
Project2 Subsequent Exploration: Discovering by Listening

Task1 Word-attacking

Listen to the following words and expressions and then repeat each of them after the recording.

Task2 Gap-filling

Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have just heard.

An Ideal Job

In a perfect world, we'd find our ideal job the very first time we went looking for it. Truth be told, a job that brings you satisfaction, 1)_______and interpersonal relationships you enjoy may take a lot of 2)_______to actually land. The key is to define exactly what you're looking for and never give up until it's yours.


When you're doing what you really love, you'll look forward to going to work every day. An ideal job is the one you would choose regardless of 3)_______.


An ideal job should bring in a salary that covers all of your 4)_______—shelter, food,transportation—as well as enough discretionary income to treat yourself to 5)_______.


Medical insurance and monthly contributions to 6)_______are essential if you ever become ill or decide to tear yourself away from that dream job and live 7)_______.


An ideal job should be sustainable in terms of ongoing demand for your products or services. It should also be one that provides enough challenge to keep your attention and encourages you to 8)_______.

Work Environment

The physical setting in which you do your work should be one that matches your personal style and accommodates whatever level of 9)_______makes you feel the happiest and most productive.

Time Management

When you're doing what you love, time can easily get away from you and turn into a bone of contention with family and friends. An ideal job is one that 10)_______and incorporates down-time for non-work-related pursuits.

Task3 Inferring

Listen carefully and then decide whether each of the following statements is true or false based on the information you have just heard.

1.□ True □ False People may disagree on the definition of an ideal job.

2. □ True □ False  Distance to work is usually not an important factor in choosing a job.

3. □ True □ False  Compared with a big company, it is easier for people in a small company to get promoted.

4. □ True □ False  A salary package includes many other benefits in addition to the pay.

5. □ True □ False  It is harder to find good help than it is to find a great boss.

6. □ True □ False  If the work environment looks terrible to you, it is advisable for you to quit immediately.

Task4 Retelling

Watch the video and fill in the blanks with the information below. Be prepared to retell what the speaker says in the video.

A Summary of Steven Job's Speech at Stanford University

Steven Jobs founded the company Apple with his friend when he was only 1)_______years old, and the company developed well in the subsequent decade. Then he got fired because 2)_______supported another person who disagreed with Jobs on some key issues. This was a 3)_______experience for him. He even thought of running away from Silicon Valley. But it dawned on Jobs that he still loved what he did and, one of the good things of being fired was that the heaviness of the pressure for success was replaced by the lightness of being 4)_______again, and it became one of the most 5)_______of his life.

In the next five years, he built two new companies called NeXT and Pixar. One of the two companies later produced the first 6)_______in the world. In another unexpected turn, Apple 7)_______. So Jobs went back to Apple again. This unique experience let Jobs realize that people should not 8)_______in the face of adversities. He was also convinced that 9)_______keeping him going was that he loved what he did,and he advised others to find out what they loved to do too and not to 10)_______. fctWRyGWLZYOlb1x2P0dejfdy8sXm6uMRdttM3Zfbow9v4l9WT4gf5jtOUBBDHVH
