


从NSC48/1号文件到NSC98/1号文件,充分说明了美国从全球冷战的视角来制定对南亚的政策。美国逐渐认识到南亚在遏制共产主义的亚洲链条中的重要性。随着新中国的成立和朝鲜战争的爆发和扩大,南亚的战略地位在一定程度上得以提升。美国对南亚的援助目标是采取尽可能的措施保持南亚内部安全;鼓励南亚国家的亲西方倾向而不是相反,阻止转向中立主义或苏联轨道;建立适合非共产主义政治制度发展的社会经济条件。 [149] 美国希望经济援助和技术援助可以作为促进南亚“自由、稳定和亲西方倾向”的重要工具。



[1] http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/jiaoliu/jl0499/jl0499-Henry%20Luce.html.

[2] S.C.Tewari, Indo - US Relations 1947-1976 ,New Delhi:Radiant Publishers,1977,p.30.

[3] Vernon W.Ruttan, United States Development Assistance Policy The Domestic Politics of Foreign Economic Aid ,Baltimore and London:The JohnsHopkinsUniversity Press,1996,p.6.

[4] http://www.lvyouzhe.org/usa,tourism/142.html.

[5] http://study.feloo.com/Article/happy/mr/200412/1524.html.

[6] Robert A.Packenham, Liberal America and the Third World Political - Development Ideas in Foreign Aid and Social Science ,Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1973,p.34.

[7] Objectives and Nature of the Point Ⅳ Program,Washington,March 14,1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,p.776.

[8] The Point Four Program:Reaching out to Help the Less Developed Countries,Dennis Merrill,ed., Documentary History of the Trumen Presidency (Vol.27),University Publications of America,1999,p.776.

[9] http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/infousa/living_doc/GB/pointfour.htm.

[10] Objectives and Nature of the Point Ⅳ Program,Washington,March 14,1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.I,p.777.

[11] [美]罗伯特·沃尔特斯:《美苏援助:对比分析》,陈源、范坝译,商务印书馆1974年版,第50—51页。

[12] Dean Acheson,“Aid to Underdeveloped Areas as Measures of National Security”, Department of State Bulletin ,Vol.ⅩⅫ,No.562,10 April 1953,p.553.

[13] The Point Four Program:Reaching out to Help the Less Developed Countries,Dennis Merrill,ed., Documentary History of the Trumen Presidency (Vol.27),University Publications of America,1999,p.864.

[14] [美]威廉·曼彻斯特:《光荣与梦想》(上卷),朱协译,海南出版社、三环出版社2004年版,第475页。

[15] Shivaji Ganguly, U . S . Policy Toward South Asia ,San Francisco:Westview Press,1990,p.22.

[16] Dennis Kux, India and the US Estranged Democracies 1941-1991 ,Washington D.C.,1992,p.69.

[17] [美]切斯特·鲍尔斯:《鲍尔斯回忆录》,复旦大学集体编译,上海人民出版社1974年版,第235页。

[18] Shivaji Ganguly, U . S . Policy Toward South Asia ,San Francisco:Westview Press,1990,p.22.

[19] H.W.Brands, India and the United States the Cold Peace ,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1990,p.41.

[20] H.W.Brands, India and the United States the Cold Peace ,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1990,p.42.

[21] H.W.Brands, India and the United States the Cold Peace ,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1990,pp.42-43.

[22] Dennis Merrill, Bread and the Ballot The United States and India ' s Economic Development 1947-1963 ,Chapel Hill and London:The University of North Carolina Press,1990,p.21.

[23] Editorial Note, FRUS ,1950,Vol.Ⅴ,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,p.192.

[24] Record of Informal United States-United Kingdom Discussions,London,Monday Afternoon,September 18,1950, FRUS ,1950,Vol.Ⅴ,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,pp.196-206.

[25] Oral Report on Trip to London,Paris,and Tangier,October 16,1950, FRUS ,1950,Vol.Ⅴ,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,p.215.

[26] M.S.Venkataramani, The American Role in Pakistan 1947-1958 ,New Delhi:Radiant,1982,p.21.

[27] John Spanier, American Foreign Policy since World War Ⅱ,Washington,D.C.:Congressional Quarterly,Inc.,1998,p.146.

[28] Special Estimate:Consequences of Communist of Control over South Asia,Washington,Oct.3,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,pp.1062-1072.

[29] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in India(Bowels),Washington,Jan.8,1953, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,p.1684.

[30] B.K.Mohapatra, United States - Pakistan Military Alliance - A Study of Stresses and Strains ,Ajanta Publications,Delhi,1998,pp.6-7.

[31] Sami Mustafa, Pakistan a Study in Underdevelopment ,South Asia Institute,University of The Punjab,Lahore,1975,p.8

[32] Dennis Merrill, Bread and the Ballot The United States and India ' s Economic Development 1947-1963 ,Chapel Hill and London:The University of North Carolina Press,1990,pp.43-44.

[33] NSC48/2:The Position of the United States with Respect to Asia,Washington,December 30,1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅶ,The Far East and Australasia,Part 2,pp.1215-1220.

[34] 资中筠主编:《战后美国外交史——从杜鲁门到里根》(上册),世界知识出版社1994年版,第67—68页。

[35] Annexes to NSC68/3:United States Objectives and Programs for National Security,Washington,December 8,1950, FRUS ,1950,Vol.Ⅰ,National Security Affairs,Foreign Economic Policy,pp.447-448.

[36] Policy Statement Prepared in the Office of South Asian Affairs:Regional Policy Statement:South Asia,Washington,October 9,1950, FRUS ,1950,Vol.Ⅴ,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,pp.245-250.

[37] NSC98/1:The Position of the United States with Respect to South Asia,Washington,January 22,1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Asia and the Pacific,Part 2,pp.1651-1652.

[38] South Asian Regional Conference of United States Diplomatic and Consular Officers Nuwara Eliya,Ceylon February 26-March 2,1951, FRUS ,1951,Asia and the Pacific,Vol.Ⅵ,Part 2,pp.1664-1688.

[39] 四川大学南亚研究所:《印度经济》,人民出版社1982年版,第18—19页。

[40] Wayne A.Wilcox, India Pakistan and the Rise of China ,New York,Walker & Co.,p.26.

[41] S.Chandrasekhar, American Aid and India ' s Economic Development ,New York:Frederick A.Praeger,Inc.,Publishers,1965,p.16.

[42] India:1962,New Delhi:Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,1962; Annual Report of the Directorate General of Health Services ,New Delhi:Ministry of Health,1960.

[43] 崔瑛:《尼赫鲁的发展战略和拉·甘地的新经济政策》,《南亚研究》1992年第2期,第7—14页。

[44] 尚劝余:《尼赫鲁经济思想及实践试探》,《西北大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)1995年第1期,第39—43页。

[45] S.Chandrasekhar, American Aid and India ' s Economic Development ,New York:Frederick A.Praeger,Inc.,Publishers,1965,p.44.

[46] The Prime Minister on the raison d'etre of an Indepandent Foreign Policy,8 March 1948.A.Appadorai, Select Documents on India ' s Foreign Policy and Relations 1947-1972 ,Vol.1,New Delhi,1982,pp.19-20.

[47] 尤建设:《论1949年尼赫鲁访美对美国援助印度的影响》,《许昌学院学报》2009年第6期,第116—118页。

[48] 薛克翘、赵常庆主编:《简明南亚中亚百科全书》,中国社会科学出版社2004年版,第171页。

[49] 薛克翘、赵常庆主编:《简明南亚中亚百科全书》,中国社会科学出版社2004年版,第21页。

[50] Karl Knaus, Beginning of Bilateral Technical Aid in Pakistan Agriculture ,Foreign Agricultural Service,United States Department of Agriculture,March 1953.

[51] A.M.M.Saifuddin Khaled, A Policy of Balance between India and Pakistan the Truman Administration and the Kashmir Dispute 1947-1952 ,J.Asiat.Soc.Bangladesh.Hum.,Vol.39,No.1,June 1994,p.104.

[52] Robert.G.Wirsing, Indian Pakistan and the Kashmir Dispute on Regional Conflict and Its Resolution ,New York:St.Martins Press,1994,p.87.

[53] Sami Mustafa, Pakistan a study in underdevelopment South Asia Institute ,University of The Punjab,Lahore,1975,p.7.

[54] Memorandum of Conversation,by the Acting Secretary of State(Lovett),[Washington],April 2,1948, FRUS ,1948,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,Part 1,pp.506-508.

[55] Memorandum of Conversation,by the Assistant Chief of the Division of South Asian Affairs(Mathews),[Washington],April 2,1948, FRUS ,1948,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,Part 1,pp.501-506.

[56] Department of State Policy Statement on Pakistan,July 1,1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Part 2,p.2206.

[57] Nehru's speech in the House of Representatives and the Senate,13 October 1949.Rajendra K.Jain,ed., US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.1,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.124.

[58] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India,Washington,April 21,1951, FRUS ,1950,Vol.Ⅴ,p.1466.

[59] 尤建设:《论1949年尼赫鲁访美对美国援助印度的影响》,《许昌学院学报》2009年第6期,第116—118页。

[60] Telegram from US Ambassador in India,Loy W.Henderson,to Secretary of State Acheson,12 April 1950, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.1,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.131.

[61] The Ambassador in India(Henderson)to the Secretary of State,New Delhi,August 23,1950, FRUS ,1950,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,pp.1469-1470.

[62] Acheson's telegram to the US Embassy in India,21 April 1950, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.1,Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.132-133.

[63] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India,Washington,April 21,1950, FRUS ,1950,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,pp.1464-1466.

[64] Memorandum by Assistant Secretary of State for NEA McGhee to President Truman,28 August 1950, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.1,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.141.

[65] McGhee's Statement During Discussions Between Department of State Officials and Leaders of the House of Representatives,7 September 1950, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.1,Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.142-143.

[66] Department of State Policy Statement,[Washington],December 1,1950, FRUS ,1950,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,pp.1476-1480.

[67] Department of State Policy Statement on India,1 December 1950, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.Ⅰ,Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.148-153.

[68] Public Attitudes toward U.S.Aid Program,Special Report on American Opinion,prepared by the Division of Public Studies,15 January 1951, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.1,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.156.

[69] Agreed Conclusions and Recommendations of the South Asian Regional Conference of US Diplomatic and Consular Officers held at Nuwara Eliya,Ceylon,26 February-2 March 1951, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.1,Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.171-174.

[70] NIE-23:“India's Position in the East-West Conflict”,prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency,4 September 1951, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.1,Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.187-192.

[71] 王昊:《切斯特·鲍尔斯与美国对印经济援助(1951—1953)》,《历史教学问题》2008年第3期,第65—69页。

[72] H.W.Brands, India and the United States the Cold Peace ,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1990,p.65.

[73] H.W.Brands, India and the United States the Cold Peace ,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1990,p.67.

[74] Memorandum by the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern,South Asian,and African Affairs(Berry)to the Deputy under Secretary of State(Matthews),Washington,Feb.8,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,p.1633.

[75] The Ambassador in India(Bowels)to the Department of State,New Delhi,Feb.21,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,p.1635.

[76] Memorandum by the Secretary of State and the Director for Mutual Security(Harriman)to the President,Washington,Jun.5,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,pp.1647-1648.

[77] Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council(Lay),Washington,August 19,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,p.1057.

[78] The Ambassdor in India(Bowels)to the Department of State,New Delhi,July 5,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,p.1655.

[79] H.W.Brands, India and the United States the Cold Peace ,Boston:Twayne Publishers,1990,p.67.

[80] Charles Wolf, Foreign Aid Theory and Practice in Southern Asia ,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1960,p.145.

[81] Study Prepared by the Staff of the National Security Council,Washington,Undated, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,pp.1116-1117.

[82] 孟庆龙:《从美印关系看印太战略的前景》,《学术前沿》2018年8月(上),第25页。

[83] Mutual Security Act of 1951,Senate Hearings,p.5,Washington,D.C.,1952,转引自S.Chandrasekhar, American Aid and India ' s Economic Development ,New York:Frederick A.Praeger,Inc.,Publishers,1965,p.75。

[84] The Acting Secretary of State to the Agent General for India(Bajpai),Washington,October 7,1946, FRUS ,1946,Vol.Ⅴ,pp.94-95.

[85] The Ambassador in India(Grady)1 to the Secretary of State,New Delhi,June 27,1947, FRUS ,1947,The British Commonwealth;Europe,Vol.Ⅲ,p.157.

[86] Memorandum of Conversation,by the Acting Secretary of State,[Washington],October 7,1947, FRUS ,1947,The British Commonwealth;Europe,Vol.Ⅲ,pp.167-169.

[87] Memorandum of Conversation,by Mr.Joseph S.Sparks of the Division of South Asian Affairs,[Washington],December 26,1947, FRUS ,1947,The British Commonwealth;Europe,Vol.Ⅲ,pp.175-179.

[88] Memorandum by Mr.J.Robert Fluker of the Office of South Asian Affairs,Washington,January 15,1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Asia and the Pacific,Part 2,pp.2085-2087.

[89] Harold A.Gould and Sumit Ganguly,eds., The Hope and the Reality U . S .- Indian Relations from Roosevelt to Reagan ,San Francisco:Westview Press,1992,pp.123-124,183.

[90] Congressional Record ,82nd Congress,1st session,Vol.97,No.Ⅳ,P.A.787.转引自S.C.Tewari, Indo - US Relations 1947-1976 ,New Delhi:Radiant Publishers,1977,p.120。

[91] Congressional Record ,82nd Congress,1st session,Vol.97,No.IV,P.A.787.转引自S.C.Tewari, Indo - US Relations 1947-1976 ,New Delhi:Radiant Publishers,1977,p.120。

[92] Congressional Record ,82nd Congress,1st session,Vol.97,No.Ⅳ,P.A.787.转引自S.C.Tewari, Indo - US Relations 1947-1976 ,New Delhi:Radiant Publishers,1977,p.120。

[93] “Food for India”, New York Times ,January 15,1951,p.16.

[94] “U.S-India Relations Grow Steadily Worse”, New York Times ,9 Feb.1951,p.84.

[95] New York Herald Tribune ,9 Feb.1951.

[96] S.C.Tewari, Indo - US Relations 1947-1976 ,New Delhi:Radiant Publishers,1977,p.121.

[97] India Request for Food Grains:Political Considerations,Washington,January,24.1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Part 2,p.2103.

[98] Robert J.McMahon:Food as a Diplomatic Weapon:The India Wheat Loan of 1951, The Pacific Historical Review ,Vol.56,No.3.(Aug.,1987),pp.349-377.

[99] The Ambassador in India(Henderson)to the Secretary of State,New Delhi,May 10,1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Asia and the Pacific,Part 2,p.2161.

[100] 尤建设:《1951年美国对印度的紧急粮食援助》,《许昌学院学报》2013年第1期,第103—107页。

[101] Memorandum of Conversation,by the Assistant Chief of the Division of South Asian Affairs(Mathews),[Washington]April 2,1948, FRUS ,1948,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,Part 1,pp.501-506.

[102] The Chargé in India,(Donovan)to the Secretary of State,New Delhi,September 29,1948, FRUS ,1948,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,Part 1,pp.515-516.

[103] SANACC 360/11:Military Aid Priorities,Washington,August 18,1948, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.261-263.

[104] Policy Paper Approved by the Foreign Assistance Correlation Committee:Basic Policies of the Military Assistance Program,Washington,7 February 1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.250-251.

[105] Policy Paper Approved by the Foreign Assistance Correlation Committee:Basic Policies of the Military Assistance Program,Washington,7 February 1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,p.252.

[106] Policy Paper Approved by the Foreign Assistance Correlation Committee:Basic Policies of the Military Assistance Program,Washington,7 February 1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.253-254.

[107] SANACC360/14:Appraisal of U.S.National Interests in South Asia,Washington,April 19,1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅵ,pp.16-17.

[108] SANACC360/14:Appraisal of U.S.National Interests in South Asia,Washington,April 19,1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅵ,pp.9-10.

[109] MAP D-D/1:Objectives of the Military Assistance Program,Washington,May 25,1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,p.314.

[110] MAP D-G/7:Relationship of the Military Assistance Program to U.S.Strategic Interests,Washington,July 1,1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.347-348.

[111] MAP D-D/2:Strategic Objectives of the Military Assistance Program,Washington,July 19,1949, FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅰ,p.358.

[112] Editorial Note, FRUS ,1950,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.321-323.

[113] Editorial Note, FRUS ,1950,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.352-353.

[114] South Asian Regional Conference of U.S.Diplomatic and Consular Officers,Ceylon,February 26-March 2,1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Asia and the Pacific,Part 2,pp.1664-1688.

[115] Memorandum by the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern,South Asian,and African Affairs(Berry)to the Secretary of States,Washington,March 20,1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Asia and the Pacific Part 2,p.1664.

[116] Editorial Note, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.317-318.

[117] 美国第八十二届国会第一会期:《1951年共同安全法》,第165号公法,第二款,见《美国对外关系文件》(1951),第128页。转引自[美]罗伯特·沃尔特斯《美苏援助:对比分析》,陈源、范坝译,商务印书馆1974年版,第9页。

[118] Special Report on American Opinion,Prepared by the Division of Public Studies, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.270-275.

[119] Memorandum by the Deputy Under Secretary of State(Matthews)to the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council(Lay),Washington,May 10,1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Asia and the Pacific Part 2,p.1693.

[120] Memorandum of Conversation,by the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern,South Asian,and African Affairs(Byroade),Washington,November 5,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,p.1678.

[121] The Ambassador in India(Bowels)to the Department of State,New Delhi,Oct.28,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,p.1670.

[122] The Ambassador in India(Bowels)to the Department of State,New Delhi,Oct.28,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,p.1677.

[123] Memorandum of Secretary of State George C.Marshall to President Harry S.Truman,17 July 1947.Rajendra K.Jain,ed., US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.2,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.3.

[124] Statement by President Truman on the occasion of the presentation of credentials by Pakistan's first Ambassador to the United States,8 October,1947, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.2,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.4.

[125] President Truman's letter to Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan,23 November 1949, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.2,Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.24-25.

[126] Dennis Kux, The United States and Pakistan 1947-2000 Disenchanted Allies ,Baltimore and London:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2001,p.38.

[127] Message of the Charge d Affaires in Karachi,Charles W.Lewis,Jr.,to Secretary of State Marshall regarding his discussions with Finance Minister Ghulam Mohammed,2 September 1947, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.2,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.3.

[128] US Response to Pakistan's Request of $ 2 Billion for Military and Financial Aid Contained in the Latter's Memorandum of October 1947 Conveyed to Laik Ali,Special Emissary of Jinnah,by State Department officials,30 October 1947, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.2,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.6.

[129] Telegram from Acting Secretary of State to the Pakistan Ambassador M.A.H.Ispahani,17 December 1947, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.2,Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.7-8.

[130] The Chargé in India(Donovan)to the Secretary of State,New Delhi,January 26,1948, FRUS ,1948,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,Part 1,pp.495-496.

[131] “Program Operation Status Report”,Office of the Controller,of USAID/Pakistan.Rashmi Jain, US - Pak Relations 1947-1983 ,New Delhi,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.157.

[132] Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council(Lay), FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,pp.1060-1061.

[133] Karl Knaus, Beginning of Bilateral Technical Aid in Pakistan Agriculture ,Foreign Agricultural Service,United States Department of Agriculture,March 1953,p.26.

[134] Karl Knaus, Beginning of Bilateral Technical Aid in Pakistan Agriculture ,Foreign Agricultural Service,United States Department of Agriculture,March 1953,pp.36-37.

[135] Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State to the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council(Lay), FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Africa and South Asia,Part 2,pp.1060-1061.

[136] Editorial Note,Washington,August 27,1952, FRUS ,1952-1954,Vol.Ⅺ,Part 2,p.1821.

[137] Minutes of cabinet discussion,September 9,1947,67/CF/47,NDC.Dennis Kux, The United States and Pakistan 1947-2000 Disenchanted Allies ,Baltimore and London:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2001,p.20.

[138] FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅵ,p.25.

[139] Memorandum by the Secretary of State to President Truman,Washington,March 11,1948, FRUS ,1948,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅴ,Part 1,pp.496-497.

[140] Action taken by the United States on Pakistan's request of October-November 1947 and subsequent requests for military material and assistance,November 1947-May 1948, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.2,Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.9-10.

[141] FRUS ,1949,Vol.Ⅵ,p.1696.

[142] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India,Washington,March 31,1949, FRUS ,1949,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅵ,p.1696.

[143] The British Ambassador(Franks)to the Secretary of State,Washington,1st April 1949, FRUS ,1949,The Near East,South Asia,and Africa,Vol.Ⅵ,pp.1696-1698.

[144] Memorandum of Conversation,by Mr.Thomas W.Simons of the Office of South Asian Affairs,October 18,1951, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅵ,Part 2,p.2222.

[145] Dennis Kux, The United States and Pakistan 1947-2000 Disenchanted Allies ,Baltimore and London:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2001,pp.46-49.

[146] Rashmi Jain, US - Pak Relations 1947-1983 ,New Delhi:Radiant Publishers,1983,pp.8-9.

[147] Department of State Policy Statement on Pakistan,[Washington]1 July 1951, FRUS ,1951,Asia and the Pacific,Vol.Ⅵ,Part 2,pp.2206-2216.

[148] Liaquat Ali's interview with A.T.Steele,Special Correspondent of the New York Herald Tribune,31 December 1950, US - South Asian Relations 1947-1982 ,Vol.2,Radiant Publishers,1983,p.44.

[149] Memorandum Approved by the International Security Affairs Committee:Guide Lines for Fiscal Year 1953 Foreign Aid Programs,Non-European Areas, FRUS ,1951,Vol.Ⅰ,pp.390-408. XUrHMdT9NMt0fK0gdxVbECOU1XzhrygxRIbbLMEX+/d5fZIAiiEOMjB3fmzZ6tU3
