
六 可能的创新点




[1] See Robert V.Percival,Katherine H.Cooper,Matthew M.Gravens,“CERCLA in a Global Context”, Southwestern Law Review ,Vol.41,No.4,2012,pp.727-772.

[2] See Simon Taylor,“Extending the Frontiers of Tort Law: Liability for Ecological Harm in the French Civil Code”, Journal of European Tort Law ,Vol.9,No.1,2018,pp.81-103.

[3] See United Nations Environment Programme, Draft Guidelines for the Development of Do mestic Legislation on Liability Response Action and Compensation for Damage Caused by Activities Dangerous to the Environment ,UNEP/GCSS.XI/8/Add.1,December 3,2009.

[4] See Emanuela Orlando,“From Domestic to Global?Recent Trends in Environmental Liability from a Multi-level and Comparative Law Perspective”, Review of European Comparative& International Environmental Law ,Vol.24,No.3,2016,pp.289-303.

[5] See John Arnold,Andrew Jacoby,“Examining the Public Trust Doctrine's Role in Conserving Natural Resources on Louisiana's Public Lands”, Tulane Environmental Law Journal ,Vol.29,No.2,2017,pp.149-241.

[6] See James P.Power,“Reinvigorating Natural Resource Damage Actions through the Public Trust Doctrine”, N . Y . U Environmental Law Journal ,Vol.4,No.2,1995,pp.418-448.

[7] See Guido Calabresi and A.Douglas Melamed,“Property Rules,Liability Rules,and Inalienability: One View of the Cathedral”, Harvard Law Review ,Vol.85,No.6,1972,pp.1089-1128.

[8] See Richard A.Posner,“A Theory of Negligence”, The Journal of Legal Studies ,Vol.1,No.1,1972,pp.29-96.

[9] See Steven Shavell,“Liability for harm versus Regulation of Safety”, Journal of Legal Studies ,Vol.13,No.2,1984,pp.357-374; Steven Shavell,“A Model of the Optimal Use of Liability and Safety Regulation”, Rand Journal of Economics ,Vol.15,No.2,1984,pp.271-280.

[10] See Katharina Pistor,Chenggang Xu,“Incomplete Law: A Conceptual and Analytical Framework and its Application to the Evolution of Financial Market Regulation”, Journal of Inter national Law and Politics ,Vol.35,No.4,2004,p.934.

[11] See Susan Rose-Ackerman,“Regulation and the Law of Torts”, American Economic Review ,Vol.81,No.2,1991,p.54.

[12] See Donald Wittman,“Prior Regulation versus Post Liability: The Choice between Input and Output Monitoring”, Journal of Legal Studies ,Vol.6,No.1,1977,pp.193-211.

[13] See Richard A.Epstein,“The Social Consequences of Common Law Rules”, Harvard Law Review ,Vol.95,No.8,1982,pp.1717-1751.

[14] See Matthew D.Zinn,“Policing Environmental Regulatory Enforcement: Cooperation,Capture,and Citizen Suits”, Stanford Environmental Law Journal ,Vol.21,No.1,2002,pp.81-174.

[15] See Charles D.Kolstad,Thomas S.Ulen,Gary V.Johnson,“Ex Post Liability for Harm vs.Ax Ante Safety Regulation: Substitutes or Complements?”, American Economic Review ,Vol.80,No.4,1990,pp.888-901.

[16] See Patrick W.Schmitz,“On the Joint Use of Liability and Safety Regulation”, Inter national Review of Law and Economics ,Vol.20,No.3,2000,pp.371-382.

[17] See Charles D.Kolstad,Thomas S.Ulen,Gary V.Johnson,“Ex Post Liability for Harm vs.Ax Ante Safety Regulation: Substitutes or Complements?”, American Economic Review ,Vol.80,No.4,1990,pp.888-901; Patrick W.Schmitz,“On the Joint Use of Liability and Safety Regulation”, International Review of Law and Economics ,Vol.20,No.3,2000,pp.371-382.

[18] See Gerrit De Geest,Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci,“Soft Regulation,Tough Judges”, Supreme Court Economic Review ,Vol.15,No.1,2007,pp.119-140.

[19] See Katharina Pistor,Chenggang Xu,“Incomplete Law: A Conceptual and Analytical Framework and its Application to the Evolution of Financial Market Regulation”, Journal of Inter national Law and Politics ,Vol.35,No.4,2004,pp.931-1013.

[20] See Peter S.Menell,“The Limitations of Legal Institutions For Addressing Environmental Risks”, Journal of Economic Perspectives ,Vol.5,No.3,1991,pp.93-113.

[21] See Marcel Boyer,Donatella Porrini,“The Choice of Instruments for Environmental Policy: Liability or Regulation?”,in Timothy Swanson,ed., An Introduction to the Law and E conomics of Environmental Policy : Issues in Institutional Design ,Vol.20,Elsevier Science Ltd.,2002,pp.245-268.

[22] See Christopher H.Schroeder,“Lost in the Translation: What Environmental Regulation Does That Tort Cannot Duplicate”, Washburn Law Journal ,Vol.44,No.3,2002,pp.583-606.

[23] See Robert Innes,“Enforcement Costs,Optimal Sanctions,and the Choice between Ex-post Liability and Ex-ante Regulation”, International Review of Law and Economics ,Vol.24,No.1,2004,pp.29-48.

[24] See Bharat Bhole,Jeffrey Wagner,“The Joint Use of Regulation and Strict Liability with Multidimensional Care and Uncertain Conviction”, International Review of Law and Econom ics ,Vol.28,No.2,2008,pp.123-132.

[25] See Keith Hylton,“When Should We Prefer Tort Law to Environmental Regulation?”, Washburn Law Journal ,Vol.41,No.3,2002,pp.515-534.

[26] See Virginia F.Coleman,“Possible Repercussionsof the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 on the Private Law Governing Pollution Abatement Suits”, Natural Resources Lawyer ,Vol.3,No.4,1970,pp.647 - 693; Julian C.Juergensmeyer,“Control of Air Pollution Through the Assertion of Private Rights”, Duke Law Journal ,Vol.1967,No.6,1967,pp.1126-1155; Leonard A.Miller,Doyle J.Borchers,“Private Lawsuits and Air Pollution Control”, American Bar Association Journal ,Vol.56,No.5,1970,pp.465-469.

[27] See Tom Kuhnle,“The Rebirth of Common Law Actions for Addressing Hazardous Waste Contamination”, Stanford Environmental Law Journal ,Vol.15,No.1,1996,pp.187-229.

[28] See Michael B.Hingerty,“Property Owner Liability for Environmental Contamination in California”, University of San Francisco Law Review ,Vol.22,No.1,1987,pp.31-40.

[29] See Joseph L.Sax, Defending the Environment : A Strategy for Citizen Action ,New York: Knopf,1971.

[30] See Julian C.Juergensmeyer,“Common Law Remedies and Protection of the Environment”, University of British Columbia Law Review ,Vol.6,No.1,1971,pp.215-236.

[31] See Barton H.Thompson,Jr.,“The Continuing Innovation of Citizen Enforcement”, U . Ill . L . Rev .,2000,pp.185-192.

[32] See Michael B.Hingerty,“Property Owner Liability for Environmental Contamination in California”, University of San Francisco Law Review ,Vol.22,No.1,1987,pp.31-40.

[33] See Adam D.K.Abelkop,“Tort Law as an Environmental Policy Instrument”, Oregon Law Review ,Vol.92,No.2,2014,pp.381-469.

[34] See Richard B.Stewart,“Liability for Natural Resource Injury: Beyond Tort”,in Richard L.Revesz and Richard B.Stewart eds., Analyzing Superfund : Economics Science and Law ,1995,pp.219-222.

[35] See James P.Power,“Reinvigorating Natural Resource Damage Actions through the Public Trust Doctrine”, N . Y . U Environmental Law Journal ,Vol.4,1995,pp.418-448.

[36] See Gordon J.Johnson,“Playing the Piper: Comments on Liability for Natural Resource Injury: Beyond Tort”, Alb . L . J . Sci . & Tech .,Vol.6,1996,pp.265-293.

[37] See Tom Kuhnle,“The Rebirth of Common Law Actions for Addressing Hazardous Waste Contamination”, Stanford Environmental Law Journal ,Vol.15,1996,pp.187-229.

[38] See Jason J.Czarnezki,“Shifting Science,Considered Costs,and Static Statutes: The Interpretation of Expansive Environmental Legislation”, Virginia Environmental Law Journal ,Vol.24,2006,p.434.

[39] See Keith Hylton,“When Should We Prefer Tort Law to Environmental Regulation?”, Washburn Law Journal ,Vol.41,No.3,2002,pp.515-534.

[40] See Christopher H.Schroeder,“Lost in the Translation: What Environmental Regulation Does That Tort Cannot Duplicate”, Washburn Law Journal ,Vol.44,No.3,2002,pp.583-606.

[41] 需要修正的问题包括:法院的环境科学能力不足、原被告聘请专家证人的成本高昂以及损害赔偿基金可能不被用于环境恢复等。See Jason J.Czarnezki,Mark L.Thomsen,“Advancing the Rebirth of Environmental Common Law”, Boston College Environmental A airs Law Review ,Vol.34,No.1,pp.1-35.

[42] See Alexandra B.Klass,“Common Law and Federalism in the Age of the Regulatory State”, Iowa Law Review ,Vol.92,No.2,2007,pp.545-600.

[43] See Richard A.Epstein,“From Common Law to Environmental Protection: How the Modern Environmental Movement Has Lost Its Way”, Supreme Court Economic Review ,Vol.23,No.1,2016,pp.141-167.

[44] See Tom Kuhnle,“The Rebirth of Common Law Actions for Addressing Hazardous Waste Contamination”, Stanford Environmental Law Journal ,Vol.15,1996,pp.187-229.

[45] See Kenneth S.Abraham,“The Relation Between Civil Liability and Environmental Regulation: An Analytical Overview”, Washburn Law Journal ,Vol.41,No.3,2002,pp.379-398.

[46] See Mark Latham,Victor E.Schwartz,Christopher E.Appel,“The Intersection of Tort and Environmental Law: Where the Twains Should Meet and Depart”, Fordham Law Review ,Vol.80,No.2,2011,pp.737-773.

[47] See Becker Gary S.,George J.Stigler,“Law Enforcement,Malfeasance,and the Compensation of Enforcers”, Journal of Legal Studies ,Vol.3,No.1,1974,pp.1-18.

[48] See William M.Landes,Richard A.Posner,“The Private Enforcement of Law”, Jour nal of Legal Studies ,Vol.4,No.1,1975,pp.1-46.

[49] See A.Mitchell Polinsky,“Private versus Public Enforcement of Fines”, Journal of Legal Studies ,Vol.9,No.1,1980,pp.105-127.

[50] 如美国的证券法、消费者保护法、民权法、反托拉斯法和环境法领域。See Paul D.Carrington,“The American Tradition of Private Law Enforcement”, German Law Journal ,Vol.5,No.12,2004,pp.1413-1429.

[51] See Paul D.Carrington,“The American Tradition of Private Law Enforcement”, German Law Journal ,Vol.5,No.12,2004,pp.1413-1429.

[52] See Mark A.Cohent,Paul H.Rubin,“Private Enforcement of Public Policy”, Yale Journal on Regulation ,Vol.3,No.1,1985,pp.167-193.

[53] 私法执法存在的问题包括:(1)私人行动权可能导致执法水平低下,造成司法资源的浪费,并导致对社会有益活动的过度威慑;(2)私人执法行动可能直接干扰公共执法工作,扭曲政府执法的优先事项,破坏监管机构与受监管实体之间的合作关系——这通常是实现法定目标的必要条件;(3)私人执法行动引起了对执法者民主问责的担忧,因为私人原告没有像行政官员那般受到选票的限制。See Matthew C.Stephenson,“Public Regulation of Private Enforcement: The Case for Expanding the Role of Administrative Agencies”, Virginia Law Review ,Vol.91,No.1,2005,pp.93-173.

[54] See Stephen B.Burbank,Sean Farhang&Herbert M.Kritzer,“Private Enforcement”, Lewis & Clark Law Review ,Vol.17,No.3,2013,pp.637-722.

[55] See Stephen B.Burbank,Sean Farhang&Herbert M.Kritzer,“Private Enforcement”, Lewis & Clark Law Review ,Vol.17,No.3,2013,pp.637-722.

[56] See Matthew C.Stephenson,“Public Regulation of Private Enforcement: The Case for Expanding the Role of Administrative Agencies”, Virginia Law Review ,Vol.91,No.1,2005,pp.93-173.

[57] See J.Maria Glover,“The Structural Role of Private Enforcement Mechanisms in Public Law”, William & Mary Law Review ,Vol.53,No.4,2012,pp.1137-1217.

[58] See Zachary D.Clopton,“Redundant Public-Private Enforcement”, Vanderbilt Law Review ,Vol.69,No.2,2016,pp.285-332.

[59] See Susan Rose-Ackerman,“Regulation and the Law of Torts”, The American Eco nomic Review ,Vol.81,No.2,1991,pp.54-58.

[60] See Barbara Pozzo Zanchetta,“The Liability Problem in Modern Environmental Statutes”, European Review of Private Law ,Vol.4,No.2,1996,pp.111-144.

[61] See Maria Lee,“From Private to Public: The Multiple Roles of Environmental Liability”, European Public Law ,Vol.7,No.3,2001,pp.375-397.

[62] See Mark Wilde, Civil Liability for Environmental Damage : Comparative Analysis of Law and Policy in Europe and the US ,Second edition,Zuidpoolsingel: Kluwer Law International,2013.

[63] See Robert Lee,“EU Proposals on Environmental Liability: from a Private to a Public Law Framework”, Journal of Business Law ,2003,pp.180-191.

[64] See J.Kokott,A.Klaphake,S.Marr,“Key Elements of a Liability Regime Taking into Account Ecological Damage”, Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law ,Vol.3,No.4,2005,pp.277-286.

[65] See Maria Lee,“Tort,Regulation and Environmental Liability”, Legal Studies ,Vol.22,No.1,2010,pp.33-52.

[66] See Marie-Louise Larsson, The Law of Environmental Damage : Liability and Repara tion ,Leiden: Brill,1999.

[67] See Juris Endre Stavang,“Two Challenges for the ECJ When Examining the Environmental Liability Directive”, Environmental Liability ,No.5,2010,pp.198-201.

[68] See David M Martin,“Ecological Restoration Should be Redefined for the Twenty-first Century”, The Journal of the Society for Ecological Restoration ,No.9,2016,pp.1- 6;Benjamin J.Richardson,“The Emerging Age of Ecological Restoration Law”, Review of European Community & International Environmental Law ,Vol.25,No.3,2016,pp.277-290. bfxxL5tUloWvVGAiiOR84qgbvXqP2uZyB9hs+80jiiebqYCol2Ad2aTqZNl6pi3g
