

摘要: 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视生态文明建设,谋划开展了一系列根本性、开创性、长远性工作,使生态文明建设从认识到实践都发生了历史性、转折性、全局性的变化。中央生态环保督察制度有着深厚的实践基础,鲜明的时代价值以及紧迫的现实需求,对生态文明建设发挥了积极作用。本报告基于对山东省、重庆市调研资料的系统分析,总结提炼了中央生态环保督察取得的成效、存在的问题,并对如何进一步完善生态环保督察制度提出了对策建议。



关键词 :生态环保督察;时代价值;实践;对策

Abstract: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has attached great importance to the construction of ecological civilization,planned and carried out a series of fundamental yet pioneering and long-standing work,contributing to a historical,turning and comprehensive change of ecological civilization construction from both recognition and practice.The central ecological and environmental protection supervision system has a profound practical foundation,distinct values of the timesand urgent practical needs,and has played a positively role in the construction of ecological civilization.Based on the systematic analysis of the research data in Shandong Province and Chongqing City,the report summarized the achievements as well as issues of thecentral ecological and environmental protection supervision system and come up with suggestions for its further improvement.

Thecentral ecological and environmental protection supervision system has promoted the obvious enhancement of the ecological and environmental protection awareness of the party committees and governments,accelerated the effective solution of a large number of serious ecological and environmental problems,and promoted the optimization of the regional industrial structure and the substantial improvement of the development quality.However,the chain of command in current ecological environment agency has not been completely settled and therefore the county-level ecological environment sub-bureau is always facing adisadvantageous situation against the workflow; quantity and professional quality of ecological and environmental protection supervision team could hardly the needs for the work; there are inevitably misconduct when central ecological and environmental protection supervision team conduct inspection at local jurisdiction; further improvement on certain regulation is needed to better adapt to the ecological and environmental protections supervision work at the new stage of development.

The report proposed the corresponding countermeasures,including developing a supervision work manual for the procedure-basis,enhancing the expertise of the team for the precision; establishing the long-term supervision mechanism for the standardization; innovating ecological and environmental protection supervision methods for the credibility; promoting laws and regulations for the legislation.

Key words: Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision System; Era Value; Practice; Countermeasures qwIHAWMbqANx3Uf4ClGSOvXu9Bl5exqiMsLbLdN88O+BV/J1a+z0oRFDhlseWd76
