


A study in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking suggests that artificial intelligence holds a promising future in helping people with social anxiety feel more comfortable.

Researchers asked 100 university students whether they would prefer training with a robot or a human partner in table tennis. Participants were asked to consider the hypothetical scenario of a table tennis training center that offers either a professional human or robotic training partner that has been in practice for 6 months. People with higher social anxiety were more likely to prefer training with the robot than a human trainer and felt more relaxed with a robot trainer.

Robots with artificial intelligence who can play and train others in sports are a reality: A table tennis robot named FORPHEUS by Omron already can play table tennis with humans. The robot uses high-speed and high-accuracy synchronized sensing to remember and determine the other player's table tennis level. It observes how the player swings the racket, tracks ball movement, and adjusts its response to the player's level. FORPHEUS simultaneously detects movements of the ball, player, and racket. There are also badminton-playing robots: Kengoro in Japan and Robomintoner in China.

In previous research on human-robot interaction, people have been less willing to adopt service or companion robots due to the perception that robots lack emotions. People also become uncomfortable with robots when they are too humanlike. The more robots resemble humans, the more humans feel that the robot is creepy. In contrast, this study suggests that people, particularly those with social anxiety, may be more willing to train in sports with robots than with humans, providing a helpful path forward.

Social anxiety can be rooted in fear of negative judgment from others and lead to more social isolation or avoidance of normal and healthy activities. The use of AI robots has the potential to help people with social anxiety access training. The use of technology to remove this barrier can be the first step toward more positive and less fearful interactions with others and encouraging a positive feedback loop.

This study is limited because it focuses on AI robots in the area of table tennis training and also is a questionnaire about a hypothetical situation, even though the actual technology exists. Additional research that examines actual human-robot experiences and their choices and attitudes about this technology will increasingly become important to illuminate the human-robot relationship. One can imagine how AI robots could be integrated into the traditional treatment for social anxiety and how such novel technology can encourage and support activities for health and wellness.

1. The new study shows that people with higher social anxiety ______.

[A] preferred to collaborate with a human coach

[B] felt less stressed with a robot when training

[C] were more likely to choose a training center

[D] tended to practice table tennis for 6 months

2. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 that FORPHEUS ______.

[A] is the only robot that can play sports

[B] is stronger than Kengoro in Japan

[C] can also play badminton with humans

[D] can analyze the level of its opponent

3. Contrary to previous research, this study suggests that ______.

[A] people are reluctant to choose robots as their companions

[B] robots have been widely applied into anxiety therapy

[C] robots with human appearance make people feel creepy

[D] people prefer a robot as training partner to a human

4. According to the passage, social anxiety originates from ______.

[A] the worries about disapproving opinions from others

[B] the resistance to accessing training

[C] the avoidance of normal social activities

[D] the isolation from positive interactions

5. Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this passage?

[A] AI robots that can play sports are a reality.

[B] People resist working with emotionless robots.

[C] The human-robot relationship is getting better.

[D] AI robots may help people with social anxiety.



[文章大意] 本文主要介绍了为什么机器人可以帮助社交焦虑症患者。文章开篇提出主题:人工智能在帮助社交焦虑症患者缓解症状方面具有广阔的前景。接着讲述了一个假定的情景调查,得出了在乒乓球训练中,社交焦虑程度较高的人更喜欢和机器人一起训练的结论。随后引出人工智能机器人可以和人类打乒乓球已成为事实。作者随后将有关于人机交互的研究作了对比,与先前的人们对机器人所持的负面态度不同,该研究指出对有社交焦虑症的人而言,他们更愿意选择机器人来和他们一起进行运动训练。文章最后指出该研究的局限性以及对AI机器人治疗社交焦虑症的一种憧憬。



1. 新的研究显示,社交焦虑程度较高的人 ______。

[A] 更喜欢和人类教练合作

[B] 和机器人一起训练感到更放松

[C] 更有可能选择一个培训中心

[D] 往往会练习乒乓球6个月

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 根据题干关键词people with higher social anxiety定位到第二段末句,and后面提到felt more relaxed with a robot trainer(和机器人教练一起训练会更放松),故选项 [B] 正确。

[干扰排除] 选项 [A]“更喜欢和人类教练合作”与原文...were more likely to prefer training with the robot than a human trainer的表述相反,故排除。选项 [C]、[D] 都是根据文中的零碎信息拼凑而成,文中说的是被调查者假设自己在一个乒乓球训练中心(Participants were asked to consider the hypothetical scenario of a table tennis training center),这里有经过了6个月训练的机器人陪练(robotic training partner that has been in practice for 6 months),因此选项 [C]、[D] 均与原文不符,故排除。

2. 从第三段我们可以得知FORPHEUS______。

[A] 是唯一可以从事体育运动的机器人

[B] 比日本的Kengoro更强

[C] 也能和人类一起打羽毛球

[D] 能分析出其对手的水平

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 根据题干关键词FORPHEUS和Paragraph 3定位到第三段,该段提到了乒乓球机器人FORPHEUS的情况。该段第二句提到该机器人使用高速和高精准同步感应系统来记住并确定对方选手的乒乓球水平,故选项 [D] 正确。

[干扰排除] 第三段第一句冒号后面提到了FORPHEUS是会和人类打乒乓球的机器人,并没有提到是唯一一个,且本段提到还有会打羽毛球的机器人,故选项 [A] 排除。选项 [B] 说FORPHEUS比日本的Kengoro更强,唯一提到Kengoro的语句就是该段末句,并未提到二者的比较,属于无中生有,故选项 [B] 可排除。该段只提及FORPHEUS是会和人类打乒乓球的机器人,至于是否会打羽毛球文中并没有谈及,选项 [C] 属于过度推断,故排除。

3. 与之前的研究相反,该研究表明 ______。

[A] 人们不愿意选择机器人作为他们的伙伴

[B] 机器人已广泛应用于焦虑治疗中

[C] 与人类相像的机器人令人毛骨悚然

[D] 人们更愿意选择机器人而非人类作为训练伙伴

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 根据题干关键词Contrary to previous research和this study定位到第四段。该段第四句说到In contrast, this study suggests that people, particularly those with social anxiety, may be more willing to train in sports with robots than with humans...(相反,这项研究表明,人们,尤其是那些有社交焦虑的人,可能更愿意和机器人一起进行运动训练,而不是与人类一起训练……),由此可知,人们更愿意选择机器人作为训练伙伴,故答案为选项 [D]。

[干扰排除] 第四段第一句提及由于人们认为机器人缺乏情感,不太愿意选用服务型或伙伴型机器人,这是此前的研究结论,故选项 [A] 不符合题干要求,因此排除。文中没有提及机器人应用于焦虑治疗的具体情况,故排除选项 [B]。第四段提到,当机器人过于像人类时,人们也会对机器人感到不适。机器人越像人类,人们就越会感觉它们令人毛骨悚然。可知,选项 [C] 也属于先前研究的内容,故排除。

4. 根据文章,社交焦虑源于______。

[A] 对来自他人负面评价的担忧

[B] 对接受培训的拒绝

[C] 对正常社交活动的回避

[D] 与积极互动的隔绝

[试题类型] 具体信息题。

[解题思路] 由题干关键词social anxiety originates from 定位到第五段第一句:Social anxiety can be rooted in fear of negative judgment from others and lead to more social isolation or avoidance of normal and healthy activities.(社交焦虑症的根源在于害怕别人的负面评价,它会导致更多的社会孤立或回避正常和健康的活动),题干中的originates from为be rooted in的同义替换,因此答案就在be rooted in之后的文字,选项[A]中the worries about disapproving opinions from others是原文中fear of negative judgment from others的同义替换,故为答案。

[干扰排除] 选项 [B] 是根据第五段第二句设置的干扰项,原文说的是使用AI机器人有可能帮助社交焦虑症患者接受训练,但这并非社交焦虑产生的原因,故排除。选项 [C] 和 [D] 都是第五段第一句的内容,但回避社交活动等行为都属于社交焦虑导致的结果,而非原因,故均排除。

5. 下面哪一项最能概括全文的中心思想?

[A] AI机器人可以参加体育运动已成为事实。

[B] 人们不愿与没有感情的机器人共事 。

[C] 人与机器人的关系正变得越来越好。

[D] AI 机器人可以帮助到有社交焦虑的人们。

[试题类型] 主旨要义题。

[解题思路] 本题问的是全文的中心思想。文章开篇便提出主题:人工智能在帮助社交焦虑症患者缓解症状方面具有广阔前景。所以正确答案一定包含人工智能与社会焦虑这两个信息,四个选项中满足该条件的只有选项 [D],故为答案。

[干扰排除] AI机器人可以参加体育运动已成为事实是第三段的主旨并非全文主旨,可排除选项 [A] 。原文提及在先前的研究中,人们认为机器人缺乏情感,不太愿意选用服务型或伙伴型机器人,这只是第四段的信息,并非全文主旨,故排除选项 [B] 。第六段提及,其他有关检验实际人机交互经历以及人们对AI这项技术的选择和态度的研究对于阐明人与机器人之间的关系将变得越来越重要,说明以后的研究会更多指向人机关系的阐明,这与选项[C]所说的人与机器人的关系正变得越来越好无太大关系,而且这也并非全文主旨,故排除选项 [C] 。


P1 A study in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking suggests that artificial intelligence holds a promising future in helping people with social anxiety feel more comfortable.




artificial intelligence 人工智能

promising /ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ/ adj. 有前途的;有希望的: He was voted the most promising new actor for his part in the movie. 他因在该电影中扮演的角色而获评为最有前途的新演员。


【主语】 A study 【后置定语】 in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 【谓语】 suggests 【宾语从句】 that artificial 【宾语从句】 intelligence holds a promising future in helping people with social anxiety feel more comfortable .

该句句子主干为A study suggests that...,其中介词短语in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 做后置定语修饰主语 A study,that引导的为宾语从句。宾语从句中的主语为artificial intelligence,谓语动词为holds,宾语为 a promising future,介词短语in helping... comfortable做状语,表明具体的领域,介词短语with social anxiety 做后置定语修饰people。

P2 ①Researchers asked 100 university students whether they would prefer training with a robot or a human partner in table tennis. ②Participants were asked to consider the hypothetical scenario of a table tennis training center that offers either a professional human or robotic training partner that has been in practice for 6 months. ③People with higher social anxiety were more likely to prefer training with the robot than a human trainer and felt more relaxed with a robot trainer.


本段①②两句主要讲述了一个假定的情景调查。但值得注意的是句②中的用词consider the hypothetical scenario,即要求参与者设想一个乒乓球训练中心的情景,这就直接为研究结论得出的局限性埋下了伏笔,呼应末段首句。句③是针对这个研究得出来的结论:与同真人一起训练相比,社交焦虑程度较高的人更喜欢和机器人一起训练,和机器人在一起训练会让他们感到更加放松。


hypothetical /ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkl/ adj. 假设的,假定的: I wasn't asking about anybody in particular—it was a purely hypothetical question. 我并没有问到具体某个人——那不过是个纯粹假设性的问题。

scenario /səˈnɑːriəʊ/ n. 设想;方案: Let me suggest a possible scenario. 我来设想一种可能出现的情况。


② 【主语】 Participants 【谓语】 were asked 【主语补足语】 to consider the hypothetical scenario of a table tennis training center 【定语从句】 that offers either a professional human or robotic training partner that has been in practice for 6 months .

这是一个被动结构,主干为Participants were asked to consider the hypothetical scenario,介词短语of a table tennis training center 做后置定语修饰scenario。本句两个定语从句均由that引导,二者为嵌套关系。第一个that引导的定语从句修饰a table tennis training center,第二个that引导的定语从句修饰robotic training partner。

P3 ①Robots with artificial intelligence who can play and train others in sports are a reality: A table tennis robot named FORPHEUS by Omron already can play table tennis with humans. ②The robot uses high-speed and high-accuracy synchronized sensing to remember and determine the other player's table tennis level. ③It observes how the player swings the racket, tracks ball movement, and adjusts its response to the player's level. ④FORPHEUS simultaneously detects movements of the ball, player, and racket. ⑤There are also badminton-playing robots: Kengoro in Japan and Robomintoner in China.




accuracy /ˈækjərəsi/ n. 准确(性);精确(程度): She hits the ball with great accuracy. 她击球十分准确。

*synchronize /ˈsɪŋkrənaɪz/ v. 使(同步),在时间上一致,同速进行

racket /ˈrækɪt/ n. 球拍

simultaneously /ˌsɪmlˈteɪniəsli/ adv. 同时发生(或进行)地;同步地: The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio. 比赛将同时在电视和电台转播。


① 【主语1】 Robots 【后置定语1】 with artificial intelligence 【定语从句】 who can play and train others in sports 【系动词】 are 【表语】 a reality : 【主语2】 A table tennis robot 【后置定语2】 named FORPHEUS by Omron 【状语】 already 【谓语】 can play 【宾语】 table tennis 【状语】 with humans .

本句由冒号分为两个部分,后一部分是对前一部分的解释说明。前一句的主干为Robots are a reality,介词短语with artificial intelligence以及who引导的定语从句修饰Robots。冒号后的部分的主干是A table tennis robot can play table tennis,named FORPHEUS by Omron为过去分词做后置定语,修饰A table tennis robot。

P4 ①In previous research on human-robot interaction, people have been less willing to adopt service or companion robots due to the perception that robots lack emotions. ②People also become uncomfortable with robots when they are too humanlike. ③The more robots resemble humans, the more humans feel that the robot is creepy. ④In contrast, this study suggests that people, particularly those with social anxiety, may be more willing to train in sports with robots than with humans, providing a helpful path forward.




interaction /ˌɪntərˈækʃn/ n. 相互作用;交流: Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply. 价格在供需的相互作用中形成。

perception /pəˈsepʃn/ n. 看法;见解: He is interested in how our perceptions of death affect the way we live. 他感兴趣的是我们对死亡的看法如何影响我们的生活。

resemble /rɪˈzembl/ v. 看起来像: She closely resembles her sister. 她和她姐姐很像。

creepy /ˈkriːpi/ adj. 令人毛骨悚然的;怪异的: It's kind of creepy down in the cellar. 地窖里真有点令人不寒而栗。


④ 【状语】 In contrast , 【主语】 this study 【谓语】 suggests 【宾语从句】 that people, particularly those with social anxiety, may be 【宾语从句】 more willing to train in sports with robots than with humans , 【结果状语】 providing a helpful path forward .

该句主干为this study suggests...,that引导的是宾语从句。宾语从句中particularly those with social anxiety为同位语,对people做进一步的补充说明,providing a helpful path forward为分词做结果状语。

P5 ①Social anxiety can be rooted in fear of negative judgment from others and lead to more social isolation or avoidance of normal and healthy activities. ②The use of AI robots has the potential to help people with social anxiety access training. ③The use of technology to remove this barrier can be the first step toward more positive and less fearful interactions with others and encouraging a positive feedback loop.




access /ˈækses/ v. 进入;到达;使用: The loft can be accessed by a ladder. 搭梯子可以上阁楼。

remove /rɪˈmuːv/ v. 去除,移开: Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. 非法停放的车辆将被拖走。

barrier /ˈbæriə(r)/ n. 屏障,障碍物: Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success. 缺乏信心是阻碍成功的心理因素。

loop /luːp/ n. 环,圈;循环,回路: The road went in a huge loop around the lake. 那条路环湖绕了一个大圈。


③ 【主语】 The use of technology 【后置定语1】 to remove this barrier 【系动词】 can be 【表语】 the first step 【后置定语2】 toward more positive 【后置定语2】 and less fearful interactions with others and encouraging a positive feedback loop .

句子主干为The use of technology can be the first step。to remove this barrier做后置定语修饰The use of technology,toward... loop为介词短语做后置定语修饰the first step。

P6 ①This study is limited because it focuses on AI robots in the area of table tennis training and also is a questionnaire about a hypothetical situation, even though the actual technology exists. ②Additional research that examines actual human-robot experiences and their choices and attitudes about this technology will increasingly become important to illuminate the human-robot relationship. ③One can imagine how AI robots could be integrated into the traditional treatment for social anxiety and how such novel technology can encourage and support activities for health and wellness.




questionnaire /ˌkwestʃəˈneə(r)/ n. 调查表,问卷: complete a questionnaire 填好问卷

hypothetical /ˌhaɪpəˈθetɪkl/ adj. 假设的,假定的: I wasn't asking about anybody in particular—it was a purely hypothetical question. 我并没有问到具体某个人,那不过是个纯粹假设性的问题。

integrate /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ v. (使)融入群体,成为一体: They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community. 他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。


② 【主语】 Additional research 【定语从句】 that examines actual human-robot experiences and their choices and attitudes about this technology 【系动词】 will increasingly become 【表语】 important 【状语】 to illuminate the human-robot relationship .

句子主干为Additional research will become important。that引导的定语从句修饰research,to illuminate the human-robot relationship为不定式做状语。

③ 【主语】 One 【谓语】 can imagine 【宾语从句1】 how AI robots could be integrated into the traditional treatment for social anxiety 【连词】 and 【宾语从句2】 how such novel technology can encourage and support activities for health and wellness .

句子主干为One can imagine...,宾语为and连接、how引导的两个并列的宾语从句。







这项研究的结论具有局限性,因为它侧重于乒乓球训练领域的AI机器人,并且即使已有实际的技术,这项研究也只是一份关于假设情形的调查问卷。其他有关检验实际人机交互经历以及人们对AI这项技术的选择和态度的研究对于阐明人与机器人之间的关系将变得越来越重要。我们可以设想如何将AI机器人整合到社交焦虑症的传统治疗方法中,以及这种新技术如何鼓励和支持有关身心健康的活动。 FllU4LayU6WUvkieiPe2jRB6LZx5WkynnxKGBRyToNjAGRc4R0pu1lMvRDTtfJi+
