


Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo(Democratic Republic of the Congo v.Uganda),Judgment,ICJ Reports 2005,p.168.7,421

Case relating to the territorial jurisdiction of the International Commission on the River Oder,PCIJ Series A No.23,Judgment(10 September 1929),p.130

Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area(Costa Rica v.Nicaragua),Provisional Measures,Order of 8 March 2011,ICJ Reports 2011,p.6.40,75,426

Certain Activities Carried Out by Nicaragua in the Border Area(Costa Rica v.Nicaragua),Construction of aroad in Costa Rica along the river San Juan(Nicaragua v.Costa Rica),Judgment of 16 December 2015(ICJ),p.116.306,426

Certain Phosphate Lands in Nauru(Nauru v.Australia),Preliminary Objections,Judgment,ICJ Reports 1992,p.240.302

CorfuChannel case(United Kingdom v.Albania),Judgment,ICJ Reports 1949,p.4.5.5,63,64

Fisheries case(United Kingdom v.Norway),Judgment,ICJ Reports 1951,p.108

Fisheries Jurisdiction case(UK v.Iceland),Decision on Jurisdiction,ICJ Reports 1974,p.3.75

Fisheries Jurisdiction(Federal Republic of Germany v.Iceland),Merits,Judgment,ICJ Reports 1974,p.175.109

Fisheries Jurisdiction(Spain v.Canada),Judgment,ICJ Reports 1998,p.432.112,211

Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros Project(Hungary v.Slovakia),Judgment,ICJ Reports1997,p.7.40,60,129,149,302

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,Advisory Opinion,ICJ Reports 2004,p.136.421

Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons,Advisory Opinion,ICJ Reports 1996,p.226.30,60,149,295,411

Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict,AdvisoryOpinion,ICJ Reports 1996,p.66.302

North Sea Continental Shelf Case,Judgment,ICJ Reports 1969,p.3.75

Nuclear Tests(Australia v.France),Request for the Indication of Interim Measures of Protection,Order(22 June 1973),ICJ Reports 1973,p.99.65,75

Nuclear Tests(New Zealand v.France),Request for the Indication of Interim Measures of Protection,Order(22 June 1973),ICJ Reports 1973,p.135.65

Oil Platforms case(Islamic Republic of Iran v.United States of America),ICJ Reports 2003,p.161.306,427,476

Preah Vihear case(Cambodia v.Thailand),Judgment,ICJ Reports 1962,p.6.229

Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay(Argentinav.Uruguay),ProvisionalMeasures,Order(13 July 2006),ICJ Reports 2006,p.113.40

Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay(Argentina v.Uruguay),Judgment,ICJ Reports 2010,p.14.64,115,149,191,306

Questions relating to the Obligation to Prosecute or Extradite(Belgium v.Senegal),Judgment,ICJ Reports 2012,p.422.53,317

Request for Interpretation of the Judgment of 15 June 1962 in the Caseconcerning the Temple of Preah Vihear(Cambodia v.Thailand),Judgment,ICJ Reports 2013,p.281.229

Whaling in the Antarctic(Australia v.Japan:New Zealand intervening),Judgment,ICJ Reports 2014,p.226.53,213,317


Arctic Sunrise Arbitration(The Netherlands v.Russia),Award on the Merits(24 August 2015).111

Dispute Concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between Ghanaand Côte d'Ivoire in the Atlantic Ocean(Ghana/Côte d'Ivoire),ITLOS Case No.23,Order of 25 April 2015.54,67,112,305,315,377

Inthe matter of the Chagos Marine Protected Area Arbitration before an Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Annex VII of the United Nations Conventiononthe Lawof the Sea(Mauritius v.UK),Award(18 March 2015).30,111

Inthe matter of the South China Sea Arbitration before an Arbitral Tribunalconstituted under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(Republic of the Philippines v.People's Republic of China),PCA Case No.2013-19,Award(12 July 2016).54,61,112,314

MOX Plant case(Ireland v.United Kingdom),Provisional Measures,ITLOS Case No.10,Order(3 December 2001).p.64.73,305

Request for an Advisory Opinion Submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission(SRFC),Advisory Opinion of 2 April 2015,ITLOS Case No.21.54,67,112,191,209,305

Responsibilities and Obligations of States sponsoring Persons and Entities with respect to Activities in the Area,ITLOS(Seabed Disputes Chamber) Case No.17,Advisory Opinion(1 February 2011),p.60.69,115,191,305

Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases(New Zealand v.Japan;Australia v.Japan),Provisional Measures,ITLOS Case Nos.3 and 4(27 August 1999),p.64.73,75,305


Argentina-Measures Relating to Trade in Goods and Services,AB Report(14 April 2016),WT/DS453/AB/R.482

Brazil-Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres,AB Report(3 December 2007),WT/DS332/AB/R.485

Canada-Certain Measures Affecting the Renewable Energy Generation Sector,Panel Report(19 December 2012),WT/DS412/R.480

Canada-Measures Relating to the Feed in Tariff Program,AB Report(6 May 2013),WT/DS412/AB/R and WT/DS426/AB/R.480

China-Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials,Panel Reports(5 July 2011),WT/DS394/R;WT/DS395/R;WT/DS398/R.307,476

China-Measures Relating to the Exportation of Rare Earths,Tungsten,and Molybdenum,AB Report(7 August 2014),WT/DS431/AB/R,WT/DS432/AB/R,and WT/DS433/AB/R.485

European Communities-Measures Affecting Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos,AB Report(12 March 2001),WT/DS135/AB/R.484

European Communities-Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products,Panel Report,(29 September 2006),WT/DS291/R,WT/DS292/R,WT/DS293/R.70,307,476

European Communities-Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products(Hormones),AB Report(16 January 1998) WT/DS26/AB/R,WT/DS48/AB/R.70,307,488

European Communities-Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of Seal Products,AB Report(22 May 2014),WT/DS400/AB/R,WT/DS401/AB/R.485

European Union-Anti-Dumping Measures on Biodiesel from Indonesia.Request for consultations by Indonesia(17 June 2014),WT/DS480/1,G/L/1071,G/ADP/D104/1.480

European Union and certain Member States-Certain Measures Affecting Renewable Energy Generation Sector.Request for Consultations by China(7 November 2012),WT/DS452/1,G/L/1008,G/SCM/D95/1,G/TRIMS/D/34.480

European Union and certain Member States-Certain Measures on theImportation and Marketing of Biodiesel and Measures Supporting the Biodiesel Industry.Request for consultations by Argentina(23 May 2013),WT/DS459/1,G/L/1027,G/SCM/D97/1,G/TRIMS/D/36,G/TBT/D/44.480

India-Certain Measures relating to Solar Cells and Solar Modules-Report of the Appellate Body,WT/DS456/AB/R(16 September 2016).308,480

Mexico-Tax Measures on Soft Drinks and Other Beverages,AB Report(6 March 2006),WT/DS308/AB/R.482

United States-Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Certain Products Containing Shrimp,AB Report(12 October 1998),WT/DS58/AB/R.307,475

United States-Measures Concerning the Importation,Marketing and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products,AB Report(16 May 2012),WT/DS381/AB/R.489

United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna,Panel Report,(3 September 1991),DS21/R-39 S/155.473

United States-Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline,AB Report(29 April 1996),WT/DS2/AB/R.479


In the Matter of an Arbitration before a Tribunal constituted in accordance with Article 5 of the Arbitration Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army on Delimiting Abyei Area,Final Award(22 July 2009),available at:www.pca-cpa.org.446

In the matter of the Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration before the Court of Arbitration constituted in accordance with the Indus Waters Treaty 1960 between the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan signed on 19 September 1960(Islamic Republic of Pakistan v.Republic of India),PCA,Partial Award(18 February 2013).69,115,314

In the matter of the Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration before the Court of Arbitration constituted in accordance with the Indus Waters Treaty 1960 between the Government of India and the Government of Pakistan signed on 19 September 1960(Islamic Republic of Pakistan v.Republic of India),PCA,Final Award(20 December 2014).134

Bering Sea Fur Seals Arbitration,Award(15 August 1893),RIAA,Vol.XXVIII,p.263.4

Iron Rhine(Ijzeren Rijn) Railway Arbitration(Belgium/Netherlands),RIAA,Vol.XXVII(2005),p.25.93

Lake Lanoux Arbitration(Spain/France),RIAA,Vol.XII(1957),p.281.5,75,130,133

Trail Smelter Arbitration,RIAA,Vol.III(1941),p.1905.5,61,63,149


Final Award-Pensions:Eritrea's Claims 15,19 & 23(19 December 2005),RIAA,Vol.XXVI(2005),p.471.424


Report and Recommendation made by the Panel of Commissioners appointed to Review the Well Blowout Control Claim(WBC Claim),UN Doc.S/AC.26/1996/5/Annex,18 December 1996.438

Report and Recommendation made by the Panel of Commissioners concerning the First Installment of F4 Claims,UN Doc.S/AC.26/2001/16,22 June2001.30

Report and Recommendation made by the Panel of Commissioners concerning the Second Installment of F4 Claims,UN Doc.S/AC.26/2002/26,3 October 2002.30

Report and Recommendation made by the Panel of Commissioners concerning the Third Installment of F4 Claims,UN Doc.S/AC.26/2003/31,18 December2003.30

Report and Recommendation made by the Panel of Commissioners concerning the Fourth Installment of F4 Claims,part I,UN Doc.S/AC.26/2004/16,9 December 2004,part II UN Doc.S/AC.26/2004/17,9 December 2004.31

Report and Recommendation made by the Panel of Commissioners concerning the Fifth Installment of F4 Claims,UN Doc.S/AC.26/2005/10,30 June 2005.31


Adel AHamadi Al Tamimi v.Sultanate of Oman,ICSID Case No.ARB/11/33,Award(3 November 2015).309,465

Chemtura Corporation(formerly Crompton Corporation) v.Government of Canada,UNCITRAL,Award(2 August 2010).308,464

Compañía del Desarrollo de Santa Elena SA v.Republic of Costa Rica,ICSID Case No.ARB/96/1,Award(17 February 2000).308,462

Gold Reserve Inc.v.Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,ICSID Case No.ARB(AF)/09/1,A ward(22 September 2014).465

Grand River Enterprises Six Nations,Ltd and others v.United States of America NAFTA Arbitration(UNCITRAL Rules),Award(12 January 2011).395

Kuwait v.American Independent Oil Company(AMINOIL),Arbitral Award(24 March 1982),21 ILM 1982.7

LG&E v.Argentine Republic,ICSID Case No.ARB/02/1,Decision on Liability(13 October 2006).465

Libyan American Oil Company(LIAMCO) v.TheGovernment of the Libyan Arab Republic,Arbitral Award(12 April 1977),20 ILM 1981.7

Marion Unglaube v.Republic of Costa Rica,ICSID Case No.ARB/08/1 and Reinhard Unglaube v.Republic of Costa Rica,ICSID Case No.ARB/09/20,Award(16 May 2012).309,465

Mesa Power Group LLC v.Government of Canada,NAFTA(UNCITRAL) Arbitration,Notice of Arbitration(4 October 2011).398

Metalclad Corp.v.United Mexican States,ICSID Case No.ARB(AF)/97/1,Award(25 August 2000).308,462

Parkerings-Compagniet AS v.Republic of Lithuania,ICSID Case No.ARB/05/8,Award(11 September 2007).309,464

Perenco Ecuador Ltd v.The Republic of Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petróleosdel Ecuador(Petroecuador),ICSID Case No.ARB/08/6,Interim Decision on the Environmental Counterclaim(11 August 2015).465

Plama Consortium Ltd.v.Republic of Bulgaria,ICSID Case No.ARB/03/24,Award(27 August 2008).309,464

S.D.Myers Inc.v.Canada,NAFTA Arbitration(UNCITRAL Rules),Partial Award(13 November 2000).277,462

Southern Pacific Properties(Middle East) Limited(SPP) v.Arab Republic of Egypt,ICSID Case No.ARB/84/3,Award(20 May 1992).228,462

Suez,Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona SA and Inter Aguas Servicios Integrales del Agua SA v.The Argentine Republic,ICSID Case No.ARB/03/17,Decision on Liability(31 July 2010).309,465

Suez,Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona SA and Vivendi Universal SA v.The Argentine Republic,ICSID Case No.ARB/03/19,Decision on Liability(31 July 2010).309,465

Técnicas Medioambientales Tecmed S.A.v.United Mexican States,ICSID Case No.ARB(AF)/00/2,Award(29 May 2003).308,462

Texaco Overseas Petroleum Company and California Asiatic Oil Company v.The Government of the Libyan Arab Republic,Arbitral Award(19 January1977),17 ILM 1978.7

William Ralph Clayton,William Richard Clayton,Douglas Clayton,Daniel Clayton,and Bilcon of Delaware,Inc.v.Government of Canada,NAFTA(UNCITRAL),Award(17 March 2015).309,465

Windstream Energy LLC v.Government of Canada,NAFTA(UNCITRAL),Notice of Arbitration(28 January 2013).298


Apanasewicz v.Poland,ECtHR Application No.6854/07,Judgment(3 May 2011).370

Atanasov v.Bulgaria,ECtHR Application No.12853/03,Judgment(12 December 2010).370

Athanassoglou and others v.Switzerland,ECtHR Application No.27644/95,Judgment(6 April 2000).388

Aydin and others v.Turkey,ECtHR Application No.40806/07,Decision(15 May 2012).392

Balmer-Schafroth and others v.Switzerland,ECtHR ApplicationNo.22110/93,Judgment(26 August 1997).390

Brincat and others v.Malta,ECtHR Applications Nos.60908/11,62110/11,62129/11,62312/11 and 62338/11,Judgment(24 July 2014).305,370

Brosset-Triboulet and others v.France,ECtHR Application No.34078/02,Judgment(29 March 2010).370,403

Budayeva and others v.Russia,ECtHR Application Nos.15339/02,21166/02,20058/02,11673/02 and 15343/02,Judgment(29 September 2008).370

Chisv.Romania,ECtHR Application No.55396/07,Decision(admissibility)(9 September 2014).370

Costel Popa v.Romania,ECtHR Application Nos.47558/10,Judgment(26 April 2016).370

Depalle v.France,ECtHR Application No.34044/02,Judgment(29 March 2010).370,403

Di Sarno and others v.Italy,ECtHR Application No.30765/08,Judgment(10 January 2012).305

Elefteriadis v.Romania,ECtHR Application No.38427/05,Judgment(25 January 2011).365

Fadeyeva v.Russia,ECtHR Application Nos.55723/00,Judgment(30 November 2005).370

Fägerskiöld v.Sweden,ECtHR Application No.37664/04,Decision as to Admissibility(26 February 2008).389

Florea v.Romania,ECtHR Application No.37186/03,Judgment(14 September 2010).365

Grimkovskaya v.Ukraine,ECtHR Application No.38182/03,Judgment(21 July 2011).305

Guerra and others v.Italy,ECtHR Application No.116/1996/735/932,Judgment(19 February 1998).370

Hatton and others v.United Kingdom,ECtHR Application No.36022/97,Judgment(8 July 2003).369

Kolyadenko and others v.Russia,ECtHR Applications Nos.17423/05,20534/05,20678/05,23263/05,24283/05 and 35673/05,Judgment(28 February 2012).370

Kyrtatos v.Greece,ECtHR Application No.41666/98,Judgment(22 May2003).387

L’Erablière A.S.B.L.v.Belgium,ECtHR Application No.49230/07,Judgment(24 February 2009).370

Loizidou v.Turkey(Preliminary Objections),ECtHR Application No.15318/89,Judgment(23 May 1995).366

Lopez-Ostra v.Spain,ECtHR Application No.16798/90,Judgment(9 December 1994).369

Okyay and others v.Turkey,ECtHR Application No.36220/97,Judgment(12 October 2005).370

Oneryildiz v.Turkey,ECtHR Application No.48939/99,Judgment(30 November 2004).370

Özel and others v.Turkey,ECtHR Applications Nos.14350/05,15245/05,and16051/05,Judgment(17 November 2015).370

Powell and Rayner v.United Kingdom,ECtHR Application No.9310/81,Judgment(21 February 1990).369

Smaltini v.Italy,ECtHR Application No.43961/09,Decision(admissibility)(24 March 2015).370

Taskin and others v.Turkey,ECtHR Application No.46117/99,Judgment(10 November 2004,Final 30 March 2005).88,305,370

Tătar v.Romania,ECtHR Application No.67021/01,Judgment(27 January 2009,Final 6July 2009).73,88,305,370

Turgut v.Turkey,ECtHR Application No.1411/03,Judgment-Merits(8 July 2008),Judgment-Just Satisfaction(13 October 2009).370

Vides Aizsardzibas Klubs v.Latvia,ECtHR Application No.57829/00,Judgment(27 May 2004).370

Vilnes and others v.Norway,ECtHR Application No.52806/09,Judgment(5 December 2013).370


Afro-Descendant Communities Displaced from the Cacarica River Basin(Operation Genesis) v.Colombia,ICtHR Ser.C No.270,Preliminary Objections,Merits,Reparations,and Costs,Judgment(20 November 2013).372

Case of the Kuna Indigenous People of Madungandíand the Emberá Indigenous People of Bayano and their members v.Panama,ICtHR Series C No.284(Preliminary Objections,Merits,Reparations and Costs),Judgment(14 October 2014).372

Indigenous Community Yakye Axa v.Paraguay,ICtHR Series C No.125(17 June 2005).372,373

Indigenous People Kichwa of Sarayaku v.Ecuador,ICtHR Series C No.245,Judgment-Merits and Compensation(27 June 2012).372

Kaliña and Lokono Peoples v.Suriname,ICtHR Case No.12.639(Merits,Reparations and Costs),Judgment(25 November 2015).373,402

Kawas-Fernandez v.Honduras,ICtHR Series C No.196,Judgment-Merits,Reparation and Costs(3 April 2009).377

Mayagna(Sumo) Awas Tingni Community v.Nicaragua,ICtHR Series C No.79,Judgment(31 August 2001).89,371

(The) Right to Information on Consular Assistance in the Framework of the Guarantees of the Due Process of Law,ICtHR Advisory Opinion OC-16/99,Series A No.16(1 October 1999).366

Saramaka People v.Suriname,ICtHR Series C No.172,Judgment(28 November 2007).372

Sawhoyamaxa Indigenous Community v.Paraguay,ICtHR Series C No.146(29 March 2006).372,403


Ana Miran Romero and others,ICommHR Precautionary Measure No.589/15(24 November 2015).360

Children and Adolescents of the Communities of Uribia,Manaure,Riohachaand Maicao of the Wayuu People,in the Department of the Guajira,Colombia,IComm HR Precautionary Measure No.51/15(11 December 2015).377

Community of La Oroya v.Peru,ICommHR Petition 1473/06,Report on Admissibility 76/09(5 August 2009).371

Community of San Mateo de Huanchor and its Members v.Peru,IComm HR Petition 504/03,Report No.69/04(15 October 2004).371

Kevin Donaldo Ramirez and Family,IComm HR,Precautionary Measure No.460-15(28 September 2015).360

Maya Indigenous Community of the Toledo District v.Belize,IComm HR Case12.053,Report(12 October 2004).371

Metropolitan Nature Reserve v.Panama,Case IComm HR Case 11.533,Report No.88/03,OEA/Ser.L/V/II.118 Doc.70 rev.2 at 524(2003).388

U’wa People v.Colombia,IComm HR Case11.754,Reporton Admissibility 33/15(22 July 2015).371

Yanomani Indians v.Brazil,IComm HR Case 7615,Decision(5 March 1985).371


African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights v.Kenya,Order onProvisional Measures,African Court Application No.006/2012(15 March 2013).402

African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights v.Kenya,Judgment,African Court Application No.006/2012(27 May 2017).374

Centre for Minority Rights Development(Kenya) and Minority Rights Group International on behalf of Endorois Welfare Council v.Kenya,African Commission Application No.276/2003.374

Social and Economic Rights Action Center and the Center for Economic and Social Rights v.Nigeria,ACHPR Communication 155/96,15th Activity Report of the Acomm HRP(2001-2002).373,446

The Nubian Community in Kenya v.The Republic of Kenya,African Commission Application No.317/06(30 May 2016).374


SERAP v.Federal Republic of Nigeria,ECOWAS Court of Justice,Judgment No.ECW/CCJ/JUD/18/12(14 December 2012).373


Final Report to the Prosecutor(International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) by the Committee Established to Review the NATO Bombing Campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,13 June 2000.415

High Command Case(USv.Von Leeb),11 TWC 462(1950).419

Hostage Case(USv.List),11 TWC 759(1950).419

Prosecutor v.Ante Gotovina et al.,ICTY Trial Chamber,Judgment(Volume IIof II),Case No.IT-06-90-T(15 April 2011).420

Prosecutorv.Vlastimirorđević,ICTY Trial Chamber,Judgment,Case No.IT-05-87/1-T(23 February 2011).420

Prosecutor v.Emmanuel Rukundo,ICTR Trial Chamber,Judgment,Case No.ICTR-2001-70-T(27 February 2009).420

Prosecutor v.Germain Katanga,ICTR Trial Chamber,Judgment Pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute,Case No.ICC-01/04-01/07(7 March 2014).420

Prosecutor v.Charles Ghankay Taylor,Special Tribunal for Sierra Leone,Trial Chamber,Judgment,SCSL-03-01-T(18 May 2012).420

The Prosecutor v.Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi,ICC Trial Chamber VIII,ICC-01/12-01/15-171,Judgment and Sentence(27 September 2016).420


Air Transport Association of America and others v.Secretary of State for Energyand Climate Change,CJEU Case C-366/10(21 December 2011).463

Artegodan GmbH and others v.Commission,CFI Case T-74/00,Decision(26 November 2002),ECR II-4945.70

Gowan Comércio Internacional eServiços Lda v.Ministero della Salute,CJEUCase C-77/09,Judgment(22 December 2010).73

International Association of Independent Tanker Owners(Intertanko) and others v.Secretary of State for Transport,ECJ(Grand Chamber),CaseC-308/06,Judgment(3 June 2008).111

Pfizer Animal Health SA v.Council,CFI Case T-13/99,Judgment(11 September 2002).73


Apirana Mahuika and others v.New Zealand,HRC Communication No.547/93(27 October 2000).368

Bernard Ominayak and the Lubicon Lake Band v.Canada,HRC Communication No.167/1984(26 March 1990).367

Bordes et Temeharo v.France,HRC Communication No.645/1995(22 July 1996).367

Brun v.France,HRC Communication No.1453/2006(18 October 2006).367

Diergaardt v.Namibia,HRC Communication No.760/1997(6 September 2000).368

E.H.P.v.Canada,HRC Communication No.67/1980(27 October 1982).89,367

Ilmari Länsman and others v.Finland,HRC Communication No.511/1992(8 November 1995).368

Jouni E.Länsman and others v.Finland,HRC Communication No.671/1995(30 October 1996).368

Kitok v.Sweden,HRC Complaint 197/1985(27 July 1988).367,402

Poma Poma v.Peru,HRC Communication No.1457/2006(27 March 2009).368


Born Free USA v.Norton,278 F.Supp 2d 5(DDC 2003).215Erika,Cour de Cassation,Chambre criminelle,Arrêt No.3439(25 September 2012).323

Kelsey Cascadia Rose Juliana et al.v.United States of America et al.,US District Court of Oregon(Eugene Division),Case No.6:15-cv-01517-TC,Opinionand Order(10 November 2016).396

Netherlands Crown Decision(in Dutch) in the case lodged by the Competent Authority for the Island of Bonaire on the annulment of two of its decisions onthe Lac Wetland by the Governor of the Netherlands Antilles,11 September 2007,Staatsblad 2007,p.347.228,463

Oposa andothers v.Factoran,Jr,and others,Supreme Court of the Philippines,Decision(30 June 1993).89

Petition to the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines requesting for Investigation of the Responsibility of the Carbon Majors for Human Rights Violations or Threats of Violations Resulting from the Impacts of Climate Change,submitted by Greenpeace Southeast Asia etal.(22 September 2015).396

Richardson v.Forestry Commission[1988]HCA 10,(1988) 164 CLR 261.228 Specific Instance regarding the World Wide Fund for Nature International(WWF) submitted by Survival International Charitable Trust,OECD Guidelines-National Contact Point of Switzerland,Initial Assessment(20 December 2016).402

Urgenda Foundation v.State of Netherlands,Hague District Court,C/09/456689/HA ZA 13-1396 Judgment(24 June 2015)(translation).396


Aarhus Compliance Committee,BelarusACCC/C/2009/44,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2011/6/Add.1(19 September 2011).384

Aarhus Compliance Committee,Belgium ACCC/2005/11,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2006/4/Add.2(28 July 2006).386

Aarhus Compliance Committee,Croatia ACCC/C/2012/66,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2014/4(13 January 2014).384

Aarhus Compliance Committee,Czech Republic ACCC/C/2010/50,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2012/11(2 October 2012).384

Aarhus Compliance Committee,Czech Republic ACCC/C/2012/70,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2014/9(4 June 2014).384

Aarhus Compliance Committee,European Community ACCC/C/2007/21,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2009/2/Add.1(11 December 2009).382

Aarhus Compliance Committee,Kazakhstan ACCC/C/2004/2,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2005/2/Add.2(14 March 2005).382

Aarhus Compliance Committee,Kazakhstan ACCC/C/2004/6,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2006/4/Add.1(28 July 2006).385

Aarhus Compliance Committee,Moldova ACCC/C/2008/30,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2009/6/Add.3(8 February 2011).382

Aarhus Compliance Committee,Spain ACCC/C/2008/24,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2009/8/Add.1(30 September 2010).384

Aarhus Compliance Committee,United Kingdom ACCC/C/2008/27,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2010/6/Add.2(November 2010).385

Aarhus Compliance Committee,United Kingdom ACCC/C/2010/53,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2013/3(11 January 2013).382

Aarhus Compliance Committee,United Kingdom ACCC/C/2010/45 andACCC/C/2011/60,ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2013/12(23 October 2013).384

Kyoto Protocol Compliance Committee,Final Decision:Croatia,CC-2009-1-8/Croatia/EB(19 February 2010).51,347

Kyoto Protocol Compliance Committee,Final Decision:Greece,CC-2007-1-8/Greece/EB(17 April 2008).51,347

Kyoto Protocol Compliance Committee,Final Decision:Greece,CC-2007-1-13/Greece/EB(13 November 2008).347 beeYAIajXaCm1uAlmvcge2SK8jTk8bxMi2BiJjM+JELLfDADH/bVuiceR4gn+xb4
