

Today, the purpose of any training for the competitive sports is to maximize the potential of mining human movement by useing the effective ways and means, to develop the capacity limit of human exercise , to increase the Performance and Competition of Athletic,so that develop so highly.It is training that achieved the increasing of competitive ability and Competition.Training is the most important and most fundamental factor, and the physical, motor function of athletes is improved by training and thus the competitive ability to be improved, eventually the increased competitive ability is expresed in game namely performance. In the process of training, the training load is one of the most active and fundamental factors. With the role of training load, athletes function can be changed. This change can be positive effect may be not. This requires the training load to be effectively controlled by scientist, then athletes will be affected to the good direction but not the opposite, and the whole training process closer to the target. Therefore, the resaerch of the load in training practice and theory should be placed in a prominent position, and should become one of the research themes.

In the study, the training load is defined as the total physical exercise (or movement) athletes have engaged in physiologically in the course of training. The training load on the trainee produces the training effect and he or she reacts to the stimulus of the load and makes consequent changes physiologically and psychologically. The load is the cause of physiological and psychological changes;therefore, indicators of biology and training science can both be used for load monitoring.

The training monitoring in foreign countries is mostly studied from the biological perspective but rarely from the training perspective.The biological study abroad differs from that the Chinese one in its focus. The first places stress on the monitoring of the training method and load, that is to say, the cause. However, the latter focuses on the function assessment, fatigue and recovery of the athlete, namely, the result.

Based on the record of the training load on the national team members of endurance races from 2005 to 2008, the study conducts the monitoring of the training load on three levels according to the training process, namely, training class load, weekly load and phase load. The indicators of both training science and biology are applied in the statistical analysis of the load. The study conclusions are as follows: 1) The monitoring system is established of the training load on elite endurance athletes in track and field on the three levels of class load, weekly load and phase load. 2) There are complete data of load monitoring before major games for a few key and leading events among the endurance ones in track and field in China, but there is a lack of such data for others. In the whole training process,no psychological monitoring is conducted. 3) The indictor of training science that reflects the completion of the load by the athlete the most immediately, rapidly and directly is the precondition and cause of the physiological and biochemical change. The physiological and biochemical indicator can thoroughly and exactly reflect the tendency and scope of the physical change caused by the load. In most cases,they are consistent with each other. 4) The imprecise control of the load intensity in the training class and the usual difference between the type and nature of the load and the plan lead to a situation that the proportion of various types of load in the whole process cannot be realized as it was expected. Meanwhile, the training load of most races is not arranged in line with the intensity and rhythm of the game.5) The training load is found insufficient in some races and it dose not proceed in a continuous manner. It is especially true with walking race and 3000m steeplechase. The insufficiency of training may be one of the reasons why Chinese athletes cannot stand out in the major world games. 6) Through the monitoring of the training load of endurance in track and field, it is found that the training is universally insufficient in amount and intensity and the first is more serious than the latter. It is more remarkable with women’s 3000m steeplechase.The insufficiency of amount mainly results from the small number of daily and weekly training classes as well as the plateau training.The insufficiency of intensity mainly is related to the small proportion of mixed endurance training. 7) In the training of endurance races in track and field, the overuse of the plateau training, which affects the amount and intensity of the training load, hinders the training progress to some extent and undermines the training effect.

Keywords: endurance races in track and field, training load,monitoring indicators, monitoring. dqRx5nsQW1ebx6tSoUg5jlR3WlUEHucjXHlJxPBrfV61n8Mlfy7GT2y2FtfG6MST
