


议论文是运用逻辑证明和推理来阐明作者的立场和观点的写作方法 包括三个组成部分 论点 论据和论证方法

论点 论点是论说文的核心 即中心思想 是论据和论证服务的对象 论点 应符合以下要求 :(1) 论点正确 议论文首要的条件就是观点正确 否则观点错 误将导致整篇文章的失败 ;(2) 论点明确 文章的中心论点应该明确 ;(3) 论点 应有实际意义 ;(4) 一篇文章应只有一个主论点

论据 一般说来 作为支持论点的论据包括 事实 数据 专家见解 科学原 理和定义等 事实是支持论点真实性的重要论据 用事实作论据时需注意 据是否与本文相关 论据是否具有代表性 论据是否充分

论证 论证是论据与论点之间联系的推理形式 六级考试中常采用直接 论证方法写议论文 直接论证的步骤为 提出论点 引出论据 进行论证

Can Money Buy Happiness

People have different ideas about money and happiness ( 引导句 ). In some people̓s opinion, happiness is measured exclusively in terms of money ( 重述句 ). That is, the more money one possesses, the happier he is ( 主题句 ). They think so because they believe that happiness consists in satisfaction of human desires with what money can exchange for ( 解释理由 ). So, according to these people, the wealthy can always achieve what they want, while those with a limited income seldom have the opportunity to enjoy life ( 推论 ). This is, of course, not the case ( 结论 ).

However, another belief is also popular, which is opposite to the above one ( 导句 ). Some other people believe that money is the root of all evil ( 主题句 ). To them, all crimes or sins, such as murder, robbery, theft, deception, are committed for the sake of money ( 解释理由 ). However, they seem to have laid the balance on the wrong place ( 反驳 ). It is true that quite a few people are driven to wrong doing by their thirst for money ( 事实 ). But a lot of good things are done with the help of money( 事实 ). Therefore, money should not be thought of as the root of evil ( 结论 ).

As demonstrated above, I disagreed with either of these two opinions ( 主题 ). In my opinion, happiness is the fulfillment of life for a person as a member of society ( 解释理由 ), which requires a lot that is beyond the reach of money such as good health, love, friendship, satisfaction derived from a successful career, and even the sacrifice made for other̓s happiness ( 补充 ). So money does not guarantee happiness ( 结论 ). Nor is money the origin of evil ( 重述主题 ). Instead, money, as the symbol of wealth, when earned by honest work, is the reward one gets from society for the contribution one has done for it ( 理由 ). 0MTYUO61S4vLMXzCL6cvKLhg38O/ig7EZi+bKVosFAI+Ic+M40vekO63Bvqg6QO/
