
Project4 Language Exploration: Use and Usage

Task1 Matching

Match the words or expressions from passage A with their equivalents.

Task2 Gap-filling

Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper word or expression listed in the box. Change word form when necessary.

in pursuit of call for keep track of lose out slip away

tap into fall through map out up-to-date stand out

limit to tap on in case ahead of throw of

1. Since you're already friends with Mike on WeChat, you can_______his name and invite him to our group chat.

2. These reports reach subscribers several hours________the evening papers.

3. Most potential online customers are looking for vital_______information.

4. The guide quietly_______into the museum with no one noticing.

5. The elderly are advised to_______a savings strategy and figure out a way to live comfortably in their twilight years.

6. This incident sparked mass protests_______gender equality.

7. Her plan of travelling abroad this summer_______because of the pandemic.

8. Artists often_______their personal experiences for inspiration.

9. You can download this software to_______your account.

10.You need to make great efforts in your academic studies if you want to________in your class.

11.The sound was distracting and kept_______my concentration.

12.He wasted many good years of his life_______fame and fortune.

13.British children_______in critical areas of education.

14.They are documented here_______they ever become important.

15.Foreign individual holdings_______5%.

Task3 Simulating

Study the English sentences and translate the Chinese into English with the given sentence patterns located in brackets.

1. For instance, talk to seniors who are already working to find out about their experience thus far. Alternatively , you can approach the school's career services centre for more information.

(alternatively 引导句子表示选择


2. Keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs—both local and global— as it'll make you more marketable.

(as 引导原因状语从句


3. Don't stake all your hopes solely on a select few big-name employers. Instead , apply for roles in both big companies and SMEs.

(instead 引导分句表示对比


4. Even if they have no openings for you, this lets you widen your network— which you can leverage in the future.

(even if 引导让步从句, which 引导非限定性定语从句


5. Manage your expectations and work on your next plan in case you get a no from the last company you interviewed with.

(in case 引导条件状语从句


6. There's honestly no other way to get yourself out there except to do the necessary ground work.

(there be 存在句否定形式后 接 except 表例外

除了积极发展科技和生产力,没有什么其他的捷径可以把中国变得强大起来。 7sg4os7Q8wgFtCXYnKgWbS546mt1mkhjM/GxBppXod0pzYBC2SKVopk2wvhY6xK0
