

Since the end of the 1990s,many farmers migrate to cities.There are 2 billion urban migrant workers that have up to 14 million migrant children.These children how to blend in urban society is a significant research subject.What we want to know is whether or not Sunshine Sports can help urban migrant students to increase their social communications,human capitals,social capitals,and urban inclusion.This research topic selection reflects the significance and value for our study.

Using the methods of literature study,questionnaire and statistics analysis,this paper discusses the issue about Sunshine Sports and the inclusion of urban migrant students.Firstly,we are according to the theory of social network,introducing some sociology concepts such as social capital,human capital and social integration.On the basis of theoretical analysis,we try to put forward the dimensions and measuring index of Sunshine Sports and the inclusion of urban migrant students.This will help solidify for the next empirical study.Then,we use the research route of ego-centered network that is used frequently in the social network analysis.By using the way of nomination generation and nomination interpretation,we investigate the social network characteristics though Sunshine Sports of urban migrant students.By using the way of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis,we measure the structural dimensions of social capital and human capital generated by Sunshine Sports,and structural dimensions of urban migrant students'inclusion.Based on survey data,we build the structural equation modeling of Sunshine Sports and urban migrant students'social inclusion.And this structural equation modeling is analyzed.At last,According to sociology and behavioral theory,we focus on how to mobilize social forces to promote urban migrant students to participate in Sunshine sports,and to promote urban migrant students'social inclusion.

The result shows that:

Through the questionnaire survey,we found that urban migrant students formed homogeneity social networks by the Sunshine Sports.In this social network,peer groups most are immigrants.They relationship are strong ties.The role relationships between them are good friends or friends.Though Sunshine Sports urban migrant students get to know groups of persons,and they become very familiar.Urban migrant students can get feelings and behavior support from social network of Sunshine Sports.Close topic and behavior of peer groups involves the multiple facets of lives.Though exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis,we find that by Sunshine Sports urban migrant students generated social capital with four dimensions composition.They are the dimensions of social cohesion,social adaptability,social trust and social norms.By Sunshine Sports urban migrant students generated human capital with two dimensions composition.They are the dimensions of physical and mental health,knowledge skills. The social inclusion of urban migrant students consists of two dimensions composition,respectively is behavior adapt dimensions and urban identity dimensions.

Though the analysis about structural equation modeling of Sunshine Sports and urban migrant students'social inclusion,we find that there is correlation between social capital and human capital of urban migrant students generated by Sunshine Sports.Social capital and human capital can produce positive impact to the social inclusion of urban migrant students.The explanatory power of urban social capital on urban migrant students is stronger than the explanatory power of human capital.

It is a social action that using Sunshine Sports to promote social inclusion of urban migrant students.Micro-level,individual student can using theory of reasoned action,theory of planned behavior,the health belief model Tran theoretical stages of change model,wider determinants of physical activity to improve their active participation Sunshine Sports.Mesosphere,Schools,families,communities need to promote urban migrant students linkage of social contacts,to promote urban migrant students community obtain social resources and social support.Macro-level,using Sunshine Sports to promote social inclusion of urban migrant students needs 4 functions.Those functions are that urban migrant students adapt to resources of groups of Sunshine Sports,goals for using Sunshine Sports to promote social inclusion of urban migrant students,social action has system control and emotional cohesion,and social bodies can maintain the action.

Key words: urban migrant student;social network;social capital;human capital;social inclusion IMuCwVOrM/j/kBqqYWlQCcVh6QemjerFuh3y6zN1rc+3CEB7dikxyd+e8V+je+4R
