
Sport Management & Sport Law

Promoting the sports by culture:the only way to construct sports power

Jixin Song

Jilin Institute of Physical Education,Changchun,China

Introduction :The international community today has witnessed an evolution from the politics-led to economics-led,until now to culture-led one.Therefore,the cultural rise development strategy has become a consensus of the international community.With the promoting of China’s international position on the international stage and her influential power,the international community is increasingly crying for the cultural rise for China.However,the lack of people-oriented culture has led to the issues such as the slow growth of sports population and sports industry,the alienation in the games remaining incessant after repeated prohibition and high cost of sports.Therefore,we should choose the strategy“promoting the sports by culture”to construct the“sports power”.

“Promoting the sports by culture”,which is the one way of enhancing national sports’cohesion and influence,resisting the sports alienation,promoting the national sports of government,market and society community to“harmonize”national sports and achieve building the sports power,is nourishing the people-oriented culture of national sports ideology,system and operation up to president Hu jintao’s three denotations for constructing our sports power in 2008.

Methods :Literature Consultation;Expert Interview.

Results :(1)Constructing people-oriented culture of national sports ideology.Our national sports ideology has been developed from the national consciousness of surviving and making the ethnic group strong to the national willing of winning glory for our mother country.However,it will ultimately come back to the essence of bringing up physically health word citizens.The first thing to construct people-oriented culture of national sports ideology is to construct the national sports core value,namely to set up the ideology of body-building and people-cultivating concerning the mass sports,winning the cup and training people for the competitive sports,financing and people-cultivating for the sports industry as well as politics-supporting and people-educating for the sports management.(2)Exploring people-oriented culture of national sports system.Our national sports system,evolved from the nationwide system of public ownership under the politics-led community to the multi-ownership under the economy-led community after the reform and opening-up,will develop into the system for the whole people under the culture-led community in the future days.Nowadays,the nationwide system is reasonable in reality to some degree,but the reform admits no delay.For this,we propose the ternary administration systemically,namely the harmonious treatment of government leading,market operating and community anticipating.(3)Exploring people-oriented culture of national sports operation.Currently,the operational contents of sports research of our country put emphasis on investigating the instrument rationality of sports events,namely the attributes,regularities and effects of the body-building and athletics,while neglect the study of the attributes,regularities and ultimate humanistic care of the people-cultivating of the sports events.By studying the united operational contents,it will resist the alienation of sports and promote serving for the people,which is the origin of force for realizing the people-oriented sports ideology culture and system culture and the foundation of going beyond utility,pursuing divine,cultivating the high quality sports population and achieving the sports power.

Discussion/ Conclusion :The strategy of“promoting the sports by culture”can be interpreted as the people-oriented culture of national sports ideology,system and operation,enhancing the soft power of the national sports and resisting the sports alienation,and finally promoting the government,market and community to“harmonize”national sports together and building the sports power. P+xZAFx+lDtNVScQRlhABMkjyJabHKcazDn+0zyfFEvKd1mUGpAcOC95YTvN7nqE
