

As the most important achievement of western natural science,the theory of evolution provided Chinese intellectual circles with the principle of understanding the world and reform and self-improvement from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Modern science represented by the theory of evolution not only changed Chinese intellectuals' understanding of nature and the relationship between heaven and man,but also started the process of ethical reform since the late Qing Dynasty. Just as Yan Fu's translation of Tian Yan Lun is based on Huxley's Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays . Evolution is closely related to the survival of“human”,and constitutes the most important spiritual background for the ethical reconstruction of“family,country and world”,which has been fully reflected in Lu Xun's discussion.

Lu Xun began to learn the theory of evolution during his study in Nanjing. Since then,in nearly three decades,the theory of evolution has deeply affected Lu Xun's concept of nature and laid his thinking of ethical reform centered on“establish human”.the historical period between 1898 and 1927 is selected to discuss the evolution of Lu Xun's natural view and his ethical reconstruction plan based on the thinking and expression of evolution.In order to build an integrated and holistic vision,this book tries to draw lessons from the inter-disciplinary approach,taking Lu Xun's thoughts in the history of the changing world,representing Lu Xun's view of natural and ethical issues as well as its generating process,to explore Lu Xun's context,premise and development of the thought.This book focus on the resources using directly or indirectly by Lu Xun,through the relevant material sources,revealing the uniqueness and the depth of Lu Xun's thoughts.Finally,the book aims to represent Lu Xun's great changes in ancient and modern China and the West and his subjective consciousness of dialogue with the times.

The introduction aims to explain the origin of problems related and its possibilities,the methodology of writing process,and then place the proposition of Lu Xun's view of nature and ethics in the background of late Qing dynasty,for the later discussion provides an intellectual history context.According to the topics discussed by Lu Xun had been changed with the changes of times and historical situations,the book is designed in the following six chapters.

The leading four chapters mainly discussed the texts which Lu Xun writing it during studying in Japan.Chapter One The Origin of Modern World and Lu Xun ' s Thought associates the formation of the east Asia with Lu Xun's life choices,and discusses how Lu Xun respond to the world order after the crash of Tianxia order,to the powerful Japan,Russia,and worship of power in Late Qing dynasty,and how did Lu Xun put forward the ethical demand of national construction;Chapter Two The Position of Human in the Nature discusses the change of Lu Xun's view of nature and the generation of the thought of “human” based on Tian Yan Lun ,and then taking The History of Human (《 人之历史 》)、 The History of Science (《 科学史教篇 》)as center texts,studies how Lu Xun to deal with the relationship between science and ethics;Chapter Three Changes of Historical Consciousness analyzes Lu Xun's historical thought of“pianzhi”(“ 偏至论 ”),the doctrine of “back to the ancients”(“ 复古论 ”),and the response to the civilization trend in the Late Qing dynasty.Chapter Four Poetry Politics and Ethics discusses the relationship between Lu Xun and sociology thoughts in Late Qing dynasty,how did Lu Xun transform the theory of “yanzhi”(“ 言志论 ”),oppose utilitarianism ethics,use of romantic literature and its view of nature.By the method of comparative study,the most important moral concept “sincerity” (“ ”)of Lu Xun's early years and its significance will be discussed.

The last two chapters will discuss Lu Xun's thoughts and his plight from the new culture movement to 1927.Chapter Five The Biology of Family Reform in May 4 th Period discusses the plans of family reform during the new culture movement.Center on the text How Do We Be Fathers Now and other essays at the same time,the book will explain the rationality and dilemma of evolution in the process of family reform;Chapter Six Lu Xun ' s Questioning and Reflection in the 1920 s will focus on Lu Xun's thoughts of human relations to nature in the 1920s and his reflection of the belief in evolution as well as the possibilities of ethics reform,and then to re-think the trend his thought during the end his life.

Key words :Lu Xun;Nature;Ethics;Evolution Ze6P446fuVPYW2jbfUAQvl4/Fk13IgQ0CHLrtF601CksElLpTzKYsNTCyaohWGNC
