《儒林外史》汉英平行语料库为句对齐平行语料库,该平行语料库汉语原文为人民文学出版社版本,英语译文为杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇翻译的The Scholars.整个平行语料库的建设包括句对齐、词语标注及检索平行语料获得语词典型翻译的过程。
目前,平行语料对齐工具主要分为两种:一种是翻译软件自带的语料对齐程序,如国外SDL TRADOS中的WinAlign程序;Déjà Vu自带的Alignment Wizard程序; Wordfast中的Wordfast Aligner;国内雅信CAT中YXCAM下的快速建库平台;雪人CAT的双语对齐项目等。需要说明的是,上述程序一般在版本较高的软件中含有,早期的版本有的未含。另一种是独立的对齐程序,如autoaligner,bitext2tmx,eAlign-SuperAlign等。在《儒林外史》汉英平行语料库的建设过程中,我们使用的是雪人CAT的双语对齐项目来进行对齐。雪人CAT是由广东佛山雪人计算机有限公司自主研发的计算机辅助翻译软件,该软件充分利用计算机的超强计算能力、记忆能力和人的创造能力相结合而研制的人机互动的辅助翻译软件。不同于上述其它综合类翻译软件的是,雪人CAT是分语言开发的,如雪人CAT中英版,雪人CAT中日版,雪人CAT中法版等。针对特定的语言开发的软件效率高,操作方便,功能相对强大。如雪人CAT中英版,专门定位于中英及英中间的翻译,其附带的双语对齐项目由于利用内置词典以及模糊算法,充分考虑到英、汉语的不同特点,对齐效率及准确率均比较高。
以《儒林外史》第一回的原文及译文对齐为例,利用雪人CAT中英免费版(1. 37)双语对齐项目进行句子对齐操作。
图 1 打开雪人CAT双语对齐项目
图 2 导入原文与译文后的界面
图 3 初对齐结果
图 4 最终对齐结果
逐章回对齐后,保存成. STP文件。要导出双语对应后的对齐文件,须使用雪人CAT的标准版,该版是商用软件,购买后方可使用。标准版在加密锁的支持下可生成左右两列对应的HTML文件。可方便的将对齐后的原文与译文分开,分别保存成独立的文本文件,构成平行语料库。下面以第二回为例显示如下图。
图 5 第二回导出的HTML文件
第二回的前20个句对应单位如下:(囿于篇幅,仅以前20个句对应为例,以汉、英语分开、汉、英语间隔 及汉、英语句子进行结构、句序标注 三种形式排列)
Chapter 2
Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school.
Chou Chin passes the examination in his old age
In Hsueh Market,a village of Wenshang County,Shantung,there lived over a hundred families,all of whom worked on the land.
At the entrance to the village was a Kuanyin Temple with three halls and a dozen empty rooms. Its back door overlooked the river.
Peasants from all around contributed to the upkeep of this temple,and only one monk lived there.
Here the villagers would come to discuss public business.
It was the last year of the Cheng Hua period of the Ming Dynasty(1487),when the country was prosperous.
One year,on the eighth of the first month,just after New Year,some of the villagers met in the temple to discuss the dragon lantern dance which is held on the fifteenth.
At breakfast time the man who usually took the lead,Shen Hsiang-fu,walked in,followed by seven or eight others. In the main hall they bowed to Buddha,and the monk came to wish them a happy New Year. As soon as they had returned his greeting,Shen reproved him ."Monk!
At New Year you should burn more incense before Buddha!
Gracious Heaven!
You've been pocketing money from all sides,and you ought to spend a little of it.
Come here,all of you,and take a look at this lamp:it's only half filled with oil ."
Then,pointing to an old man who was better dressed than most:"Not to mention others,Mr. Hsun alone sent you fifty catties of oil on New Year's Eve. But you are using it all for your cooking,instead of for the glory of Buddha ."
The monk apologized profusely when Shen had finished. Then he fetched a pewter kettle,put in a handful of tea leaves,filled the kettle with water,boiled it over the fire and poured out tea for them.
Old Mr. Hsun was the first to speak ."How much do we each have to pay for the lantern dance in the temple this year?"he asked.
"Wait till my relative comes,"said Shen ."We'll discuss it together ."
As they were speaking,a man walked in. He had redrimmed eyes,a swarthy face,and sparse,dingy whiskers. His cap was cocked to one side,his blue cloth gown was greasy as an oil-vat,and he carried a donkey switch in one hand.
Making a casual gesture of greeting to the company,he plumped himself down in the seat of honour.
Chapter 2
Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school.
Chou Chin passes the examination in his old age
In Hsueh Market,a village of Wenshang County,Shantung,there lived over a hundred families,all of whom worked on the land.
At the entrance to the village was a Kuanyin Temple with three halls and a dozen empty rooms. Its back door overlooked the river.
Peasants from all around contributed to the upkeep of this temple,and only one monk lived there.
Here the villagers would come to discuss public business.
It was the last year of the Cheng Hua period of the Ming Dynasty(1487),when the country was prosperous.
One year,on the eighth of the first month,just after New Year,some of the villagers met in the temple to discuss the dragon lantern dance which is held on the fifteenth.
At breakfast time the man who usually took the lead,Shen Hsiang-fu,walked in,followed by seven or eight others. In the main hall they bowed to Buddha,and the monk came to wish them a happy New Year. As soon as they had returned his greeting,Shen reproved him ."Monk!
At New Year you should burn more incense before Buddha!
Gracious Heaven!
You've been pocketing money from all sides,and you ought to spend a little of it.
Come here,all of you,and take a look at this lamp:it's only half filled with oil ."
Then,pointing to an old man who was better dressed than most:"Not to mention others,Mr. Hsun alone sent you fifty catties of oil on New Year's Eve. But you are using it all for your cooking,instead of for the glory of Buddha ."
The monk apologized profusely when Shen had finished. Then he fetched a pewter kettle,put in a handful of tea leaves,filled the kettle with water,boiled it over the fire and poured out tea for them.
Old Mr. Hsun was the first to speak ."How much do we each have to pay for the lantern dance in the temple this year?"he asked.
Wait till my relative comes,said Shen ."We'll discuss it together ."
As they were speaking,a man walked in. He had redrimmed eyes,a swarthy face,and sparse,dingy whiskers. His cap was cocked to one side,his blue cloth gown was greasy as an oil-vat,and he carried a donkey switch in one hand.
Making a casual gesture of greeting to the company,he plumped himself down in the seat of honour.
<chapter> Chapter 2</chapter>
<title> Provincial Graduate Wang meets a fellow candidate in a village school. </title>
<title> Chou Chin passes the examination in his old age </title>
<sn="1"> In Hsueh Market,a village of Wenshang County,Shantung,there lived over a hundred families,all of whom worked on the land.</s>
<sn="2"> At the entrance to the village was a Kuanyin Temple with three halls and a dozen empty rooms. Its back door overlooked the river. </s>
<sn="3"> Peasants from all around contributed to the upkeep of this temple,and only one monk lived there. </s>
<sn="4"> Here the villagers would come to discuss public business.</s>
<sn="5"> It was the last year of the Cheng Hua period of the Ming Dynasty (1487),when the country was prosperous. </s>
<sn="6"> One year,on the eighth of the first month,just after New Year,some of the villagers met in the temple to discuss the dragon lantern dance which is held on the fifteenth. </s>
<sn="7"> At breakfast time the man who usually took the lead,Shen Hsiang-fu,walked in,followed by seven or eight others. In the main hall they bowed to Buddha,and the monk came to wish them a happy New Year.As soon as they had returned his greeting,Shen reproved him ."Monk!</s>
<sn="8"> At New Year you should burn more incense before Buddha!</s>
<sn="9"> Gracious Heaven!</s>
<sn="10"> You've been pocketing money from all sides,and you ought to spend a little of it. </s>
<sn="11"> Come here,all of you,and take a look at this lamp:it's only half filled with oil ."</s>
<sn="12"> Then,pointing to an old man who was better dressed than most:"Not to mention others,Mr. Hsun alone sent you fifty catties of oil on New Year's Eve. But you are using it all for your cooking,instead of for the glory of Buddha ."</s>
<sn="13"> The monk apologized profusely when Shen had finished.Then he fetched a pewter kettle,put in a handful of tea leaves,filled the kettle with water,boiled it over the fire and poured out tea for them. </s>
<sn="14"> Old Mr. Hsun was the first to speak ."How much do we each have to pay for the lantern dance in the temple this year?"he asked. </s>
<sn="15">"Wait till my relative comes,"said Shen ."We'll discuss it together ."</s>
<sn="16"> As they were speaking,a man walked in. He had redrimmed eyes,a swarthy face,and sparse,dingy whiskers. His cap was cocked to one side,his blue cloth gown was greasy as an oil-vat,and he carried a donkey switch in one hand. </s>
<sn="17"> Making a casual gesture of greeting to the company,he plumped himself down in the seat of honour. </s>
创建《儒林外史》汉英句对齐平行语料库的目的之一是获得某类词语中任何一词的典型翻译,为此须对汉语语料进行标注。标注,顾名思义就是对语料贴上标签,为此后的检索提供标记。黄昌宁、李涓子(2002)给标注下的定义是:一种给口语和(或)书面语料库增添解释的(interpretative)和语言的( linguistic)信息的实践。 标注的语料是已经对齐的汉语语料,标注不会对已经完成对齐的语料造成任何其它影响。
标注的工具采用的是北京外国语大学研制的语料库软件BFSU Qualitative Coder 1. 1。该软件由贾云龙、许家金设计,贾云龙负责编程,最新的版本为BFSU Qualitative Coder 1. 2 。实际标注时,要将事先设计的标注标记做成. ini文件导入程序中即可。将上述10个标记导入后,软件界面的上方就出现标记符号,使用时先用鼠标选择词语,然后点下标注集符号,标注立即完成。图6是以《儒林外史》第三回为例的标注结果,其中词语“学道”属于“科举官职”类,前后分别标上<kigz>和</kigz>;“贡院”也属于“科举官职”类,标记同上;“号板”也属于“科举官职”类,标记同上;“阴气”属于“医药”类,前后分别标上<yiyo>和</yiyo>。
图 6 标注样例
需要说明的是,利用软件BFSU Qualitative Coder标注后的不同类别的词语颜色可能不一样,但保存为文本文件后颜色消失,所有文本统一。
语料库语言学以文本数据作为研究对象,通过计算机检索,并进行统计分析来揭示语言事实。 Hunston(2002)指出:“语料库本身不能做任何事情,只不过是存储了一些使用过的语言,而只有与语料库工具结合才可以对语料库进行重新排列并对语言现象进行研究。” 平行语料库则需要借助平行语料库检索工具来发现翻译规律。常用的平行语料库检索软件包括AntPConc,BFSU ParaConc,CUC_ParaConc及ParaConc四种。
AntPConc是日本早稻田大学科学与工程学院英语教育中心Laurence Anthony教授研制的系列免费共享语料库检索及文本处理软件之一,目前最新版本为AntPConc 1. 1. 0 。该软件界面友好,操作简单,主要针对词语进行检索,支持通配符及大小写检索。可设置检索语境范围及每页显示的检索行数和显示比例。能对检索结果进行排序,并可随机抽样显示检索行。该软件的最大特点是平行语料库的个数不受限制,原则上支持无限个平行语料库。图7和图8分别为该软件的初始界面及检索结果。
图 7 AntPConc初始界面
图 8 AntPConc检索“大学士”结果
BFSU ParaConc 由北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心许家金、梁茂成及贾云龙设计,由贾云龙负责开发的一款共享软件。该软件界面清新,其最大特点是支持正则表达式检索、英文词形还原检索并可排除检索结果,主要用于课堂教学。图9和图10分别为该软件的初始界面及检索结果。
图 9 BFSU ParaConc初始界面
图 10 BFSU ParaConc检索“make”结果
CUC_ParaConc 由中国传媒大学博士程南昌开发,此软件是一款免费共享绿色软件,最初问世于2011年,在windows系统下运行,该软件是基于Delphi环境开发的。最新版本是0.3版,它的最大特点是可以分析最多达16种不同语言的平行语料,支持正则表达式,支持对Unicode、UTF8、ANSI等编码的纯文本语料检索,使用方便,功能强大。图11、图12和图13分别为该软件的初始界面及检索结果。
图 11 CUC_ParaConc初始界面
图 12 CUC_ParaConc检索“在下”结果(句子形式)
图 13 CUC_ParaConc检索“在下”结果(居中形式)
ParaConc 是由新西兰奥克兰大学应用语言学系教授Michael Barlow研发的一款用于双语及多语平行语料处理分析软件,可以对最多达4种不同语言的平行语料进行检索,利用其本身附带的统计分析功能,可以发现潜藏于文本深处的带有某种规律性的特征。目前常用的是Beta 269版,研发者目前已推出Unicode version ParaConc,这两个版本功能基本相同,均可实现包括平行文本的检索、排序、统计分析等功能,支持一般检索、平行检索、标注检索及正则表达式检索,结果输出格式多样,功能强大。图14和图15分别为该软件的初始界面及检索结果。
图 14 服饰类检索
图 15 服饰类检索后排序
对服饰类中的“方巾”一词进行检索,结果有59例,对应的翻译有:scholar's square cap,square scholar's cap,scholar's cap及square cap等,通过排序及二次检索发现square cap出现最多,scholar's cap次之,其它两个出现很少。因此“方巾”的典型翻译为“square cap”。下面对“方巾”一词翻译为square cap和scholar's cap随机抽出10例和5例,其中前10例为翻译成square cap的译例,后5例为翻译为scholar's cap的译例。
1.那梅玖戴著新 方巾 ,老早到了。直到巳牌时候,周先生才来。(第二回)
Mei Chiu arrived early,wearing his new square cap,but Chou Chin did not turn up till nearly noon.
2.直到太阳偏西,不见一个吹手来;二相公戴著新 方巾 、披著红、簪著花,前前后后的走著著急,问吹手怎的不来?(第六回)
Right up to sunset,not a single musician had arrived. In his new square cap and red sash,garlanded with flowers,the bridegroom was pacing anxiously up and down,demanding to know what had happened to them.
3.看门的道:“他有五六十岁,头上也戴的是 方巾 ,穿的件茧绸直裰,象个斯文人。”(第十回)
"He is between fifty and sixty,wearing a square cap and a silk gown. He looks like a scholar ."
4.看见匡超人戴着 方巾 ,知道他是秀才,便道:“先生贵处那里?尊姓合甫?”(第十七回)
Seeing from Kuang Chao-jen's square cap that he was a scholar,Ching asked:"May I know your distinguished native place,sir,and your honourable name?"
5.到了安东,先住在黄客人家。黄客人替他买了一顶 方巾 ,添了件把衣报,一双靴,穿着去拜董知县。(第二十三回)
On reaching Antung,Niu Pu put up with Mr. Huang,who bought him a square cap,some clothes and a pair of shoes. He put these on to call on the magistrate.
6.那轿揭开帘子,轿里坐着一个戴 方巾 的少年,诸葛天申依稀有些认得。那轿来的快,如飞的就过去了。(第二十九回)
The curtains of the chair were drawn,so that they could see the passenger—a young man in a square cap,who looked vaguely familiar to Chu-ko as the chair flashed past.
7.只见头戴 方巾 ,身穿宝蓝夹纱直裰,三绺髭须,黄白面皮,出来恭恭敬敬同二位作揖坐下。(第三十四回)
He wore a square cap and light gown of azure gauze,his beard was sparse and his complexion sallow. Bowing ceremoniously as he came out,he greeted Tu and Chih,and they sat down.
8.只见那余先生头戴 方巾 ,身穿旧宝蓝直裰,脚下朱履,白净面皮,三绺髭须,近视眼,约有五十多岁的光景,出来同二人作揖坐下。(第四十四回)
Mr. Yu was wearing a square cap,an old sapphire-blue gown,and crimson slippers. He had a clear complexion and a beard,was near-sighted and looked about fifty. After entering the library,he greeted them and sat down.
9.那日,余大先生正坐在厅上,只见外面走进一个秀才来,头戴 方 巾 ,身穿旧宝蓝直裰,面皮深黑,花白胡须,约有六十多岁光景。(第四十八回)
One day Yu Yu-ta was sitting in the hall when in walked a licentiate in a square cap and old blue gown,with a swarthy face and grey beard,who looked over sixty.
10.陈四老爷出来,头戴 方巾 ,身穿玉色缎直裰,里边衬着狐狸皮袄,脚下粉底皂靴,白净面皮,约有二十八九岁,见了金修义,问道:“你昨日可曾替我说信去,我几时好去走走?”(第五十三回)
Chen came out dressed in a square cap,jade-coloured gown of brocade over a fox fur jacket,and black shoes with white soles. He had a fair complexion and was twenty-eight or nine ."Did you deliver my message yesterday?"he asked ."When had I better go?"
11.那日从学里师爷家迎了回来,小舍人头上戴著 方巾 ,身上披著大红绸,骑著老爷棚子里的马,大吹大打,来到家门口。俺和衙门的人,都拦著街递酒。(第二回)
The day that young Ku was welcomed back from the school he wore a scholar's cap and a broad red silk sash,and rode a horse from the magistrate's stable,while all the gongs and trumpets sounded. When he reached the door of his house,I and the other yamen officials offered him wine in the street.
12.严监生戴著 方巾 ,穿著青衫,被了红稠;赵氏穿著大红,戴了赤金冠子,两人双拜了天地,又拜了祖宗。王于依广有才学,又替他做了一篇告祖的文,甚是恳切。(第五回)
Meantime Mr. Yen put on a scholar's cap,a blue gown and red silk sash,while Concubine Chao dressed herself in crimson and put a gold chaplet on her head. As they worshipped heaven and earth and the ancestors,Wang Jen drew on his vast erudition to write a most moving announcement of this marriage to the Yen ancestors.
13.公孙看那马二先生时,身长八尺,形容甚伟,头戴 方巾 ,身穿蓝直裰,脚下粉底皂靴,面皮深黑,不多几根胡子。(第十三回)
Over six feet tall and powerfully built,he was wearing a scholar's cap,blue gown and black shoes with white soles. His face was swarthy and his beard sparse.
14.那轿里走出一个人来,头戴 方巾 ,身穿沉香色夹绸直裰,粉底皂靴,手拿白纸扇,花白胡须,约有五十多岁光景,一双刺猥眼,两个鹳骨腮。(第二十二回)
The man who alighted from the chair wore a scholar's cap,sandalwoodcoloured silk gown and black shoes with white soles. He was carrying a white paper fan,had a grey beard and seemed about fifty,with eyes like a hedgehog and prominent cheekbones.
15.说道:“这帽子不是你相公戴的,如今且权戴着,到前热闹所在再买 方巾 罢。”(第二十三回)
"This is not a scholar's cap,"he said,"but you had better wear it until we come to a town where you can buy a square cap ."