

1.那时天色已明,看那人时,三十多岁光景,身穿短袄,脚下 八搭府 ,面上微有髭须。(第39回)

It was light enough now for him to see this fellow:a man in his thirties with a stubbly growth on his chin,who was wearing a short jacket and hempen shoes.

2.当下戏子吃了饭,一个个装扮起来,都是簇新的 包头 ,极新鲜的褶子,一个个过了桥来,打从亭子中间走去。杜慎卿同季苇萧二人,手内暗藏纸笔,做了记认。(第30回)

When the actors had finished their meal,they put on their costumes and make-up. They were all wearing brand-new headdresses and jackets. One by one they crossed the bridge and walked across the pavilion while Tu and Chi,who had paper and brushes concealed in their hands,made notes.

3.鲍廷玺插着花,披着红,身穿绸缎衣服,脚下粉底皂靴,先拜了父亲,吹打着,迎过那边去,拜了丈人、丈母。小王穿着 补服 ,出来陪妹婿。(第26回)

Pao Tinghsi,a flower in his cap and a red sash over his shoulders,was wearing a satin gown and black shoes with white soles. When he had bowed to his father he walked over—to the accompaniment of music—to bow to his father-in-law and mother-in-law,while Young Wang came out in official robes to keep him company.

4.一齐走到赵升家,小堂屋里坐下。凤四老参叫赵升把万中书的锁开了,凤四老爹脱下外面一件 长衣 来,叫万中书脱下公服换了。(第50回)

When they had reached Chao′s house and sat down in the hall,Feng asked Chao to unfasten the chains on Wan′s neck. Then he took off his outer gown and told Wan to change his official robes for civilian dress.

5.庄征君戴了 朝巾 ,穿了公服,跟在班末,嵩呼舞蹈,朝拜了天子。(第35回)

And Chuang,in a court cap and official robes,followed suit.

6.听得门外狗叫,申祥甫走出去迎了进来。众人看周进时,头戴一顶旧毡帽,身穿元色绸旧直裰,那右边袖子,同后边坐处都破了。脚下一双旧大红 绸鞋 。(第2回)

When dogs started barking outside,Shen Hsiang-fu went out to welcome the guest; and the villagers stared as Chou Chin came in. He was wearing an old felt cap,a tattered grey silk gown,the right sleeve and seat of which were in shreds,and a pair of shabby red silk slippers.

7.潘三打听得宗师挂牌考会稽了,三更时分,带了匡超人,悄悄同到班房门口。拿出一顶高黑帽、一件青布衣服、一条红 搭包 来,叫他除了方巾,脱了衣裳,就将这一套行头穿上。(第19回)

When the examiner had announced the time of the examination,Pan took Kuang Chao-jen at midnight to the gate-house of the examination school,where he made him take off his scholar′s costume and put on a tall black hat,a blue cloth gown and a red belt.

8.僧官走到楼底下,看茶的正在门口扇着炉子。僧官走进去,只见椅子上坐着一个人,一副乌黑的脸,两只黄眼睛珠,一嘴胡子,头戴一顶纸剪的凤冠,身穿蓝布女褂,白布 单裙 ,脚底下大脚花鞋,坐在那里。(第29回)

The prior went downstairs,past the tea attendant who was fanning his stove at the gate,and into the hall. There was a man sitting there—a swarthy man with brown eyes and a bushy moustache,who was wearing a paper chaplet,a woman′s blue cotton tunic,white skirt and large embroidered slippers.

9.这时正是四月初旬,天气温和,五个人都穿着 单衣 ,出了汉西门来叫船,打点一直到浙江去。叫遍了,总没有一只杭州船,只得叫船先到苏州。(第51回)

Since it was the beginning of the fourth month and the weather was warm,all five of them were wearing unlined clothes. Leaving Nanking by the West Gate,they searched for a long time for a boat to Chekiang; but they could not find a single boat to Hangchow,and had to board one bound for Soochow instead.

10.道人去了一会,只见楼上走下一个肥胖的道士来,头戴 道冠 ,身穿沉香色直裰,一副油晃晃的黑脸,两道重眉,一个大鼻子,满腮胡须,约有五十多岁的光景。(第30回)

He went away,and presently a fat priest came downstairs. He wore a Taoist′s cap and brown robe,had a dark,greasy face,bushy eyebrows,a big nose and thick beard,and looked over fifty.

11.两公子同蘧公孙都走出厅上,见他头上戴着新毡帽,身穿一件青布厚根 道袍 ,脚下踏着暖鞋。(第11回)

Old Chou was invited in,and the two brothers and Chu Hsien-fu went to the guest hall. They found the old man wearing a new felt cap,a padded gown of thick blue cloth,and warm shoes.

12.那小戏子一个个戴了 貂裘 ,簪了雉羽,穿极新鲜的靠子,跑上场来,串了一个五花八门。(第42回)

Then,dressed in ermine cloaks,pheasant feathers and the brightest costumes,the players raced in,leaping,somersaulting and forming figures.

13.那时天色已明,看那人时,三十多岁光景,身穿 短袄 ,脚下八搭府鞋,面上微有髭须。(第39回)

It was light enough now for him to see this fellow:a man in his thirties with a stubbly growth on his chin,who was wearing a short jacket and hempen shoes.

14.凤四老爹听了,又除了头上的帽子,叫万中书戴了,自己只包着网巾,穿着 短衣 ,说道:“这里地方小,都到我家去!”(第50回)

When Feng heard this he took off his own hat for Wan to put on. He had only a skull cap and jacket now himself ."These rooms are small; let′s go to my house,"he suggested.

15.此时是十月中旬,天气尚暖,穿着天青 缎套 ,官绿的 缎裾 ;督率着家人、媳妇、丫鬟,洗碗盏杯箸。(第3回)

Although this was the middle of the tenth month,it was still warm and she was wearing a sky-blue silk tunic and a green silk skirt. She was supervising the maids as they washed bowls,cups,plates and chopsticks.

16.到下午时分,六老爷同大爷、二爷来。头戴 恩荫巾 ,一个穿大红洒线直裰,一个穿藕合洒线直裰,脚下粉底皂靴,带着四个小厮,大青天白日,提着两对灯笼:一对上写着“都督府”,一对写着“南京乡试”。(第42回)

In the afternoon,Sixth Master arrived with his two cousins,who were wearing silk caps and black shoes with white soles. One had a red gown embroidered with gold,the other a pale grey gown embroidered with gold.Though it was broad daylight,the four servants with them were carrying lanterns bearing the inscriptions"The Brigade General′s Household"and"The Successful Nanking Candidate ."

17.那梅玖戴着新 方巾 ,老早到了。直到巳牌时候,周先生才来。(第2回)

Mei Chiu arrived early,wearing his new square cap,but Chou Chin did not turn up till nearly noon.

18.方才老爹说的,他是个诰命夫人,到家请会画的替他追个像,把 凤冠 补服画起来,逢时遇节,供在家里,叫小女儿烧香,他的魂灵也欢喜。(第20回)

As her father just said,she′s a lady now. When you return home engage a painter to make a portrait of her in her phoenix head-dress and embroidered costume; and during festivals sacrifice to her at home and tell her daughter to burn incense to gladden her spirit.

19.放过了炮,至公堂上摆出香案来,应天府尹大人戴着 幞头 ,穿着蟒袍,行过了礼,立起身来,把两把遮阳遮着脸。(第42回)

When the guns have been fired,an incense table is set out in the Hall of Supreme Justice,and the mayor of Nanking in sacrificial head-dress and serpent-embroidered robe bows,stands up and hides his face behind two umbrellas.

20.凤四老爹道:“明日仍旧穿了 公服 到这两家谢谢去。”(第50回)

"Tomorrow,"said Feng,"you must put on your official robes again and go to those two scholars′ houses to thank them ."

21.头上戴了 冠子 ,身上穿了大红外盖,拜辞了父亲,上了轿。(第40回)

When she had put on her chaplet and scarlet tunic,she knelt in farewell to her father,then mounted the chair.

22.每位代轿马五星,荷包、诗扇、 汗巾 三件。(第30回)

Each participant will receive fifty cents,two pouches,a fan inscribed with a poem,and a handkerchief.

23.吃着,只见外面又走进一个人来,头戴 浩然巾 ,身穿酱色绸直裰,脚下粉底皂靴,手执龙头拐杖,走了进来。(第24回)

While they were eating,an old man walked in leaning upon a dragon-head stick. He was wearing a hood,a dark purple silk gown and black shoes with white soles.

24.正想着,一个穿 花衣 的末脚,拿着一本戏目走上来,打了抢跪,说道:“请老爷先赏两出。”(第49回)

A small-role actor in bright clothes came in with a list of plays. He walked forward and knelt on one knee ."Please choose a few scenes,sir,"he said.

25.汤知县大惊,忙叫换去了 吉服 ,拥进后堂,摆上酒来。席上燕窝、鸡、鸭,此外就是广东出的柔鱼苦瓜,也做两碗。(第4回)

Magistrate Tang gave a start,and hastily called for a plain gown to change into,then bowed them into an inner room. Wine was brought and the table spread with birds′-nests,chicken,duck and two dishes of local fish and vegetables cooked in the Cantonese manner.

26.陈木南看徐九公子时,乌帽珥貂,身穿织金云缎 夹衣 ,腰系丝绦,脚下朱履。(第53回)

Chen saw that Hsu was dressed in a black sable cap,a lined brocade gown embroidered with clouds in golden thread,a silken sash,and vermilion shoes.

27.此时正是九月初五,天气亢爽,各人都穿着 袷衣 ,啜茗闲谈。又谈了一会,汤镇台、萧守府、虞博士都到了,众人迎请进来,作揖坐下。(第46回)

It was the fifth of the ninth month,and the weather was dry and clear.Wearing lined gowns,they chatted as they sipped tea,and presently Brigade General Tang,Second Captain Hsiao and Dr. Yu arrived. The others welcomed them in,and after making their bows they all sat down.

28.两个婊子抬头看那人时,头戴一顶破头巾,身穿一件油透的元色绸直裰,脚底下穿了一双旧 尖头靴 ,一副大黑麻脸,两只的溜骨碌的眼睛。(第42回)

The prostitutes looked up and saw a man with a dark,pockmarked face and shifty eyes,who was wearing a ragged cap,greasy black silk gown and old boots with pointed toes.

29.又有同伴的一个人,五尺以上身材,六十外岁年纪,花白胡须。头戴一顶毡笠子,身穿 箭衣 ,腰插弹弓一张,脚下黄牛皮靴。(第34回)

He was accompanied by a man of over sixty,about six feet tall,who had a grizzled beard and wore a felt hat,archer′s costume and brown ox-hide boots. At his belt was a catapult.

30.况且李太白穿着宫 锦袍 ,夜里还走,何况才晚?(第18回)

Didn′t Li Pai (701-762. A great poet of the Tang Dynasty. ) stroll about at night in his silk palace gown? Besides,it′s only just dark.

31.那小戏子一个个戴了貂裘,簪了雉羽,穿极新鲜的 靠子 ,跑上场来,串了一个五花八门。(第42回)

Then,dressed in ermine cloaks,pheasant feathers and the brightest costumes,the players raced in,leaping,somersaulting and forming figures.

32.遇着花明柳媚的时节,把一乘牛车载了母亲,他便戴了高帽,穿了 阔衣 ,执着鞭子,口里唱着歌曲,在乡村镇上,以及湖边,到处顽耍,惹的乡下孩子们三五成群跟着他笑,他也不放在意下。(第1回)

In the fresh and flowering spring he would take his mother out in a buffalo cart,and,dressed in his high hat and loose gown,flourishing the whip and singing songs,would drive all over the countryside and around the lake. Small groups of village children would tag after him,laughing; but he did not mind them.

33.上面坐着两个客;下面主位上坐着一位,头戴方巾,身穿白纱直裰,脚下 凉鞋 ,黄瘦面庞,清清疏疏三绺白须;(第41回)

Two guests were sitting in the seat of honour,and the host was wearing a square cap,white gauze gown and slippers. He had a thin,sallow face and a sparse white beard.

34.出来放头牌的时节,坐在上面,只见那穿 麻布 的童生上来交卷,那衣服因是朽烂了,在号里又扯破了几块。(第3回)

During the first interval,from his seat at the head of the hall he watched this candidate in the linen gown come up to hand in his paper. The man′s clothes were so threadbare that a few more holes had appeared since he went into the cell.

35.王冕穿上 麻鞋 ,背上行李。(第1回)

Wang Mien was wearing hempen sandals and carrying his possessions on his back.

36.那少年看那人时,头戴孝巾,身穿白布衣服,脚下 芒鞋 ,形容悲戚,眼下许多泪痕,便和他拱一拱手,对面坐下。(第39回)

This man was wearing a mourning cap,white hempen gown,and straw sandals. His face was ravaged with grief,and his cheeks were tear-stained.The young man clasped his hands in salute,and sat down facing him.

37.中间坐着一个看陵的太监,穿着 蟒袍 ;左边一路板凳上坐着十几个唱生旦的戏子;右边一路板凳上坐着七八个少年的小道士,正在那里吹唱取乐。(第30回)

In the central room sat a eunuch in charge of the imperial tombs,dressed in a dragon-embroidered gown. A dozen actors on the benches to his left and seven or eight young acolytes on the benches to his right were singing and playing musical instruments.

38.次早,遣家人去邀请鲁编修,直到日中才来,头戴纱帽,身穿 ,进了厅事就要进去拜老师神主。两公子再三辞过,然后宽衣坐下,献茶。(第10回)

The next morning a servant was sent to invite Mr. Lu; but only at midday did the compiler arrive,wearing his gauze cap and embroidered official gown.Upon entering the hall,he wanted to pay his respects before the shrine of his former tutor; but the two brothers declined again and again. Then they took off their official robes and sat down,while tea was served.

39.当下开箱子取出十两一封银子,又寻了一件旧 棉袄 、一双鞋,都递与他,道:“这银子你拿家去,这鞋和衣服,恐怕路上冷,早晚穿穿。”(第15回)

Ma opened his case and took out ten taels,then found an old padded jacket and a pair of shoes which he gave to Kuang Chao-jen ."Take this money home,"he said ."I′m afraid it may be cold on the trip,and the shoes and jacket are for you to wear in the early morning and evening ."

40.次日,大爷备了八把点铜壶、两瓶山羊血、四端 苗锦 、六篓贡茶,叫人挑着,一直来到葛来官家。(第42回)

The next day the elder brother prepared eight pewter jugs from Kweichow,two bottles of goat′s blood,four rolls of Miao embroidery,and six baskets of choice tea. He bade his man carry these to Ko Lai-kuan′s house.

41.正洗着,只见又是一个丫头,打了灯笼,一班四五个少年姊妹,都戴着貂鼠 暖耳 ,穿着银鼠、灰鼠衣服进来,嘻嘻笑笑,两边椅子坐下,说道:“聘娘今日接了贵人,盒子会明日在你家做,分子是你一个人出!”(第53回)

At this point in came another slave with a lantern,followed by four or five other prostitutes,all wearing sable ear-muffs and ermine or squirrel furs. They sat down giggling on the nanmu seats ."You′ve a distinguished visitor today,Pin-niang,"they said ."We must have a party in your house tomorrow,and you must pay for us all!"

42.两公子同蘧公孙都走出厅上,见他头上戴着新毡帽,身穿一件青布厚根道袍,脚下踏着 暖鞋 。(第11回)

Old Chou was invited in,and the two brothers and Chu Hsien-fu went to the guest hall. They found the old man wearing a new felt cap,a padded gown of thick blue cloth,and warm shoes.

43.杜少卿同武书上前一看,里边便是一个十八九岁妇人,梳着下路绺裘,穿着一件宝蓝纱大领 披风 ,在里面支支喳喳的嚷。(第41回)

Going closer,they saw a girl of eighteen or nineteen,who was scolding in the crowd. She had dressed her hair in the style of low-class women,and was wearing a sapphire-blue gauze cape with a wide collar.

44.严监生戴着方巾,穿着 青衫 ,披了红稠;赵氏穿着大红,戴了赤金冠子,两人双拜了天地,又拜了祖宗。王于依广有才学,又替他做了一篇告祖的文,甚是恳切。(第5回)

Meantime Mr. Yen put on a scholar′s cap,a blue gown and red silk sash,while Concubine Chao dressed herself in crimson and put a gold chaplet on her head. As they worshipped heaven and earth and the ancestors,Wang Jen drew on his vast erudition to write a most moving announcement of this marriage to the Yen ancestors.

45.一日,正在门首闲站,忽见一个 青衣 大帽的人一路问来,问到眼前,说道:“这里可是乐清匡相公家?”(第19回)

One day Kuang Chao-jen was standing at his door when a man in a big cap and blue gown came along ."Does Mr. Kuang of Yuehching County live here?"he asked.

46.将他那房里所有动用的金银器皿、真珠首饰,打了一个包袱,穿了七条 裙子 ,扮做小老妈的模样,买通了那丫鬟,五更时分,从后门走了。(第40回)

She bundled together all the gold and silver plate,pearls and jewels in the room,put on seven skirts and dressed herself like a maid,then bribed the slave girl to let her out by the back gate before dawn.

47.当家的老和尚出来见,头戴玄色缎 僧帽 ,身穿茧绸 僧衣 ,手里拿着数珠,铺眉蒙眼的走了出来,打个问讯,请诸位坐下,问了姓名、地方。(第28回)

…and the abbot came sleepily out,in a black brocade hat and robe of raw silk,carrying his beads. After greeting them he invited them to be seated,then asked their names and where they came from.

48.汤奉见了按察司,摘去 纱帽 ,只管磕头。(第5回)

On entering the presence of the commissioner,Magistrate Tang took off his gauze cap and kowtowed again and again.

49.钱麻子老婆正站在锅台傍边看他收拾鱼,被他这一掼,便溅了一脸的热水,连一件二色金的缎 衫子 都弄湿了,吓了一跳,走过来道:“这是怎说!”忙取出一块汗巾子来揩脸。(第27回)

Pock-marked Chien′s wife,who was standing by the stove watching,had her face spattered with hot water and her gold-embroidered brocade jacket soaked ."Look out!"she called angrily,jumping with fright,then hastily mopped her face with a handkerchief.

50.一日,张静斋来问候,还有话说,范举人叫请在灵前一个小书房里坐下,穿着 衰绖 ,出来相见,先谢了丧事里诸凡相助的话。(第4回)

One day Mr. Chang called,and asked to speak to Mr. Fan. He was invited into a small library in front of the shrine. Presently Mr. Fan came out in his mourning clothes,and began by thanking him for all his assistance during the mourning.

51.头戴一顶力士巾,身穿一领元色缎紧袖袍,脚踹一双尖头靴,腰束一条 丝鸾绦 ,肘下挂着小刀子,走到厅中间,作了一个总揖,便说道:“诸位老先生在此,小子在后面却不知道,失陪的紧。”(第49回)

He was wearing an athlete′s cap,a tight-sleeved black silk gown,boots with pointed toes,and a silken girdle. He also carried a dagger. Walking in,he bowed to the company ."I didn′t realize back there that all you gentlemen were here,"he said ."Please excuse me ."

52.上得船来,中舱先坐着两个人:一个老年的,茧绸直裰, 丝绦 朱履;一个中年的,宝蓝直裰,粉底皂靴,都戴着方巾。匡超人见是衣冠人物,便同他拱手坐下,问起姓名。(第20回)

He found two men sitting in the middle cabin:an old man dressed in a pale yellow silk gown with silk belt and red shoes,and a middle-aged man in a sapphire-blue gown and black shoes with white soles. Since both of them were wearing scholars′ caps,Kuang greeted them,sat down and asked their names.

53.当下果然到船上取了一件布衣服,一双鞋,一顶 瓦楞帽 ,与他穿戴起来。(第23回)

He brought him some cloth garments,a pair of shoes and a tile-shaped cap.

54.头上戴了冠子,身上穿了大红 外盖 ,拜辞了父亲,上了轿。(第40回)

When she had put on her chaplet and scarlet tunic,she knelt in farewell to her father,then mounted the chair.

55.凤四老爹听了,又除了头上的帽子,叫万中书戴了,自己只包着 网巾 ,穿着短衣,说道:“这里地方小,都到我家去!”(第50回)

When Feng heard this he took off his own hat for Wan to put on. He had only a skull cap and jacket now himself ."These rooms are small; let′s go to my house,"he suggested.

56.为头一人,头戴 武巾 ,身穿团花战袍,白净面皮,三绺髭须,真有龙凤之表。(第1回)

The leader of the band wore a military cap and flowered silk costume. He had a clear complexion,his beard was fine,and he looked every inch a king.

57.这时街上围了六七十人,齐铺铺的看。内中走出一个人来,头戴一顶 武士巾 ,身穿一件青绢箭衣,几根黄胡子,两只大眼睛,走近前向那官说道:“老爷且请息怒。(第12回)

By this time sixty or seventy people had gathered round to watch; and out of this crowd stepped a man with big eyes and a few brown hairs on his chin,wearing a military cap and black silk jacket. He walked up to the officer ."Please don′t take offence,Your Excellency,"he said.

58.想着一初到王府上,才满了月,就替大女儿送亲,送到孙乡绅家。那孙乡绅家三间大敞厅,点了百十枝大蜡烛,摆着糖斗、糖仙,吃一看二眼观三的席,戏子细吹细打,把我迎了进去。孙家老太太,戴着凤冠,穿着 ,把我奉在上席正中间,脸朝下坐了;我头上戴着黄豆大珍珠的拖挂,把脸都遮满了,一边一个丫头拿手替我分开了,才露出嘴来吃他的蜜饯茶。(第26回)

A month after I married Mr. Wang,his elder daughter′s wedding took place. She married a country gentleman named Sun,whose family had three large halls. They had lit a hundred candles and set out peck measures and fairies made of sugar,and they gave a magnificent feast and entertainment.The musicians played softly as I was welcomed in by old Mrs. Sun,who had on a phoenix head-dress and a gown of patterned brocade. They gave me the seat of honour at the highest table. I was wearing a veil of pearls as big as peas which covered my face completely,and I had one maid on each side of me who parted the pearls before I could sip their sweetened tea.

59.王员外道:“快吩咐来的家人把 孝服 作速换了,这事不许通知外面人知道,明早我自有道理。”(第7回)

"Quickly order the man from your home to take off his mourning,and forbid him to let outsiders know of this. Tomorrow morning I will see what I can do ."

60.问毕,换了 孝巾 ,系了一条白布腰绖。走到那边去,到柩前叫声“老二!”干号了几声,下了两拜。(第6回)

When he had made sure that they had all got something,and that this gift was for himself alone,he changed into a mourning cap and white cloth belt and went across to the other house. He called his brother′s name before the coffin,wailed a few times without shedding tears and bowed twice.

61.恰好有个乡里人在城里卖完了柴出来,肩头上横掮着一根尖扁担,对面一头撞将去,将他的个高 孝帽 子横挑在扁担尖上。(第12回)

Now a woodcutter who had just sold his firewood was walking out of the city with a pointed pole over his shoulder when Chuan Wu-yung barged into him,and Chuan′s tall mourning cap was impaled on this pole.

62.第三日成服,赵氏定要披麻戴孝,两位舅爷断然不肯道:“‘名不正则言不顺’你们此刻是姊妹了;妹子替姊姊只带一年孝,穿细布 孝衫 ,用白布孝箍。”(第5回)

The new wife insisted that she should wear heavy mourning,but on this point the Wang brothers were adamant. In unison they quoted one of the sayings of Confucius,and warned her,"You must conform to etiquette. Now you stand in the relationship of a sister to the dead woman,and a younger sister mourning for her elder sister should only wear mourning for one year—fine linen and a white cloth head-dress ."

63.头戴一顶力士巾,身穿一领元色缎紧 袖袍 ,脚踹一双尖头靴,腰束一条丝鸾绦,肘下挂着小刀子,走到厅中间,作了一个总揖,便说道:“诸位老先生在此,小子在后面却不知道,失陪的紧。”(第49回)

He was wearing an athlete′s cap,a tight-sleeved black silk gown,boots with pointed toes,and a silken girdle. He also carried a dagger. Walking in,he bowed to the company ."I didn′t realize back there that all you gentlemen were here,"he said ."Please excuse me ."

64.号令中军,马兵穿了 油靴 ,步兵穿了 鹞子鞋 ,一齐打从这条路上前进。(第43回)

He ordered his cavalry to wear waterproof boots and his infantry light climbing shoes. Then the whole main force set out along this path.

65.迎了出去,见轿子已落在门首。董孝廉下轿进来,头戴纱帽,身穿浅蓝色缎 圆领 ,脚下粉底皂靴,三络须,白净面皮,约有三十多岁光景。(第22回)

Niu Pu went out to welcome the visitor,and from the sedan-chair which stopped at the door descended the provincial graduate Mr. Tung. Wearing a gauze cap,a light blue silk gown with a round collar and black shoes with white soles,he had a slight beard and clear complexion and seemed to be in his thirties.

66.到那一日,大吹大擂,匡超人纱帽圆领,金带 皂靴 ,先拜了给谏公夫妇,一派细乐,引进洞房。(第20回)

When the day arrived,drums and cymbals struck up as Kuang Chao-jen,dressed in gauze cap,round collar,golden belt and black shoes,bowed to the censor and his wife. Then,to the accompaniment of stringed instruments,he was led to the bridal chamber.

67.又有同伴的一个人,五尺以上身材,六十外岁年纪,花白胡须。头戴一顶 毡笠 子,身穿箭衣,腰插弹弓一张,脚下黄牛皮靴。(第34回)

He was accompanied by a man of over sixty,about six feet tall,who had a grizzled beard and wore a felt hat,archer′s costume and brown ox-hide boots. At his belt was a catapult.

68.跟着一个汉子,酒糟的一副面孔,一顶破 毡帽 坎齐眉毛,挑过一担行李来,也送到中舱里。(第41回)

The man with them,in a tattered felt hat,had the red face of a toper and short,shaggy eyebrows. He carried their luggage into the cabin.

69.老和尚近前看那少年时,头戴武巾,身穿藕色 战袍 ,白净面皮,生得十分美貌。(第39回)

Drawing near,the abbot saw a fresh-complexioned,handsome young man in a military cap and light grey battle dress.

70.当下戏子吃了饭,一个个装扮起来,都是簇新的包头,极新鲜的 褶子 ,一个个过了桥来,打从亭子中间走去。杜慎卿同季苇萧二人,手内暗藏纸笔,做了记认。(第30回)

When the actors had finished their meal,they put on their costumes and make-up. They were all wearing brand-new headdresses and jackets. One by one they crossed the bridge and walked across the pavilion while Tu and Chi,who had paper and brushes concealed in their hands,made notes.

71.那一日早上,连饼也没的吃,只见外面走进一个人来,头戴方巾,身穿元色 直裰 ,走了进来,和他拱一拱手。(第28回)

One day when he could not buy even bread,a man in a square cap and black gown came in and greeted him.

72.那小戏子一个个戴了貂裘,簪了 雉羽 ,穿极新鲜的靠子,跑上场来,串了一个五花八门。(第42回)

Then,dressed in ermine cloaks,pheasant feathers and the brightest costumes,the players raced in,leaping,somersaulting and forming figures. olTiQIqgcOaEFYMa6osNSS3boEkpFv9e4MOf/lWNrhN8hPwhjzqtyPo9WHkRfZA7
