
A study of categorizing effective factors in assigning females in sports federations provincial associations

Nahid Shetab Boshehri,Mehdi Seifourian,Mohammad Reza Doostan

Faculty of physical education,Chamran university,Ahwaz,Iran

Introduction :This study was conducted classified factors influencing female assigning in sport federations and the provincial associations of Iran.The goal is to identify different psychological,personality,family and organizational features of successful female managers who could achieve high decision making positions(like management of federations and ...)along with the strategies they employed.

Methods :In this way the researchers can propose different strategies to help other capable females to achieve high positions in sports management.To achieve the aims of the study,a questionnaire was developed.Cronbach alpha was uses to check its reliability and 86% reliability was found.To check its validity,it was examined by 17 professors majoring in sports management.The questionnaires were distributed to 30 female managers(who constituted the whole population of female managers)and 25 questionnaires were filled in.To analyze the data,descriptive and inferential statistics including Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,t-test and Friedman test was used.

Results :The results showed that female managers had an upper intermediate level of accepting responsibility,ability in using management skills,psychological personality factors,the support of their family,political skills,familiar with the modern technologies and an up-to date management information.However,they did not receive the suitable support of the organization.Also,most of these women performed their own responsibility while they.

Discussion/ Conclusion :Therefore it is suggested the sport organizations throughout the whole country bring some changes with the goal of supporting these women managers and fulfilling their needs. jkybs805ZC/Fxxy+zhML+Iv+AmWTSVrV8LLvZ3cyUAQer0c9TgLIUIonq3Ztmqz8
