

摘要: 旅游业被誉为经济的晴雨表。2008年国际金融危机爆发至2020年的十余年时间里,国际贸易摩擦频发,地缘政治风险加剧,全球经济低速增长,全球旅游增长趋势有所趋缓。2020年新冠肺炎疫情的全球大流行给人类生活和世界经济带来全新挑战。旅游业高度依赖于全球化所带来的经济往来和人员流动,因此受到巨大冲击并正在经历着第二次世界大战以来最为全面而深刻的变革。



关键词: 全球旅游;新挑战;创新变革

Abstract: Tourism is known as the barometer of the economy.In the more than ten years from the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008 to 2020,because of frequent international trade frictions and intensified geopolitical risks,the global economy was in a low growth track,and the growth trend of global tourism also slowed down.COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges to human life and the world economy.Highly dependent on the economic and human flows brought about by globalization and benefiting from harmonious and stable international exchanges,tourism has been greatly affected and is undergoing the biggest reshaping and transformation since the Second World War.

This book,from a global perspective,comprehensively analyzes the dynamic changes of the external environment,including economic development,international trade,international investment,regional differences and the impact of COVID-19,as well as the challenges brought to global tourism.On this basis,it systematically probes the pattern change,strategic adjustment,innovative measures and reform direction of the global tourism industry from the perspectives of the whole world,different regions,international organizations,governments,tourism cities,subsectors and tourism enterprises respectively.In the face of the global tourism industry from the big change in one hundred,it's necessary to adjust China's tourism development strategy,establish and improve the tourism crisis management system,accelerate the establishment of global security system,actively promote the domestic tourism market recovery,reshape the international tourism relationship and rebuild the tourism industry system,in order to establish a new pattern of world tourism development with more security,stability and sustainability.

This book is a systematic study of the latest trends of global tourism industry.It provides the panoramic analysis and intellectual support for the governments,destination managers,researchers and tourism practitioners to prepare or adjust their strategies and plans.

Key Words: global tourism; new challenges; reform and innovation ngjQuNa8hEuGO2R7UYjjV1gIiM25JzhECGb3c2qpHL6VupdOxY3OCtnz128DgMS0
