
第四节 结语


冷战结束后,国际社会实行军控和裁军的努力曾一度取得重大进展,如《不扩散核武器条约》的无限期延长、《全面禁止核试验条约》的达成、东南亚和非洲无核区的建立,军控形势似乎比较乐观。但是,由于近年来美国在军控问题上采取的一些消极政策,冷战时期建立起来的、冷战后逐步巩固和加强的军控机制正面临危险,可以说国际军控和裁军正处于十字路口,是用多边主义的方式解决各国合理的安全关切,促进国际社会的共同安全,还是采取单边主义的方式寻求绝对安全?军控和裁军向何处去决定的不是短期问题,而是新世纪国际社会将面临怎样一个安全环境的大问题,也许正如一位军控专家所言,真正对军控的挑战不是在冷战时期,而是在冷战结束之后。 [22]

[1] 此文原题为《影响冷战后美国军控政策的若干因素》,原刊于《世界经济与政治》2001年第9期。感谢《世界经济与政治》授权,收入本书时作者对原文做了适当调整。

[2] 时殷弘:《新趋势·新格局·新规范》,法律出版社1999年版,第223—232页。

[3] Kerry M.Kartchner,“The Objectives of Arms Control,”Jeffrey A.Larsen and Gregory J.Rattray,eds., Arms Control Toward the 21st Century ,London:Lynne Rienner Publishers,1996,pp.24-27.

[4] George Bush, National Security Strategy of the United States ,New York:Brassey's,Inc.,1991,p.4.

[5] “Prospects for the Worldwide Development of Ballistic Missile Threats,1993”(Declassified November 1993),Joseph Cirincione and Frank von Hippel eds., The Last Fifteen Minutes Ballistic Missile Defense in Perspective ,Washington,D.C.:Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers,1996,appendix B.

[6] Joseph Cirincione and Frank von Hippel eds., The Last Fifteen Minutes Ballistic Missile Defense in Perspective ,Washington,D.C.:Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers,1996,p.50.

[7] Richard N.Cooper,“Emerging Missile Threats to North America During the Next 15 Years,”(Written statement made by Richard Cooper for the hearing of the House National Security Committee,28 th Feb.1996),Joseph Cirincione and Frank von Hippel eds., The Last Fifteen Minutes Ballistic Missile Defense in Perspective ,Washington,D.C.:Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers,1996,appendix B.

[8] “Executive Summary of the Report of the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States,”July 15,1998,https://fas.org/irp/threat/bm-threat.htm.

[9] Richard Fleisher,Jon R.Bond,Glen S.Krutz,Stephen Hanna,“The Demise of the Two Presidencies,” American Politics Quarterly ,Jan.2000,pp.3-25.

[10] Jennifer E.Sims,“The Arms Control Process:The U.S.Domestic Context,”Jeffrey A.Larsen and Gregory J.Rattray,eds., Arms Control Toward the 21st Century ,London:Lynne Rienner Publishers,1996,pp.65-66.

[11] 王缉思:《高处不胜寒:冷战后美国的全球战略和世界地位》,世界知识出版社1999年版,第102页。

[12] Duncan L.Clarke, Politics of Arms Control The Role and Effectiveness of the U . S . Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ,London:The Free Press,1979,p.209.

[13] “NSC's Berger on U.S.Power at Council on Foreign Relations—Internationalist Consensus Challenged by New Isolationism,October 21,” Washington File ,October 22,1999,pp.15-17.

[14] “Press Conference by the President,October 14,” Washington File ,October 15,1999,p.7.

[15] Eric Schmit,“Why Clinton Plea on Pact Left Lott Unmoved,” The New York Times ,October 15,1999.

[16] 樊吉社:《美国参议院拒批〈全面禁止核试验条约〉的原因及影响》,《当代亚太》2000年第4期。

[17] 例如,在《国家导弹防御法》提出之初,它完全是党派斗争的筹码,但后来却直接影响到美国的导弹防御政策。Eric Schmitt,“Missile Defenses Leave Fantasy Behind,” The New York Times ,March 21,1999.

[18] George Bush, National Security Strategy of the United States ,New York:Brassey's,Inc.,1991,p.4.

[19] Leonard Spector,“Neo-Nonproliferation,” Survival ,Vol.37/No.1,Spring 1995,pp.69-77.

[20] 如美国的核武器系统不再针对俄罗斯或其他国家,重型轰炸机不再处于预警状态;只有少数导弹潜艇处于预警状态;美国不要考虑新型的核弹头;美国地面部队中不再拥有核武器;美国海军不再在海上部署战术核武器;战术核武器和战略核武器都在大量削减。Forrest Waller,“Strategic Offensive Arms Control,”Jeffrey A.Larsen and Gregory J.Rattray,eds., Arms Control Toward the 21st Century ,London:Lynne Rienner Publishers,1996,pp.109-110.

[21] Bates Gill,“Coping With a New Era in U.S.—China Strategic Nuclear Relations Through Confidence-Building and Strategic Stability,”Article Presented to the Third Sino-U.S.Conference on Arms Control,Disarmament and Non-proliferation,Beijing,September 13-15,2000,p.3.

[22] James J.Wirtz,“Is Arms Control Succeeding?”Jeffrey A.Larsen and Gregory J.Rattray,eds., Arms Control Toward the 21st Century ,London:Lynne Rienner Publishers,1996,pp.160-165. nTNNuXHY1JdTEClN4VRLa6zDOa4XVqH95rqo8MiIupwdrcRoqG0JVTS2krgW0IGg
