

1.潘三打听得宗师挂牌考会稽了,三更时分,带了匡超人,悄悄同到 班房 门口。拿出一顶高黑帽、一件青布衣服、一条红搭包来,叫他除了方巾,脱了衣裳,就将这一套行头穿上。(第19回)

When the examiner had announced the time of the examination,Pan took Kuang Chao-jen at midnight to the gate-house of the examination school,where he made him take off his scholar′s costume and put on a tall black hat,a blue cloth gown and a red belt.

2.范举人因母亲做佛事,和尚被人拴了,忍耐不得,随即拿帖子向知县说了。知县差 班头 将和尚解放,女人则交给美之领了家去;一班光棍带着,明日早堂发落。(第4回)

Because the abbot was to say masses for his mother,Fan Chin was impatient of any delay. He immediately wrote a letter to the magistrate,who sent a runner to release the abbot,let Ho Mei-chih take his wife home,and order the men who had accused them to appear in court the next day.

3.但查本人系禀生拔贡,不便追比,合详情褫革,以便严 ;(第9回)

…but since he is a salaried licentiate we cannot proceed,and he must be deprived of his rank before he can be condemned.

4.正值向知县出门,就喊了冤。知县叫 补词 来。(第24回)

The magistrate was just-leaving when she made her complaint,and he told her to send in a written charge.

5.鲍文卿磕头谢了。按察司吩咐书房小厮去向幕宾说:“这安东县不要 了。”(第24回)

Pao Wen-ching kowtowed in thanks,and the commissioner told his servant to inform the secretary that no further investigation was required in the case of the Magistrate of Antung.

6.就是已革生员,怎么拖到总兵的 参案 里去?”(第50回)

Even if that were true,how could he be involved with this brigade general?"

7.祁太爷道:“那苗镇台疏失了海防,被抚台 参拿 了,衙门内搜出你的诗笺,上面一派阿谀的话头,是你被他买嘱了做的,现有赃款,你还不知么?”(第51回)

"Because Brigade General Miao neglected the defence of the coast,he was arrested by the governor. In his office they found a poem you had written for him,with a dedication couched in most flattering terms. You were bribed by him to write,and we know the amount of the bribe. Do you still pretend to be innocent?"

8.请问太公祖,隔省 差拿 ,其中端的是何缘故?”(第51回)

May I ask why Your Honour sent runners to arrest me in a different province? I assume there must be some reason ."

9.严致和见 差人 来说此事,他是个胆小有钱的人,见哥哥又不在家,不敢轻慢。(第5回)

But,rich as he was,he was timid. When the runners showed him the warrant and he learned that his brother was not at home,he dared not offend them.

10.董知县一路到了京师,在吏部投了文,次日过堂 掣签 。(第23回)

Magistrate Tung went straight to the capital,reported his arrival and went the next day to draw lots for his new appointment.

11.那知县接了 呈词 ,即刻升堂,将舵工、朝奉、水手一干人等,都叫进二堂,问道:“你们盐船为何不开行?(第43回)

As soon as the magistrate received this charge,he summoned the helmsman,clerks and all the boatmen concerned to the second court ."Why didn′t your salt boats keep going?"he demanded.

12.差人道:“既然没有银子,他本人又不见面多我们不要耽误他的事,把 呈子 丢还他,随他去闹罢了。”(第14回)

"Well,if there is no money and Mr. Chu won′t appear in person,we had better not delay any longer. I′ll return the indictment to Huan-cheng,and he can do what he likes with it ."

13.余二先生和代书拱一拱手。只见桌旁板凳上坐着一个人,头戴破头巾,身穿破直裰,脚底下一双打板唱曲子的鞋,认得是县里 吃荤饭 的朋友唐三痰。(第45回)

Yu clasped his hands to greet the clerk,then saw a man sitting on a bench by the table. He was wearing a ragged head-cloth,a tattered gown,and shoes with the soles flapping loose. Yu recognized him as Tang San-tan,a pettifogging lawyer.

14.差人道:“为这件事,不知费了多少唇舌,那小奴才就像我求他的,定要一千八百的乱说,说他家值多少就该给他多少,落后我急了,要带他回官,说:‘先问了你这好拐的罪,回过老爷,把你纳在监里,看你到那里去 出首 !’(第14回)

"The trouble I′ve had over this!"declared the runner ."That slave kept demanding a thousand or eight hundred taels as if he had me at his mercy,claiming Mr. Chu should pay him as much as his family′s worth. I lost my temper in the end and threatened to take him to the court .′First we′ll try you for kidnapping Shuang-hung,′ I told him .′We′ll report the case to the magistrate and have you thrown into gaol. Then we′ll see how you set about accusing people there!

15.访得潘自业(即潘三)本市井奸棍,借藩司衙门隐占身体,把持官府,包揽 词讼 ,广放私债,毒害良民,无所不为。(第19回)

It appears that Pan Tze-yeh is a local criminal who has been making use of his official position and concealing his real character to practise legal chicanery,lending money at exorbitant rates of interest and injuring the peoplethere is no crime of which he is not guilty.

16.第二起叫将老师夫上来,大骂一顿“大胆狗奴”,重责三十板,取一面 大枷 ,把那五十斤牛肉都堆在枷上,脸和颈子箍的紧紧的,只剩得两个眼睛,在县前示众。(第4回)

The next to be called was the old Moslem. Magistrate Tang stormed at him for his wicked presumption,and gave him thirty strokes. After that he put him in a large pillory,packing the fifty catties of beef so tightly around the man′s neck and face that only his eyes could be seen. He was pilloried in front of the court as a public example.

17.当下两人把牛浦扯着,扯到县门口,知县才发 二梆 ,不曾坐堂。三人站在影壁前,恰好遇着郭铁笔走来,问其所以。(第22回)

His uncles dragged him to the yamen gate. The magistrate had not yet entered the court,and as they were waiting outside the screen Kuo Tieh-pi the seal-cutter came along and asked what they were doing there.

18.传进书办去细细商酌,只得把几项盐规银子凑齐,补了这一项。准了晋爵保状,即刻把杨贡生放出监来;也不用 发落 ,释放去了。(第9回)

Calling in the secretary,he bade him appropriate some of the salt tax to pay the merchant,accept Tsin Chueh′s offer to act as guarantor,and release Licentiate Yang immediately — there was no need to bring in a verdict.

19.竟是抚台 访牌 下来,县尊刻不敢缓,三更天出差去拿,还恐怕他走了,将前后门都围起来,登时拿到。(第19回)

It seems that the order came down from the provincial governor,so the county magistrate dared not delay but sent to arrest him at midnight,fearing he might escape. They surrounded the house and arrested him then and there.

20.轿子冲着大门立定,只见大门里粉屏上贴着红纸朱标的“内阁中书”的 封条 ,两旁站着两行雁翅的管家,管家脊背后便是执事上的帽架子,上首还贴着两张“为禁约事”的告示。(第49回)

As his chair stopped at the gate,he saw pasted on the whitewashed screen a red paper inscribed in vermilion:"The Secretary of the Imperial Patent Office ."On either side stood a smart row of stewards,and behind them were hat-stands bearing official announcements.

21.知县叫递进词来,随即批出‘仰族亲处 。’(第6回)

After asking her for a written statement,the magistrate decreed that the matter should be decided by the clan.

22.翟买办道:“害病,就要取四邻的 甘结 !”(第1回)

"If he were ill,"objected the bailiff,"I should have to get a signed statement to that effect from the neighbours ."

23.明日早堂,将这老师父拿进,打他几十个板子,取一面大枷枷了,把牛肉堆在枷上,出一张 告示 在傍,申明他大胆之处。(第4回)

Tomorrow morning bring his case before the court,and give him several dozen strokes; then have him pilloried and pile the beef on him,posting up a notice by his side making his guilt clear.

24.当下补了词,出差拘齐了人, 挂牌 ,第三日午堂听审。(第24回)

When this was received,runners summoned all those concerned and a notice was posted up of the time of the trial,which was to take place three days later at noon.

25.县道:“你曾到过不曾到过,本县也不得知,现今无为州有 关提 在此,你说不曾到过,你且拿去自己看。”(第45回)

"I know nothing of this affair .""I don′t know whether you were there or not,"said the magistrate ."But I′ve a warrant here from Wuwei. Since you say you were never there,take a look at this ."

26.那知县与江都县同年相好,就密密的写了一封书子,装入 关文 内,托他开释此女,断还伊父,另行择婿。(第41回)

This magistrate had passed the examination in the same year as the magistrate of Chiangtu County and was a good friend of his,so he enclosed a confidential letter in his official report,asking his colleague to release Miss Shen and send her back to her father in order that she might marry again.

27.秦二侉子说道:“这件事原是毛兄的不是,你以为没有中人借券,打不起 官司 ,告不起状,就可以白骗他的。(第52回)

"You were in the wrong,Brother Mao,"said Chin ."You thought,because there was no middleman,Chen couldn′t take the case to court or sue you; so you tried to trick him.

28.立过继文书:倪霜峰。凭中邻:张国重、王羽秋。都 画了押 。鲍文卿拿出二十两银子来付与倪老爹去了。鲍文卿又谢了众人。(第25回)

When this document had been signed by Mr. Ni and the two witnesses,Pao Wen-ching produced twenty taels and gave them to Mr. Ni,then thanked them all.

29.签了一张批,备了一角关文,吩咐原差道:“你们押送沈琼枝到江都县,一路须要小心,不许多事,领了 回批 来缴。”(第41回)

He then wrote an official report ."Escort Shen Chiung-chih to Chiangtu County,"he charged the runners ."Take good care of her on the way,and don′t make trouble. I shall want a written report of her safe arrival ."

30.祁太爷立即拈了一枝 火签 ,差原差立拿凤鸣歧,当堂回话。(第51回)

The prefect picked up a bamboo slip,and ordered the same runners to fetch Feng at once for questioning.

31.只是敝上人吩咐,说是个要紧的人犯,所以差了各省来 。(第50回)

Our prefect issued a circular saying he is a dangerous criminal,so summonses have been sent to the different provinces.

32.那堂上堂下的皂隶,大家吆喝一声,把 夹棍 向堂口一掼,两个人扳翻了凤四老爹,把他两只腿套在夹棍里。(第51回)

The runners above and below the dais raised a shout,brought in the ankle-screws,and tossed them down at the entrance to the court. Two of them then threw Feng to the ground and fitted the ankle-screws on him.

33.凤四老爹接着,问府差道:“你是 解差 们?(第50回)

They found Feng waiting for them ."Are you the escort?"he asked the local runner.

34.凤四老爹同差人转出弯,到县门口,来到刑房里,会着萧二老爹,催着他清稿,并送签了一张 解批 ,又拨了四名长解皂差,听本官签点,批文用了印。(第50回)

He went round the corner with them to the yamen and called at the file clerk′s office to see Mr. Hsiao,to ask him to hurry up with his report of this case. When the documents were ready,four runners went to ask the magistrate to assign them duties.

35.本县取具口供,随取本学册结对验,该生委系在凤阳科试,未曾到无为诈赃,不便 解送 。(第45回)

We checked his evidence with our school records,and it is a fact that he took the examination at Fengyang,therefore could not have gone to Wuwei to receive a bribe. Thus we cannot arrest him.

36.说罢,便退了堂。两个 解役 把牛奶奶解往绍兴去了。(第24回)

When the magistrate had dismissed the court,two runners accompanied Mrs. Niu to Shaohsing.

37.总督那里又批下来,同雷太守的所见竟是一样,专问别庄燕、冯君瑞两名要犯,“务须刻期拿获 解院 ,以凭题奏”等语。(第43回)

The viceroy′s comment was like Prefect Lei′s—he asked only about the chief culprits,Pieh Chuang-yen and Feng Chun-jui ."They must be captured at once and taken to the yamen,"he wrote ."Then only can we send a report to the government ."

38.本县取具 口供 ,随取本学册结对验,该生委系在凤阳科试,未曾到无为诈赃,不便解送。(第45回)

We checked his evidence with our school records,and it is a fact that he took the examination at Fengyang,therefore could not have gone to Wuwei to receive a bribe. Thus we cannot arrest him.

39.景兰江说:”这敝友要借县里昨晚拿的潘三那人 款单 看看。”(第19回)

Ching Lan-chiang told him:"My friend would like to see the warrant for that man Pan,who was arrested last night ."

40.如今有个道理,是‘釜底抽薪’之法;只消请个人去把告状的安抚住了,众人递个 拦词 ,便歇了。谅这也没有多大的事。”(第5回)

I suggest that we go to the root of the matter by sending mediators to satisfy the plaintiffs. Then we can address an appeal to the magistrate and avoid further trouble ."

41.高翰林看了说道:“不但人拿的糊涂,连这 牌票 上的文法也有些糊涂。(第50回)

"Not only was the arrest a muddled affair,"said Kao,"the language of the circular is muddled too.

42.卜老爹接纸在手,看见一张花边 批文 ,上写着许多人的名字,都用朱笔点了,一单共有三十四五个人。头一名牛相,他知道是他亲家的名字。未了一名便是他自己名字卜崇礼。(第21回)

Old Pu took the paper and found that it was an official summons with a list of names on it marked with vermilion ink. There were thirty-four or thirty-five names in all,the first being that of his old friend Niu Hsiang and the last his own name Pu Tsung-li.

43.三公子满心惭愧,叫请了四老爷和杨老爷出来。二位一齐来到,看了关文和本县拿人的 票子 ,四公子也觉不好意思。杨执中道:“三先生、四先生,自古道:‘蜂虿人怀,解衣去赶。’(第13回)

Thoroughly mortified,Lou Feng sent for his brother and Mr. Yang and showed them the writ and warrant for Chuan Wu-yung′s arrest. Lou Chan was embarrassed too,but not so Yang Chih-chung ."Mr. Lou Feng,Mr.Lou Chan,remember the proverb!"he urged them,"if a wasp gets next to your skin,remove your coat to shake it off.

44.凤四老爹同差人转出弯,到县门口,来到刑房里,会着萧二老爹,催着他清稿,并送签了一张解批,又拨了四名长解皂差,听本官 签点 ,批文用了印。(第50回)

He went round the corner with them to the yamen and called at the file clerk′s office to see Mr. Hsiao,to ask him to hurry up with his report of this case. When the documents were ready,four runners went to ask the magistrate to assign them duties.

45.知县查上案去,批了个“ 如详缴 ”。(第6回)

Having asked the Kaoyao yamen for details of the case,he issued a decree endorsing Magistrate Tang′s decision.

46.知县听说,便叫带到 三堂 回话。(第41回)

The magistrate summoned her to the court for questioning.

47.交过五鼓,学道三炮升堂,超人手执 水火棍 ,跟了一班军牢夜役,吆喝了进去,排班站在二门口。(第19回)

At dawn three cannons were fired,the examiner entered the hall,and Kuang Chao-jen,holding an usher′s stick,mingled with the other ushers who bustled noisily in to stand on guard by the second gate.

48.余二先生没法,只得同差人走到茶馆后面去。差人望着里边一人道:“这余二相要写个 诉呈 ,你替他写写。(第45回)

Yu had to go to a building behind the tea-house with the runner,who called to a man inside:"The second Mr. Yu wants to write a plea. You write it for him.

49.我们衙门里拿到了强盗、贼,穿着 檀木靴 还不肯招哩!(第45回)

When we take thieves to our yamen,they won′t confess though we clap them in ankle-presses.

50.现今抚院大人巡海,整驻本府等着要 题结 这一案,你还能赖么?”(第51回)

His Excellency the governor is inspecting the coastal regions,and is putting up in our prefecture until this case is settled. How dare you deny your guilt?"

51.原来是差人拿了 通缉 的文凭投到县里,这县尊是浙江人,见是本省巡抚亲提的人犯,所以带人亲自拿去的。(第50回)

A runner had brought this circular to the county yamen. The magistrate happened to be from Chekiang himself,and when he saw that this criminal was wanted by the governor of his own province he led the constables to arrest him.

52.如今寄在 外监 里,明日领了文书,只怕就要起身。(第50回)

He′s now in the outer gaol. Tomorrow when we′re given the official report,we shall probably have to start back.

53.原来是差人拿了通缉的 文凭 投到县里,这县尊是浙江人,见是本省巡抚亲提的人犯,所以带人亲自拿去的。(第50回)

A runner had brought this circular to the county yamen. The magistrate happened to be from Chekiang himself,and when he saw that this criminal was wanted by the governor of his own province he led the constables to arrest him.

54.过了半个月, 文书 回头来,上写的清白。写着要犯余持,系五河贡生,身中,面白,微须,年约五十多岁。(第45回)

Half a month later another despatch arrived,this time with a clear description:"The malefactor Yu Yu-chung is a senior licentiate of Wuho,of medium height,with a white face and thin beard,in his fifties.

55.事关 宪件 ,人命重情,烦贵县查照来文事理,星即差押该犯赴州,以凭审结。(第45回)

This is a murder case,and the law has been flouted. We must trouble your district to look into this,and immediately send the criminal here to us under arrest,so that the case can be closed.

56.不然我也不知道,我有一个舍亲在县里当 刑房 ,令早是舍亲小生日,我在那里祝寿,满座的人都讲这话,我所以听见。(第19回)

"I wouldn′t have known,but for the fact that I have a relative who is a police officer in the district yamen. It′s his birthday today,and when I went to congratulate him everybody was talking about this. That′s how I heard.

57.话说向知府听见摘印官来,忙将 刑名 、钱谷相公都请到眼前,说道:“诸位先生将房里各样稿案查点查点,务必要查细些,不可遗漏了事。”(第26回)

When Prefect Hsiang heard that an official had arrived to take over his seals,he immediately summoned the secretaries in charge of punishments and finance ."I want you gentlemen to check all the documents in your departments,"he said ."Go through them very carefully. Be sure not to overlook anything ."

58.话说严贡生因立嗣 兴讼 ,府、县都告输了,司里又不理,只得飞奔到京,想冒认同学台的亲戚,到部里告伏。(第7回)

When Senior Licentiate Yen lost his case in the county and prefectural courts and the provincial commissioner of justice ignored his petition,he travelled post-haste to the capital,deciding to claim relationship with Commissioner Chou,in the hope that the latter would plead his case for him.

59.总督那里又批下来,同雷太守的所见竟是一样,专问别庄燕、冯君瑞两名 要犯 ,“务须刻期拿获解院,以凭题奏”等语。(第43回)

The viceroy′s comment was like Prefect Lei′s—he asked only about the chief culprits,Pieh Chuang-yen and Feng Chun-jui ."They must be captured at once and taken to the yamen,"he wrote ."Then only can we send a report to the government ."

60.查太犯未曾发觉之先,已自潜迹逃往贵治,为此 移关 ,烦贵县查点来文事理,遣役协同来差访该犯潜踪何处,擒获解还敝县,以便审理究治。(第13回)

This felon,before his crime was discovered,ran away to your county;hence we transmit this case to you and request your honourable county to deal with the matter and to send runners to assist our officers to find this culprit,who should then be arrested and brought back to our county for trial.

61.次日,一乘轿子,抬到县衙门口,正值汤知县坐 早堂 ,就喊了冤。(第6回)

The next morning she took a sedan-chair to the yamen. Magistrate Tang was holding court,and she laid her case before him.

62.随叫换了新夹棍, 朱标 一条封条,用了印,贴在夹棍上,从新再夹。(第51回)

He ordered them to bring a new pair of screws,which were sealed with vermilion writing. He examined these and added his official seal,then the runners started again.

63.方知县道:“授职的知照想未下来,因有了官司,抚台将你生员 了,也未可知。(第50回)

"No doubt your letter of appointment never reached Taichow,"said the magistrate ."And because of this charge the provincial governor struck your name off the list. We have no means of knowing.

64.公孙道:“老先生既边疆不守,今日却不便出来 自呈 ;(第8回)

"Since your circuit was lost,you can hardly return to the court,"said Chu Hsien-fu. evrcVLjhGfK/I2hF43wcAEXIFJqtAK6M4t2+N9Y/HXc7hK23Fv/RGPf2WMInYPae
