

摘要: 中国劳动力市场发展见证了中国经济奇迹。短短几十年时间,中国城镇劳动力市场完成了从无到有、从自发探索到体系有序的过程,经历了国企改制、加入世界贸易组织(WTO)、国际金融危机,以及人口与经济结构转变等一系列冲击与考验。劳动力市场与宏观经济密切关联,与个体和家庭戚戚相关。本研究立足微观视角,利用2001年以来四轮中国城市劳动力调查(China Urban Labor Survey,CULS)数据,全面地观察21世纪以来中国城镇劳动力市场变迁,把握中国劳动力市场发展的典型特征,理解中国经济转型与全球融入过程。









关键词: 劳动力市场;就业;人力资本;技能;转型

Abstract: The development of Chinese labor market has witnessed Chinese economic miracle.In just a few decades,the urban labor market in China has been established from scratch,and developed into an orderly and organized market system after the spontaneous exploration in early stage.It has experienced the challenges and shocks from the reform of state-owned enterprises(SOEs),the accession to WTO,the global financial crisis,and the demographic transition and economic structural change.The labor market is closely linked to the macroeconomy and to the individuals and households.Based on a microscopic perspective,by using data of four rounds of China Urban Labor Survey(CULS)since 2001,this book comprehensively explores the changes of Chinese urban labor market in the 21 st century,highlights the typical characteristics of the development of Chinese labor market,and helps to understand Chinese economic transformation and the process of its integration into global economy.

Chinese labor market has experienced the following stages: the rigidity state around 2000,the disorder state around 2005,the restructuring around 2010,and the gradual improvement around 2015.The economic vitality is closely related to the performance of the labor market.Over all,the labor market in China has achieved relatively full employment,relatively high labor force participation rate at the individual and household level,but there are also challenges,such as high unemployment rate of the youth,declining labor force participation rate for females,and the divergence trend for different regions and groups.

The reform in China is gradual,and the labor market transformation cannot be accomplished overnight.Between 2001 and 2005,the reform of SOEs went into a crucial stage and the urban labors were rapidly shifted from state owned sector to market-oriented sectors; between 2005 and 2010,as the institutional reform being basically accomplished,the above shift slowed down significantly,and the joint-stock cooperation between SOEs and private sectors became a new form of job creation; between 2010 and 2016,because the reform of the market economy system had been further advanced,and the market-oriented sectors created more jobs,the urban labors experienced the second wave of transferring from state(quasi-state)owned sector to market-oriented sectors.Despite the continuous advancement of the marketization process,the state-owned sector(economy)still plays an important role in the urban economy and labor market,and the marketization reform has not been finished.

The degree of formalization of employment is an important reflection of the development of the labor market.Informal employment is always related to lower income,poorer protection of labor rights,and lower social security coverage.During the past 20 years in the 21 st century,Chinese urban labor market has experienced a process of transition from informal employment to formal employment,with the labor market system gradually improving,and the coverage of labor contracts and social insurance systems rapidly increasing.The proportion of urban formal employment shows an upward trend,while the proportion of informal employment gradually declines.Meanwhile,the quality of employment has gradually improved,and the labor market supervision has become more standardized.Males are more likely to obtain formal employment opportunities than females,but the gender gap tends to narrow.People with local urban hukou has obvious advantages in obtaining formal employment,and human capital is also an important factor for obtaining formal employment opportunities and entering the formal sector.

The migration of labor from agricultural and rural sectors to urban and non-agricultural sectors is an important feature of Chinese labor market development,and the transition from urban-rural dual structure to urban-rural integration is also an important sign of labor market maturity.The difference among workers with local urban hukou,inter-urban migrants and rural to urban migrants have witnessed the rapid changes in the labor market.The wage gap between local urban workers and rural-urban migrants shows a trend of first widening,then narrowing,and then widening again.The wage gap between local urban workers and rural-urban migrants widened from 1.30 in 2001 to 1.72 in 2005,and then decreased to 1.19 in 2010,but widened again to 1.44 by 2016.The supply and demand in the labor market and skill demand structure have undergone rapid changes,and the change in wage gap is an intuitive reflection of this structural change.Around 2010,The main driving force for wage convergence between rural-urban migrants and local urban workers came from the“supply side”,however,the main driving force for the divergence in 2016 came from the“demand side”.

The global financial crisis tested the ability to resist external systemic risks of Chinese urban labor market.The financial crisis in 2008 had a greater impact on the exportoriented sectors in coastal areas,especially the manufactur ing sector,which were mostly market-oriented sectors,with a large proportion of private enterprises and migrant workers.The migrant workers bear the brunt of systemic external shocks,and rural-urban migrants were more inclined to return to their hometowns in the face of external uncertain risks.In essence,this can be understood as short-term unemployment.Agriculture and rural areas played the role of“employment reservoirs”.In contrast,the local urban workers were better protected in the face of external risks and shocks.The difference in the vulnerability and response between different groups reflected the coordination contradiction between the flexibility and security of the labor market.

The rate of return to education reflects the relative demand for labors with different levels of education.Returns to education tended to rise between 2001 and 2010 and declined slightly in 2016.The estimate results show that the return to years of schooling was 7.75 % in 2001,then rose to 9.78 % in 2010,and fell to 9.39 % in 2016.Increasing return to education indicated an increase in the relative demand for skills in the labor market.Even after the supply shock caused by college expansion,the return to education is still substantial because the relative demand for skills grew faster.The decline in education return in 2016 may be related to the slowdown of economic growth,the structural transformation in the economy,and change in skill demand.The education return for the local urban labor is the highest and shows a steady increase,while the education return for the migrants is obviously lower,which reflects that there are still some institutional obstacles in the urban labor market.Vocational education is facing great challenge from market competition.The return to secondary vocational education has declined significantly and has been approached close to the return of general high school education by 2016.The advantages of secondary vocational education compared to general high school education almost disappear due to the fundamental changes in the quality of secondary vocational education and the quality of different student cohorts.These are also the source of the increasingly acute contradiction between the current“division of students into general high schools and secondary vocational schools”policy and the public.

Job turnover is an important way to achieve personal career promotion and improve labor market efficiency.There is no common standard for the desired degree of“job turnover”.There will be a certain degree of job change in a well-functioning labor market,which will bring better matching between workers and jobs.The job search duration has generally tended to be longer,and this may not be due to fewer job opportunities,but more diverse job needs of workers.The average years of job search duration has been extended from 0.6 years in 2001 to 1.7 years in 2016.On the one hand,the frequency of job switching has decreased,on the other hand,the job search duration has become longer,which reflects that the decision-making of job switching has been more cautious and reflects people's pursuit of higher quality employment,that is,upgrading from“having a job”to“having a good job”lead to increasing difficulty of matching and longer job search duration.

The development of Chinese labor market follows the general rules and characteristics of those market economy countries,but also shows its uniqueness.Although the labor market has gradually improved,the reform has not been fully accomplished,and there are still some problems left over by the transition,which remain to be resolved.Chinese economy has moved into a new stage of development.In this new stage,high-quality development has become the main objective,while in the labor market,full and higher-quality employment will be the main goal.Faced with the labor supply shortage and negative population growth in the new stage,the rapid economic transformation driven by technological changes,and the more complex and volatile domestic and international situation,China is confronted with greater risks and challenges,and there are fewer lessons to be learned from.As a whole,there is still a long way to go for the further reform and development of the labor market.

Key words: Labor Market; Employment; Human Capital; Skill; Transform pMyXmvUg+BABsUPbK5pEbDWrciRkHeOP7En7hpKu6KRTYvWqj4LGUNv7DYzmFkTp
