

15.Lee Bryan的作品《中央时钟》(Center Clock)(2007),用跳跃的圆圈数量来表示时间。中间白色的圆圈代表“秒”,每分钟过去后,60个白圆圈就会消失,然后新形成1个紫罗兰色的圆圈,代表“分”。同理,“分”和“小时”的圆圈也会出现同样的变化。







● 回顾和研究计时的历史、方法、设备和系统。

● 采用新的图形显示概念,使用相关的技术手段,突破常用方式来呈现时间。

● 编程控制时间呈现的形状、色彩、形式和运动方式。

● 使用变化的图像来表达时间的变化。


● 尝试使用各种方式来表达时间,比如透明度、色彩、声音、动作或物理变化。如果指示器具备交互性则更好。

● 不要使用罗马、阿拉伯或者中文数字,而是要通过其他方式让时间可读。比如,让时间变成视觉化的点状图案,或者设计成可计数的视觉符号。

● 设计一个超慢速时钟,在月、季节、生命等更大的尺度下显示时间。

● 把你的时钟做成可移动、可穿戴的设备。比如应用于移动电话、智能手表、运动手表,以及其他独立的带有显示屏的计算设备上。思考如何把计算设备传感器上搜集的用户的头像、动作、身体温度、心跳等数据用到时间显示上。

● 将自己从台式机或笔记本电脑屏幕上解放出来,根据自己的选择设计时钟。如果你能把时钟放在任何地方,那么你会把它放在哪里?放在建筑物的一侧?放在一件家具上?放在口袋里?放在某人的皮肤上,比如数字文身?使用手绘图、渲染图或其他设计原型,展示出你想象中的时钟。





16.Jussi Ängeslevä和Ross Cooper的作品《最后的钟》(Last Clock)(2002)。这个作品使用狭缝扫描技术将实时影像记录下来,并分解成分、小时、天三个时间维度。

17.Golan Levin的《条状时钟》(Banded Clock)(1999),秒、分、小时都用不同的条带表示,条带的数量代表相应的时间。

18.Jonathan Puckey和莫尼克工作室(Studio Moniker)的合作作品《每一分钟》(All the Minutes)(2014)。这个作品是个Twitter发帖机器人,从Twitter的大规模语料库中搜集曾经发过的帖子,然后重新发出来,显示当前的时间。

19.Mark Formanek的作品《标准时间》(Standard Time)(2003)是一个24小时的表演艺术作品。70名工人一直工作,不断拆装木制的“时钟数字”以显示当前时间。

20.Oscar Diaz的作品《墨水日历》(Ink Calendar)(2009),利用毛细效应让墨水在纸上产生洇染效果,从而显示当前的日期。


Maarten Baas, Real Time: Schiphol Clock , 2016, performance and video, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.

Maarten Baas, Sweeper's Clock , 2009, performance and video, Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Marco Biegert and Andreas Funk, Qlocktwo Matrix Clock , US Patent D744,862 S, filed May 8, 2009, and issued December 8, 2015.

Jim Campbell, Untitled (For The Sun) , 1999, light sensor, software and LED number display, White Light Inc., San Francisco.

Bruce Cannon, Ten Things I Can Count On , 1997-1999, counting machines with digital displays.

Mitchell N. Charity, Dot Clock , 2001, online application.

Taeyoon Choi and E Roon Kang, PersonalTimekeeper , 2015, interactive hardware and software system, Los Angeles Museum of Art, Los Angeles.

Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen, Artificial Biological Clock , 2008, data-driven mechanical sculpture.

Skot Croshere, Four Letter Clock , 2011, modified electronic alarm clock.

Daniel Duarte, Time Machine , 2013, custom analog electronics.

Ruth Ewan, Back to the Fields , 2016, botanic installation.

Daniel Craig Giffen, Human Clock , 2001-2014, website.

Danny Hillis et al., The Clock of the Long Now , 1986, mechanical system, Texas.

Masaaki Hiromura, Book Clock , 2013, video, MUJI SHIBUYA, Tokyo.

Tehching Hsieh, One Year Performance (Time Clock Piece) , 1980-1981, performance.

Humans since 1982, The Clock Clock , 2010, aluminum and analog electronics.

Humans since 1982, A Million Times , 2013, aluminum and analog electronics.

Natalie Jeremijenko, Tega Brain, Jake Richardson, and Blacki Migliozzi, Phenology Clock, 2014, phenology data, software, and hardware system.

Zelf Koelman, Ferrolic , 2015, software, hardware, and ferrolic fluid.

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Zero Noon , 2013, software system with digital display.

George Maciunas, 10-Hour Flux Clock , 1969, plastic clock with inserted offset face, Museum of Modern Art, New York.

John Maeda, 12 O’Clocks , 1996, software.

Christian Marclay, The Clock , 2010, film, 24:00, White Cube, London.

Ali Miharbi, Last Time , 2009, analog wall clock and interactive hardware.

Mojoptix, Digital Sundial , 2015, 3D-printed form.

Eric Morzier, Horloge Tactile , 2005, interactive software and screen.

Sander Mulder, Pong Clock , 2005, inverted LCD screen and software.

Sander Mulder, Continue Time Clock , 2007, mechanical system.

Bruno Munari, L’Ora X Clock , 1945, plastic, aluminum, and spring mechanism, Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Yugo Nakamura, Industrious Clock , 2001, Flash program and installation.

Katie Paterson, Time Pieces , 2014, modified analog clocks, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh.

Random International, A Study Of Time , 2011, aluminum, copper, LEDs, and software, Carpenters Workshop Gallery, London.

Saqoosha, Sonicode Clock , 2008, 2008, audio waveform generator.

Yen-Wen Tseng, Hand in Hand , 2010, modified analog electronic clock.

Laurence Willmott, It's About Time , 2007, language data, software, and hardware.

Agustina Woodgate, National Times , 2016, modified electric clock system.


Donna Carroll,“It's About Time: A Brief History of the Calendar and Time Keeping”(lecture, University Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, February 23, 2016).

Johanna Drucker,“Timekeeping,”in Graphesis: Visual Forms of Knowledge Production (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2014).

John Durham Peters,“The Times and the Seasons: Sky Media II (Kairos),”in TheMarvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015).

Joshua Foer,“A Minor History of Time without Clocks,” Cabinet Magazine , Spring 2008.

Amelia Groom, Time (Documents ofContemporary Art) (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013).

Golan Levin,“Clocks in New Media,”GitHub, 2016.

Richard Lewis,“How Different Cultures Understand Time,” Business Insider , June 1, 2014.

Leo Padron,“A History of Timekeeping in Six Minutes,”August 29, 2011, video, 6:37. 9MLFfjeLN5wUMDpkJKi1z6fMCg20MYV0QApeVP5arH7bqPZ2qTpaW2nZRsPMVsf2
