



[1] 参议员约翰·谢尔曼在国会辩论时慷慨陈词,“如果人们不愿忍受作为政治权力存在的皇帝,人们也不应该屈从于一个能阻止竞争、固定商品价格的贸易独裁者”。在布兰戴斯大法官看来,“人们可以在这个国家拥有民主,或者人们可以将大量财富集中在少数人的手中,但人们不能同时拥有这两者”。See Thomas Hazlett,“The Legislative History of the Sherman Act Re-examined”,30 Economic Enquiry ,263(1992).

[2] See Daniel A.Crane, The Institutional Structure of Antitrust Enforcement ,Oxford University Press,2011,Introduction,p.xiv.

[3] See U.S.Department of Justice, Competition and Monopoly Single - firm Conduct under Section 2 of the Sherman Act ,Chapter 2,2018;Philip Areeda,Louis Kaplow,Aaron Edlin, Antitrust Analysis Problems Text and Cases (Six Edition),Aspen Publishers,2004,p.484.

[4] 参见[美]赫伯特·霍温坎普《联邦反托拉斯政策——竞争法律及其实践》,许光耀、江山、王晨译,法律出版社2009年版,第318—371页;R.O' Donoghue & J.Padilla, The Law and Economics of Article 82 EC ,Hart Publishing,2006,pp.639-658.

[5] 总体经济福利论者往往从福利经济学的效用理论出发研究财富的转移:不同主体对一单位的福利具有相同的效用,每一福利将产生同样的效用,福利从消费者转移到垄断经营者并不会改变社会的总体福利状况。因此,福利经济学更倾向于关注社会总体福利的创造而不是经济福利如何在不同群体之间分配的问题,它们中立地对待消费者和经营者之间的财富分配。See Joseph Farrell & Michael L.Katz, The Economics of Welfare Standards in Antitrust ,Competition Policy Center Paper,2006,pp.9-10.Available at https://escholarship.org/uc/item/1tw2d426,last visit on Jan.3,2019.

[6] See Robert H.Lande,“Wealth Transfers as the Original and Primary Concern of Antitrust:The Efficiency Interpretation Challenged”,50 Hastings Law Journal ,871-958(1999).

[7] See Sean F.Ennis,Pedro Gonzaga,Chris Pike,“The Effects of Market Power on Inequality”, CPI Journal Fall 2017.

[8] See United States v . Aluminium Co . of Am Alcoa ),148 F.2d 416,427(2d Cir.1945).

[9] See Jonathan B.Baker,“Beyond Schumpeter v.Arrow:Antitrust Fosters Innovation”,74 Antitrust Law Journal ,575-577(2007).

[10] See Frank H.Easterbrook,“The Limits of Antitrust”,63 Texas Law Review ,4-9(1984).

[11] See Alan Devlin & Michael Jacobs,“Antitrust Error”,52 William & Marry law Review ,75-132(2010).

[12] See R.O' Donoghue & J.Padilla, The Law and Economics of Article 82 EC ,Hart Publishing,2006,p.9.

[13] See Frank H.Easterbrook,“The Limits of Antitrust”,63 Texas Law Review ,13(1984).

[14] “反垄断法不是为了保护企业免受市场竞争的影响……在过去几十年里,最高法院一再强调这一基本原则……反垄断法的制定是为了‘保护竞争而非保护竞争者’。”U.S.Department of Justice, Competition and Monopoly Single - firm Conduct under Section 2 of the Sherman Act ,Chapter 1,2008.

[15] U.S.Department of Justice, Competition and Monopoly Single - firm Conduct under Section 2 of the Sherman Act ,Chapter 1,2018.

[16] 作为竞争者的原告对限制竞争而不是促进竞争更感兴趣,法院甚至有必要直接驳回竞争对手提起的反垄断诉讼。See Frank H.Easterbrook,“The Limits of Antitrust”,63 Texas Law Review ,33-40(1984).

[17] 在芝加哥学派的影响下,美国反托拉斯学界、业界流行着某种以经济效率或消费者福利的“竞争结果范式”,但近来,越来越多的学者对这种范式提出质疑,并重新呼吁“竞争过程”与“竞争结构”的重要性。因为在“竞争结果范式”之下,价格和产出的变化不能完全反映消费者福利受到的所有威胁,再者,通过维护有效竞争的过程,反垄断法旨在保护的多元利益才能得以实现。See Lina M.Kahn,“Amazon's Antitrust Paradox”,126 Yale Law Journal ,710-805(2017).

[18] See Jonathan B.Baker,“Beyond Schumpeter v.Arrow:Antitrust Fosters Innovation”,74 Antitrust Law Journal ,575-577(2007).

[19] See Robert H.Lande,“Wealth Transfers as the Original and Primary Concern of Antitrust:The Efficiency Interpretation Challenged”,50 Hastings Law Journal ,871-958(1999).

[20] “正是由于经济分析的认识论局限性(epistemological limitations),反垄断通常特别容易受到错误的影响(antitrust remains unusually vulnerable to error)。” Alan Devlin & Michael Jacobs,“Antitrust Error”,52 William & Marry law Review ,75(2010).

[21] See U.S.Dep't of Justice,Competition & Monopoly:Single-firm Conduct Under Section 2 of the Sherman Act,Chapter 1,2008;See Frank H.Easterbrook,“The Limits of Antitrust”,63 Texas Law Review ,1-40(1984).

[22] See Alan Devlin & Michael Jacobs,“Antitrust Error”,52 William & Marry law Review ,75-132(2010);丁茂中《反垄断法实施中的“积极失误”与“消极失误”比较研究》,《法学评论》2017年第3期。

[23] See Wright Corp . v . ITT Grinnell Corp .,724 F.2d 227,234(1st Cir.1983).

[24] “规则”(rule)和“标准”(standard)是法律经济学中的一对范畴。简单来说,规则即是在事前预先设定行为的确切责任决定要素,一旦这些要素得到满足,行为就会受到谴责。而标准则不同,它依赖于裁判者在事后根据个案信息来考虑相关的责任决定要素,即在平衡各种事实后才决定是否谴责某项行为。See Louis Kaplow,“Rules Versus Standards:An Economic Analysis”,42 Duke Law Journal ,557-629(1992).

[25] See Frank H.Easterbrook,“The Limits of Antitrust”,63 Texas Law Review ,1-40(1984);兰磊《重估本身违法原则的制度成本——评李剑教授〈制度成本与规范化的反垄断法〉》,《竞争政策研究》2020年第2期。

[26] See Maurice E.Stucke,Does the Rule of Reason Violate the Rule of Law?22 Loyola Consumer Law Review ,15-27(2009).

[27] Wright Corp . v . ITT Grinnell Corp .,724 F.2d 227,234(1st Cir.1983).

[28] 参见[美]赫伯特·霍温坎普《联邦反托拉斯政策——竞争法律及其实践》,许光耀、江山、王晨译,法律出版社2009年版,第318—371页;R.O' Donoghue & J.Padilla, The Law and Economics of Article 82 EC ,Hart Publishing,2006,pp.639-658.

[29] See Mark A.Lemley & Christopher R.Leslie,“Categorical Analysis in Antitrust Jurisprudence”,93 Iowa Law Review ,1259-1269(2008).

[30] See Daniel A.Crane & Graciela Miralles,“Toward a Unified Theory of Exclusionary Vertical Restraints”,84 Southern California Law Review ,605-660(2011).

[31] See Massimo Motta and Alexandre de Streel,“Exploitative and Exclusionary Excessive Prices in EU Law”,in CD Ehlermann and I Atanasiu eds., European Competition Law Annual 2003: What Is an Abuse of Dominant Position ?,Hart Publishing,2006.即便如此,有学者认为“利润挤压”是一种独立的滥用行为类型,其与不公平高价、掠夺性定价、拒绝交易等类型化的滥用行为具有差异。详细的分析参见R.O' Donoghue & J.Padilla, The Law and Economics of Article 82 EC ,Hart Publishing,2006,pp.321-326;J.Gregory Sidak,“Abolishing the Price Squzze as a Theory of Antitrust Liability”,4 Journal of Competition Law & Economics ,279-309(2008).

[32] See R.O' Donoghue & J.Padilla, The Law and Economics of Article 82 EC ,Hart Publishing,2006,pp.646-658.

[33] See Brunswick Corp . v . Pueblo Bowl - O - Mat Inc .,429 U.S.477(1977).

[34] Brunswick Corp . v . Pueblo Bowl - O - Mat Inc .,429 U.S.487-489(1977).转引自[美]克里斯蒂娜·博翰楠、赫伯特·霍温坎普《创造无羁限:促进创新中的自由与竞争》,兰磊译,法律出版社2016年版,第58页。

[35] See Philip Marsden & Simon Bishop,“Article 82 Review:What is Your Theory of Harm”,2 European Competition Journal ,257-262(2006).

[36] 但有必要指出的是,“芝加哥学派的某些评论人士长期以来对‘排他’(exclusion)作为一种反垄断理论(反垄断法上的损害理论)深表怀疑,尤其是将这种理论应用到支配企业的行为。尽管后芝加哥学派的评论人士往往比大多数人更严肃地对待排他行为,但某些主流和进步的评论人士称‘共谋’(collusion)才是核心的反垄断关注”。See Jonathan B.Baker,“Exclusion as a Core Competition Concern”,78 Antitrust Law Journal ,527-528(2012).

[37] See Patrick Bolton,Joseph F.Brodley,Michael H.Rioedan,“Predatory Pricing:Strategic Theory and Legal Policy”,88 Georgetown Law Journal ,2239-2330(2000).

[38] Jonathan B.Baker,“Exclusion as a Core Competition Concern”,78 Antitrust Law Journal ,532(2012).

[39] See Daniel A.Crane, The Institutional Structure of Antitrust Enforcement ,Oxford University Press,2011,Introduction,p.xiv.

[40] See Jonathan B.Baker,“Exclusion as a Core Competition Concern”,78 Antitrust Law Journal ,529-530(2012).

[41] See Thomas A.Lambert,“Dr.Miles is Dead?Now What:Structuring a Rule of Reason for Evaluating Minimum Resale Price Maintenance”,50 William & Marry Law Review ,1937-2006(2009).

[42] See Andrew I.Gavil,William E.Kovacic,Jonathan B.Baker, Antitrust Law in Perspective Cases Concepts and Problems in Competition Policy (Second Edition),West Academic Publishing,2008,Introduction,p.vii.

[43] Daniel A.Crane & Graciela Miralles,“Toward a Unified Theory of Exclusionary Vertical Restraints”,84 Southern California Law Review ,611(2011).

[44] 在欧盟竞争法著述中,对于支配企业为惩罚与竞争对手交易的客户而拒绝供应的行为,有学者将其称为“报复性滥用”(reprisal abuses)。See John Temple Lang,“Some Aspects of Abuse of Dominant Position in European Community Antitrust Law”,3 Fordham International Law Journal ,17(1979). QUC3KCyAHg7R8EWFY5pGLlaZH7kqI0z7k2cDIdKOMf/ogt5pHTxD6Ri9qvCAhYcz
