
2.2 从传统语境观到关联理论中的认知语境观

传统意义的语境观包罗万象,涉及具体语篇的上下文、时间、话题、说话方式、人际关系、人对世界的知识、人际间的相互了解、文化社会等。从认知语言学的视域看,传统语境观的缺陷在于:它不能客观地反映语言使用时交际双方的心理状态。实际上,人类的思维方式以及语言意义都来自人们的自身体验(Lakoff &Johnson,1980;Lakoff&Turner,1989;Gibbs,1994;Gibbs&Tendahl,2006)。话语理解并不一定要依赖具体语篇的语境,因为语言使用者通过经验或思维已经把有关的具体语境内在化、认知化了,这种语用要素内在化、认知化的结果就是大脑中的认知语境(熊学亮,1999)。随着认知科学的兴起,很多语言学家把客观世界中种种制约话语的因素定格在人的认知的前提之下,让主观的认知统揽全局,把语境对话语的制约看成是与交际者的智力、性格、情感、信念、意图等相互作用的结果,客观的语境因素只有通过认知的过滤才能对话语的生成和理解产生作用,在此基础上,语言学家提出了认知语境的概念。具体到英语学习过程,学习者主要利用句子语境和字面意义翻译法进行认知语境加工,其次是利用背景知识和母语背景知识;此外,学习者还利用猜测、心理意象以及句法分析等策略进行语境加工(徐知媛,王小璐,2014)。传统语境与认知语境概念的根本区别:传统语境概念认为,理解话语的语境,一般说来是事前固定的,理解话语靠的是语言的解码。而认知语境概念认为理解话语要看语境,而语境同样要在语用的一般原则下形成假设,通过心理认知的过程,形成新的语境,从而揭示话语明说的内容和暗含的内容。关联理论(Sperber&Wilson,2002)不仅试图回答有关交际的哲学问题,而且还要对听话人理解过程的心理问题进行解释。关联理论把语言交际看作一个明示—推理过程,涉及信息意图和交际意图,并从心理学的角度指出,语言交际是一种认知活动,是在关联原则支配下按一定推理规律进行的(王寅,2001)。关联是一个依赖语境的概念,Sperber &Wilson把语境看作是听话者大脑中一系列假设,推理是在新信息和语境假设之间进行的。话语的相关是语境效果和处理努力共同作用的结果。如果听话者在处理话语所传递的新信息时能以最小的努力获得最大的语境效果,那么话语具有最佳关联性。在交际过程中,每个交际行为都传递有最佳相关性的假定,即说话者总是通过话语提供具有最佳相关性的假设,话语理解则是通过一个处理话语找出最佳相关解释的推理过程。明示和推理是交际过程中的两个方面,从说话人的角度来看,交际是一个明示过程,即把信息意图明白地表现出来,而从听话人的角度来看,交际又是一个推理过程,推理就是根据说话人的明示行为,结合语境假设,求得语境效果,获知说话人的意图。从语言学研究的历史观来看,“关联理论的交际观并没有抛弃代码模式,相反,认定编码与解码是推理的基础。”(Sperber&Wilson,2006 :25)

2.2.1 认知语境的分类

一般情况下,认知语境包括物理语境和心理语境(认知处理),物理语境物理语境由“主体”、“对象”、“时间”、“场景”和“话题”五个因素构成。吕叔湘曾经举过一个典型的例子:同样一句话,不同的人说,意义也不一样,老师说“我去上课”,是去讲课,学生说“我去上课”是去听课;大夫说“我去看病”是给人看病,病人说“我去看病”是去让人给他/她看病(吕叔湘,1999)。格莱斯所提出的合作原则所依赖的语境更多的是现场语境或物理语境,见图 1。

图 1 传统语境观的理解模型


不难看出,传统语境概念认为,理解话语的语境,一般说来是事前固定的,理解话语靠的是语言的解码。而认知语境概念认为理解话语要看语境,而语境同样要在语用的一般原则下形成假设,通过心理认知的过程,形成新的语境,从而揭示话语明说的内容和暗含的内容。可见,关联理论突破了传统的语境概念,把语境看成一个心理建构体,即存在于听话者大脑中的一系列假设。为了有别于传统语境,关联理论中的语境称为认知环境。根据Sperber &Wilson,一个人的认知环境是由一系列可显映的事实或假设构成的集合。显映是可以感知的或可推理的。认知语境中包含着各种信息,比如从外部世界可以感知的信息,从短期记忆和长期记忆中可提取的信息,以及从以上两种信息中所推导出来的信息等都属于认知语境范畴。认知语境不止限于有关直接物理环境和刚刚说过的信息:对未来的预测、科学假设或宗教信仰、逸闻趣事理解、一般的文化假设、有关说话者心理状态的信念,都可能在话语理解时发挥作用。Sperber和Wilson提出的“相互显映(mutual manifestness)”这一概念为人们描述交际时的认知状态提供了可能。交际双方在交际过程中所运用的认知语境只是认知环境中相互显映的部分(苗兴伟,1997)。认知语境是在话语理解过程中认知结构不断选择的结果。但这种选择不是随意的,听话者百科记忆的结构及所从事的心智活动制约着听话者对语境假设的选择。一般认为,百科知识是以块状结构或图式的形式储存在长期记忆中的,因此,在演绎推理过程中,百科知识是以图式的形式而不是以单个假设的形式转换到演绎机制记忆之中的。百科知识是在话语理解的过程中据演绎推理的需要而做出的选择,听者还可以调用周围的情景信息来扩展自己的认知语境(苗兴伟,1997)。


认知语境是社会心理性质的,因为在具体语言使用过程中所涉及的情景知识(具体场合)、语言上下文知识(工作记忆)和背景知识(知识结构)三个语用范畴所构成的认知环境是社会中人所共享的东西。尽管人际的差异肯定存在,但是相似却是主流,否则人际间的交往就难以进行。认知语境又代表着社会团体所共有的集体意识,这种共有的集体意识在个人的知识结构里以“社会表征”(social representation)的方式储存下来,以协调人际间的行为和语言使用,使之适合社会、文化和政治环境(束定芳 2008)。

基于上述相关描述,认知语境观的认知模型可以通过下面的模型来解释,见图 2。

图 2 认知语境观的理解模型


Father(reprovingly):“Do you know what happens to liars when they die?”

Johnny:“Yes,sir,they lie still .”


If you do not learn a craft when you are young,you will have to earn your living by craft when you grow up. (你如果不趁年轻好好学点手艺,长大后就只有靠欺骗过日子了。)



2.2.2 认知语境的作用



Sperber和Wilson的“互相显现(mutual manifestness)”观点暗示了语言交际还包括非语言现象的意图推理。因为有的交际并不依赖语言,非语言表达就可以使交际顺利进行,这并不是说她们想用推理去取代符号解码,她们把符号作为规约体系供信息处理使用,而推理则在认知语境上操作。她们的显现是话语关联的保证,因为这种显现的程度直接影响心理图式的结构以及表征的排列状态,是语用推理的促成因素,显现也包括话语自身或语言提供的信息,能导致一种将两句看起来似乎不相干的话语拉到一起的逆向推理(backward reasoning or retroactive strengthening),她们认为语言交际时不存在违背准则的现象,而只是话语或表达和语境之间关联程度的变化。话语或表达有时在比较小的语境(比较直接的语境)里面不相干。而在比较大的语境(比较间接的语境)里却是关联的,这与格赖斯的“违背对话准则就导致特殊会话含义”不同。 认知语境对语义的制约作用


(1)Mary looked very hard(玛丽看上去非常努力/非常严厉/非常艰难。)


(2)College demands change. (大学要求改革/大学的要求变了。)

很明显,例句中的demands既可理解为动词,也可理解为名词。 change同样如此。于是此句就产生了两个不同的意思:(1)大学要求改革。 demands是动词,change是名词。(2)大学的要求改变了。 demands是名词,change是动词。再如:

A:Bob doesn’t seem to have girlfriend these days.

B:He’s been driving to Newcastle every weekend.




不难发现,歧义是把一个语言单元孤立起来看时才会产生的,只要把它放在一定的语境中,歧义才不存在。语言的使用与特定的环境有密切的联系,语言的交际功能只有在特定的言语环境中才能实现。 认知语境对语义的创造性作用

词汇语义尽管存在字面意义或者词典意义,但是在具体运用过程中其意义往往带有不确定性,会出现新的意义、新的所指。归其原因就在于语境的因素。语境不仅仅制约歧义,还能给词汇语义提供创造性的临时意义。比如“The graying of Australia has produced a significant shift in the provision of retirement housing”。“gray”的本义是“灰白色的”。这里作者用“gray”暗指“澳大利亚的人口老龄化倾向”。这个新的意义是“gray”一词本身所不具备的基本义。正是特定的语境使“gray”一词获得了这一临时含义。脱离了这个特定的语境,“gray”就不可能是这一含义。再如:I was shocked at his sexist attitude and told him that I was in love with Pandora because of her brains and compassion for lesser mortals. My father gave a nasty laugh and said,“Oh yeah!And if Pandora was as ugly as sin,you wouldn’ t have noticed her bloody IQ and bleeding heart in the first place .”

这是在一次父子谈心时,儿子向父亲透露自己之所以爱上女同学Pandora,是因为她聪颖过人,且富有同情心。而父亲却对此不以为然,认为儿子是受她美貌的吸引,便对儿子讽刺道,“Oh yeah”显然是一个反语Irony。翻译时应考虑保留这一反语的讥讽语气,但如果照字面直译为“确实是”并不足以传达出yeah所带的强烈情绪色彩。因而根据Oh yeah在这一语境里的实际内涵及篇章所提供的相关信息,这里应该理解为为:“父亲冷笑一声说:‘说得倒好听!要是潘多拉是个丑八怪,你会看上她的那个智商和软心肠吗’”?






2.2.3 中国特色新词汇举隅

词汇的变化是语言最明显的特征。当代英语新词汇涵盖了社会生活的各个领域,外来词汇在新词汇中占到越来越高的比例。中国最近几十年的发展,受到了世界的瞩目。随着中国的国际地位的不断提高,具有中国特色的汉语译借词越来越多地出现在英美报刊上。要理解这些新词汇就必须了解词汇产生的一系列认知原则,即人类经验、感知选择以及文化偏爱。本研究试图通过几十年来中国政治、经济、文化等领域出现的 25 个新词汇(引自《中国日报(China Daily)》)来加以说明:词汇的理解需要大量的语境干预加上语用推理以及语用充实,这不仅仅符合人类的心理现实性,能够揭示自然语言的本质特征,而且也是符合宇宙间的自然法则。

1. 丽媛风(Liyuan feng):Liyuan style

Peng Liyuan, wife of President Xi Jinping, has drawn extensive attention from people both at home and abroad for her charisma and grace. Accompanying her husband on his first overseas trip after becoming president,Peng Liyuan exhibited graceful demeanor, a pleasant personality and well-chosen dress, prompting people to coin the term“ Liyuan style ”(Liyuan feng).

Peng Liyuan, as one of China's best-known singers, was popular among Chinese people long before her husband became the president. Loved by her fans, she has been in touch with the people for years.

“Liyuan style” is not only representative of a fashion icon, but also transcends cultural and diplomatic barriers. The beautiful handbags Peng has carried, and the plain but elegant and delicate dresses she has worn have become popular. Her choice of clothing, made-in-China instead of luxurious foreign brands, shows her belief in domestic dress designs, and augurs well for the domestic clothing and fashion industry.

But “Liyuan style” is not only about clothing and a woman's paraphernalia. It is also about diplomacy and promoting China's soft power. In Moscow,Peng visited a boarding school for orphans and children estranged from their parents, encouraging them to strive for a better life, which brought out the maternal side of her character. In Tanzania, she donated sewing machines and school bags to women and children. And as a World Health Organization ambassador in the fight against AIDS,Peng is devoted to many public causes, including those relating to charity and healthcare.

Some observers have already started saying that Peng’s activities have become part of public diplomacy in China.

Also,“Liyuan style” has boosted the confidence of the Chinese people. Modern but not flashy, elegant but not arrogant,Peng has all the virtues of a Chinese woman and carries them to the international stage.

Since the 18th Party Congress and the annual sessions of the NPC and CPPCC, the country's new leadership has vowed to adopt a down-to-earth work style to connect with the people. Peng's plain but elegant style shows that thriftiness and an earthy style need not be drab and boring.

So it can be said that Peng's debut on the international stage has kicked off well.

国家元首是外交的第一角色而“第一夫人”则是外交的“第二角色”。彭丽媛作为国家第一夫人,在陪同习近平各种的外交活动当中的穿衣风格,无不体现了中国风优雅大气之风范,成功展现了中国女性形象。在美国著名杂志《名利场》公布的 2013 年全球最佳着装榜中,彭丽媛入选其中,用她独特的“Liyuan style”击败美国第一夫人米歇尔和法国总统奥朗德女友瓦莱丽,而上一次中国的领袖夫人上榜,还是 1943 年的宋美龄;同时,她还被美国《时代周刊》评为“全球百大最时尚人物”。彭丽媛的穿衣风格非常朴素,优雅大方,而且并不盲目崇拜一些所谓的国际大牌,非常受民众喜爱。所以丽媛风不仅仅是时尚的代名词。更是中国文化和外交名片(“Liyuan style” is not only representative of a fashion icon, but also transcends cultural and diplomatic barriers)。

2. 土豪(tuhao):The uncouth rich

A new term, tuhao , has become very popular on the Internet. The first character,tu, means uncouth and the second, hao, referes to bold or bullying. The combination tuhao was originally used to mean " local lords". But now it is being used as a term to mock China's nouveaux riches.

After Apple released the new iPhone 5S, the gold-colored set became a must-have item for many Chinese. Consumers in China have become passionate about the gold-colored iPhone 5S sets, prompting the media to nicknamed them tuhao jin (or tuhao gold) which denotes the lavish and garish tastes of China's rising nouveau riche class.

People find tuhao to be aptly worded, because nouveaux riches have garish tastes and lack good cultural traits and sophistication. Although tuhao is a derisive term, it is being widely used by netizens to poke fun at the rich who are like luxurious products with little use or content.

Tuhao has gone viral on Chinese social media in recent weeks. The popularity of the term can be a manifestation of the social phenomenon in China: the widening wealth gap and social stratification, which has made the public disdainful of the uncouth rich.But it also reflects money worship prevalent among some people because " let's be friends with tuhao", too, has become popular on weibo.


3. 洗洗澡(xi xi zao):Take a bath

The Communist Party of China General Secretary Xi Jinping raised the slogan "take a long look in the mirror, groom oneself, take a bath and seek remedies" in folksy style to highlight the importance of the " mass line". The " mass line" campaign, officially launched in June, aims at prioritizing the interests of the people, sharing the joys and sorrows with the people, and forging closer Party-people ties by eliminating the "four forms of decadence": formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and waste (or extravagance of Party members).

In other words, to study the mass line,CPC officials should focus on self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation and self-awareness. The emphasis on building personal character is echoed in Xi's slogan. And the catchphrase " take a bath" means Party officials should indulge in soul-searching and take measures to eradicate formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance.

Identifying mistakes (committed by others or oneself) and criticizing those who commit them is not difficult. But few people do so. Some people are afraid of criticizing others for fear of a backlash or damaging their relationships with friends, relatives or colleagues. And some are reluctant to admit their own mistakes for fear of losing face.

We must realize that the purpose of criticizing (others or oneself) is to identify the shortcomings and help improve the Party's work styl its purpose is to unite, not to create a chasm or isolate someone. That's why Party cadres have been urged to take the lead in " taking a bath", and voicing their criticism and suggestions frankly.

党的群众路线教育实践活动过程中,习近平提出的“照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病”的总要求,用形象化的语言、表达了深刻的哲理,既通俗易懂,又寓意深刻。洗洗澡,就是思想和作风上一尘不染、干净整洁。要达到这个目的,党员干部就应该洁身自好,多给自己的身体和思想洗洗澡,干干净净做事,清清白白做人。洗洗澡,就要努力解决党员干部作风不正的问题。贪图名利,弄虚作假,不务实效,脱离群众,不负责任。对于这些问题,单靠教育引导去正衣冠是不够的,这就需要拿起批评和自我批评的武器,通过帮助党员干部洗洗澡的方式去彻底洗掉这些作风不正的问题。这里的“洗洗澡”已经完全不是原型的规约意义,而是一种隐喻(to identify the shortcomings and help improve the Party's work style)。

4. 中国梦(zhong guo meng):Chinese Dream

The concept of pursuing the “ Chinese Dream ” has become a highly discussed goal since the 18th Party Congress. The dream was put forward by Xi Jinping, after he was sworn in as the head of the Party. When he visited the “The Road Toward Renewal”exhibition in Beijing along with the other six members of the Political Bureau Standing Committee,Xi emphasized that realizing the nation’s great rejuvenation“ is the greatest dream in the country’s modern history”.

At the closing ceremony of the First Session of the 12th National People's Congress on Sunday,Xi expounded the “Chinese Dream” in his first public speech as China's new president:“We must make persistent efforts, press ahead with indomitable will,continue to push forward the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to achieve the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation .”

Xi emphasized that it is “a dream of the whole nation, as well as of every individual”, saying that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to succeed and to enjoy a wonderful life.

Everyone has a dream, such as having a decent job, or enjoying better education.The Chinese dream may have various interpretations as it is embodied in the dreams of everyone.

The great rejuvenation of the nation also creates a close bond between the nation and the people. People are pinning high hopes on China's new leaders and their promise that they will realize the “Chinese Dream” for the 1.3 billion people in China.


5. 克强经济学(ke qiang jing ji xue):Likonomics

Likonomics , a term coined by Barclays Capital economists on June 27 to describe Premier Li Keqiang's economic policy, comprises three pillars: no stimulus, deleveraging and structural reform.

The response of China's central bank to last month's alarming cash crunch and soaring inter-bank borrowing rates shows the determination of the government to deal with any eventuality.

Li has said the economy cannot rely on stimulus or government-led investment for growth. Instead, it has to count on market mechanisms, and banks must make better use of existing credit and take sound measures to curb financial risks. In fact, thats what the first two pillars of Likonomics are all about: no economic stimulus, and deleveraging in the financial sector.

"Reform is the biggest dividend for China",Li has said. Li and his cabinet are expected to use economic reforms to lead China toward new growth. Structural reform,the third pillar of Likonomics, in areas such as the financial and fiscal systems, income distribution, land use and the hukou (house registration) system are have been widely discussed.

A clearer framework for economic reforms will probably be laid out at the Third Plenum of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee in the fall. And although Barclays Capital has forecast that Likonomics will cause a temporary " hard landing" with growth in some quarters slowing down to as low as 3 percent in the next three years, the slowdown will be followed by rapid rebound in the long term.

In the final analysis,Barclays says,Likonomics will lead the Chinese economy to a path of sustainable growth of 6-8 percent a year for the next 10 years.

2013 年 6 月,外资机构巴克莱资本公司提出“克强经济学”概念,其包含三个主要的构成部分,也被解读为“克强经济学”的三大支柱,其核心内容可概括如下:





6. 干货(gan huo):Ganhuo is being stressed at the two sessions

Ganhuo literally means dried goods and refers to foods and seasonings that have been preserved by removing their moisture content. But ganhuo has also developed another figurative meaning and it is used when refering to the essence of a speech or a story, as opposed to empty words.

Ganhuo is being stressed at the two sessions, during which the NPC deputies and CPPCC members voice the concerns of the people and make suggestions. They are being encouraged to speak their minds in a straightforward way, instead of indulging in rhetoric that merely echoes the voices of those at the top.

China's new leadership has pledged to improve the Party's work style, and ganhuo discards formality and bureaucratism and embodies a down-to-earth style of working.For example, officials are encouraged to not to read their prepared reports at meetings,to be specific and to the point, and to improve the efficiency of the conferences.

Ganhuo is highly advocated as a means of staying in touch with the people. By embracing ganhuo the Party win the trust and support of the people and so become closer to the people.

2011 中国互联网大会进入第三天,论坛略显沉闷,部分嘉宾演讲变成推销公司的行为更是激起现场观众不满,一时间,现场观众通过腾讯微博上墙发泄对演讲嘉宾不满,直呼“求干货”。并引发现场共鸣,“求干货”也很快成为互联网大会热词,并被百度百科收录。从“求干货”的强烈诉求里可以看到照本宣科、只说空话套话、走过场的演讲模式已不再站得住脚。

7. 红包大战:Battle of the red envelopes

A Spring Festival red-envelope war started after online payment operator Alipay began to give gift money cash and vouchers to its users on Feb 11. Mobile payment terminals, social network apps and offline businesses have all participated in this Spring Festival promotion campaign, which attracts wide public concern.

China's three major Internet companies Baidu,Alibaba and Tencent have joined hands with numerous businesses to invest in the campaign for Spring Festival red envelopes. As the originator of giving gift money to users,Chinese popular mobile messaging app WeChat, run by Tencent, has declared that it will join its cooperative business partners to send about 500 million yuan in ($ 80 million) cash gifts and more than 3 billion yuan in gift vouchers to its users.

The Spring Festival gift money campaign is a typical online to offline business strategy for the mobile payment platforms. The users get actual benefits in the form of cash or vouchers, but the campaign also benefits online and offline businesses, as the cash money and vouchers given to users stimulate e-buying and mobile payments.

春节给红包发展是一种过年习俗,这里面还寄托了亲人和朋友间的祝福和好运。在互联网时代,红包一头连着人,一头连着钱,是移动互联网与线下商业结合的重要手段。2015 年 2 月 9 日,支付宝、微信、百度纷纷发布春节红包发送额度,仅腾讯和阿里两家,春节期间就将送出超过 6 亿元的现金红包,附加以各种产品优惠券等形式出现的 64 亿元购物红包。其中,牢牢占据除夕夜黄金时间的春晚更是成为各家手机红包营销大战的“必争之地”。从 2015 年 2 月 11 日开始,以微信和支付宝为代表的“红包”大战拉开序幕。根据资料显示,仅仅从小年夜到正月初一,各大互联网巨头以及商家将通过微信、QQ、支付宝钱包、微博、百度、无秘等软件、社交平台送出上百亿元红包。

8. 蛮拼的(man pin de):Give it one's best shot

Chinese President Xi Jinping has used a popular Internet phrase "giving it one's best shot" to praise officials at all levels in his New Year Speech. President Xi said officials at various levels had given it their best shot and "spared no efforts performing their duty. Of course, those achievements would not have been possible without the support of the people. I would like to salute our great people ."

This popular phrase used by Chinese netizens is a vivid reflection of the momentum of the achievements made in deepening reform in the past year. Just as President Xi said in his speech, in 2014 the government had pushed forward reforms with strong commitment, conquered many hardships and introduced a series of important reform measures closely associated with the interests of the general public.

All these breakthroughs could hardly be achieved without the efforts and dedication of civil servants at all levels .

The use of the Internet popular phrase in President Xi's speech reflects the top leader's approachable and amiable personality.

“蛮拼的”,2014 年年度中国媒体十大网络用语之一。2015 年前夕,中国国家主席习近平通过中国国际广播电台、中国中央人民广播电台、中国中央电视台,发表 2015 中国新年贺词。习近平强调,干部蛮拼的。习近平总书记使用“蛮拼的”这个高度大众化的网络词语表述一年来干部的基本工作状态,既接地气,形象生动,又时髦贴切。“蛮拼的”也因之一夜走红,成为社会解读的热点。让“蛮拼的”成为干部新常态,现在往往喻指“那些勤奋刻苦一族”。

9. 郭美美现象(Guo Meimei xian xiang):Guo Meimei phenomenon

Is one person enough to ruin a nationwide charity organization?If the person is 23-year-old Guo Meimei, the answer is yes. She grabbed the headlines when she used her micro blog to claim to be a manager of the non-existent "Red Cross Commerce"in 2011 while flaunting her luxury possessions such as Hermes handbags and Lamborghini sports cars. The blatant display of wealth made many people suspicious about possible corruption in the Red Cross Society of China.

The scandal, together with the lack of transparency and other problems associated with charity organizations, dealt a heavy blow to the reputation of the Red Cross. Even though Guo was recently detained by police on suspicion of running a soccer gambling racket and has admitted that she had made false claims three years ago, the Red Cross is still far from regaining public trust.

Guo belongs to a group of people who love to show off their wealth online. In fact,her name is now widely used to describe this phenomenon, or xian xiang in Chinese.They flaunt their luxury cars, extravagantly decorated villas and even designer clothes made of banknotes, and, in the process, demean the poor struggling people. Most of such people say they owe their luxury possessions to wealthy, powerful parents or officials who have taken them as mistresses.

What is more shocking is that such sickening behavior is quite popular online.Quite a few websites offer special platforms for " luxury shows" which are marked by large numbers of false comments. And appallingly enough, some persons who gain "wide publicity" on such shows are invited to commercial performances in order to attract more viewers.

Such open boasting of inherited or ill-gotten wealth and sex trade is a violation of the social values of justice and equality. If such shows spread their evil tentacles further, many youths could lose faith in themselves to create a better tomorrow through hard work.

Furthermore, the naked display of wealth spreads hatred among low-and middle- income people against the rich and powerful. It's time people stopped watching such shows to ensure that they lose their appeal.


10. 状元热(zhuang yuan re):Craze for gaokao champions

The craze to identify students who have secured top scores in the college entrance exam (gaokao) and enroll them in top universities is evident once again with the publication of this year's gaokao results. But many experts have given a call to stop this craze because it has a negative impact on not only other students, but also the entire society. Some provincial education departments, such as those in Hainan and Heilongjiang, have even adopted measures to forbid the release of the list of gaokao "champions" in their provinces.

Provincial and regional education departments have been paying excessive attention to gaokao champions and showering them with honors and resources in violation of social values and customs. And, contrary to popular belief, there are certain objectives behind that-local authorities see it as an opportunity to win praise for their efforts on the education front.

The top scorers in the fierce competition of gaokao naturally become the toast of the provinces and regions they come from, and thus get the privilege of choosing the best universities for higher studies and are perhaps ensured of the brightest possible future in academics.

The truth, however, is that the gaokao champions do not necessarily become social elites and may encounter many ups and downs in their future life. Perhaps people who actively promote the top scorers also realize this. The craze for gaokao champions mirrors the importance people attach to the college entrance exam, and not their quest for real talents who would benefit society. This is because millions of families consider the gaokao as the most importance step in a youth's life which could make or break his/ her future.

Fortunately, there are signs that this craze is on the wane, because media reports are now focusing more on such students' learning methods and the honors bestowed on them are becoming more acceptable. As the education reforms deepen, it is likely that this craze will ultimately die out and people will adopt a more rational approach to evaluate the most successful candidates in the gaokao.



11. 12306 现象(12306 xian xiang):12306 phenomenon

Every year during the Spring Festival travel peak, people complain about 12306,the official online train ticket booking system. This year has been no exception, with people complaining about a range of issues, from temporary crashes during peak hours to the complicated identity verification procedure.

Even though problems do exist, the efforts made by the railway department to listen to customers and address their concerns should not be neglected. Moreover, technically speaking, it is not a simple task to improve a real-time trading system, especially one on such a large-scale.

In essence, 12306's predicament is not all of its own making. No matter how much the booking system has improved, the inadequate train capacity and therefore the odds of passengers successfully getting train tickets during the Spring Festival travel rush has remained unchanged. Therefore, the booking system, to a certain degree, is used as a"wall" for passengers to vent their anxiety at not purchasing a train ticket and their anger if they fail to do so.

This is not a unique phenomenon. But after complaining and criticizing the problems that emerge during the country's reform and development, it would be more rational for people to calm down and cultivate a sense of " process adaptation" and then work out ways to solve the problems.

Certainly, the call for such awareness is aimed at creating a positive social environment for reform and development rather than to connive with sluggishness and defend nonfeasance. Take the 12306 booking system for example, as there are questions and doubts from the public about whether it can develop a workable system, it should consider outsourcing or seek a partner in order to boost its efficiency. No matter what the result is, such efforts will be a learning process and help win public understanding.

每年春运,“购票难”都会遭遇各种吐槽,铁路购票网站 12306 是大家最现成的“靶子”。平心而论,差距客观存在,努力也不是虚言。从本质上讲,12306 的困境,不完全是它自己的困境。无论售票环节如何改进,春运期间铁路系统运力不足的现实都难以改变。

努力不曾停止,差距一时难消,“12306 现象”在整个中国的改革发展进程中,并不鲜见。无论是看病难、就学难,还是空气差、社保低,每一个问题都没有短时间内立竿见影的解决方案。所以这个词往往指的是“社会的比较难以解决却又亟待解决的问题”。

12. 嫦娥奔月(chang.e ben yue):Chang.e flew to the moon

China successfully launched the Chang.e-3 lunar probe from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province on Dec 2, which is another achievement in its moon mission. Chang.e-3 is China's first lunar rover and will be its first spacecraft to soft-land on the surface of an extraterrestrial body.

Chang.e-3 comprises a lander and a moon rover named Yutu, or Jade Rabbit.The moon rover is tasked with surveying the moon's surface and geological structure,and looking for natural resources. It will send back 3D images, measure infrared spectrums and analyze the lunar soil.

China's lunar mission is divided into three stages-orbiting, landing, and returning to Earth. Chang.e-3 is part of the second phase of China's lunar program following the success of the Chang.e-1 and Chang.e-2 missions in 2007 and 2010. China is looking to complete the third step of its lunar program in 2017, when it will hopefully land another probe on the moon, release a moon rover and bring back the probe to Earth.

The Chinese people have always been fascinated by the moon. They have turned that fascination into beautiful imagination seen in folk tales and classical literature.Chang.e is the moon goddess who swallowed immortality pills alone and flew from the Earth to the moon, leaving her husband Hou Yi behind. On the moon, she only had Yutu for company in the Grand Chill Palace. The launch of the lunar probe named after the goddess symbolizes the journey of Chang.e to the moon and her transformation into a light fairy.

中国古代汉族神话传说故事,讲述了嫦娥被逼无奈吃下了仙药西王母赐给丈夫后羿的不死之药后飞到了月宫的事情。现代意义上的“嫦娥奔月”喻指“嫦娥三号探测器”。词探测器于 2013 年 12 月 2 日在中国西昌卫星发射中心由长征三号乙运载火箭送入太空,当月 14 日成功软着陆于月球雨海西北部,15 日完成着陆器巡视器分离,并陆续开展了“观天、看地、测月”的科学探测和其它预定任务,取得一定成果。2013 年 12 月 16 日,中国官方宣布嫦娥三号任务获得成功。

13. 富二代(fu'er dai):Rich Second Generation

Fu'er dai literally means the rich second generation, a colloquial term used to describe the children of wealthy families in China. The group comprises those born after the 1980s.

The "rich second generation" has become synonymous with rich young brats showing off their sports cars, or flaunting their designer bags and other luxury possessions. These youths are known for their extravagant lifestyle and even have a fancy relationship with social media. For example, the participation of some rich youths in an online competition to show off their wealth became a hot topic this week.

The public, in general, views such youths with suspicion, especially because of their abrasive behavior and lack of accountability. Through its actions and attitude, the Fu'er dai, however, has highlighted the inequality in education, the gap in income distribution and the changing values of a money-oriented society.

Some rich families' children are different, no doubt (some can even be cited as role models for today's youths), but in general Fu'er dai represents a special class, reminding us how important it is to reform the education system and the income distribution pattern.

“富二代”指的是我国改革开放以来最早一代民营企业家“富一代”们的子女,如今他们靠继承家产,拥有丰厚财富。该词最早出现在《鲁豫有约》。该栏目对“富二代”的定义是:80 年代出生,继承过亿家产,他们被称为“富二代”。中国经济的快速发展,培育了急剧膨胀的富人群体,并进而产生了数量庞大的“富孩子”。先天优越的生存条件,为这些“富孩子”注入了别样的成长激素,从而把他们的生活演绎成了值得关注的社会话题。现实生活中,“富二代”往往带有贬义色彩,喻指“娇生惯养、生活糜烂、只会享受的人”。

14. 释放正能量(shi fang zheng neng liang):Radiating positive energy

Wiseman, a British psychologist described the human body as an energy field and that by stimulating one's inner potential, people could become more confident and vibrant.

Now positive energy has developed into a catchphrase in Chinese society where people approach life with optimism and confidence.

Things associated with positive thinking such as optimism, frugality, hardwork and things that are inspiring are called " positive energy".

Now Chinese people are hailing social development and spreading positive energy,which highlights the public's hope and desire for the betterment of people's livelihoods on the road toward a moderately well-off society.


15. Maker culture创客文化

At the executive meeting of the State Council,China's Cabinet, on Jan 28,Premier Li Keqiang pledged to establish a new platform for innovation and cultivate a " maker culture" in the country.

Maker is a term coined by the former chief editor of Wired magazine Chris Anderson, which refers to people who turn innovative ideas into creative products due to their hobbies and interests. Maker culture is an extension of the do-it-yourself culture,and combines technology, innovation and practice.

Premier Li has paid great attention to maker culture. At the first World Internet Conference last year,Li mentioned makers and emphasized that innovation creates value. Now the State Council has decided to provide supportive policies and measures to the development of a " mass maker space", which indicates the growing importance of the maker economy.

China is transitioning its development pattern so that innovation becomes a key driver of economic development, and a maker economy will be at the heart of that.



创客通常有着较强的知识管理能力,他们中的一部分人倾向于用线索式的邮件来管理他们的个人事务,邮件列表是其中一个不错的选择。有着较为固定的群体,彼此熟识且有稳定的线下聚会则是创客活跃的舞台。创客在其中与其他人分享自己的研究成果或作品,同时尽可能的展示所有的技术细节。他们在交流中聆听建议获取启发,整合来自不同知识领域的创意是他们的长处所在,所以通常的创客作品中有很多跨界的合作,许多都是艺术、工程、电子等领域的整合。他们热衷于追求事物的本源,对物理、化学、天文等自然学科抱有极为浓厚的兴趣,他们乐于探索原理性的真相,“拆解”也是乐趣的来源之一。Hackerspace、Makerspace以及Techshop等等都是创客经常聚集的线下场所。他们在这里举办Workshop带领新人进入社区,通过自由的Hackathon来发挥创意、训练彼此的默契,走出户外的MakerFaire、Burning Man同样也是他们自我展示的盛大节日。

16. 花瓶委员(Eye candy member)

The only celebrity member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Jiangmen City Committee in South China's Guangdong province,Zeng Zhiwei, a Hong Kong-based actor, has been criticized for failing to perform his duty as a political advisor. Zeng has not shown up at the annual meeting, nor has he submitted any proposal since being elected in January 2011. Organizers said Zeng had again asked for a leave of absence from year's session.

Members of the CPPCC, the country's political advisory body, are supposed to participate in the meetings and discuss the administration of political affairs. But there are some"eye candy"CPPCC members, mainly entertainment or sports stars, who let the public down because they don't take being a CPPCC member seriously. It's irresponsible to the public to reserve the position for these unqualified high-profile CPPCC members. Such " eye candy" members who don't do anything constructive should be replaced.

2 月 4 日,广东江门市 2015 年“两会”开幕,作为该市政协仅有的一名艺人“明星”委员(only celebrity member),香港著名演员(famous Hong Kong-based actor)曾志伟此次再次缺席。但自 2011 年 1 月当选为江门政协常委后,曾志伟四年来从未现身过江门“两会”(show up at the annual meeting)。江门市政协称,曾志伟今年再次“请假”(ask for a leave of absence),也没有提案(proposal)。

人大代表(NPC member)和政协委员(CPPCC member)的职责是参政议政(participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs),正如有委员所说,曾志伟的缺席就代表 64 万人失去权利(lose right)。这些没有做过任何建设性事情(don't do anything constructive)的明星委员应该被替换掉。针对“花瓶委员”的代替称呼有“明星委员”、“哑巴委员”、“缺席委员”等。由知名度很高的明星来担任政协委员本意是借由他们的社会影响力来建言献策,积极参政议政,然而本应该大声疾呼,积极进言的他们,却个个羞羞答答,乖如绵羊,温柔得成了哑巴,甚至借故不参加,不禁让人发问:“要这样的明星委员有何用?”每年一度费力花钱的政协会议还有开的必要吗?

17. 经济双引擎(Double engines)

The term was introduced by Premier Li Keqiang in his speech on China's economy at the World Economic Forum in Davos,Switzerland, on Jan 21. Li said that China's economy is not heading for a hard landing, as there are two engines for China's economic growth in the future: the government reforms and the market. It is the first time Li has used the expression " double engines", and it was immediately in the media spotlight, being interpreted as one of the core concepts of the latest version of "Likonomics".

China's economic potential depends on its huge domestic market, the hard work of the Chinese people, as well as good and proactive governance,Li said. A more liberalized market and government reform will help drive China's economic growth in the upcoming years. The function of the market is to encourage people to do business creatively and drive innovation to accelerate China's economy. The function of the government is to provide infrastructure construction and public goods and services, which is what China lacks. The premier has said that he was confident that by means of the two engines,China's economy would avoid the middle-income trap.




18. 刀把子(daobazi):Sword hilt

President Xi Jinping has given important instructions recently on political and legal work. He said,"We should cultivate a political and legal team that is loyal to the country, the people and the law. We should guarantee that the sword hilt is firmly held in the Party and the people's hands ."

"Sword hilt" refers to the control of powerful weapons. Political and legal authorities are the State's powerful departments, which have the power of restricting personal freedom and collecting personal property. The control of these sectors is crucial to the prosperity and stability of society. If they are out of the Party and the people's control and fall into the hands of someone with an ulterior motive, they will become sharp weapons that undermine the Party's cause and the people's legal interests.

President Xi's instruction that guaranteeing the sword hilt is firmly held in the hands of the Party and the people shows his earnest expectation on political and legal authorities. It requires political and legal authorities and officials to keep faith and strictly abide by the Party's discipline and rule. It also requires that the political and legal authorities and officials adhere to the Party's leadership.




19. 布鞋院士(buxie yuanshi):Academician in cloth

Li Xiaowen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a famous remote sensing scientist with Beijing Normal University, is known among the public as "the academician wearing cloth shoes". He died of an illness in Beijing on Jan 10 at the age of 67. The State leaders, including Premier Li Keqiang, sent floral wreaths to his memorial on Friday, which more than 1,000 people, including his colleagues from all walks of life, attended.

Professor Li was known for not only his academic achievements but also his simple lifestyle. One of his photos showing him in simple clothes and a pair of cloth shoes to deliver a lecture at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences last April went viral on the Internet. He looked like an old villager, rather than a famous scientist. He has donated his bonus and allowance to sponsor young students and scholars' scientific research. He has set a good example for researchers and scholars.

2015 年 1 月 10 日,北京师范大学的李小文教授因病去世了。这位曾经以“布鞋院士”的称号而闻名全国的教授之所以会得到人们的景仰和爱戴,其实并不仅仅是他的学术成就,还有他的衣着,他那返璞归真的打扮着实令人感慨万千。人们亲亲热热地在谈论“布鞋院士”,但是又有几人能真正懂得这位中国地理遥感界的泰斗呢?在这个被互联网控制了的时代里,一切阅读都是浅阅读,人们只是称赞“布鞋院士”外在“质朴”,却没有深入读出他精神层面的内涵。院士的布鞋不仅仅是一种消费意义上的节俭,那双布鞋所折射出来的是一个知识分子的独立人格。其实像李院士这样的知识分子中国并不少,因为他们低调,所以不为世人所知晓。难说在其他大学的校园里没有几个李院士这样的“扫地神僧”,但是我们还是得承认这样的知识分子实在是太少了。相形之下,跑课题、搞经费、抛头露面、夸夸其谈、结交权贵、争名夺利,哗众取宠地发表各种怪论的人还是太多了。教书育人、学术报国,无论作为职业标准还是作为职业理想,都被一些人放弃了。


20. 新年首虎(xinnian shouhu):The first tiger of the new year

On Jan 4, the first day after the New Year holiday, the website of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee announced that Yang Weize, the Party chief of Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province, was under investigation due to serious violation of the Party's discipline. Yang is the first provincial-level official investigated for suspected corruption in 2015, and the media is saying he is the first "tiger" to be caught this year. The downfall of Yang Weize marked the opening of the Party's anti- corruption campaign in 2015.

The past year was a milestone for the Party's anti-corruption efforts. Both "tigers" and "flies", which refer to senior and lower level corrupt officials, became targets of the anti-corruption campaign. In 2014 several provincial even national officials were investigated for graft, which shows the Party's resolution to fight against corruption.

Fighting against corruption is a daunting task that requires enormous courage and persistence. It is expected the anti-corruption campaign will continue in 2015.

习近平把新一届党中央的反腐思路,概括为“苍蝇、老虎一起打”。比喻大小贪腐一起打击。江苏省委常委、南京市委书记杨卫泽涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受组织调查,是今年(2015 年)首个被调查的老虎。接着浙江也出现“首虎”。16 日上午,中纪委公布了浙江省政协原党组副书记、副主席斯鑫良被查的消息。这是十八大后,浙江落马的“首虎”,也是今年开年以来落马的第四名省部级官员。“首虎”喻指“在某个特定时间由于腐败而受到党纪国法处罚的首个高级官员”。

21. 四个全面:four comprehensives

Comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively deepen reform, comprehensively implement the rule of law and comprehensively strengthen Party discipline.

“四个全面”指的是:全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党。这是习近平在 2014 年 12 月份首次提出的概念。

22. 新常态:new normal

A series of commentaries on“China’s economy in the ‘ new normal’”appeared on the media recently. China’s economic growth must adjust itself to the requirements of a “new normal” phase.


23. 一带一路:The belt and road initiatives

In September and October last year,President Xi jinping put forward, respectively, the two major initiatives of building an Economic Belt along the Silk Road abd a 21 st century Maritime Silk Road(One belt and one road). These two initiatives riveted the attention of the world and has since been welcomed and supported by many countries in the region. The main purpose of the initiatives is to carry forward the spirit embodied by the ancient Silk Road featuring peace, friendship, openness, inclusiveness,mutual benefit and win-win progress, further promote mutual understanding and trust between Asian countries, advance Asia’s economic integration, and contribute to peace, stability and common development in Asia.

去年九月和十月,习近平主席提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21 世纪海上丝绸之路”的两大倡议,受到国际社会的广泛关注,很多地区和国家表示欢迎和支持。中国提出“一带一路”的倡议,主要目的在于继承和弘扬和平友好、开放包容、互利共赢的古代丝路精神,进一步促进亚洲的经济一体化建设,为亚洲的和平稳定与共同发展做贡献。

24. 老虎、苍蝇一起打:Fight both “tigers” and “flies”

To tackle corruption, the Party must crack down on the " flies" at the bottom and the " tigers" higher up.


25. APEC蓝:APEC Blue

“APEC blue” is a popular phrase coined by China's netizens to describe the blue sky in the heavily-polluted Beijing during the APEC week, which was a result of tough emission-reduction measures. The Chinese people hope to make APEC blue a "new normal".

APEC期间,污染严重的北京市出现了久违的蓝天,中国网友戏称其为“APEC蓝”。蓝天重现是严厉减排措施的结果,中国人民希望“APEC蓝”能够成为一种“新常态”。同时也形容短暂易逝,不真实的美好。 VBzD/sEfiv54CQRSEhrCw+soTEoGNuW2YiMOiWpgpjRh5KSk9nDoRks0Cz7VfSoB
