
Project3 Insight Exploration: Discovering by Reading

Task1 Word-attacking

Listen to the following words and expressions and then repeat each of them after the recording.

Task2 Reading

Think about the following questions and try to answer them before reading.

1. What do you need to do before hunting for a job?

2. What kind of external sources can help you find a job?

3. What can you do with your résumé so as to win more attention from recruiters?

PassageA How to Achieve Your Ideal Career

Besides impressive paper qualifications, there are three other P's—preparation, planning, and positive action—that are just as important to help you to optimize your job search process.


A job search is not as simple as blindly handing out applications to prospective employers. Prepare years ahead of graduating and find yourself reaping the returns when you actually start applying for jobs.

Spend time researching

● Graduates often neglect research during the application process. Start early and tap into as many sources as you can. For instance, talk to seniors who are already working to find out about their experience thus far.

● Alternatively, you can approach the school's career services center for more information. Understanding the market and expectations of different roles can help you plan your education and career, especially when you're applying for an internship.

● Keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs—both local and global—as it'll make you more marketable. Being aware of industry-specific news also showcases your enthusiasm and interest in the job.

Do some networking

● Widen your network! Research shows that 40% of graduate job seekers here obtain information through a private contact, and an estimated 40% of jobs worldwide are based on recommendations. Families and friends are the easiest way to start growing your network.

● Keep in touch with contacts from past work experiences or internships.

● Attend networking sessions organized by the school's student clubs or societies, or source your own by looking at event websites that promote sessions based on collective interests.


Besides working on contingency plans, map out the types of employers, roles, and even sources you'll tap into in pursuit of getting the ideal job match.

Don't limit your job search to brand-name employers

● Popular employers often receive an overwhelming amount of applications for a limited number of positions. Don't stake all your hopes solely on a select few big-name employers. Instead, apply for roles in both big companies and SMEs. As a fresh graduate trying to get ahead in your career, you'll want to accumulate as much relevant experience and skills as you can—both of which can be acquired whether you're at a small or big firm.

Don't limit your job search to one specific role

● Consider different roles that may have a similar job scope or those that call for skill sets that you're keen on learning, and list them down for reference when going through job sites.

● You could even explore industries that would traditionally not be associated with your major, and find out what job opportunities are available for you in those fields. Keeping an open mind during the application process can lead to unexpectedly interesting job matches.

Don't limit your job search to job portals and classified ads

● Some employers may choose not to advertise on external platforms for budgetary reasons, so you'll need alternative ways to look for leads if you want to work for them. For instance, you can apply directly at their employer hubs.

● Alternatively, contact the company's HR department directly about possible job openings and send in a speculative application to showcase your interest in working for them. Even if they have no openings for you, this lets you widen your network—which you can leverage in the future.

Don't limit your job search to only Plan A

● Be ready with alternative plans in case a prospective offer falls through. Doing a constructive review of failed applications will help you draw up your plan for upcoming ones.

● Also, keep in mind that not all "good" interviews turn into job offers. Manage your expectations and work on your next plan in case you get a no from the last company you interviewed with.

(Take) Positive action

There's honestly no other way to get yourself out there except to do the necessary ground work. So take the right action throughout the process, and don't let your opportunities slip away.

Continue applying for jobs even in tough times

● Don't let news of a recession or competitive job market throw you off your job hunt. There's never really a lack of entry level jobs.

Customize your résumé and cover letter for each application

● Sending the same exact résumé and cover letter to 100 employers may save you a whole lot of time and effort, but you'll fail to stand out from other equally-qualified grads.

● Seasoned recruiters can identify a mass-produced cover letter/email or résumé at a single glance. Personalize your letter and show how your experience matches the requirements of the role on offer. If recruiters like what they read, they'll want to meet you to see if you're the right person for the job.

Follow up on your applications

● Reply to prospective employers asap as they are probably interviewing several other candidates and may overlook you if you fail to respond in time. Some employers may also be rushing to fill the position, so don't lose out.

● Thank-you emails post-interview can also influence the recruiters' decision to shortlist you for another round of assessment as it may help recruiters keep track of potential candidates interviewed. (846 words)

Task3 Inferring

Answer the following questions, using the information you have obtained from Passage A.

1. How can the school's career advice center help students prepare for their job hunting?

2. Why is it important for graduates to be informed of different kinds of news?

3. Why does the author advise against pinning hope on brand-name employers?

4. Why don't some employers advertise their job openings on external platforms?

5. Why should applicants reply to prospective employers as soon as possible if they receive an invitation for an interview?

Task4 Outlining

Fill in the blanks of the outline of Passage A with the words or expressions from the passage.

How to Achieve Your Ideal Career

1. Prepare

● Spend time researching

Start early to 1)_______many sources like talking to seniors, or ask the 2)_______for help.

Keep yourself up-to-date with current affairs and 3)_______news.

● Do some networking

Try to obtain information from a 4)_______such as families and friends.

Keep in touch with former colleagues.

Attend networking sessions organized by certain groups in the school.

2. Plan

● Don't just focus on brand-name employers Apply for both big and relatively small companies, such as 5) _______

● Don't limit your job search to one specific role Keeping an open mind during the application process.

● Don't limit your job search to only Plan A Be prepared for 6)_______plans in case of a failure in the interview.

3. (Take) Positive action

● Continue applying for jobs even in tough times Don't be discouraged by recession, as there are usually plenty of 7)________available. Try to customize your 8)_______as well as cover letter to stand out.

●9)_______your applications Give timely response to messages sent by employers. 10)_______emails may improve your chances of a successful application.

Task5 Summarizing

Fill in the blanks of the summary of Passage A with words or expressions from the passage.

The article offers some advice to graduates who wish to achieve an 1)_______career. There are three P's for them to bear in mind. They are 2)_______, planning,and positive action. Getting prepared means that graduates need to make use of different sources to educate themselves about market expectations, which would become very helpful when they apply for 3)___________. They also need to be well-informed of 4)________and industry-specific news. Meanwhile, they can take advantage of their network by asking 5)_______and friends for help. School clubs and 6)_______can also be helpful in terms of expanding their network.

When planning, they should remember not to focus on just a few number of popular companies, as their positions are 7)_______. The main goal is to 8)_______ experience and skills for themselves; they can even find opportunities outside of their majors. It is important to 9)_______. The final suggestion is to take positive actio and not to be daunted by a 10)_______or competitive job market. Job opportunities are still readily available. What they need to do, though, is to 11)_______ their résumés and cover letters to 12)_______from other job candidates.

Task6 Translating

Translate the following passage into Chinese.

Having worked for a global sales organization for a few years, I made a decision to exercise my entrepreneurial muscle and start a business with a few partners. Things were going well, but I wasn't happy. Then one day, I read one of the first articles about performance coaching back in the mid-1980s. It wasn't long before I sold the portion of my business to my partners to become an executive sales coach and further pursue my dream to be a writer.

Did I choose this career path because of the money I thought I could make, the prestige of the position or its level of security? Not at all. Besides, the coaching industry was so new, no one had even heard of this type of profession outside of sports. So I certainly didn't make this choice because of the financial security it offered. I became a coach and author because it was aligned with my core values, and my passion for wanting to support and assist others in making their careers and lives more successful and fulfilling; beyond what they thought was even possible for themselves. (187 words) rPccK+VroT2qi1Xa1gD8HRr5AZ9D5f5f1T1aqvkT9uO7+NKWofjRkUo/ip1FPYJ6
