

Human society is a history of time as well as a history of space.The people are both the creators of history and the practitioners of space.The reason why space ethics has become a new era theme of social space criticism and Marxist philosophy research is not only the essential requirement of how people in the new era live better in different Spaces,but also the innovation of the era of Marxist space philosophy research theme.Ethics must be incorporated into the thinking of space from the perspective of space as the ontological principle of human existence.Space ethics not only includes the expression of different ethical relations in space,but also includes how to realize different ethical relations in space.From the perspective of historical materialism,space ethics refers to the normative relational order formed by human beings in space practice with the value of goodness as the core.Space ethics is conducive to coordinating the social relationship between individuals and self,groups,and human beings,so as to realize the harmonious relationship between people and space in the state of good spatial governance.

The study of space ethics from the perspective of historical materialism is based on human production activities and life practice,and based on the dialectical relationship between space existence and space ethics,it examines the specific practical form of space ethics.The space is divided into three parts according to the diversity of social relations and the hierarchy of the spatial extent:body space at the micro level,urban and rural space at the meso level,and global space at the macro level.With globalization and modernization,the population and resources are more and more concentrated,and the social interests are more tense.Therefore,ethical issues are constantly highlighted in contemporary people's bodies,cities and the world.According to the demands of space ethics,the book will mainly discuss body ethics,urban ethics and global ethics.

When Marx and Engels criticized capitalism,they touched on the basic problem of spatial ethics.For example,alienated labor under private ownership damages the physical and mental health of workers,the urban capital ethics deconstructs the rural blood ethics,and the world market impacts local traditions.Since then,with the process of globalization,informatization,and urbanization,contemporary space has taken on a new form:individual body forms are gradually standardized and symbolized; Class relations in urban society have become fluid and alienated; The global space has also moved from the dominance of capital to the reality of the coexistence of multiple factors.Under the new historical conditions,the generated new questions of space ethics require new reflections.This book focuses on the following three parts:

First,body ethics is the microscopic starting point of space ethics.The basic fact that the real individual takes the body as the existence,reconstructing the body ethics means that the individual should liberate the body standardized by technology and symbolized by consumerism in the world of daily life,so as to establish the status of human subjectivity and achieve self-improvement.

Secondly,urban ethics is the meso-core of space ethics.Humans live in cities while they have bodies.Reconstructing urban ethics means integrating the ethical spirit of humanity,harmony and justice into urban space governance in an urban defamiliar society,realizing people's urban rights and space justice,and stimulating the vitality of urban society.

Finally,global ethics is the macro future of space ethics.In the predicament of utopianization of global ethics,reconstructing global ethics means rethinking the relationship between global and local in the coexistence of economic,political,cultural and other factors,establishing the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind,and seeking win-win cooperation amid risks and opportunities.To enhance the common well-being of all mankind.

Essentially,the body ethics,urban ethics,and global ethics studied in the preceding paragraphs are all organic components of space ethics.Their core values all point to good governance in space.In the new era,China adheres to the principle of good spatial governance and promotes the practice of spatial ethics,which is embodied in the following aspects:first,to realize the people's longing for a better life; second,to build a spatial development pattern of “urban-rural integration”; third ,highlighting the co-construction and sharing space ethics of the “Belt and Road”.This not only reflects China's responsibility in the new era,but also confirms the practical value of space ethics research. mYF3wl+h8i99EWqEHRoi37uAQdDyp4BezbJvXwv0JBkQc0js2iNVESQUaEjUhC/t
