

1. 主题句的作用

主题句是全段的核心句 读者可通过主题句了解段落的中心思想 一个好 的主题句还能限制话题所谈论的范围 表明段落展开的方向及方法 在每一个 主题句里都有一个 topic 和一个 controlling idea。 所谓 topic 是指这一段是关于 什么的 controlling idea 则指明作者的态度 如下面一篇作文题


Topic Sentences:

Para. 1 —— Earthquake is one of the most damaging natural disasters.

Para. 2 —— However, we still cannot accurately predict when and where the earthquake will happen.

Para. 3 —— Now scientists are working hard so as to find the ways to predict the earthquake.

第一段的 topic earthquake,controlling idea damaging。 第二段的 topic predict the earthquake,controlling idea cannot accurately predict。 第三段的 topic scientists,controlling idea find the ways to predict the earthquake。 这些 topics controlling ideas 是通过每个主题句的关键词 ( key words) 反映出来的 抓住各主题句里的关键词 对段落理解及其展开是极其重要的

2. 主题句的位置

主题句通常放在段落的开端 其特点是开门见山地摆出问题 然后加以详 细说明 其作用是使文章的结构更清晰 更具说服力 便于读者迅速地把握主 题和想象全段的内容 主题句可以放在段中起到承上启下的作用 或放在段尾 起概括全段的作用 但初学者比较难于掌握 因而在四级考试中 考生应尽量采 用将主题句放在段落开头的写作手法

主题句的位置在段首 这种类型最为常见 ):

Earthquake is one of the most damaging natural disasters. When a violent earthquake occurs, nearly everything on or near the epicenter will be destroyed. Houses will collapse or be severely damaged; millions of people will be killed or wounded. Even the survivors will become homeless and suffer from the loss of their relatives. What is worse, it also brings about some other disasters such as flood, fire,diseases etc. Therefore, people often think of it as an awful devil.


Let̓s take a look at the present world:the sky is no longer blue; the air is no longer fresh. The beautiful hills that used to be covered with trees are now bald; the crystal clear rivers are now filthy ditches. Our precious energy reserves are consumed at a faster speed than ever. Many incurable diseases are emerging one after another. The world where we are living is in a mess.

主题句的位置有时放在段落中间 这种写法通常是由内容来决定的

Californians and New Englanders are both Americans. They speak the same language and abide by the same laws. But they are very different in their ways of life. Mobility —— both physical and psychological —— has made a great impression on the culture of Californians; lack of mobility is the mark of the customs and morality of New Englanders.

主题句出现在段落中的位置完全由写作需要来定 当然 不是每个段落都 有主题句 一般来讲 150 字左右的短文 把主题句放在段首更有利于学生 扣准中心思想并展开论述

3. 怎样写好主题句

主题句在段落中有着举足轻重的作用 因此写好主题句是写好段落的关 在构思主题句时要注意以下三个方面

1) 主题句首先应是一个完整的句子 任何词组或修饰成分都不能做主题 。 More burdens 就不是一个完整的句子 。 Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. 则是一个比较好的主题句

2) 主题句不应太笼统概括 : Shanghai has traffic problems. 这句话太笼 对段落如何展开没有指导和限定作用 若改为 : The traffic problems in Shanghai are very serious and can be found in several ways. 则下文就能围绕 several ways 展开论述

3) 主题句不能太具体 : To check the environmental pollution, garbage is collected every morning in the city. 由于句子太具体就失去进一步展开意义的必 若改为 : Government should take some effective measures to stop the environmental pollution. 就便于展开

4) 各段的主题句应相互照应 如有一篇作文题为 : Making Decisions 三段 的主题分别是

Para. 1 —— Parents in China tend to make all decisions for their children.

Para. 2 —— Deciding everything for your children doesn̓t help them to make way in the world.

Para. 3 —— Growing to be independent is the natural way for everybody.

第一段主题句描写中国父母教育孩子的现状 紧接着第二段主题句对这一 现状加以评论 第三段主题句提出解决问题的办法 AuLIv28uGCw1eSmjOVQpVeJWKYnqR/vcEMDTggXIRWCyUIv0S4w/TJQ31CEPYb6K
