 则使用独立主格结构 名词 分词 结构

原句 : If watching the Olympics on TV day after day, one̓s work might be neglected.

修改 : If watching the Olympics on TV day after day, one might neglect his work. ( 主句的主语 one̓s work 和现在分词 watching 的逻辑主语不一致 。)

原句 : The sentence may be easily understood when dividing into three parts.

修改 : The sentence may be easily understood when ( it is) divided into three parts. ( 主句的主语 the sentence 和现在分词 dividing 的逻辑主语不一致 。)

原句 : Know a foreign language helps you to get a better job.

修改 : Knowing/ To know a foreign language helps you to get a better job. ( 动名 词短语或动词不定式短语可充当主语 但动词原形 know 不能充当主语 。)

原句 : To improve one̓s writing skill, regular practice is essential.

修改 : To improve our writing skill, we must have a regular practice / we must practise regularly. ( 主句的主语与动词不定式的逻辑主语不一致 。)

原句 : With people̓s living standards greatly, they can now afford expensive goods.

修改 : With people̓s living standards ( being) improved greatly, people can now afford expensive goods. (“with + 名词 分词 为独立主格复合结构 ,living standards 与动词 improve 为被动逻辑关系 故使用过去分词 表示被动 。)

原句 : Looking out of the window, a little girl was reading a book.

修改 : Looking out of the window, I could see a little girl reading a book. / Outside the window, a little girl was reading a book. ( 主句的主语与现在分词的逻辑 主语不一致 。)

6. 词的搭配

词与词之间的搭配十分灵活 作者可以选择更好 更地道的词 但有些词 的搭配要求就比较严格 写作时作者不能随心所欲 名词前用什么样的动词 与之相搭配构成动宾结构 用什么样的形容词与之相搭配构成名词性短语 生在搭配方面所犯的错误主要原因是缺乏对英语词义的准确理解 缺乏必要的 语言知识及母语的干扰等因素

原句 : Since I entered college, I have gained much progress in English studies .

修改 : Since I entered college, I have made much progress / gained much knowledge in English studies . (“ 取得进步 应为 make progress,“ 获得知识 应为 gain knowledge, 两者选择其一 。)

原句 : The flood has made great damage to the village.

修改 : The flood has caused / done great damage to the village. (“ …… 带来 破坏 应为 cause / do damage to……)

原句 : However, the speed of a car is much faster than that of a bicycle.

修改 : However, the speed of a car is much higher than that of a bicycle. (“ 速快慢 应为 high / low speed)

原句 : In the past the price of milk was so expensive that most families could not afford it.

修改 : In the past the price of milk was so high that most families could not afford it. (“ 价格高低 应为 high / low price)

原句 : The traffic in Shanghai is getting more and more crowded.

修改 : The traffic in Shanghai is getting heavier and heavier. (“ 交通拥挤 heavy traffic)

原句 : In recent years, the students who take CET4 have increased.

修改 : In recent years, the number of the students who take CET4 has increased. ( 增加的是 学生数量 ” the number of the students, 而不是 学生 ” the students)

原句 : Yesterday̓s bus bomb explosion caused great casualty.

修改 : Yesterday̓s bus bomb explosion caused heavy casualties. (“ 巨大的伤 译为 heavy casualties 更地道 。)

原句 : This university has some well⁃known professors at home and abroad.

修改 : This university has some professors well⁃known at home and abroad. ( 语作修饰语修饰名词时通常放在所修饰的名词后面 。)

7. 英语比较级的使用

在使用比较级句式时应明确比较对象和被比较对象 进行 比较 只有 比较对象 被比较对象 属性相同时才能进行比较 另一方面 要注意比较级句式的正确使用 特别注意 The more … the more …( …… ……) 句式在具体的句子中应如何使用

原句 : The population of China is larger than any other country.

修改 : The population of China is larger than that of any other country. ( 比较对 象和被比较对象不一致 。)

原句 : Our country is much more stronger than it used to be.

修改 : Our country is much stronger than it used to be. (more stronger 均表 示比较之意 不能双重使用 但比较级前可用副词 much 修饰 强调比较程度 。)

原句 : Less and less people go to the movie now.

修改 : Fewer and fewer people go to see the movie / go to cinema now. (less 比较级 其原级为 little, 不能修饰可数名词 people, 而用 few 来修饰 。)

原句 : Having more certificates, the great your abilities are.

修改 : The more certificates you have, the more capable you will be. ( The more … the more… 句式使用不当 。)

原句 : He speaks English as fluent as Chinese.

修改 : He speaks English as fluently as Chinese. ( 修饰动词 speak 用副词 fluently, 而不是形容词 fluent。)

原句 : Much more priority should be given to environmental protection.

修改 : Much priority should be given to environmental protection. (priority 表示 较重要 优先权 本具有比较意义 无需前再加 more 修饰 类似的词还有 : superior,inferior,favorite 等均具有比较意义 无需前再加 含比较意义的修饰 ”。)

8. 英语平行结构的使用

在一个或几个相邻的句子里 为了取得更好的语言效果 常把词性一致 构相似 意思相同 相近或相对的几组词平行使用 使用平行结构时要注意语 言结构的一致性 语言结构前后照应 不能孤立地只注重语言某一成分而忽视 其它部分

原句 : Playing cards with your friends is certainly of more interest than to drink too much alcohol.

修改 : Playing cards with your friends is certainly of more interest than drinking too much alcohol. (drinking too much alcohol playing cards 语言结构上应保持 一致 。)

原句 : The government not only bought desks, books and schoolbags, but also large quantities of computers for the schools in the earthquake⁃stricken areas.

修改 : The government bought not only desks, books and schoolbags, but also large quantities of computers for the schools in the earthquake⁃stricken areas. (Not only…but also… 连接的成分语言结构上应保持一致 。)

原句 : The teacher said my brother was lazy, carelessness, and had better get to work so earlier to support himself.

修改 : The teacher said my brother was lazy, careless, and he had better get to work so earlier to support himself. (lazy careless 保持词性平行 宾语从句中的 my brother was lazy… he had better get to work… 保持句式平行 。)

原句 : All the workers were tired, bored and wanted to go home.

修改 : All the workers were tired, bored, (and ) so they wanted to go home.( 连接词 and,or,but 等在连接句子成分时应注意句子结构前后一致性 。)

9. 英语指示代词的使用

英语指示代词 it、he、this、that、which、one、those 等在具体的上下文中应 明确其所指的具体内容 也就是说文章上文必须事先提及这些代词所指代的具 体内容 使读者一读就清楚其指代关系 在使用这些代词时不能没有所指或指 代不清 含糊其辞

原句 : Her father is an architect; therefore, she has also chosen it as her major.

修改 : Her father is an architect; therefore, she has chosen architecture as her major. ( 指代不妥 从上文看 句中 it 所指代的内容为 建筑师 ” architect, 选择 的专业应为 建筑学 ”architecture。)

原句 : People have been fighting against the environmental pollution, but it often proves useless.

修改 : People have been fighting against the environmental pollution, which proves not too successful. ( which 语言表达更地道 ,which 指前面整句话的 内容 。)

原句 : Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.

修改 : Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid. ( 指代不明确 无法判断两位女孩 Mary my sister 中谁将结婚 当伴娘 。)

10. 英语语态的使用

英语的语态有主动语态和被动语态之分 在使用主动语态 被动语态时 要弄清动作 动作发出者 动作承受者这三者之间的关系 同时 只有谓语动词 为及物动词时 才有其被动语态形式

原句 : The population of every country in the world has been increased in the last hundred years.

修改 : The population of every country in the world has increased in the last hundred years. ( increase 表示 数量自然增长 时为不及物动词 没有被动 形式 。)

原句 : Those students expect to offer some part⁃time jobs on campus during the coming winter vacation.

修改 : Those students expect to be offered some part⁃time jobs on campus during the coming winter vacation. ( 学生期望 被提供工作 ”, 动词 offer 用其被动 形式 。)

原句 : If we cut down too many trees, natural disasters will be taken place.

修改 : If we cut down too many trees, natural disasters will take place. ( take place 为不及物动词 表示 自然发生 ”, 没有被动形式 只能用其主动形式 类似 的动词或短语除 take place 外还有 happen,occur,break out)

原句 : Green trees can protect our air from polluting.

修改 : Green trees can protect our air from being polluted. ( 保护空气以防 到污染 ”, 动词 pollute 用其被动形式 。)

11. 词性误用

词性问题看似简单 几乎绝大部分学生都能分辨出每个词的词性及其使用 要求 但在具体写作实践中 词性方面出现的错误较为普遍 名词 形容词不 形容词 副词不分 形容词 动词不分

原句 : Bus service in this city is fast, safe and above all, convenience.

修改 : Bus service in this city is fast, safe and above all, convenient. (convenience 为名词 与前者 fast,safe 词性不一致 。)

原句 : I believe we will success in the battle.

修改 : I believe we will succeed in the battle. (success 为名词 这里应该使用 其动词 succeed, 其形容词为 successful, 其副词为 successfully, 要根据句子的要 求选择相应的词性 。)

原句 : Now people have aware of the importance of keeping the balance of nature.

修改 : Now people have been aware of the importance of keeping the balance of nature. (to be aware of 为形容词短语 不是动词短语 。)

原句 : Now people pay more and more attention to protect the topsoil .

修改 : Now people are paying more and more (an increasing) attention to protecting the topsoil . ( 动词短语 pay attention to to 为介词 后接名词或名词性短 英语中带有 to 的短语 ,to 可能是 动词不定式 ”, 也有可能是 介词 ”。“ 词不定式 要求后接 动词原形 ”, 介词 则要求后接 名词 动名词 ”, 者必须区分 。)

原句 : No one can negative the importance of money.

修改 : No one can deny the importance of money. (negative 为形容词 误用作 动词 ”。)

12. 连接词的使用

用错连接词或句与句之间缺少必要的连接词是学生作文中在连接词方面 常犯的错

原句 : The reason he was late is because he was caught in the rain.

修改 : The reason why he was late is that he was caught in the rain. ( 连接词 why 引导定语从句 修饰前置词 reason; that 引导表语从句 。)

原句 : He asked me that whether I had passed CET4.

修改 : He asked me whether I had passed CET4. ( 连接词 whether 已引导宾词 从句 无需再用连接词 that。)

原句 : The city is seriously polluted, people have no fresh air to breathe now.

修改 : The city has been so seriously polluted that people now have no fresh air to breathe. ( 两个分句不能单独存在 使用连接词 so……, that……, 使得前后句 子结构更紧凑 。)

原句 : English grammar is now not being tested in CET is not a good thing.

修改 : That English grammar is now not being tested in CET is not a good thing. ( 主语 English grammar is now not being tested in CET 为从句 主语从句部 分缺少必要的连接词 。) s2XTPsqCv1xMAX9tkE5Btr4DCYCcXuiy7J7yLkAE8TqffORPlB6jwVa5DoTh3ARv
