

摘要: 以建设全国乡村振兴示范区为目标,四川省成都市郫都区以加快推进城乡融合发展为主线,以进一步深化要素市场化和体制机制改革为先导,以全面融合为路径,以共享发展为目的,全方位、全领域、全区域推进五大振兴,形成了融合共享的内生型乡村振兴模式。这一模式的内涵是依靠党建引领、改革驱动、产业支撑、文化赋能、开放推动的“五轮驱动”,推动城乡要素融合、产业融合、“三生”融合、服务融合、身份融合和生活融合“六大”融合,构建资源共享、机遇共享、成果共享的城乡发展共同体和乡村发展共同体,全面激发乡村内生发展活力。本书在概括主要做法,分析基本经验和推广价值的基础上,从构建新型城乡工农关系、加快农村产业融合发展、促进“三生”融合生态振兴、探索农村土地制度改革、完善乡村治理机制、推进乡村人才振兴六个方面系统介绍了郫都区探索融合共享的内生型乡村振兴之路的创新举措和实践价值。

关键词: 乡村振兴;城乡融合;共同富裕;内生型发展;郫都

Abstract: Pidu District of Chengdu has promoted five revitalization in all directions, all fields and all regions with accelerating intergrated urban-rural development as the main line, further deepening factor marketization and system and mechanism reform as the guide, comprehensive integration as the path and shared development as the purpose, forming an endogenous rural revitalization model of integration and sharing.The connotation of this model is to rely on the“five wheel drive”led by Party building, driven by reform, industrial support, cultural empowerment and opening-up, promote the“six major”integration of urban and rural elements, industries,“production, life and ecology”, services, identity and life, and build an urbanrural development community and rural development community with shared resources, opportunities and achievements, comprehensively stimulate the endogenous development vitality of rural areas.On the basis of summarizing the main practices, analyzing the basic experience and promotion value, this book systematically introduces the innovative measures and practical value of promoting rural revitalization in Pidu in six aspects, including building a new relationship between urban and rural, accelerating the integrated development of rural industries, promoting the ecological revitalization of the integration of“production, life and ecology”, exploring the reform of rural land system, improving rural governance mechanism and promoting the revitalization of rural talents.

Key words: Rural revitalization, Urban-rural integration, Common prosperity, Endogenous development, Pidu sQrLX5NKus0jP3RQeyhRaQlGDrgB11Urd/dOQmK8XmGsFRcWd7zY3KueAv71Nl1p
