

The way our cities and towns look and work reflects political priorities. In mid-19th century Paris, when Baron Haussmann was seeking public money for building his avenues, he told the government that wide, open avenues would make it harder to build barriers. In an age of urban uprisings at the heart of the French capital, that quickly opened up the public purse.

Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old marketing executive, was kidnapped and killed brutally by a police officer in South London this year, as she was walking home. Following the killing of Everard, a different kind of revolution should be uppermost in our politicians' minds. As a large number of female testimony over recent days has underlined, our public spaces do not sufficiently prioritize the wellbeing and safety of women. In a 2019 talk entitled The Feminist City , Dr. Ellie Cosgrave, associate professor at University College London, said: “It is the multiple and constant threats that young women experience that tell us that the city is not a place where they belong.” The death of Ms. Everard must be a watershed moment in generating the public will to change that reality.

Fundamental to this task is an acceptance by men that they must do more to mitigate a climate of insecurity. In an interview on Tuesday, Dr. Cosgrave called for a national movement to train “active bystanders” in how to intervene where harassment is taking place. As she has argued, women must also play an equal part in designing the infrastructure that shapes everyday life. A chronic gender imbalance among urban planners has meant that certain problems are not seen, still less understood. From a lack of access to safe female toilets to overcrowded transport systems, which make women more vulnerable to hidden assault, unnecessary anxiety has been built into the lives of half the population.

In this context, the government's belated commitment to fund better street lighting is welcome. Switching off street lights across Britain was an irresponsible way to save public money, as should have been acknowledged years ago. But far more needs to be done to recalibrate urban priorities to spotlight female concerns. The underfunding and degradation of civic spaces, such as parks, sends an insidious message of community neglect, turning areas into threatening no-go zones. Underpasses and other hidden spaces, such as isolated parking areas, create situations of vulnerability. Possibilities of natural surveillance—external visibility—should be factored into all urban architecture, street planning and landscaping. Decisions should take women's security and wellbeing into account. For this to happen, Britain needs to promote and train more female urban planners and civil engineers.

All being well, the public spaces of Britain will soon come alive again, as lockdown and social restrictions are phased out. Women must be given a far greater say in the future configuration.

16. Haussmann's construction plan won approval because the road system would ______.

[A] solve Paris's traffic problems

[B] reduce the occurrence of riots

[C] consume a lot of public funds

[D] be a glorious transformation of the city

17. The talk of The Feminist City is mentioned to show that ______.

[A] many females believe that they do not belong to cities

[B] the wellbeing of women is the priority of the government

[C] women's safety should be considered in the design of a city

[D] the death of Ms. Everard ignited a storm of protest

18. Unnecessary anxiety has permeated half the population due to ______.

[A] no intervention of male bystanders

[B] overcrowded transport systems

[C] hidden attacks women would suffer from

[D] ill-conceived planning of city infrastructure

19. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

[A] The degraded public spaces in London is irreparable.

[B] Saving public money is irresponsible for Britain politicians.

[C] Urban architects should take parking areas into consideration.

[D] Males' dominance has an adverse impact on urban planning.

20. Which of the following best summarizes the text?

[A] The public spaces of Britain will be vibrant with life soon.

[B] Males consist of the vast majority of urban designers.

[C] The lockdown causes damage to the city function.

[D] The city designing should prioritize women's safety.



[文章大意] 本文主要探讨了城市设计中未充分考虑女性的安全这一问题。开头说明城市的面貌和运作模式反映了政治偏好,19世纪中期巴黎林荫大道的设计即是如此。第二段以萨拉·埃弗拉德遇害为例引出如今的政客需要面对的问题,即本文主要讨论的话题——城市设计未充分考虑女性的安全。紧接着第三段提出解决这一问题可采取的措施,比如说让旁观者去干涉骚扰行为。但是最重要的是要意识到由于性别失衡,城市设计者中女性成员不足,导致很多与女性相关的问题被忽视,所以让女性参与城市基础设施建设是很有必要的。第四段强调为了突出女性所关注的问题,应调整城市优先事项,并让更多的女性参与城市设计。结尾第五段简单总结,再次重申要点。



16. 豪斯曼男爵的建设规划获得通过是因为这一道路体系将会______。

[A] 解决巴黎的交通问题

[B] 减少暴乱的发生

[C] 耗费大量的公共资金

[D] 是这座城市伟大的改造

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 由题干关键词Haussmann定位至第一段第二句。该句意思是:“在19世纪中期的巴黎,当豪斯曼男爵为修建林荫大道寻求公款时,他告诉政府,宽阔畅通的大道会使设置路障变得更难。”其后一句又说:“在法国首都市中心频繁发生暴动的年代,这一提议迅速为他打开了政府的钱包。”联合两句来看可知,当时巴黎暴动频发,政府通过此项规划正是因为其有利于控制暴动。再结合本段第一句:“我们城镇的面貌和运行方式反映了政治优先事项。”这是本段的主题句,后面的豪斯曼男爵事例是支持该论点的论据,也就是说,豪斯曼男爵的道路规划符合政府控制暴乱的政治需求,因此获得批准,故选项 [B] 为正确答案。

[干扰排除] 豪斯曼男爵的道路规划可能会解决巴黎的交通问题,也可能是一项伟大的改造工程,但文中并未提及巴黎当时的交通情况,也没有涉及对此工程的评价,故选项 [A] 和 [D] 不是该规划获得批准的原因。文中提及此项规划获得了公共资金的支持,但没有提及具体的数额,况且耗费大量资金的项目很可能难以获得通过,故排除选项 [C] 。

17. 提到《女权主义城市》的演讲是为了表明______。

[A] 很多女性认为她们不属于城市

[B] 女性的健康是政府优先考虑的事项

[C] 城市的设计应将女性的安全考虑在内

[D] 埃弗拉德女士之死激发了抗议的浪潮

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 由题干关键词 The Feminist City 定位至第二段第四句。本句中涉及时间2019和大写的演讲名称,属于论据,需要从上下文中找例子所证明的观点。事例之前的第三句主干部分含义为:我们的公共场所没有充分重视女性的健康和安全。也就是说,我们的城市设计需要在这一方面进行加强,选项 [C] 与此意思相符合,故为正确答案。

[干扰排除] 选项 [A] 是根据第二段第四句中的It is the multiple and constant threats that young women experience that tell us that the city is not a place where they belong.设置的干扰项,但原文是说城市的设计没有考虑到女性的健康和安全,使她们遭遇到多重和持续的威胁,说明城市没能让她们产生归属感,并非说很多女性认为她们不属于城市,故排除选项 [A] 。选项 [B] 中the wellbeing of women出现在本段第三句,但是文中含义为女性的健康和安全没有得到充分重视,该选项与原文不符,故排除。选项 [D] 中的the death of Ms. Everard出现在第二段末句,但原文意思是“埃弗拉德女士之死必须成为激发公众愿意改变这一现实的分水岭”,并未提及抗议,故该选项排除。

18. 有半数人在生活中产生了不必要的焦虑是因为______。

[A] 男性旁观者的不干预

[B] 过度拥挤的交通系统

[C] 女性将受到的隐性攻击

[D] 城市基础设施不合理的规划设计

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 由题干关键词Unnecessary anxiety定位至第三段最后一句。本句说从缺乏安全的女厕所到过于拥挤的交通系统,都使得女性更容易受到隐性攻击,有半数人在生活中产生了不必要的焦虑。可见,这种焦虑源于考虑不周的城市规划,使女性产生了不安全感,故选项 [D] 为正确答案。

[干扰排除] 选项 [A] 在第三段第一句和第二句,离定位句太远,且选项 [A] 中的male和bystanders出现在两句话里面,此选项故意把它们凑在了一起。文中并未提到袖手旁观的人就一定是男性,故排除该选项。选项 [B] 属于直接原因,而造成 [B] 的根本原因是城市规划者中性别失衡,出现不合理的规划,故排除。选项 [C] 与原文不符,女性已受到城市规划不周而造成的伤害,而不是将要受到伤害,故排除。

19. 从第四段我们可以推断出什么?

[A] 英国公共空间的退化难以修复。

[B] 对英国政客来说,节省公共资金是不负责任的。

[C] 城市建筑师应该把停车区域考虑在内。

[D] 男性的主导地位对城市规划有不利影响。

[试题类型] 推理引申题。

[解题思路] 由题干部分的inferred和Paragraph 4我们可以知道本题答案来自第四段。本段最后两句说:“决策应该把女性的安全和健康作为理所当然的事情考虑在内。要实现这一点,英国需要鼓励和培训更多的女性城市规划者和土木工程师。”也就是说仅仅由男性主导来设计和规划城市不利于女性的安全,选项 [D] 与原文相吻合,故为答案。

[干扰排除] 选项 [A] 中的The degraded public spaces出自本段第四句,原文是说“城市空间的资金不足和退化(比如公园)表明社区对此的忽视,致使一些区域变成了危险的禁区”,并没有提及难以修复,故排除。由选项 [B] 中的Saving public money和is irresponsible for等表达可以定位到本段第二句,但是第二句说的是“在英国,关闭街灯是一种不负责任的节约公共资金的方式”, 选项 [B] 含义与此不符,故排除。选项 [C] 中的parking areas对应第五句话,但是停车场只是作者举的一个例子,选项 [C] 以偏概全,故排除。

20. 以下哪个是本文的主旨?

[A] 英国的公共场所很快就会焕发生机。

[B] 城市设计师中男性占绝大多数。

[C] 隔离对城市功能造成破坏。

[D] 城市规划应优先考虑女性的安全问题。

[试题类型] 主旨要义题。

[解题思路] 由题干关键词best summarizes可知这是主旨要义题。本文在前两段提出城市设计中忽略女性安全的问题,第三、四段给出解决问题的方案:个人和政府都应采取行动来改变目前的状况,最后一段表达愿景与期望,女性必须在未来的城市规划中有更大的发言权。很容易看出全文的主题是城市规划应考虑到女性安全,选项 [D] 与此相符合,故为答案。

[干扰排除] 选项 [A] 和选项 [C] 的内容只在最后一段提到,不能概括全文,故排除。选项 [B] 的说法是正确的,但本文主要是说建设一个考虑女性安全和健康的城市,因此该项也不是文章主旨,故排除。


P1 ①The way our cities and towns look and work reflects political priorities. ②In mid-19th century Paris, when Baron Haussmann was seeking public money for building his avenues, he told the government that wide, open avenues would make it harder to build barriers. ③In an age of urban uprisings at the heart of the French capital, that quickly opened up the public purse.


本段介绍了城市的面貌和运行方式能反映政治优先事项。句①直接写出作者的观点。句②③用Baron Haussmann的例子具体说明政治优先是如何被体现出来的。19世纪中期的巴黎暴动频发,政府最关心的就是如何解决暴乱,因此修建有利于减少暴乱的大道的提议很快便得到了支持。


priority /praɪˈɒrəti/ n. 优先事项;最重要的事;优先权: Education is a top priority. 教育是当务之急。

avenue /ˈævənjuː/ n. 大街: a hotel on Fifth Avenue 第五大道上的一家旅馆

barrier /ˈbæriə(r)/ n. 屏障;障碍物: The crowd had to stand behind barriers. 人群只好站在障碍物后面。


② 【状语】 In mid-19th century Paris , 【时间状语从句】 when Baron Haussmann was seeking public money for building his avenues , 【主语】 he 【谓语】 told 【间接宾语】 the government 【直接宾语(宾语从句)】 that wide, open avenues would make it harder to build barriers .

本句的主干结构为he told the government that...。he指代从句中提到的Baron Haussmann, that后面是宾语从句,说明told的内容。宾语从句中,wide, open avenues 是主语,would make为谓语,后面的it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式to build barriers,harder为宾语补足语。时间状语从句中,Baron Haussmann是主语,was seeking是谓语,宾语是public money,后面的介词短语for building his avenues做目的状语,说明寻求公款的目的。

P2 ①Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old marketing executive, was kidnapped and killed brutally by a police officer in South London this year, as she was walking home. ②Following the killing of Everard, a different kind of revolution should be uppermost in our politicians' minds. ③As a large number of female testimony over recent days has underlined, our public spaces do not sufficiently prioritize the wellbeing and safety of women. ④In a 2019 talk entitled The Feminist City , Dr. Ellie Cosgrave, associate professor at University College London, said: “It is the multiple and constant threats that young women experience that tell us that the city is not a place where they belong.” ⑤The death of Ms. Everard must be a watershed moment in generating the public will to change that reality.


本段引出了城市公共空间没有充分考虑到女性的安全这一话题。句①和句②顺承首段,以Sarah Everard之死为例,讲到如今的政客需要面对的是另一种革命,说明后文要讲的内容和第一段不一样。句③明确说明如今的公共空间并未充分考虑女性的健康和安全,即城市的设计对女性不够友好、也不够安全。句④用Dr. Ellie Cosgrave的报告佐证作者自身的观点,说明女性在城市中受到的威胁使女性觉得自己不属于城市,没有归属感。这是问题的再一次阐述。句⑤再次提到本段开头提过的Sarah Everard之死,强调当前情况急需改变。


uppermost /ˈʌpəməʊst/ adj. 最高的;最重要的: These thoughts were uppermost in my mind. 我心里想的最多的就是这些事。

testimony /ˈtestɪməni/ n. 证据;证明;证词: Can I refuse to give testimony? 我能拒绝作证吗?

underline /ˌʌndəˈlaɪn/ v. 强调;凸显: The report underlines the importance of pre-school education. 这份报告强调学前教育的重要性。

prioritize /praɪˈɒrətaɪz/ v. 优先处理: The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people. 这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。

entitle /ɪnˈtaɪtl/ v. 给……命名(或题名): He read a poem entitled Salt. 他朗诵一首题为《盐》的诗。

multiple /ˈmʌltɪpl/ adj. 数量多的;多种多样的: a multiple entry visa 多次入境签证

constant /ˈkɒnstənt/ adj. 不断的;重复的: Babies need constant attention. 婴儿一刻也离不开人。

watershed /ˈwɔːtəʃed/ n. 转折点,分水岭: The middle decades of the 19th century marked a watershed in Russia's history. 19 世纪中叶标志着俄国历史的转折点。


④ 【状语】 In a 2019 talk entitled The Feminist City , 【主语】 Dr. Ellie Cosgrave , 【同位语】 associate professor at University College London , 【谓语】 said : 【强调句】 “It is the multiple and constant threats that young women experience that tell us that the city is not a place where they belong .”

本句的主干结构为Dr. Ellie Cosgrave... said...。associate professor at University College London是Dr. Ellie Cosgrave的同位语,具体说明Dr. Ellie Cosgrave的身份。句子开头的In a 2019 talk entitled The Feminist City 为状语,说明提出观点的时间地点。引号内的句子是个强调句,对主语部分the multiple and constant threats that young women experience进行了强调,其正常句子结构应为:The multiple and constant threats that young women experience tell us that the city is not a place where they belong,这个句子里面that young women experience为修饰threats的定语从句;that the city is not a place where they belong为tell之后的宾语从句;where they belong为修饰 place的定语从句。

P3 ①Fundamental to this task is an acceptance by men that they must do more to mitigate a climate of insecurity. ②In an interview on Tuesday, Dr. Cosgrave called for a national movement to train “active bystanders” in how to intervene where harassment is taking place. ③As she has argued, women must also play an equal part in designing the infrastructure that shapes everyday life. ④A chronic gender imbalance among urban planners has meant that certain problems are not seen, still less understood. ⑤From a lack of access to safe female toilets to overcrowded transport systems, which make women more vulnerable to hidden assault, unnecessary anxiety has been built into the lives of half the population.




fundamental /ˌfʌndəˈmentl/ adj. 十分重大的;基础的: A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required. 公共医疗在组织上需要有一个根本性的变革。

acceptance /əkˈseptəns/ n. 接受;同意;认可: The new laws have gained widespread acceptance. 新法律获得广泛认可。

*mitigate /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ v. 减轻;缓和

bystander /ˈbaɪstændə(r)/ n. 旁观者;看热闹的人: innocent bystanders at the scene of the accident 事故现场的无辜旁观者

intervene /ˌɪntəˈviːn/ v. 出面;介入: The President intervened personally in the crisis. 总统亲自出面处理这场危机。

harassment /ˈhærəsmənt/ n. 骚扰: sexual harassment 性骚扰

infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/ n. (国家或机构的)基础设施,基础建设: the improvement of the country's infrastructure 国家基础设施的改善

shape /ʃeɪp/ v. 塑造;影响……的发展: His ideas had been shaped by his experiences during the war. 他的思想深受战时经历的影响。

chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/ adj. 长期的: the country's chronic unemployment problem 该国长期存在的失业问题

gender /ˈdʒendə(r)/ n. 性别: gender differences 性别差异

assault /əˈsɔːlt/ n. 攻击;突击;袭击: An assault on the capital was launched in the early hours of the morning. 凌晨时分向首都发起了攻击。


⑤ 【状语】 From a lack of access to safe female toilets to overcrowded transport systems , 【非限定性定语从句】 which make women more vulnerable to hidden assault , 【主语】 unnecessary anxiety 【谓语】 has been built into 【宾语】 the lives of half the population .

本句的主干结构为unnecessary anxiety has been built into the lives of half the population。开头部分From a lack of access to safe female toilets to overcrowded transport systems为状语表明范围,后面非限制性定语从句中which指的就是这个状语中的a lack of access to safe female toilets和 overcrowded transport systems。

P4 ①In this context, the government's belated commitment to fund better street lighting is welcome. ②Switching off street lights across Britain was an irresponsible way to save public money, as should have been acknowledged years ago. ③But far more needs to be done to recalibrate urban priorities to spotlight female concerns. ④The underfunding and degradation of civic spaces, such as parks, sends an insidious message of community neglect, turning areas into threatening no-go zones. ⑤Underpasses and other hidden spaces, such as isolated parking areas, create situations of vulnerability. ⑥Possibilities of natural surveillance—external visibility—should be factored into all urban architecture, street planning and landscaping. ⑦Decisions should take women's security and wellbeing into account. ⑧For this to happen, Britain needs to promote and train more female urban planners and civil engineers.




commitment /kəˈmɪtmənt/ n. 承诺;许诺: the government's commitment to public services 政府对公共服务事业做出的承诺

irresponsible /ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl/ adj. 不负责任的;无责任感的: an irresponsible attitude 不负责任的态度

acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ v. 承认: a generally acknowledged fact 公认的事实

*recalibrate /rɪˈkælɪbreɪt/ v. 重新校准,再校准

spotlight /ˈspɒtlaɪt/ v. 特别关注: The programme spotlights financial problems in the health service. 节目突出报道了公共医疗机构的财政问题。

degradation /ˌdeɡrəˈdeɪʃn/ n. 毁坏,恶化: environmental degradation 环境恶化

insidious /ɪnˈsɪdiəs/ adj. 潜伏的;隐袭的;隐伏的: the insidious effects of polluted water supplies 供水系统污染的潜在恶果

isolated /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/ adj. 偏远的;孤零零的: isolated rural areas 偏僻的农村地区

surveillance /sɜːˈveɪləns/ n. 监视: The police are keeping the suspects under constant surveillance. 警方正对嫌疑人实施不间断监视。

visibility /ˌvɪzəˈbɪləti/ n. 可见度;能见度: Visibility was down to about 100 metres in the fog. 雾中的能见距离降到了大约100米。

P5 ①All being well, the public spaces of Britain will soon come alive again, as lockdown and social restrictions are phased out. ②Women must be given a far greater say in the future configuration.




alive /əˈlaɪv/ adj. 有生气的;有活力的: Ed was alive with happiness. 埃德高兴得眉飞色舞。

restriction /rɪ'strɪkʃən/ n. 限制: The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom. 政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。

configuration /kənˌfɪɡəˈreɪʃn/ n. 布局;结构;格局


① 【状语】 All being well , 【主语】 the public spaces of Britain 【系动词】 will soon come 【表语】 alive 【状语】 again , 【时间状语从句】 as lockdown and social restrictions are phased out .

本句主干为the public spaces of Britain will soon come alive again,含义为“英国的公共场所将很快重新焕发生机”。开头部分All being well做状语。后面as表示“随着”,引导时间状语从句,含义为“随着隔离和社交限制逐步取消”。






如果一切顺利,随着隔离和社交限制逐步取消,英国的公共场所将很快重新焕发生机。女性必须在未来的规划中有更大的发言权。 9B9TXAD3hjJReeuqezveCwylFLd/ZUgiJboWQn9tdIu4Ipee98VPOBrSAPAMizwC
