
Research on the culture connotation of the design of winter olympic medals

Yu Dong,Shangbin Li,Xiaolan Li,Yi Wang,Peiyu Zhao

Department of Physical Education,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin,China

Introduction :Medals of Winter Olympic Games have particular appreciative and collectible values,and they are important components of Winter Olympic etiquette.In another,the design of the medals is also a constituent part of the visual system of the Olympics,which implies the historical culture of each nation and embodies the social enviornment,cultural tradions,national customes and artic style.Moveover,the visual symbols and the design logo have become gigantic intangible assets of the Olympic Games.In this passage,we will anlyse the Medals in the angles of visual identification,aesthetic sentiment,universal dimention and local cultures.We mean to expore the contemprority and the national peculiar characters of the design of the Winter Olympic Medals in all dimentional and multi-angle of views,dig out the values of the aesthetics and artistics,manifest the cultural connotation and the contribution to the boost development of Olympics.As a consequence,we will provide theoretical foundations for the scholars who are keen on Olympics’culture,thus will offer aids and mirror for the creative designs of the Olympic Medals in the future.

Methods :Adopting the means of literature review,comparative analysis and mathematical statistics,the thesis takes the medals of former Winter Olympic Games as the targets,visual elements(streak,shape,color,texture,etc.)as the research startpoint to elaborate the aesthetic features of Winter Olympic medals.By comparing with the fomer Winter Olympics’Medals in the respects of visual identification(shape,specification,components,pattern),we analyse the design logos and the trend of innovation.By exhibiting the history of the Medals,development and the national and regional cultures of the host,we reasearch into the contemprority and the national peculiar characters.

Results :To analyse in aesthetic angle,the medals not only have the aesthetic overall character of the unity of visual elements and the abstract particularity,figures and their internal meanings,national beauty and global beauty,but also have the aesthetic individual character of the symbolism,classicalism,romanticism and modernism.They also shoulder the expansion of the actual aesthetic need,enrich the aesthetic experience,expand the aesthetic value.To analyse in the visual identification angle,the design logos and themes of the Winter Olympic Medals remain to be further innovated and expanded,while facing the design trend of the Winter Olympic Medals,planimatric design,static-to-dynamic design,international-to-native design,non-picture design.Meanwhile the pleophyletic design conception should become the indispensable design ideas of the medals,which will eventually show the brandnew aesthetic enjoyment.To analyse in the universal dimention and local cultures angle,the history of the design experience four historial stages:the gerimination stage(1924-1936),the transition stage(1948-1960),the formation stage(1960-1992),the maturation stage(1992-now).Different regional cultures and local customs and practices forge different styles of the design.However,one thing is for sure,the Medals bear the aesthetic function of information transmisson,inheritance and moral promotion.

Discussion/ Conclusion :The Winter Olympic Medals condense the lifetime dreams of the atheletes from all over the world.They illuminate the local customs and practices and cultural backgrounds of the host and take the mission to spread the Olympics’spirits to the whole world.To interprete the cultural connotation of the design of the Medals from different perspectives,it will contribute to show the charmings of the Olympics perfectly,outstand the national cultural features and the regional specialties completely,inherit the non-material cultural legacy of the Olympics successfully. ab/5LvMcEXr4x9V6pQ42IGMRPe6aBHAlhNqAbNPHjMnGRioBG9AQ6EKyzGlZxi4x
