
Sports for All in Japan and Some Trial for Senior Citizens

Kando Kobayashi Ph.D

Emeritus Professor,The University of Tokyo,KashiwaⅡ Campus,6-2-1 Kashiwanoha,Kashiwa-city,Chiba-Pref.Japan

Professor Special Appointment,Nihon University,College of International Relations,Bunkyo-cho,Mishima-city,Shizuoka-Pref.Japan

Preface: The importance of physical exercise is recognizing more in a society of large population of oldaged people.Physical fitness of children is getting lower in recent 30years.A metabolic syndrome infiltrates many Japanese.The sports and physical exercise is promoted in many organizations in Japan,such as Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology(MEXT)、Amateure Sports Association,Sasagawa Sports Foundation,and many other sports organizations in various communities.

Promotion of Sport and Taiiku in Japan :Japanese has different concept or feeling to the word“Sports”between“Taiiku”.Sometimes the difference of terminology of the two words is discussed seriously when the naming of the university or faculty related to sports and physical education.Recently,a word“Sports”is preferred to“Taiiku”,and it comes to be used.

The concept of“Sports for All”presented by IOC in 1983 is accepted by many Japanese Sports Associations.Ministry of Education(MEXT)promote sports as“Total Life Sports”for all nations since 1970’s.

MEXT announced“Sports Nation Strategy”in August of 2010.That aims at the establishment of new sports culture consisting of the concept of sports for all,sharing pleasure and the impression of sports,and making society to assist each other.

As for persons related to sports,it should be made much of a person playing sports,a looking person,the person who can support it,and the person who can be brought up athletes.It should be secured the opportunity when all people can play sports and get security,and the environment that can play sports justly ready.

About cooperation and the promotion of the collaboration,it should create the good circulation of top-level sports and local sports and get the base which can support sports in Great Society by a new public form ready.

In the Sports Nation Strategy,five important point strategies are pointed out.

(1)The creation of the sports opportunity relating to a life stage.(2)Upbringing and the reinforcement of a top athlete competing in the world.(3)Cooperation of the sportsdom and creation of the good circulation by the collaboration.(4)Realizing transparency in the sportsdom and equitableness and fairness-related improvement.(5)The maintenance of a base supporting sports in Great Society

An aim and the measure of sports for all in the important point strategy :Firstly,it aims to realize the sports society throughout the life,and to plan the creation of the sports opportunity which suitable for a life stage.The aims are as follows:the sports enforcement rates of the adult exceed 65%(two for three persons),and enforcement rate of three times a week is 30%(one for three persons).It plans substantiality of school physical education and the athletic club activity.

New trial in community sport in Kashiwa-city :In the presentation,a“Totubo Gym Network Project”will be introduced as the real example for senior citizens,which was produced by the University of Tokyo and collaboration with Kashiwa-city.Totubo Gym means a small size exercise space of about 33 m 2 ,that use the space store of the shopping district.Sports in community produce new culture for senior citizens. GpYifHHQXFfPW7B/Pi874F/4GhFsCYJbvbpBIqUU0iIAjXRM6IZ05JcwKNiE4sVs
