
A study on the promotion of 2010 Asian Games for the development of Guangzhou economy-from the perspective of sports industry

Zerui Huang

Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou,China

Introduction :In 2010,Guangzhou is to hold the Asian Games,which will enhance the hosting city’s international image,and promote the hosting city’s social and economical development.Being a hosting city to hold the sports event,such as the Asian Games,is the best choice for the modernization of the developed central urban.Guangzhou,located in the South China,neighboring to HongKong and Macao,is the pioneering and leading developed city of China’s economy reform.Guangzhou frequently enters into correspondence with Southeast Asia,European and America countries for culture and economy exchange and communication.Guangzhou has the economy ability,humanity and social environment to host mega sport event,the Asian Games.With the quantitative and quality research methods,and by the employment of the industrial economics theory,public administration theory and urbanization development theory,the study is to employ the positive and effective impact of the Asian Games on the investment efficiency of Guangzhou’s urban construction,the international competition capability,industry and economy structure and the social civilizations of Guangzhou’s modern metropolis.

Methods :Literature Review,Logical Analysis,Expert Interview.

Results :For the sufficient preparation of Asian Games,Guangzhou invests more than 200 billions RMB to construct the stadiums,the urban infrastructure and the public transport facility,to renovate the urban environment,which provides a substantial economic foundation and social environment for the celebration of the sports event and the further exploiting of the potential sports resources.The celebration of the Asian Games promotes the development of Guangzhou sports tourist industry,the competitive sports for appreciation and entertainment,the improvement of the sports requisites market,the expansion of the sports consumption market and the competitive sports performing market.Guangzhou successfully celebrates the competitive sports event of Asian Games,showing a metropolis new look to the distinguished athletics and guests from Asia and abroad.The celebration of the Asian Games promotes the further culture and economy exchange between Guangzhou and the other Asian countries and areas.All these impel the all-round economy and social development of Guangzhou and also the Pearl River Delta in the new era.

Guangzhou will seize this valuable opportunity,make full use of the hosting experience,the Asian Games’management mode,organization system and operation mode as a source of reference,to accelerate the further development of sports leisure,sports industry and economy in Guangzhou and also the Pearl River Delta.Therefore,the great success on hosting 2010 Asian Games will promote Guangzhou’s metropolis economic power.This will efficiently impels the pervasion and popularization of sports leisure,fitness,recreation and entertainment,such as the basketball game,tennis exercise and golf play.This efficiently accelerates the further development of the sports and leisure industry in the developed areas in South China.

Discussion/ Conclusion :Asian Games will play an significant role to the modernization and urbanization development of Guangzhou.From the development perspective,it is essential to establish new ideas,new role and new system,to guide competitive sports events,playing a positive role in the hosting city’s comprehensive development in the process of urban modernization.The impact of mega sports’accelerant on the urban development is best for the city’s rapid development and stable development period.The hosting of Guangzhou Asian Games promotes the construction of urban infrastructure,enhances the urban’s international image,revises the pattern for the economy’s further development,accelerates the growth pattern of the economy development and transition,optimizes the urban humanity and social environment and expands the local employment.Significantly,all these produce a great social and economy benefits in Guangzhou’s urban development.The holding of the Asian Games efficiently upgrades the development of the sports leisure and recreation industry in Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta.The success of the Asian Games efficiently promotes the development of Guangzhou sports economy and accelerate the prosperous and powerful development of Guangzhou urban economy. VUwszV4zq/CyNCo/v0yS5oVYAmRaXdZWkQhzYam14HL/DfBmKPBIMotSfmF0L5eK
