


When then Harvard University president Lawrence Summers suggested in 2005 that innate differences between men and women may account for the lack of women in top science and engineering positions, he was referring to the greater male variability hypothesis. Women, it holds, are on average as mathematically competent as men, but there is a greater innate spread in math ability among men. This supposedly explained why boys tend to dominate math competitions and why men far outnumber women in elite university math departments. Since then, scientists have put the variability hypothesis to the test, and it comes up short.

In the most ambitious study so far, mathematics professor Jonathan Kane of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and oncology professor Janet Mertz of the University of Wisconsin-Madison analyzed data on math performance from 52 countries. In particular, they examined variance—roughly, how spread out scores are. Two patterns emerged, they report in a paper in the January issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. The first is that males' and females' variance is essentially equal in some countries. The other is that the ratio of males' to females' variance differs greatly from one country to another. These ranged from 0.91 to 1.52.

The finding that males' variance exceeds females' in some countries but is less than females' in others and that both range “all over the place suggests it can't be biologically innate, unless you want to say that human genetics is different in different countries,” Mertz argues. “The vast majority of the differences between male and female performance must reflect social and cultural factors.”

Such as? One clue comes from the finding that a widely used measure of a nation's gender equality, called the Global Gender Gap Index, correlates with the ratio of boys versus girls scoring in the top 5 percent on an international math competition called PISA. In some countries, such as the Czech Republic, the boys' and girls' distribution of math scores were nearly identical. Another clue that gender differences in math performance are not innate comes from the shrinking gender gap. In the U.S., the ratio of boys to girls scoring above 700 on the math SAT fell from 13:1 in the 1970s to 3:1 in the 1990s.

Psychology professor Stephen Ceci of Cornell University calls the new analysis“a very important argument” in the debate over the sources of sex differences in math careers. But, he adds, the findings do not mean that biology plays no role. Just because diet affects human height, for instance, does not mean “that nature is unimportant.” Now that the greater male variability hypothesis has fallen short, nature is not looking as important as scientists once thought.

1. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that ______.

[A] men are genetically better at math than women

[B] the variability hypothesis explained gender gap rightly

[C] men tend to occupy more positions in science

[D] women are as competent as men in lots of fields

2. The word “spread” (Line 4, Paragraph 1) most probably means ______.

[A] difference

[B] change

[C] distribution

[D] rate

3. Professor Jonathan Kane and Janet Mertz found out that ______.

[A] math performance from 52 countries is nearly identical

[B] men's and women's math ability is not decided by genetic factors

[C] most countries witness large gap among males and females in math

[D] human genes varies according to their countries

4. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 4?

[A] The PISA competition is based on gender equality.

[B] The proof from the Czech Republic cannot explain the finding of the research.

[C] The shrinking gender gap in America shows the development of education.

[D] Some facts support that gender differences in math is not biological.

5. Stephen Ceci implied in the last paragraph that ______.

[A] gender inequality can explain sex differences in math

[B] biology affects human intelligence as diet affects height

[C] nature is not as important as it was supposed to be

[D] the new analysis explained gender inequality



[文章大意] 本文是一篇说明造成男性与女性数学能力差异的原因的科普短文。文章首先说明并且否定了原有的错误观点,指出支持先天因素决定男女数学能力差异的理论是不正确的。接着用具体研究以及事实证明,男女数学能力的差异不只取决于先天性因素,同时也受到了社会以及文化因素的影响。



1. 从第一段可推断出 ______。

[A] 从基因上来说,男性比女性更擅长数学

[B] 变异性假说正确地解释了性别差异

[C] 男性在理科领域占有更多席位

[D] 女性与男性在很多领域都不相上下

[试题类型] 推理引申题。

[解题思路] 根据题干关键词Paragraph 1定位至文章第一段。该段首句提到时任哈佛大学校长的劳伦斯·萨默斯于2005年指出,尖端科技及工程领域职位缺乏女性人才(the lack of women in top science and engineering positions)。同时第三句还指出,顶尖大学数学系男性的数量远远超过女性的数量(men far outnumber women in elite university math departments)。由以上两种现象可推知,理科领域的男性比女性多,选项 [C] 符合文意,故为答案。

[干扰排除] 第一段第一句中哈佛大学校长提出,男女的先天差异也许是尖端科技及工程领域缺乏女性人才的原因,并指出其依据是男性更大变异性假说,但第三句指出,据称这一假说能够解释男女在数学方面的差异(this supposedly explained why...),supposedly一词暗示作者对这一假说表示怀疑,紧接着最后一句指出,很多科学家对这一假说进行验证,结果发现该假说并不成立,由此可知,作者认为上述假说不成立,即男女之间在数学方面存在先天差异这种说法不正确,故选项 [A] 、 [B] 均可排除。第一段第二句指出,该假说认为女性与男性在数学领域的平均水平不相上下,但不能由此推知女性和男性在很多领域都是如此,故选项 [D] 可排除。

2. “spread”(第一段,第四行)一词最可能的意思为 ______。

[A] 差异

[B] 改变

[C] 分布

[D] 比例

[试题类型] 语义理解题。

[解题思路] 本题就第一段第四行中spread一词的含义提问,故需联系上下文语意。该段首句指出,哈佛大学校长以男性更大变异性假说为依据,说明男女之间的先天差异(innate differences)是导致尖端科技与工程领域缺乏女性人才的原因,接着第二句对男性更大变异性假说进行了解释(it holds):女性的平均数学能力与男性基本持平,但男性之间在数学能力方面有较大的先天性spread,第三句接着指出这一假说据称能够解释男性往往能赢得数学竞赛,以及一流大学的数学系中男性人数远远多于女性这两种现象。既然男女数学能力的平均水平相当,那么如何才会出现第三句中的现象呢,这就需要有更多数学能力较强的男性,即男性之间数学能力的先天差异更大,从而使数学领域优秀的男性比女性更多,故可推知,此处spread应该表达“差异,差别”的意思,选项 [A] 最符合文意。

[干扰排除] 第一段第二句指出,男性更大变异性假说认为,女性的平均数学能力和男性不相上下,但是因为男性之间在数学方面存在较大的先天差异,这就导致了整体上具有优秀数学能力的男性多于女性。此处spread主要强调男性之间先天的数学能力存在差异,并不是指“改变” “分布”或者“比例”,故选项 [B] 、 [C] 和 [D] 均可排除。

3. 乔纳森·凯恩和珍妮特·默茨教授发现 ______。

[A] 来自52个国家的数学成绩几乎一模一样

[B] 女性与男性的数学能力不是由基因决定的

[C] 多数国家的男性与女性在数学能力上都存在很大差异

[D] 人类的基因因国别的不同而存在差异

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 题干就文中professor Jonathan Kane和Janet Mertz的研究结论提问,故可定位至第二、三段。第三段首句指出研究发现在有些国家男性之间数学能力的差异大于女性之间的差异,在有些国家则小于女性之间的差异,且男性之间和女性之间数学能力的差异在各个地方都不一样(The findings that... and that...),这表明男女数学能力的差异不是先天形成的(... suggests it can't be biologically innate),接着该段最后一句指出,男性与女性所表现的绝大部分差异一定反映了社会以及文化因素的作用”(must reflect social and cultural factors)。故可知,乔纳森·凯恩和珍妮特·默茨教授的研究结论推翻了先天因素决定男女数学能力差异的说法,故选项 [B] 正确。

[干扰排除] 文章第二段前两句提到,两位教授研究了来自52个国家的数学成绩,尤其对男女数学成绩的差异进行了研究,接着该段第四句指出研究结果,有些国家的男性之间与女性之间的差异基本一致,可见,文中并不是说所有国家数学成绩都一样,同时,第五句指出在不同国家之间,男性与女性差异的比率有很大变化,而不是大多数国家中男女数学成绩存在很大的差异,故选项 [A] 和 [C] 均可排除。第三段第一句指出,研究发现表明,男女数学成绩的差异并不是先天决定的,除非基因随着国别不同而存在差异,由此可知,“基因随着国别不同而存在差异”这个前提是错误的,故排除选项 [D] 。

4. 由第四段可知,以下哪项是正确的?

[A] PISA比赛是建立在性别平等的基础上台阶。

[B] 来自捷克的证据不能证明研究的发现。

[C] 美国逐渐缩小的性别差异表明了教育的进步。

[D] 诸多事实证明数学领域的性别差异不是先天的。

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 根据题干关键词Paragraph 4定位至文章第四段。第三段最后一句指出:男女能力的大部分差异受到社会和文化因素的影响,该段以疑问句Such as?开头,表明该段举例证明上述观点。接着第二、三句指出第一个线索:全球性别差异指数与PISA竞赛分数排名前5%的男女比例相关(a widely used measure... correlates with the ratio...),有些国家男女的数学成绩分布几乎没有差别(In some countries... nearly identical)。第四句指出数学能力的性别差异并非先天的另一个线索为:数学能力的这种差异正在缩小(Another clue that gender differences in math performance are not innate comes from the shrinking gender gap),由此可知,本段所有实例都在证明,男女数学能力的差异并不是先天因素所决定的,故选项 [D] 正确。

[干扰排除] 第四段指出,衡量性别平等的标准——全球性别差异指数与PISA竞赛中获高分的男女比例相关,并不是说PISA竞赛是建立在性别平等的基础上,故选项 [A] 可排除。第三句提到了在捷克男女生的数学成绩分布几乎没有差别,这其实就证明了男女数学成绩的差异不是先天因素决定的,故选项 [B] 也错误。倒数第二句指出,美国男女生数学成绩差距逐渐缩小的事实也证明了先天因素并不起决定性作用,此处并没有提到美国教育发展的状况,故选项 [C] 也可排除。

5. 最后一段中斯蒂芬·切奇的言下之意是 ______。

[A] 性别不平等是数学领域性别差异的原因

[B] 就像饮食影响身高一样,先天因素影响智力

[C] 先天因素并不像人们之前认为的那样重要

[D] 新的分析研究解释了性别不平等的现象

[试题类型] 推理引申题。

[解题思路] 根据题干关键词the last paragraph定位至文章最后一段。该段首句指出斯蒂芬·切奇认为上述新的分析研究在讨论造成男女在数学领域存在差异的原因时是一个有力的证据(calls the new analysis “a very important argument”)。接着第二句切奇补充说,这一研究发现并不说明先天因素不起作用(does not mean that biology plays no rule),即切奇仍然强调先天因素的作用,只是认为先天因素没有人们之前认为的那么重要,最后一句话nature is not looking as important as scientists once thought也印证了这一观点。故选项 [C] 正确。

[干扰排除] 文中提到了在数学领域里的性别差异(sex differences in math careers),并没有提及性别不平等的有关现象(gender inequality),故排除选项 [A] 和 [D] 。最后一段第三句使用类比的手法,用众所周知的观点:不能因为饮食影响身高而忽略先天因素的重要性,说明先天因素的作用也不能完全被否定,而非强调先天因素对智力的影响有如饮食对身高的影响那么大,故排除选项 [B] 。


P1 ①When then Harvard University president Lawrence Summers suggested in 2005 that innate differences between men and women may account for the lack of women in top science and engineering positions, he was referring to the greater male variability hypothesis. ②Women, it holds, are on average as mathematically competent as men, but there is a greater innate spread in math ability among men. ③This supposedly explained why boys tend to dominate math competitions and why men far outnumber women in elite university math departments. ④Since then, scientists have put the variability hypothesis to the test, and it comes up short.




innate /ɪˈneɪt/ adj. 先天的;天生的: Children have an innate ability to learn language. 孩子们拥有一种与生俱来的语言学习能力。

account for 解释;说明: His illness accounts for his absence. 他因病缺席。

variability /ˌveərɪəˈbɪləti/ n. 变化;变异: There is considerable variability in all the test scores. 考查的所有成绩都有很大变化。

come up short 未能赢取;未能获得: We ' ve been to the state tournament four times, but we ' ve come up short every time. 我们四次参加州锦标赛,每一次都落败而归。

P2 ①In the most ambitious study so far, mathematics professor Jonathan Kane of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and oncology professor Janet Mertz of the University of Wisconsin-Madison analyzed data on math performance from 52 countries. ②In particular, they examined variance—roughly, how spread out scores are. ③Two patterns emerged, they report in a paper in the January issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. ④The first is that males' and females' variance is essentially equal in some countries. ⑤The other is that the ratio of males' to females' variance differs greatly from one country to another. ⑥These ranged from 0.91 to 1.52.




*oncology /ɒŋˈkɒlədʒi/ n. 肿瘤学

variance /ˈveərɪ əns/ n. 变化;差异: I could detect subtle variances in fragrance as we strolled through the garden. 当我们走过花园时,我能感觉到香味的细微变化。

ratio /ˈreɪʃɪəʊ/ n. 比率;比例: The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2 1. 护士与医生的比例为2∶1。

P3 ①The finding that males' variance exceeds females' in some countries but is less than females' in others and that both range“all over the place suggests it can't be biologically innate, unless you want to say that human genetics is different in different countries,” Mertz argues. ②“The vast majority of the differences between male and female performance must reflect social and cultural factors.”




exceed /ɪkˈsiːd/ v. 超过;超出: Production costs have exceeded 60,000. 生产成本已超过6万英镑。

range /reɪndʒ/ v. 变动;变化: Patients here are those whose ages range from 13 to 25 years. 这里的病人年龄在13至25岁之间。


① 【主语】 The finding 【同位语从句】 that males' variance exceeds females' in some countries but is less than females' in others and that both range “all over the place 【谓语】 suggests 【宾语】 it can't be biologically innate , 【条件状语从句】 unless you want to say that human genetics is different in different countries, ” 【主语】 Mertz 【谓语】 argues .

本句是一个多重从句嵌套的复合句。句子的主干结构:... Mertz argues,主语Mertz前的所有部分为宾语从句。该宾语从句的主干结构为The finding... suggests...,主语finding后紧跟由that引导的同位语从句,用来解释说明finding 的内容,该同位语从句又由and连接的两个并列分句构成,分别为the males' variance exceeds females'... but is less than females' in others和both range all over the place,从句谓语suggests后为省略了that的宾语从句it can't be biologically innate,其后为unless引导的条件状语从句,该从句又包含一个从句that human... countries作say的宾语。

P4 ①Such as? ②One clue comes from the finding that a widely used measure of a nation's gender equality, called the Global Gender Gap Index, correlates with the ratio of boys versus girls scoring in the top 5 percent on an international math competition called PISA. ③In some countries, such as the Czech Republic, the boys' and girls' distribution of math scores were nearly identical. ④Another clue that gender differences in math performance are not innate comes from the shrinking gender gap. ⑤In the U.S., the ratio of boys to girls scoring above 700 on the math SAT fell from 13:1 in the 1970s to 3:1 in the 1990s.


本段列举具体事实证明第三段中提出的新观点。句①用such as引出具体例证。接着句②、③说明了第一个例证:评估国家性别平等状况的全球性别差异指数,与国际数学竞赛PISA中获高分的男女比例相关,在有些国家,男女数学成绩的分布几乎没有差异。句④、⑤指出了证明在数学成绩中体现出的性别差异并非源于先天性因素的第二个例证:美国男女数学成绩的差异正在缩小。


correlate /ˈkɒrə leɪt/ v. 相关;关联: The study found that success in the educational system correlates highly with class. 研究发现教育系统的成功与课堂有很大的关系。

distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn / n. 分布;分布方式: Changes undergone by the area have affected the distribution of its wildlife. 该地区遭遇的变化改变了野生动植物的分布。

identical /aɪˈdentɪkl/ adj. 完全相同的;一模一样的: The passage on the second floor was identical to the one below. 二楼的通道与一楼的一模一样。


② 【主语】 One clue 【谓语】 comes from 【宾语】 the finding 【同位语从句】 that a widely used measure of a nation's gender equality , 【插入语】 called the Global Gender Gap Index , 【同位语从句】 correlates with the ratio of boys versus girls scoring in the top 5 percent on an international math competition called PISA.

本句为主从复合句。句子的主干结构为One clue comes from the finding...,宾语finding之后为that引导的同位语从句,该从句的主干结构为a... measure... correlates with the ratio...,其中of a nation's gender equality做后置定语修饰measure,called the Global Gender Gap Index为插入语说明measure的具体内容,of boys... competition做后置定语修饰宾语the ratio,called PISA为过去分词短语做后置定语修饰competition。


PISA 国际学生评估项目: 全称为Programme for International Student Assessment,由经济合作与发展组织(OECD)负责组织实施的国际评价比较测试。主要对接近完成基础教育的15岁学生进行评估,测试学生们能否掌握参与社会所需要的知识与技能。PISA评价主要集中在三个领域:阅读素养、数学素养及科学素养。

P5 ①Psychology professor Stephen Ceci of Cornell University calls the new analysis “a very important argument” in the debate over the sources of sex differences in math careers. ②But, he adds, the findings do not mean that biology plays no role. Just because diet affects human height, for instance, does not mean “that nature is unimportant.” ③Now that the greater male variability hypothesis has fallen short, nature is not looking as important as scientists once thought.






“有些国家男性之间的差异大于女性之间的差异,而有些国家男性之间的差异小于女性之间的差异,并且男性之间的差异和女性之间的差异在各个地方都是不一样的,这一发现表明,这种差异并不是先天性的,除非你认为人类的基因因国家而异,” 默茨教授指出。“男性与女性所表现的绝大部分差异必然受到了某种社会与文化因素的影响”。


康奈尔大学的心理学教授斯蒂芬·切奇认为,在讨论造成男女在数学领域存在差异的原因时,这一新的研究将会是“有力的论据”。但他同样指出,这一发现并不意味着先天因素不起作用。就像不能仅仅因为饮食会影响人的身高,就认为先天因素不重要。既然现在有研究证明男性更大变异性假说并不成立,那么先天因素看起来就不像科学家当初认为的那么重要了。 mnO4Gzj0/lgLAz49v4FTZzt4bV1vEufP7Y+T65zcRKREQoFpvDDHVtpFYXunRXPS
