

图表在显示统计数字或数据时具有一目了然 不易误解 信息表达集中等 特点 因此 越来越被讲求高效率的社会所接受 并在自然科学 社会科学及日 常生活中广泛采用 大学英语四 六级考试中的写作部分 也先后出现了要求 考生根据图表所提供的信息进行写作的题型 这种题型不仅是考查考生英语写 作水平的一种有效手段 同时也有助于培养学生从非文字材料中获取信息的能 从而为今后的工作或科研服务

1. 什么是图表作文

图表作文就是对统计表 ( tables)、 曲线坐标图 ( line graphs)、 饼状图 ( pie charts) 和柱状图 (bar graphs) 等提供的一组或几组数据用恰当 准确的文字进行 描述并转化为文字信息 因而在体裁上属于说明文性质 但从另外一个角度来 图表作文通常不仅仅是单纯地说明图中表明的事实 它还要求考生在对图 表中相关数据进行仔细说明 分析 比较的基础上 归纳出数据的增减变量及变 化趋势 从而总结出图表所反映的主题 意向 趋势和潜在含义 继而从中推导 出合乎逻辑的结论和看法 为分析研究这一图表画上圆满的句号 从这一点上 图表作文不单是说明性质的文章 而是说明文体和议论文体并存的一种题 图表作文一般可分为三个自然段 第一段说明该图表反映的概况 选择能 充分说明主题的典型数据进行概述 第二段对数据进行仔细的分析比较 归纳 出增减速率 找出产生变化的原因 第三段对数据的变化进行评论或得出应有 的结论

2. 图表作文写作技巧

对于图表作文的写作 学生首先应在正确理解每一图表内容的基础上用准确 的英文描述出来 其次在描写的基础上透过原始数据 分析各图表间的联系及规 律性的东西并加以说明 此外 考生有时还需要在说明其联系之后 进行分析解 释以使作文在内容上更加完整 更具有说服力 切记数据引用时要重点突出 要盲目地引用过多或全部数据 更不要毫无目的 没有主次地堆砌数据 除了可 以直接引用典型性 代表性的几个关键的数据外 应该有目的地进行简单的计算 指出增减的百分比 倍数或绝对数字 这样最后的结论会更加言之有据

3. 写作范例


Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words on Changes in People̓s Diet. Study the following table carefully, and your composition must be based on the information given in the table. Write three paragraphs to:

1) State the changes in people̓s diet in the past five years;

2) Give possible reasons for the changes;

3) Draw your own conclusions.

You should quote as few figures as possible.


图表给出食品项目 年代 每年各项食品消耗量所占的百分比 横看每项 食品消耗量的逐年升降变化 纵看各项食品每年所占全部食品消耗量的百分 哪几项在减少 哪几项在逐年增加 最后初步衡量食品结构总的变化趋势 粮食在逐年减少而牛奶 肉食这样的高能量食品在逐年增加


As is shown in the table, great changes have been taking place in people̓s diet over the period from 1986 to 1990. The consumption of grain is decreasing year by year, while that of high⁃energy food, such as milk and meat is increasing steadily.

The changes in diet can be accounted for a number of factors. First, people are much wealthier than before, so they can afford to buy much more expensive food with better nutrition. Another factor is that now people pay more attention to the quality of their diet because they know it is of great benefit to their health in a scientific way. Lack of certain amount of meat or milk, for example, will result in poor health. Finally, owing to the economic reform, meat and milk, which were scarce in the past, are produced in large quantities nowadays. For all these reasons, what was formerly called “the basket of vegetables” has now become that of varied food.

From the above, we can see that people ̓s living standard has been rising markedly in the past five years. They are the signs of the improved economic condition in China. As far as we are concerned we believe that as long as the effort continues in reform and opening to the outside world, there will be greater changes in people̓s diet in the future. qTYUY36V1V6epbLLiOIgkFr50b3jMGUlx0fFmrE0kiFERdd4J1+FDryTtPFdFaWq
