

摘要: 作为超国家行为体,欧盟成立后便开始追求国际政治地位及与之经济实力相匹配的国际影响力,因而确定了“规范性力量”的自身定位。非洲作为欧洲的传统“势力范围”,亦成为欧盟外交重点关注的地区之一。2000年欧盟与非加太国家集团签署了《科托努协定》,这不仅标志着欧盟对非援助政治导向的定型,更为欧盟同非洲开启全面伙伴关系奠定了基础。2005年,欧盟发布了第一份对非战略文件,并在2007年第二届欧非峰会上确定了《欧非联合战略》。自此,欧盟同非洲的关系从单纯的援助和贸易关系,扩展为全面伙伴关系。尤其在安全和移民等领域,欧盟对非洲事务的参与增多。与此同时,欧盟对非洲长期实行的规范性外交初见成效,对非洲产生了较为深刻的制度性影响。百年未有之大变局下,欧盟开始追求战略自主,并在2020年发布对非新战略。受新冠肺炎疫情影响,非洲在欧盟对外关系中的地位持续提升。为此,建立更加稳固的“大陆对大陆”间关系、改善“援助—受援”模式、推进新兴领域的双边合作将是欧盟与非洲关系未来发展的主要方向。

关键词: 欧非关系;规范性影响;战略自主;中欧非三方合作

Abstract: As a supranational actor,after the establishment of the European Union,it began to pursue international political status and international influence that matched its economic strength,thus determining itself as a“normative power”.Africa,as Europe's traditional“sphere of influence”,has also become one of the key regions of the EU's diplomacy.In 2000,the EU and the ACP Group signed the Cotonou Agreement,which not only marked the finalization of the EU's political orientation in ODA to Africa,but also laid the foundation for the EU to start a comprehensive partnership with Africa.In 2005,the European Union issued its first strategic document on Africa and confirmed the JEAS at the second EU-Africa Summit in 2007.Since then,the relationship between the EU and Africa has expanded from a mere aid and trade relationship to a comprehensive partnership.Especially in areas such as security and immigration,the EU has increased its involvement in African affairs.At the same time,the EU's longterm normative diplomacy in Africa has achieved initial results,and it has had a relatively profound institutional impact on Africa.The world is experiencing profound shifts unseen in a century,the EU has begun to pursue strategic autonomy and unveiled a new strategy for Africa in 2020.Af fected by the COVID-19 pandemic,Africa's position in the EU's foreign relations continues to rise.For this reason,establishing a more stable“continent to continent”relationship,improving the“aid-receiving”model,and advancing bilateral cooperation in emerging areas will be the main directions for the future development of EU-Africa relations.

Key words: EU-Africa relations; Normative influence; Strategic autonomy; China-EU-Africa trilateral cooperation uihrb+yxaVO7tC7pLO2WGfOhxVnQ9U3r+lw70FWPJdr+8BxT1KG0e/xJcUjwGdfp
