

Sport is regarded as a language to be spoken globally.Sports competitive events are valued in the commerce,culture and publicity beyond themselves in a sense in today’s life.Sport presentation was originated from the ancient games long time ago.Owing to the rapid progress in video technology and sports marketing,the new ways in sport presentation rise to make the sports matches more exciting.The spectators can see the more vivid pictures of the matches produced by announcements,video screens,scoreboards,music,illumination,live show and interactive program on scene or from TV.Therefore,sport presentation is well known as the face and image of the sports competitions.

Sport presentation is a kind of applicable study in communication and sports.Based on the 5W model of communication and the 4 models of McQuail’s in communication and with the observation,interviews and questionnaires adopted in this paper the basic principle,patten and operation of the sport presentation are analyzed on support of IMC、communication psychology、public opinion.Furthermore,predictedly it sees how the sport presentation will go and what it will meet in the days to come.What the sport presentation is like in communication,and how it goes and how it is served in the communication are answered in this paper.

4 models produced with the field of sport presentation are indicated in this paper in terms of senders,audience,information and media:transmission model、reception model、ritual model、publicity model.Players,the tournaments organizers,media,sponsors,spectators,the team of presentations are integrated in work in transmission model;Reception model includes the spectators on scene and from TV with receipt of the information provided with presentation.In ritual model mentioned above competition,culture and commerce in presentation are combined to make the competition a kind of ritual.Showcases can impress spectators deeper through mass media with the effect of TV,show on scene and commerce in a whole in publicity model.

This paper mentions in the field of communication:the history,brief,contents,parameters,characteristics and models,evaluation and the road to go on.Accordingly a pattern of multi-senders,multi-media,multi-elements,multi-ways and multi-system goes out in this paper,upon which around the sports competitions a sport culture is formed by means of public media to serve the publics.

Key words: sport presentation communication system sports competition sports culture 6ql/DoI5f4ZpH6VuFARSUAgVozc/bnoQrdkmiIVZ4VmwT5emYyCygbO0/0fzOp0j
