

紧接着里约峰会(2012年)的成果,两个谈判进程得以启动,其目的是设计可持续发展目标和一个更广的2015年后的议程,各种团体包括民间团体都广泛参与了谈判。 [96] 这些进程在2015年9月达到了顶峰,联合国大会通过了一份名为《改变我们的世界:2030年可持续发展议程》(《2030年议程》)的文件。 [97] 《2030年议程》由四个主要部分组成:(1)一个简短的序言;(2)一个宣言;(3)一套可持续发展目标(包含17个目标);(4)一套针对履行的观察报告(通过履行手段和评估制度)。


宣言进一步指明了这些核心内容。意义重大的是,在“我们共享的原则和承诺”这一部分,宣言强调了国际法的作用 [98] 和《里约宣言》原则(提到两次)的作用,特别是共同但有区别的责任原则(common but differentiated responsibilities principle)。 [99] 宣言提供了《2030年议程》主要构成部分的背景资料,即可持续发展目标。 [100]

总体上有17个可持续发展目标,其中16个是实质性目标, [101] 而最后一个即第17个目标关注的则是履行问题。 [102] 每个可持续发展目标又被分解为多个具体目标,总计有169个目标。一个由27个国家组成的工作组(意味着更多自下而上的参与)设计了230个指标对这些目标轮流进行评测。这些指标在2016年3月获得了联合国统计委员会的通过。广义来讲,可持续发展目标有五个主要特征:


最后,《2030年议程》特别提出了履行的手段,包括财政、技术转让和履行评估。针对后两项还规定了制度应对,一个是技术便利机制(Technology Facilitation Mechanism), [103] 另一个是履行评估制度(可以体现2012年里约峰会上建立的高层次政治论坛的特点)。 [104] 财政手段则与2015年早期通过的一项文件有着很大关联,文件名称是《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》( Addis Ababa Action Agenda ),它源自第三次国际发展筹资大会(Third International Conference on Financing for Development)。 [105] 针对《亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程》,《2030年议程》包含了一个明确的回顾,因此前者也被认为是《2030年可持续发展议程》的一个有机组成部分”。 [106]


从2012年里约峰会以后,社会和经济发展就不再是可持续发展的一个首要目标, [107] 而是变成了主要挑战。

正如成果文件所述,“消除贫困是当今世界面临的最大的全球挑战,它也是可持续发展必不可少的一个要求”。 [108] 《2030年议程》中的可持续发展目标确认了这一转变,它把消除贫困放在17个目标的第一个加以明确。毫无疑问的是,消除贫困是一项迫切需求。我们需要认真评估的是可持续发展的各个支柱之间所表现出的明显的等级划分。在此背景下,我们可以回想一下1971年第2849号决议的措辞,它是发展中国家对环境关切持怀疑态度的早期表述之一。这一决议的最后一段重申,将独立的经济和社会发展置于首要位置并把它当作国际合作主要的、最重要的目标符合人类的福祉和世界的和平与安全。 [109] 图1-4概括了环境—发展这一方程式自20世纪60年代以来的历史轨迹。 [110]

图1-4 可持续发展蛇形图



[1]Abi-Saab,G.,“La souveraineté permanente sur les ressources naturelles”,in M.Bedjaoui(ed.), Droit International Bilan et Perspectives (Paris:Pedone,1989),pp.638-661.

[2]Adede,A.O.,“The Treaty System from Stockholm(1972) to Rio de Janeiro(1992)”(1995) 13 Pace Environmental Law Review 33.

[3]Alam,S.,S.Atapattu,C.Gonzalez and J.Razzaque(eds.), International Environmental Law and the Global South (Cambridge University Press,2016).

[4]Boer,B.,“The Globalisation of Environmental Law:The Role of the United Nations”(1995) 20 Melbourne University Law Review 101.

[5]Boisson de Chazournes,L.,“Environmental Treaties in Time”(2009) 39 Environmental Policy and Law 293.

[6]Bratspies,R.and R.Miller(eds.), Transboundary Harm in International Law Lessons from the Trail Smelter Arbitration (Cambridge University Press,2006).

[7]Brighton,C.,“Unlikely Bedfellows:The Evolution of the Relationship between Environmental Protection and Development”(2017) 66 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 209.

[8]Brown Weiss,E.,“The Evolution of International Environmental Law”(2011) 54 Japanese Yearbook of International Law 1.

[9]Brunnée,J.,“The Stockholm Declaration and the Structure and Processes of International Environmental Law”,in A.Chircop(ed.), The Future of Ocean Regime - building Essays in Tribute to Douglas M . Johnston (Leiden:Martinus Nijhoff,2009),pp.41-62.

[10]Caldwell,L.K., International Environmental Policy . From the Twentieth to the Twenty - First Century (Durham:Duke University Press,3rd edn,1996).

[11]Chasek,P.,L.M.Wagner,F.Leone,A.-M.Lebada and N.Risse,“Getting to 2030:Negotiating the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda”(2016) 25/1 R eview of European Comparative and International Environmental Law 5.

[12]Dobson,A., Green Political Thought (New York:Routledge,4th edn,2007).

[13]Driesen,D.,“Thirty Years of International Environmental Law:A Retrospective and Plea for Reinvigoration”(2003) 30 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 353.

[14]Dupuy,P.-M.,“Où en est le droit international de l'environnement à la fin du siècle?”(2007) Revue Générale de Droit International Public 873.

[15]Ellis,J.,“Unilateral Exercises of Public Authority:Addressing Issues of Fairness in Teck v.Pakootas”(2012) 25 Leiden Journal of International Law 397.

[16]Galizzi,P.,“From Stockholm to New York,via Rio and Johannesburg:Has the Environment Lost its Way on the Global Agenda?”(2005/2006) 29 Fordham International Law Journal 952.

[17]Grove,R.H., Green Imperialism . Colonial Expansion Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism ,1600-1860(Cambridge University Press,1996).

[18]Kennet,K.,“The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment”(1972) 48 International Affairs 33.

[19]Kim,R.E.,“The Nexus between International Law and the Sustainable Development Goals”(2016) 25 Review of European Comparative and International Environmental Law 15.

[20]Kiss,A.,“Dix ans après Stockholm-une décennie de droit international de l'environnement”(1982)28 Annuaire Français de Droit International 784-93.

[21]Kiss,A.and S.Doumbé-Bille,“La Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le développement(Rio de Janeiro,3-14 juin 1992)”(1992) 38 Annuaire Français de Droit International 823.

[22]Kiss,A.and D.Sicault,“La Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement(Stockholm,5-16 juin 1972)”(1972) 18 Annuaire français de droit international 603.

[23]Macekura,S., Of Limits and Growth . The Rise of International Sustainable Development in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press,2015).

[24]Maljean-Dubois,S.,“Environnement,développement durable et droit international.De Rio à Johannesbourg:et au-delà?”(2002) 48 Annuaire français de droit international 592.

“The making of international law challenging environmental protection”,in S.Maljean-Dubois and Y.Kerbrat(eds.), The Transformation of International Environmental Law (Oxford:Hart Publishing,2011),pp.25-54.

[25]Pallamaerts,M.,“International Environmental Law from Stockholm to Rio:Back to the Future”(1992) 1 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 254.

[26]Rajamani,L.,“From Stockholm to Johannesburg:The Anatomy of Dissonance in the International Environmental Dialogue”(2003) 12 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 23.

[27]Robinson,N.A., Agenda 21: Earth ' s Action Plan Annotated (New York/London:Oceana Publications,1993).

[28]Sand,P.H.,“International Environmental Law After Rio”(1993) 4 European Journal of International Law 377.

“The Evolution of International Environmental Law”,in D.Bodansky,J.Brunnée and E.Hey(eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law (Oxford University Press,2007),pp.31-43.

[29]Sands,P.“The environment,community and international law”(1989) 30 Harvard International Law Journal 393.

“International Environmental Law Ten Years On”(1999) 8 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 239.

[30]Schachter,O.,“The Emergence of International Environmental Law”(1991) 44 Journal of International Affairs 457.

[31]Schrijver,N., Sovereignty over Natural Resources . Balancing Rights and Duties (Cambridge University Press,1997).

[32]Selin,H.and B.-O.Linner,“The Quest for Global Sustainability:International Efforts on Linking Environment and Development”, CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No .5,January 2005.

[33]Sohn,L.B.,“The Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment”(1973) 14 Harvard International Law Journal 423.

[34]Viñuales,J.E.,“The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to the Development of International Environmental Law”(2008) 32 Fordham International Law Journal 232.

“The Rise and Fall of Sustainable Development”(2013) 22 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 3.

“The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.Preliminary Study”,in J.E.Viñuales(ed.), The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development . A Commentary (Oxford University Press,2015).

[1] For a more detailed introduction see L.K.Caldwell, International Environmental Policy From the Twentieth to the Twenty - First Century (Durham:Duke University Press,3rd edn,1996).

[2] 两项杰出的研究,一项是采取长远视角,将早期的环境保护论和殖民主义结合起来,另一项聚焦于第二次世界大战后国际层面保守运动的兴起。参见R.H.Grove, Green Imperialism . Colonial Expansion Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism ,1600-1860(Cambridge University Press,1996);S.Macekura, Of Limits and Growth . The Rise of International Sustainable Development in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press,2015)。

[3] For a selection of early environmental cases,see C.A.R.Robb(ed.), International Environmental Law Reports ,Vol.1,Early Decisions(Cambridge University Press,1998).

[4] Bering Sea Fur Seals Arbitration ,Award(15 August 1893),RIAA,Vol.XXVIII,pp.263-276(“ Fur Seals Arbitration”).

[5] See,e.g.:Treaty concerning the Regulation of Salmon Fishery in the Rhine River Basin,30 June 1885,available at:www.ecolex.org(TRE-000072);Convention for the Protection of Birds Useful to Agriculture,19 March 1902,available at:www.ecolex.org(TRE-000067);Convention between the United States,Great Britain,Japan and Russia Providing for the Preservation and Protection of the Fur Seals,7 July 1911,37 Stat.1542;Convention for the Regulation of Whaling,24 September 1931,available at:www.ecolex.org(TRE-000073);International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling,2 December 1946,161 UNTS 361.

[6] Trail Smelter Arbitration ,RIAA,vol.III,pp.1905-1982(“ Trail Smelter Arbitration ”).

[7] See J.E.Viñuales,“The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to the Development of International Environmental Law”(2008) 32 Fordham International Law Journal 232.

[8] Trail Smelter Arbitration ,supra footnote 6,p.1965.

[9] Corfu Channel Case ,Decision of 9 April 1949,ICJ Reports 1949,p.22(“ Corfu Channel Case ”).

[10] See infra Chapter 11.

[11] Lake Lanoux Arbitration Spain / France ),Award,(16 November 1957),RIAA Vol.XII,pp.281ff(“ Lake Lanoux Arbitration ”).

[12] Lake Lanoux Arbitration Spain / France ),Award,(16 November 1957),RIAA Vol.XII,pp.281ff(“ Lake Lanoux Arbitration ”),para.13.

[13] See,e.g.:Treaty between the United States of America and Mexico Concerning the Equitable Distribution of the Waters of the Rio Grande,21 May 1906,34 Stat.2953;Treaty between the United States of America and Mexico Relating to the Utilization of the Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande,3 February 1944,3 UNTS 314;Convention Concerning the Regime of Navigation on the Danube,18 August 1948,available at:www.eco lex.org(TRE-000555);Convention Concerning the Regulation of Lake Lugano and its Additional Protocol,17 September 1955,291 UNTS 218.

[14] See e.g.:Protocol to Establish a Tripartite Standing Commission on Polluted Waters,8 April 1950,available at:www.ecolex.org(TRE-000493);Agreement on the Protection of Lake Constance Against Pollution,27 October 1960,available at:www.ecolex.org(TRE-000464);Agreement between France and Switzerland on the Protection of Lake Geneva,16 November 1962,1974 UNTS 54;Agreement Concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution,29 April 1963,available at:www.ecolex.org(TRE-000484).

[15] G.Abi-Saab,“La souveraineté permanente sur les ressources naturelles”,in M.Bedjaoui(ed.), Droit International Bilan et Perspectives (Paris:Pedone,1989),pp.638-661,at 639-640(our translation).

[16] See N.Schrijver, Sovereignty over Natural Resources . Balancing Rights and Duties (Cambridge University Press,1997),pp.36-76.

[17] “Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources”,14 December 1962,UN Doc.A/RES/1803/XVII,(“Resolution 1803”).

[18] Abi-Saab,supra footnote 15,p.644; Texaco Overseas Petroleum Company and California Asiatic Oil Company v. The Government of the Libyan Arab Republic ,Arbitral Award(19 January 1977),17 ILM 1978,para.87; Libyan American Oil Company LIAMCO ) v. The Government of the Libyan Arab Republic ,Arbitral Award(12 April 1977),20 ILM 1981,p.103; Kuwait v. American Independent Oil Company AMINOIL ),Arbitral Award(24 March 1982),21 ILM 1982,para.1803; Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda ),Judgment(19 December 2005),ICJ Reports 2005,p.168,paras.244-245.

[19] Abi-Saab,supra footnote 15,p.645(our translation).

[20] Schrijver,supra footnote 16,at pp.231-250.

[21] 这种紧张关系的法律层面随着时间不断演变,有两个回顾性研究值得参考,参见S.Alam,S.Atapattu,C.Gonzalez,J.Razzaque(eds.), International Environmental Law and the Global South (Cambridge University Press,2016);C.Brighton,“Unlikely Bedfellows:The Evolution of the Relationship between Environmental Protection and Development”(2017) 66 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 209。

[22] 关于推动环境运动的主要科学贡献,参见J.Grinevald, La Biosphère de l Anthropocène . Climat et Pétrole la Double Menace . Repères Transdiciplinaires (1824-2007)(Geneva:Georg,2007),pp.115ff.On the immediate origins of the Stockholm Conference(although with a markedly US perspective) and the cleavages underpinning the “environmental movement”see Macekura,supra footnote 2,chapter 3。

[23] R.Carson, Silent Spring (Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1962).

[24] K.E.Boulding,“The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth”,in H.Jarrett(ed.), Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy (Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,1966),pp.3-14.

[25] M.Nicholson, The Environmental Revolution A Guide for the New Masters of the World (London:Hodder & Stoughton,1969).

[26] B.Commoner, The Closing Circle Nature Man and Technology (New York:Alfred Knopf,1971).

[27] D.H.Meadows,D.L.Meadows,J.Randers and W.W.Behrens III, The Limits to Growth (New York:Universe Books,1972).

[28] See R.Guha, Environmentalism A Global History (New York:Longman,2000);A.Dobson, Green Political Thought (New York:Routledge,4th edn,2007).

[29] “Problems of the Human Environment”,3 December 1968,UN Doc.2398(XXIII).

[30] “Development and Environment”,20 December 1971,UN Doc.2849(XXVI).关于斯德哥尔摩会议筹备阶段所出现的发展与环境之间紧张关系的苗头,参见K.Mickelson,“The Stockholm Conference and the Creation of the South-North Divide in International Environmental Law and Policy”,in S.Alam et al,Supra Supra Footnote 21,pp.109-129。

[31] “Development and Environment”,supra footnote 30,para.11.

[32] “Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment”,Stockholm,16 June 1972,UN Doc.A/CONF 48/14/Rev.1,pp.2ff(“Stockholm Declaration”).

[33] “Action Plan for the Human Environment”,16 June 1972,UN Doc.A/CONF 48/14,pp.10-62.

[34] “Institutional and Financial Arrangements for International Environmental Cooperation”,15 December 1972,UN Doc.A/RES/2997/XXVII(“Resolution 2997”).

[35] See A.Kiss and D.Sicault,“La Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement(Stockholm,5-16 June 1972)”(1972) 18 Annuaire Français de Droit International 603;L.B.Sohn,“The Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment”(1973) 14 Harvard International Law Journal 423.

[36] See supra footnote 34.

[37] 在2012年6月召开的里约+20峰会上,决定在联合国环境规划署的理事会中吸收全体会员国,参见“The Future We Want”,11 September 2012,UN Doc.A/Res/66/288,para.88(a)(“The Future We Want”)。

[38] See P.Galizzi,“From Stockholm to New York,via Rio and Johannesburg:Has the Environment Lost its Way on the Global Agenda?”(2005/2006) 29 Fordham International Law Journal ,952,at 966-967.

[39] See H.Selin and B.-O.Linner,“The Quest for Global Sustainability:International Efforts on Linking Environment and Development”, CID Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Working Paper No .5,January 2005,at p.35.

[40] 第2997号决议第2—3段表达了如下认知:意识到采取行动保护和改善环境的责任主要在于各国政府,在国家和区域层面实施的效率更高,同时也意识到有些环境问题能造成广泛而重大的国际影响,因此必须归属于联合国体制内。See R.Gardner,“Can the UN Lead the Environmental Parade?”(1970) 64 American Journal of International Law 211.

[41] See A.O.Adede,“The Treaty System from Stockholm(1972) to Rio de Janeiro(1992)”(1995) 13 Pace Environmental Law Review 33.

[42] Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat,2 February 1971,996 UNTS 245(“Ramsar Convention”);Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage,16 November 1972,1037 UNTS 151(“WHC”).

[43] Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,3 March 1973,993 UNTS 243(“CITES”).

[44] Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter,29 December 1972(“London Convention”),subsequently modified by the Protocol of 7 November 1996 to the Convention of 1972 on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter,7 November 1996,1046 UNTS 120(“London Protocol”);International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,2 November 1973,amended by the Protocol of 17 February 1978,1340 UNTS 184(“MARPOL 73/78”).

[45] Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals,23 June 1979,1651 UNTS 333.

[46] World Charter for Nature,28 October 1982,UN Doc.A/RES/37/7(“World Charter for Nature”).

[47] United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,10 December 1982,1833 UNTS 396(“UNCLOS”).

[48] See our analysis Infra at Chapter 4.

[49] Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer,22 March 1985,1513 UNTS 293.

[50] Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,16 September 1987,1522 UNTS 28(“Montreal Protocol”).

[51] Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal,22 March 1989,1673 UNTS 57(“Basel Convention”).

[52] Report of the Governing Council on its Session of a Special Character(10-18 May 1982),27 August 1982,UN Doc.A/RES/37/219,Annex II(“Nairobi Declaration”).

[53] “Process of Preparation of the Environmental Perspective to the Year 2000 and Beyond”,19 December 1983,UN Doc.A/RES/38/161.

[54] Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development,“Our Common Future”,10 March 1987(“Brundtland Report”).

[55] Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development,“Our Common Future”,10 March 1987(“Brundtland Report”).,para.49.

[56] “United Nations Conference on Environment and Development”,22 December 1989,UN Doc.A/RES/44/228.

[57] On the conference,see A.Kiss and S.Doumbé-Bille,“La Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le développement(Rio de Janeiro,3-14 juin 1992)”(1992) 38 Annuaire Francais de Droit International 823;L.A.Kimball and W.Boyd,“International Institutional Arrangements for Environment and Development:a Post-Rio Assessment”(1992) 1 Review of Community and International Environmental Law 295;M.Pallamaerts,“International Environmental Law from Stockholm to Rio:Back to the Future”(1992) 1 Review of Community and International Environmental Law 254;P.H.Sand,“International Environmental Law After Rio”(1993) 4 European Journal of International Law 377.

[58] “Rio Declaration on Environment and Development”,13 June 1992,UN Doc.A/CONF.151/26.Rev.1(“Rio Declaration”).

[59] Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,A/CONF.151/26/Rev.l(Vol.l),Resolution 1,Annex 2:Agenda 21(“Agenda 21”).

[60] United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,9 May 1992,1771 UNTS 107(“UNFCCC”).这一条约实际上是在里约会议之前达成的,但还是被当成了里约会议的遗产的一部分,因为它的结论受到了地球峰会的支持。

[61] Convention on Biological Diversity,5 June 1992,1760 UNTS 79(“CBD”).

[62] “Institutional Arrangements to follow up the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development”,22 December 1992,UN Doc.A/RES/47/191.

[63] “Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management,Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forests”,14 August 1992,UN Doc.A/CONF/151/26(Vol.III)(“Forest Principles”).

[64] United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification,Particularly in Africa,17 June 1994,1954 UNTS 3(“UNCCD”).

[65] Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and High Migratory Fish Stocks,4 August 1995,2167 UNTS 3.

[66] On this instrument see J.E.Viñuales(ed.), The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development . A Commentary (Oxford University Press,2015),Preliminary study.

[67] See N.A.Robinson(ed.), Agenda 21: Earth ' s Action Plan Annotated (New York:Oceana Publications,1993).

[68] Rio Declaration,supra footnote 58,paras.1.1 and 1.2.

[69] Agenda 21,supra footnote 59,para.39.1.

[70] 依据1992年12月22日的第A/RES.47/191号决议,联合国大会根据《21世纪议程》第38章的建议,要求联合国经济和社会理事会成立可持续发展委员会,同时规定这一机构的职权范围。联合国经济和社会理事会通过1993年2月12日的第1993/207号决议正式成立了可持续发展委员会。

[71] Future programme,organisation and methods of work of the Commission on Sustainable Development:Annex.Programme of Work of the Commission on Sustainable Development,25 July 2003,UN Doc.E/2003/29 and E/2003/L.32.

[72] GA Resolution S/19-2,28 June 1997,Annex,“Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21”,para.9.See also UNEP, Global Environment Outlook ,1997.

[73] See “Ten-year Review of Progress Achieved in the Implementation of the Outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development”,20 December 2000,UN Doc.A/RES/55/199.

[74] Resolution 1:“Political declaration”,4 September 2002,Report of World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August to 4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20,p.1,2002(“Political Declaration”).

[75] Resolution 1:“Political declaration”,4 September 2002,Report of World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August to 4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20,p.1,2002(“Political Declaration”).,paras.5 and 18.

[76] See,notably,Resolution 1:“Political declaration”,4 September 2002,Report of World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August to 4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20,p.1,2002(“Political Declaration”).,paras.34-37.

[77] Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August-4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20(“Implementation Plan”).

[78] Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August-4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20(“Implementation Plan”).,para.145.

[79] Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August-4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20(“Implementation Plan”).,paras.7(j) and 9(g).

[80] Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August-4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20(“Implementation Plan”).,para.20(t).

[81] Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August-4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20(“Implementation Plan”).,para.25(g) and 43(a).

[82] Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg(South Africa),26 August-4 September 2002,UN Doc.A/CONF.199/20(“Implementation Plan”).,para.25(g) and 43(a).,para.49.

[83] “Millennium Declaration”,13 September 2000,UN Doc.A/RES/55/2.

[84] See P.Glasbergen,F.Biermann and A.Mol(eds.), Partnerships Governance and Sustainable Development . Reflections on Theory and Practice (Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,2007).

[85] See B.H.Desai,B.K.Sidhu,“Quest for International Environmental Institutions:Transition to CSD to HLPF”,in S.Alam et al,supra footnote 21,pp.152-168.

[86] See Millennium Declaration,supra footnote 83,paras.6 and 21-23.

[87] See www.un.org/millenniumgoals/environ.shtml(accessed on 17 December 2012).

[88] “Implementation of Agenda 21,the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development”,31 March 2010,UN Doc.A/RES/64/236,para.20(“Enabling Resolution”).

[89] “Implementation of Agenda 21,the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development”,31 March 2010,UN Doc.A/RES/64/236,para.20(a).

[90] “Implementation of Agenda 21,the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development”,31 March 2010,UN Doc.A/RES/64/236,para.20(a)infine.

[91] The Future We Want,supra footnote 37,para.88.

[92] The Future We Want,supra footnote 37,paras.245-251.

[93] The Future We Want,supra footnote 37,para.85(e).

[94] See Critical Milestones Towards Coherent Efficient and Inclusive Follow - up and Review at the Global Level . Report of the Secretary General ,15 January 2016,UN doc A/70/684,Annex(common voluntary reporting guidelines).2016年,有22个发达国家和发展中国家作为第一批参与了第一次的报告行动,按照日程是在每年的7月举行。

[95] The Future We Want,supra footnote 37,para.38.

[96] On the two tracks see P.Chasek et al,“Getting to 2030:Negotiating the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda”(2016) 25/1 Review of European Comparative and International Environmental Law 5.

[97] See Resolution 70/1,“Transforming our World:The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”,21 October 2015,UN doc A/RES/70/1.The discussion of this instrument relies on J.E.Viñuales,Foreign Investment and the Environment in International Law:Current Trends”,in K.Miles(ed.),Research Handbook on Environment and Investment Law(Cheltenham:Edward Elgar,forthcoming 2018),chapter.2.

[98] 2030 Agenda,supra footnote 97,Declaration,para 10.

[99] 2030 Agenda,supra footnote 97,Declaration,para.12.

[100] 有关可持续发展目标的国际法律方面,参见the special issue of the Review of European Comparative & International Environmental Law ,Vol.25,issue 1,April 2016,devoted to “The SDGs and International Environmental Law”,with contributions from(Chasek et al,Kim,Lode et al,Spijkers,Orellana,Persson et al)。

[101] 可持续目标的简短版本可以作如下表述:(1)没有贫困;(2)零饥饿;(3)好的健康和福利;(4)高质量教育;(5)性别平等;(6)清洁的水和卫生;(7)负担得起的、清洁的能源;(8)好工作和经济增长;(9)工业、创新和基础设施;(10)减少不平等;(11)可持续城市和社区;(12)负责任的消费和生产;(13)气候行动;(14)水下生物;(15)陆上生物;(16)和平、工作和强力的体系。

[102] 第17个可持续发展目标(针对目标的伙伴关系)。

[103] 2030 Agenda,supra footnote 97,Means of Implementation and the Global Partnership,para.70.

[104] 2030 Agenda,supra footnote 97,Follow up and Review,paras.82-90.

[105] Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (Addis Ababa Action Agenda),UNGA Resolution 69/313,27 July 2015,UN Doc A/RES/69/313,Annex.

[106] 2030 Agenda,supra footnote 97,Means of implementation and the Global Partnership,para.62.

[107] See e.g.:Political Declaration,supra footnote 74,para.11;Enabling Resolution,supra footnote 88,preamble,para.12.

[108] The Future We Want,supra footnote 37,para.2.

[109] Development and Environment,supra footnote 30,para.11.

[110] Source:J.E.Viñuales,“The Rise and Fall of Sustainable Development”(2013) 22 Review of Community and International Environmental Law 3. wxRggY0gYDRL/PFfrUx3PSE7JZtMFDBnWVCoLsfxpuweIMZT55IOXTevYfh4309j
