

盛朝迅 ,中国人民大学经济学博士,供职于国家发展和改革委员会宏观经济研究院。长期致力于产业经济与产业政策研究,主持国家社科基金、中宣部高端智库、国家发改委和自然资源部课题10余项,参与中央重要文件、重大规划、重大课题研究和起草40多项,公开发表论文120余篇,专著3部,获得国家发改委优秀成果一等奖1项、二等奖3项,各类省部级以上荣誉和领导批示40多次。入选首期“发改英才”。

摘要 :当前,全球产业链加速重构,国际产业竞争正在从产品竞争升级到产业链群之间的竞争,主要经济体纷纷出台政策措施加强对产业链供应链的“国家干预”,产业链成为世界各国战略竞争焦点。我国在推动产业政策转型创新的同时,需要更加关注实施产业链政策,增强产业政策制定的“链式思维”和系统思维,尽快制定更具系统性和更有针对性的产业链政策方案,以市场竞争与开放合作为主轴,“强基、韧链、优企、提效”,统筹推进产业基础高级化、产业链安全稳定、竞争力提升和现代化升级。一是突出“强基”,加快实施产业基础再造工程,着力提升基础研究能力,适度超前布局新型基础设施,着力夯实产业基础能力。二是着力“韧链”,多措并举保产业链供应链安全稳定,持续推进产业链供应链现代化,提升产业链韧性和现代化水平。三是聚力“优企”,加快培育产业生态主导企业和“专精特新”中小企业,增强企业主体地位和竞争力。四是注重“提效”,通过智能化绿色化数字化升级改造,优化区域产业链供应链布局,推动产业链创新链深度融合,促进产业链供应链国际化发展,增强产业链质量效益和控制力。

关键词 :链时代;产业链;产业链政策;新发展格局

Abstract :At present,the global industrial chain is being restructured at an accelerated pace,international industrial competition is upgrading from product competition to competition among industrial chain groups. Major economies have introduced policies and measures to strengthen “state intervention” in industrial and supply chains.the industrial chain has become the focus of strategic competition around the world. While promoting the transformation and innovation of industrial policies,my country needs to pay more attention to the implementation of industrial chain policies,strengthen the “chain thinking” and systematic thinking of industrial policy formulation,and formulate more systematic and targeted industrial chain policy plans as soon as possible. Market competition and open cooperation are the main axes,“strengthen the foundation,strengthen the chain,optimize the enterprise,and improve efficiency”,and coordinate the promotion of the advanced industrial foundation,the safety and stability of the industrial chain,the improvement of competitiveness and the modernization and upgrading. The first is to highlight the “strong foundation”,speed up the implementation of the industrial foundation reconstruction project,focus on improving basic research capabilities,moderately advance the layout of new infrastructure,and focus on consolidating industrial basic capabilities. The second is to focus on the “tough chain”,take multiple measures to ensure the safety and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain,continue to promote the modernization of the industrial chain and supply chain,and improve the resilience and modernization level of the industrial chain. The third is to focus on “excellent enterprises”,accelerate the cultivation of industrial ecological leading enterprises and “specialized,special and innovative” small and medium-sized enterprises,and enhance the dominant position and competitiveness of enterprises. The fourth is to focus on “efficiency improvement”,optimize the layout of regional industrial chains and supply chains,promote the deep integration of industrial chain innovation chains,promote the international development of industrial chains and supply chains,and enhance the quality,efficiency and control of industrial chains through intelligent,green,and digital upgrading and transformation.

Key Words :Chain era;Industrial chain;Industrial chain policy;New development pattern VL0nYL+wAq5+BhLkqaq6lrf+MsJakDRtk6HPkwApC+LyjCy60iOxw1soekUIzvHY
