


It started in Sweden, where the term “flight shame” was coined in 2018 to describe the unease about flying experienced by environmentally conscious travellers. Other wealthy countries are not immune from such trends: a recent survey of 6,000 people in Germany, France, the UK and the US found 21% had cut back. Such a shift in attitudes makes it all the more disturbing that members of the current government, including the health secretary, Matt Hancock, have yet to catch up. Asked twice on the radio this week whether people should reduce the number of flights they take, the minister said they should not.

With new research showing 2019 was the second-hottest year on record on the planet's surface, and the hottest-ever for the oceans, it is increasingly difficult to understand why any rational person would not be behind all and any measures designed to reduce carbon emissions. Evidence of the growing danger extends from the devastation caused by the Australian bushfires to this week's report that up to 1 million seabirds were killed in less than a year by a “hot blob” in the Pacific Ocean.

This context made it particularly troubling to hear a senior UK government minister, and one generally considered to be on the moderate wing of his party, blithely deny that reducing flights is a good idea. Just as bad was the fact that his remarks came only hours after the announcement of a tax holiday and review of air passenger duty as part of a rescue deal to save the regional airline Flybe. Mr Hancock's comment that “we should use technology to reduce carbon emissions” could be dismissed as naive if it was not so irresponsible.

Electric flight is in its infancy and, while there have been significant gains in fuel efficiency, zero-carbon flight remains a remote prospect. Projections of future emissions consistently expect aviation to be responsible for an increasing share of the total, although the industry complains that it is unfairly singled out given that the current figure is 2.5%.

Individuals altering their habits, even in large numbers, will not avert disaster. In a sense the opposite is true: collective action by whole countries, led by governments, to push entire economies into a clean era is the answer. But “flight shame”, along with movements to restrict other carbon-intensive forms of consumption, is still a force for good. The point is not to show that you are better than other people, or to displace anxiety from the public realm into the private one. It is to show the world's leaders, in business and politics, that we get it: life must change.

1. The term “flight shame” is used to describe those who are concerned that ______.

[A] flying always involves more or less inevitable risk

[B] flying experience will be disturbed by uneasy surroundings

[C] flying will have an adverse effect on the environment

[D] flying experience always brings a sense of shame

2. The “hot blob” in the Pacific Ocean is used to illustrate ______.

[A] the necessity of reducing carbon emissions

[B] the harm from disturbing government responses

[C] the implication of recording ocean temperature

[D] the needlessness of reducing civil aviation

3. The author's attitude towards Mr Hancock's comment is ______.

[A] ambiguous

[B] sympathetic

[C] indifferent

[D] critical

4. It is indicated in Paragraph 4 that aviation industry ______.

[A] will achieve zero-carbon flight soon

[B] has limited its current carbon emissions

[C] is supposed to undertake its due obligations

[D] has achieved great success in fuel efficiency

5. The author concludes that individual efforts ______.

[A] are not worthy of mention because of its self-display

[B] will solve the climate crisis with their environment consciousness

[C] should be integrated into a concerted action of the whole country

[D] will make domestic flights in their countries obsolete



[文章大意] 本文主要探讨了在航空业对环境造成污染的情况下,个人的力量是有限的,政府必须拿出行动。文章开篇用“飞行耻辱”现象引出问题,接着用英国官员的例子表明英国政府不重视航空业造成的污染,随后摆出各种事实证明环保利益已经受到严重损害。最后作者认为应由各国政府主导,采取集体行动来带领国家进入清洁时代。



1. “飞行羞耻”这一术语被用来描述那些担心______的人。

[A] 飞行总是会涉及或多或少不可避免的风险

[B] 令人不愉快的环境会干扰飞行经历

[C] 飞行会对环境产生不利影响

[D] 飞行经历总是给人带来羞愧感

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 根据题文同序原则以及关键词the term “flight shame”定位到第一段第一句。根据文中说法,该术语用来表示有环保意识的旅行者在乘飞机出行时的不安。因此选项 [C]“飞行会对环境产生不利影响”正确。

[干扰排除] 文章并未提及飞行会产生或多或少的风险,选项 [A] 属于无中生有,故排除。文中说的是乘飞机出行让人感到不安,而不是环境令人不安,选项 [B] 说法错误,故排除。该术语强调的是有环保意识的旅行者对于乘飞机出行的不安感受,而选项 [D] 只是该术语的字面意思,并非其实际含义,故可排除。

2. 太平洋上的“热斑”被用来阐释______。

[A] 减少碳排放量的必要性

[B] 政府所做出的令人不安的回应带来的伤害

[C] 记录海洋温度的意义

[D] 无需减少民用航空

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 根据题文同序原则以及关键词hot blob定位到第二段第二句,该句后半部分意思是:多达100万只海鸟在不到一年的时间里被太平洋上的一个“热斑”杀死——这是危险与日俱增的证据。这种危险(the growing danger)指的是什么呢?根据该段第一句的主干内容,“人们越来越难以理解任何一个清醒的人竟然会不支持所有旨在减少碳排放的措施”(it is increasingly difficult to understand why any rational person would not be behind all and any measures designed to reduce carbon emissions),我们能够得知,这种危险指的是carbon emissions(碳排放),作者认为之前官员的说辞显然是不理性的,都是为了经济利益而牺牲环保利益,因此我们应该支持减排,故选项 [A] 符合文意,故为答案。

[干扰排除] 文中虽然提及了政府做出了令人不安的回应,但选项 [B] 说的是“政府所做出的令人不安的回应带来的伤害”,这跟“热斑”的例子并不存在明显的关系,因此排除选项 [B] 。选项 [C] 的内容来自第二段第一句,文中只是提及2019年是海洋有史以来最热的一年,并没有提及记录海洋温度的意义,故排除。选项 [D] 显然与论点句内容冲突,故排除。

3. 作者对于汉考克评论的态度是______。

[A] 模棱两可的

[B] 赞同的

[C] 漠不关心的

[D] 批判的

[试题类型] 观点态度题。

[解题思路] 根据题干中的关键词Mr Hancock's comment可以定位到第三段最后一句。作者认为汉考克的评论如果不能说是不负责任的,那就可以说是幼稚的,dismiss本身的意思是to refuse to accept or recognize(拒绝接受或承认),据此能判断出作者对汉考克的评论持有负面态度,因此选项 [D] 正确。此外,根据本段前文出现的troubling(令人不安的)以及just as bad(同样糟糕的)这些负面消极词汇也能佐证选项 [D] 的正确性。

[干扰排除] 根据考研阅读选文特点,选项 [A]“模棱两可的”以及选项 [C]“漠不关心的”一般不会成为态度题的正确选项,故排除。选项 [B]“赞成的”属于正向积极情感,与原文语境不符,故排除。

4. 从第四段能够得知航空业______。

[A] 很快会实现零碳飞行

[B] 已经限制了其目前的碳排放量

[C] 应当承担其应有的责任

[D] 已经在燃油效率方面取得巨大的成功

[试题类型] 推理引申题。

[解题思路] 由题干关键词Paragraph 4和aviation industry定位至第四段第二句。该句指出虽然航空业抱怨自己的碳排放量目前只占总体排放量的2.5%,但其实在未来该数字仍会不断上升。第二句由although引导了让步状语从句,因此主干是重点,强调航空业的碳排放量在不断增加这一趋势,因此该行业应对此负责,主干的expect以及be responsible for分别对应选项 [C] 的is supposed to以及undertake its due obligations。因此选项 [C] 正确。

[干扰排除] 第四段首句提及零碳飞行,但是文章中说现在离实现零碳飞行仍然有一段很长的路要走,因此排除选项 [A] 。原文说的是航空业主观上认为目前其碳排放量占比还很小,但事实上这占比会越来越大,也就是说,航空业的碳排放量会不断增加,而且文中也没有提到航空业减排的举措,因此排除选项 [B] 。选项 [D] 的内容也来自第四段首句,属于细节拼凑,故排除。

5. 最后作者认为个人努力______。

[A] 因其自我炫耀性而不值一提

[B] 将因其环保意识而解决气候危机

[C] 应融入整个国家的共同行动之中

[D] 将使他们国家的国内航班淘汰

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 由题文同序原则以及题干关键词individual可以定位至第五段。第五段前两句说到“个人改变习惯,即使是很多人,仍然无法避免灾难。从某种意义上说,与之相反的情况却是有可能的:由各国政府主导,采取集体行动,从而推动整个经济体进入清洁时代。”也就是说,整个国家采取协调一致的行动才能解决环境问题,四个选项中,与之相对应的为选项 [C] ,故为答案。

[干扰排除] 第五段第三句说到,“飞行耻辱”以及旨在限制其他碳密集型消耗形式的运动仍然是一股积极的力量,说明环保方面的个人行为仍是值得鼓励的,而非不值一提,故排除选项 [A] 。第五段第一句已清楚地说明,个人力量不足以解决环境问题,故排除选项 [B] 。虽然文章提及有环保意识的旅行者减少了航空旅行的次数,但并不能由此得出他们国家的国内航班将被淘汰的结论,故排除选项 [D] 。


P1 ①It started in Sweden, where the term “flight shame” was coined in 2018 to describe the unease about flying experienced by environmentally conscious travellers. ②Other wealthy countries are not immune from such trends: a recent survey of 6,000 people in Germany, France, the UK and the US found 21% had cut back. ③Such a shift in attitudes makes it all the more disturbing that members of the current government, including the health secretary, Matt Hancock, have yet to catch up. ④Asked twice on the radio this week whether people should reduce the number of flights they take, the minister said they should not.


本段提出问题,英国政府官员对于环境问题置之不理,认为人们无需减少乘坐飞机的次数。句①用瑞典出现的“飞行耻辱”这一术语引出环保人士对航空业对环境造成的问题的重视。句②用最近一项调查进一步阐述这一趋势:公民个人已经开始减少航空旅行的次数。句③直指问题:个人态度已经发生变化,但是政府官员却仍对问题置之不理。disturbing意为“令人不安的”,have yet to意味“尚未”,这些词的使用提醒我们第一段是在提出问题。句④用细节信息进一步说明句③内容:汉考克认为现在无需让人们减少飞行次数。


coin /kɔɪn/ v. 创造(新词语): The term “cardboard city” was coined to describe communities of homeless people living in cardboard boxes. 人们创造了“纸板屋棚户区”一词,用来指居住在纸板棚屋里无家可归者的居住区。

unease /ʌnˈiːz/ n. 不安;忧虑: We left with a deep sense of unease, because we knew something was being hidden from us. 我们离开时心里感到很不安,因为我们知道有什么事瞒着我们。

conscious /ˈkɒnʃəs/ adj. 意识到的: She's very conscious of the problems involved. 她完全意识到了所涉及的问题。

immune /ɪˈmjuːn/ adj. 不受影响的;可免于……的: Football is not immune to economic recession. 足球不可能不受到经济衰退的影响。

disturbing /dɪˈstɜːbɪŋ/ adj. 令人不安的: There are disturbing reports of killings at the two centers. 对这两个中心发生的谋杀的报道令人不安。


① 【主语】 It 【谓语】 started 【地点状语】 in Sweden, 【定语从句】 where the term “flight shame” was coined in 2018 to describe the unease about flying experienced by environmentally conscious travellers .

本句的主干结构为It started in Sweden。where引导了一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Sweden。在定语从句中,the term “flight shame”是主语,was coined是谓语,不定式结构to describe...做目的状语,在此不定式中,the unease about flying做describe的宾语,其后是过去分词短语experienced by environmentally conscious travellers做该宾语的后置定语。

③ 【主语】 Such a shift in attitudes 【谓语】 makes 【形式宾语】 it 【宾语补足语】 all the more disturbing 【宾语从句(真正宾语)】 that members of the current government, including the health secretary, Matt Hancock, have yet to catch up .

本句的主干结构是Such a shift in attitudes makes it all the more disturbing that...。其中it是形式宾语,that引导的宾语从句是make真正的宾语。宾语从句中,介词短语including the health secretary, Matt Hancock是后置定语,修饰members。

P2 ①With new research showing 2019 was the second-hottest year on record on the planet's surface, and the hottest-ever for the oceans, it is increasingly difficult to understand why any rational person would not be behind all and any measures designed to reduce carbon emissions. ②Evidence of the growing danger extends from the devastation caused by the Australian bushfires to this week's report that up to 1 million seabirds were killed in less than a year by a “hot blob” in the Pacific Ocean.




rational /ˈræʃnəl/ adj. 合理的;理性的: He's asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision. 他是要求你看到问题的两面后再做出理性的决定。

devastation /ˌdevəˈsteɪʃn/ n. 毁灭,破坏: The bomb caused widespread devastation. 炸弹造成大面积破坏。

blob /blɒb/ n. 斑: a pink blob 粉红色斑点


① 【伴随状语】 With new research showing 2019 was the second-hottest year on record on the planet's surface, and the hottest-ever for the oceans , 【形式主语】 it 【系动词】 is 【表语】 increasingly difficult 【真正主语】 to understand 【宾语从句】 why any rational person would not be behind all and any measures designed to reduce carbon emissions .

本句主干是it is increasingly difficult to understand why...。其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to understand...。why引导的从句做understand的宾语,其中designed to reduce carbon emissions是过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰measures。

P3 ①This context made it particularly troubling to hear a senior UK government minister, and one generally considered to be on the moderate wing of his party, blithely deny that reducing flights is a good idea. ②Just as bad was the fact that his remarks came only hours after the announcement of a tax holiday and review of air passenger duty as part of a rescue deal to save the regional airline Flybe. ③Mr Hancock's comment that “we should use technology to reduce carbon emissions” could be dismissed as naive if it was not so irresponsible.




context /ˈkɒntekst/ n. 背景,环境;语境: This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s. 这篇演说需要放到20世纪60年代的英国这一背景之下来看待。

moderate /ˈmɒdərət/ adj. 温和的;适度的: a moderate Democrat 一位温和的民主党人

*blithely /ˈblaɪðli/ adv. 轻率地,不在乎地

deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ v. 否认: She denied both accusations. 她对两项指控均予以否认。

remark /rɪˈmɑːk/ n. 谈论;言论;评述: She has made outspoken remarks about the legalisation of cannabis in Britain. 她对英国关于大麻的立法进行了大胆评论。

tax holiday 免税期

review /rɪˈvjuː/ n. 审查: The case is subject to judicial review. 这个案子必须接受司法审查。

duty /ˈdjuːti/ n. 税;关税: These goods are exempt from customs duties. 这些货物免征关税。


① 【主语】 This context 【谓语】 made 【形式宾语】 it 【宾语补足语】 particularly troubling 【真正宾语】 to hear a senior UK government minister, and one generally considered to be on the moderate wing of his party, blithely deny 【宾语从句】 that reducing flights is a good idea .

本句主干结构是This context made it particularly troubling to hear...。其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式短语to hear...。and one... of his party属于同位语,解释minister。that从句位于deny后面,是宾语从句。

P4 ①Electric flight is in its infancy and, while there have been significant gains in fuel efficiency, zero-carbon flight remains a remote prospect. ②Projections of future emissions consistently expect aviation to be responsible for an increasing share of the total, although the industry complains that it is unfairly singled out given that the current figure is 2.5%.




infancy /ˈɪnfənsi/ n. 初期: Space exploration is still in its infancy. 宇宙探索仍处于初期阶段。

prospect /ˈprɒspekt/ n. 前景;可能性: an exciting prospect 令人兴奋的前景

projection /prəˈdʒekʃn/ n. 预测: Population projection is essential for planning. 人口预测对规划很重要。

consistently /kənˈsɪstəntli/ adv. 一致地;一贯地: We have argued consistently for a change in the law. 我们一直坚持不懈地鼓吹要更改法律。

single out 挑出;挑选: She was singled out for criticism. 把她单挑出来进行批评。


② 【主语】 Projections of future emissions 【状语】 consistently 【谓语】 expect 【宾语】 aviation 【宾语补足语】 to be responsible for an increasing share of the total, 【让步状语从句】 although the industry complains 【宾语从句】 that it is unfairly singled out given that the current figure is 2.5% .

本句主干是Projections of future emissions expect aviation to be responsible for an increasing share of the total。在although引导的让步状语从句中,complains后面的that从句做宾语,given that...引导原因状语从句,解释前面宾语从句的内容。

P5 ①Individuals altering their habits, even in large numbers, will not avert disaster. ②In a sense the opposite is true: collective action by whole countries, led by governments, to push entire economies into a clean era is the answer. ③But “flight shame”, along with movements to restrict other carbon-intensive forms of consumption, is still a force for good. ④The point is not to show that you are better than other people, or to displace anxiety from the public realm into the private one. ⑤It is to show the world's leaders, in business and politics, that we get it: life must change.




avert /əˈvɜːt/ v. 避免;防止: Talks with the teachers' union over the weekend have averted a strike. 周末与教师工会的会谈避免了一次罢工。

collective /kəˈlektɪv/ adj. 集体的,共同的: She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel-gazing. 她对这场改革嗤之以鼻,认为只是场无实际行动的集体空想而已。

intensive /ɪnˈtensɪv/ adj. 集中的,密集的: Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work. 每个辅导员在上岗前都要接受密集培训。

realm /relm/ n. 领域;王国: But snap decisions in reaction to rapid stimuli aren't exclusive to the interpersonal realm. 但是,应对快速刺激而做出的瞬时决策并不仅限于人际交往领域。


④ 【主语】 The point 【系动词】 is not 【表语1】 to show 【宾语从句】 that you are better than other people , 【表语2】 or to displace anxiety from the public realm into the private one .

本句主干内容是The point is not to show that..., or to displace...。that引导的从句充当show的宾语。






个人改变习惯,即使是很多人,仍然无法避免灾难。从某种意义上说,与之相反的情况却是有可能的:由各国政府主导,采取集体行动,从而推动整个经济体进入清洁时代。但“飞行耻辱”以及旨在限制其他碳密集型消耗形式的运动仍然是一股积极的力量。关键不是要表明你比别人做的好,也不是要把焦虑从公共领域转移到私人领域。而是在于向全球商界和政界的领导们表明,我们明白了,生活必须发生改变。 Nf9dl6HBfsyz93Aw61eQ+eVYgmsAeWiN6KXUS2yiSMMZ7IWWTCLhVt9YaHQu66wv
